Receiving Purchase Orders (PORC)

Purpose: Use the Purchase Order Receiving function to update the system when you receive inventory from open purchase orders from your vendors. When you receive inventory, you can:

• receive the entire purchase order in one step, or you can receive the items one line at a time.

• receive items directly into your on-hand inventory, or into suspense for placement at a later time.

• place items in more than one location or warehouse.

• have the system suggest where to place the items.

• add items to the purchase order if the vendor shipped you merchandise you did not order. This addition allows you to record the receipt for tracking purposes, and process a return-to-vendor transaction on the system at a later time.

If you are receiving a serial numbered item, you will need to enter the serial number of each unit at the time you place the merchandise in the warehouse. See Enter Serial Numbers Screen.

If you are receiving a drop ship purchase order, you can also print a drop ship invoice if the Print Drop Ship Invoice at time of Purchase Order Receiving (F10) system control value is selected.

Note: You should not confirm shipment through this menu option of a drop ship purchase order processed automatically through the Oracle Retail Order Broker Drop Ship Integration. This updates the status of the purchase order in Oracle Retail Order Management System to X (Closed) but does not affect the Oracle Retail Order Broker status of a purchase order. The item is still displayed on your Oracle Retail Order Broker Vendor Portal screens, and your Oracle Retail Order Broker functionality is not affected; however, vendor actions subsequent to receiving the purchase order are not recorded in Oracle Retail Order Management System.

Purchase Order Receipt In API: You can use the Purchase Order Receipt In API to process PO receipts received from another system, such as a warehouse management system. See the Purchase Order Receipt In API for an overview and the required setup.

PO download triggers: The setting of the Create Generic PO Download Trigger for PO Receipt (K27) system control value determines whether the system creates a purchase order download (POH) trigger when a purchase order line is received. See Generic Outbound Purchase Order API for an overview.

PO receiving worksheets: You can use the PO Receiving Worksheet (POR0167, POR0167BC) or PO Receiving Worksheet (POR0740, POR0740BC) to verify the purchase order and contents during Purchase Order Receiving. See the PO Receiving Worksheet Print Program (I36) for information on how to generate the worksheets with or without barcodes for purchase order number and Item/SKU.

To print the worksheets, see Printing Purchase Orders (MPRP), Print PO and Receiving Worksheets (PPWS), or Docking Purchase Orders (MDPO).

In this chapter:

Work with P/O Receipt Detail Screen

Receiving Methods

Using the Direct Entry Method

Using the Receive Option Method

Using the Change Purchase Order Details Method

- P/O Receipt Detail Screen

Receiving an Entire Purchase Order into Inventory

Receiving an Entire Purchase Order Into Suspense

Changing the Exchange Rate

Receiving Overages and Underages

- PO Receiving Overage Warning Window

Enter Serial Numbers Screen

Display Current Receipts Screen

Work with PO Receipt Locations Screen

Creating Temporary Locations at Receiving

- Select Location Screen

Create Temporary Location Screen

Create PO Detail Standard Screen (Adding Lines To A Purchase Order)

Printing Purchase Order Labels

- Print Labels Window

Display Prior P/O Receipts Screen

Display P/O Receipts Screen

Work with PO Messages Screen

Work with PO Receipt Locations Screen

Work with P/O Receipt Detail Screen

Purpose: This screen displays each open line on the purchase order you have selected and is used to enter the receipt information for the purchase order or to view information from prior receipts against the purchase order for lines that are still open.

From this screen you can also advance to the following functions: add lines to the purchase order, work with additional PO charges, work with PO messages, and work with vendor notes.

How to display this screen: Enter a purchase order number on the Select P/O For Receipt Screen or select a purchase order from the Select P/O To Receive screen.



Ln# (Line number)

The purchase order line number. There can be up to 999 lines on one purchase order; if you try to enter more than 999 lines on a purchase order, the system displays an error message: PO cannot exceed 999 lines.

Note: It is necessary to Clear the entry in the Ln # field, if any, so that the field is blank, before you accept your entries in purchase order receiving.

Numeric, 3 positions; optional.


A code that represents a unit of inventory. The field length for non-inventory entry is 60 positions; so if your entry exceeds 56 positions, it is truncated.

Item: Alphanumeric, 12 positions; optional.

Description: Alphanumeric, 40 positions (standard, horizontal, and vendor item entry); 56 positions (non-inventory entry); display-only.


The item's unique characteristics, such as its color or size.

Alphanumeric, three 4-position fields; optional.

Qty due (Quantity due)

The amount remaining to be received for this line item, in the retailer’s unit of measure.

Numeric, 7 positions; display-only.

U/M (Unit of measure)

A code that represents the unit of measure in which an item is purchased/stocked, such as EA (for a single unit), or DZ (for dozens). This field represents your unit of measure, which may differ from the vendor’s unit of measure. See Working with Units of Measure (WUOM).

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; optional.

Vendor Item

The vendor's item number for the item. See Working with Vendor Items (WVNI).

Alphanumeric, 20 positions; optional.

Qty rec (Quantity received)

The number of units of the item being received.

The Over Receipt % (A61) system control value allows you to receive more than the quantity ordered, up to a user-defined percentage limit. This allows you to receive merchandise if the vendor over-ships.

The Under Receipt % (A62) system control value allows you to close a purchase order line when most of the merchandise has been received, if the quantity received is within a user-defined tolerance percentage. This allows you to close a purchase order line automatically if the vendor under-ships.

The PO Receiving Overage Warning Window opens if you enter a receipt quantity that is greater than the quantity ordered and the Display Purchase Order Receiving Overage Warning Message (F29) system control value is selected. See Receiving Overages and Underages.

Numeric, 7 positions; required.

Locat (Location)

The warehouse location where the item quantity received will be placed. The location code entered is validated against the Location table. The location type must be compatible with the item and the location cannot be frozen. If more than one location has been specified to receive an item, the location field is blank and a plus (+) sign is shown.

Leave this field blank if you are using the Suggest Location Placement function and you want the system to suggest the locations where the merchandise should be placed. The Suggest Location Placement (A27) system control value determines whether this function is being used.

Leave this field blank to have the merchandise placed in the primary location from the Item/SKU table or in a primary location for the item in the receiving warehouse. The following system control values determine which location will default:


Default Primary Location - Suspense Placement and PO Receipts (C08): determines whether the primary location from the SKU table defaults.

Default Primary Location from an Item Warehouse (G06): defines whether a primary location for the item in the receiving warehouse defaults; in this case the system will default the first primary location, in alphanumeric order, for the item in the receiving warehouse.

• If both system control values are selected, the item warehouse location for the receiving warehouse will override the item's primary location from the SKU table.

If the system cannot find a primary location for an item in the specified warehouse, an error message similar to the following indicates:

No Default Location was found. Please enter a Location.


The Confirm Location Creation pop-up window indicates that you entered a new primary location for an item and the Allow Multiple Primary Item Locations (D12) system control value is set to CONFIRM.

The system may update the item’s primary location in the SKU table (the primary primary) depending on the setting of the Update Primary Primary Location for Item During Receiving (I35) system control value. See that system control value for more information.


If the Default Primary Location from an Item Warehouse (G06) value in the System Control table is selected, a prompt window will display location information for item locations in the warehouse specified on the purchase order detail line.

Alphanumeric, 7 positions; optional.

Screen Option


Change a line item

Select Change for a detail line to advance to the P/O Receipt Detail Screen, where you can change the receipt information for a particular item. See Using the Change Purchase Order Details Method.

View prior receipts for a line item

Select Prior Receipts for a detail line to advance to the Display Current Receipts Screen.

Suggest warehouse locations for an item, place the item in more than one location, or override the warehouse

Select Locations for a detail line to have the system suggest where the item should be placed, to place the item in more than one location, or to override the warehouse. You advance to the Work with PO Receipt Locations Screen.

Receive an entire line

Select Receive for a detail line to receive the entire line. See Receiving Methods.

Turn Suspense Receiving on or off for one line item

Select Suspense On/Off for a detail line to turn Suspense receiving on or off. If the suspense flag is on, all quantities received for the line will be placed in suspense. If the suspense flag is off, all quantities will be received directly into on-hand inventory. The word Suspense appears next to the Location field when the Suspense flag is on. See Receiving into Suspense.

Note: This option is available only if the Allow Receipt to Suspense (A59) system control value is selected.

View messages for one line item

Select Messages for a detail line to advance to the Work with PO Messages Screen.

Enter serial numbers for an item

Select Serial # for a detail line to advance to the Enter Serial Numbers Screen. This option is available only if you have already entered a receipt quantity and if the Serial number field in the Item table is selected. If the item is set up for serial numbers, you advance automatically to this screen when you accept the purchase order.

Add a line to the Purchase Order

Select Add Line to advance to the Create PO Detail Standard Screen (Adding Lines To A Purchase Order) to add a line to the purchase order.

Display purchase order summary

Select Summary to advance to the Display Current Receipts Screen.

Receive the entire purchase order

Select Receive P/O to receive the entire purchase order. The quantity due for each line will be updated as received. See Receiving an Entire Purchase Order Into Suspense.

Note: This option is available only if you have authority to the Receive All Permission (B21) secured feature.

Accept the purchase order receipts

After clearing the entry in the Ln # field, if any, select Accept to accept the receipt information you entered. The system will be updated with the quantities received in the designated locations. If all lines have been received, this closes the purchase order, even if you have placed items into Suspense.

Reject the entries

Select Reject to return to the Select P/O For Receipt Screen. The system rejects any entries that you have made to the purchase order during the session. A pop-up window opens for you to confirm or cancel the reject request.

Work with additional purchase order charges

Select Add’l Charges to enter additional charges for the purchase order.

Receive the entire purchase order into suspense

Select Receive Suspense to receive the entire balance of the purchase order into suspense. The quantity due for each item on the purchase order is placed into suspense and the purchase order is closed. See Receiving an Entire Purchase Order Into Suspense.

Note: This option is available only if the Allow Receipt to Suspense (A59) system control value is selected.

View purchase order messages

Select P/O Messages to advance to the Work with PO Messages Screen.

Change the exchange rate for the purchase order

Select Rate to enter a different exchange rate for the purchase order. See Changing the Exchange Rate.

View the vendor notes for the purchase order

Select Vendor Notes to advance to the Work with Vendor Notes Screen.

Receiving Methods

Available methods: Inventory on a purchase order can be received on a line-by-line basis, or the entire purchase order can be received in one step. Individual items can be received into suspense, or the entire purchase order can be received into suspense. Additional receiving information can also be entered for any line item on a purchase order, regardless of the receiving method used. There are three ways to receive lines individually and two ways to receive an entire purchase order.

Use this method . . .

When . . .

Direct entry

the quantity received is different from the quantity due.

Receive option

the quantity due is the same as the quantity received.

Change PO details

you need to do any of the following: override the cost, override the unit of measure, change the warehouse code, change the receipt date, change the customs date, change currency rate, enter a disposition code, or force the line complete.

Receive an entire PO into inventory

all or most of the purchase order is being received and you are placing the merchandise into inventory.

Receive an entire PO into suspense

all or most of the purchase order is being received and you are placing the merchandise into suspense.

You can use any combination of receiving methods on a purchase order. For example:

• If there are many line items on the purchase order that need individual attention, you can receive the items one line at a time.

• If most or all of the items are received, you can receive the entire purchase order and change individual line information to minimize data entry.

• You can enter override information for a receipt in addition to indicating the quantity received and the placement locations.

Note: It is important to clear the entry in the Ln # field, if any, before you select Accept.

For more information:

Using the Direct Entry Method

Using the Receive Option Method

Using the Change Purchase Order Details Method

Using the Direct Entry Method

Why use this method? The Direct Entry method allows you to type the receipt quantity and the location, if applicable, directly into fields on the Work with P/O Receipt Detail Screen. Use this method when the quantity received is different from the quantity due. You can use any of the following options to enter the location where the merchandise will be placed:

• default the item/SKU's primary location as the placement location (if the Default Primary Location - Suspense Placement and PO Receipts (C08) system control value is selected)

• default a primary location for the item in the receiving warehouse (if the Default Primary Location from an Item Warehouse (G06) system control value is selected; this default location overrides the item/SKU's primary location)

• enter the location code in the Locat (Location) field if the merchandise is only being placed in one location, or if it is not being placed in the primary location

• use the Locs option to have the system suggest the location where the merchandise should be placed if using Suggest Location Placement

• use the Locs option to place the merchandise in more than one location or warehouse

• place a line item into suspense; see Receiving into Suspense

You can use the Direct Entry method to enter the quantity and location and also use the Change PO Details method to enter additional information about the receipt, if necessary.

You can also use the Direct Entry method to maintain individual purchase order lines when the entire purchase order is received into inventory or into suspense, if necessary.

Instructions: Use the following steps at the Work with P/O Receipt Detail Screen to receive items line-by-line when the quantity received is different from the quantity due, and you need to enter the receipt quantity.

1. Enter the quantity received in the Qty rec field. See Receiving Overages and Underages.

2. Select OK to display the location if the Default Primary Location - Suspense Placement and PO Receipts (C08) system control value is selected. The primary location from the Item/SKU table is indicated, or:

3. Select OK to display a primary location for the receiving warehouse if the Default Primary Location from an Item Warehouse (G06) system control value is selected; this location will override the location from the Item/SKU table, or:

4. Enter the location code where the merchandise is being placed in the Location field if the primary location is not displayed and you are placing the merchandise in only one location, or if the merchandise is not being placed in the displayed location. The following message indicates if an invalid location code is entered: Location (XXXXXXX) does not exist.

5. The Confirm Location Creation pop-up window opens if you or the system enters a new primary location code for an item and the Allow Multiple Primary Item Locations (D12) system control value is set to CONFIRM. Select OK to accept the multiple primary location or Select Exit to cancel.

6. Select Locations for an item and select OK to advance to the Work with PO Receipt Locations Screen to have the system recommend the locations for placement if you are using the Suggest Location Placement feature or if you are placing the merchandise in more than one location or warehouse. The Location field should be left blank when selecting Locations.

7. Select Suspense On/Off for an item to change the suspense receiving status of a line. The word Suspense displays next to the Location field and indicates the line item will be placed into suspense when the purchase order is accepted. If the word Suspense is not displayed, the quantity received for the line will be placed into inventory. A Location is not required if you are placing the item into suspense.

8. Continue with the above steps until all receipts and placements have been entered.

9. Clear the entry in the Ln # field, if any, so that the field is blank.

10. Select Accept to accept your receipt entries. The system validates your entries and highlights any fields you need to correct or gives you an error message. Correct any fields again.

11. Select Reject to reject your receipt and placement entries. A pop-up window opens for you to confirm or cancel the reject request.

The Weight Warning pop-up window opens if you select Accept to accept your receipt entries and:

- an item(s) contains a shipping weight which is .000 or greater than 9000 pounds

- the P/O Receipt Costing Calculation Method (A57) system control value is set to W (purchase order receipt costing calculation by weight)

Using the Receive Option Method

Why use this method? The Receive Option method allows you to default the quantity due as the receipt quantity to minimize data entry. Use this method when the quantity received is the same as the quantity due. You can use any of the following options to enter the location where the merchandise will be placed:

• default the primary location as the placement location (if the Default Primary Location - Suspense Placement and PO Receipts (C08) system control value is selected)

• default a primary location for the item in the receiving warehouse (if the Default Primary Location from an Item Warehouse (G06) system control value is selected; this default location overrides the item/SKU's primary location)

• enter the location code in the Locat (Location) field if the merchandise is being placed in only one location or if it is not being placed in a primary location

• use the Locs option to have the system suggest the location where the merchandise should be placed if using Suggest Location Placement

• use the Locs option to place the merchandise in more than one location or warehouse

You can use the Receive Option method to enter the quantity and location, and also use the Change PO Details method to enter additional information about the receipt, if necessary.

Instructions: Use the following steps to receive items line-by-line when the quantity received is the same as the quantity due.

1. Select Receive for the first line item for as many items as you are receiving at the Work with P/O Receipt Detail Screen. The amount in the Qty due field is shown in the Qty Rec field.

2. If the Default Primary Location - Suspense Placement and PO Receipts (C08) system control value is selected, the primary location for the item in the SKU table is shown in the Location field, or:

3. If the Default Primary Location from an Item Warehouse (G06) system control value is selected, a primary location for the item in the receiving warehouse is shown in the Location field; this location overrides the location for the item in the SKU table, or:

4. Enter the location code where the merchandise is being placed in the Location field if the primary location is not displayed and you are placing the merchandise in only one location, or if the merchandise is not being placed in the primary location. The following message indicates if an invalid location code is entered: Location (XXXXXXX) does not exist.

5. The Confirm Location Creation pop-up window opens if you enter a new primary location code for an item and the Allow Multiple Primary Item Locations (D12) system control value is set to CONFIRM. Select OK to accept the multiple primary location or select Exit to cancel.

6. Select Locations for an item to have the system suggest the locations for placement if you are using the Suggest Location Placement function or if you are placing the merchandise in more than one location or warehouse. If you have selected Locations in multiple fields, the Work with PO Receipt Locations Screen cycles you from one entry to the next.

7. Select Suspense On/Off for an item to change the suspense receiving status of a line. The word Suspense displays next to the Location field and indicates the line item will be placed into suspense when the purchase order is accepted. If the word Suspense is not displayed, the quantity received for the line will be placed into inventory. A Location is not required if you are placing the item into suspense. See Receiving into Suspense.

8. Continue with the above steps until all receipts and placements have been entered.

9. Clear the entry in the Ln # field, if any, so that the field is blank.

10. Select Accept to accept your receipt entries. The system validates your entries and highlights any fields you need to correct or gives you an error message. Correct any fields as needed.

11. Select Reject to reject your receipt and placement entries. A pop-up window opens for you to confirm or cancel the reject request.

The Weight Warning pop-up window opens if you select Accept to accept your receipt entries and:

- an item(s) contains a shipping weight which is .000 or greater than 9000 pounds

- the P/O Receipt Costing Calculation Method (A57) system control value is set to W (purchase order receipt costing calculation by weight)


Using the Change Purchase Order Details Method

Why use this method? The Change Purchase Order Details method allows you to display the P/O Receipt Detail Screen, where you can enter the quantity received and the location where the merchandise will be placed, add or change additional receipt information for the item or force the line complete. Use this method when you need to override any of the following information for a receipt, or to force the line complete:

• unit of measure

• purchase cost

• warehouse/location

• receipt date

• customs date

• currency rate

You can use any of the following options to enter the quantity received and the location where the merchandise will be placed when this receiving method is used:

• enter the location code in the Location field on the P/O Receipt Detail Screen if the merchandise is being placed in only one location.

• use the Location option to have the system suggest the location where the merchandise should be placed if using Suggest Location Placement.

• use the Location option to place the merchandise in more than one location or warehouse.

Note: You can use any of the other receiving methods to record the receipt quantities and location placements and then use the Change Purchase Order Details function to enter or change any additional information about a receipt. For example, you can receive the entire purchase order using the default primary location option, and then use Change PO Details to override the cost of a particular item.

P/O Receipt Detail Screen

How to display this screen: Select Change for a detail line on the Work with P/O Receipt Detail Screen.



Receipt qty (Receipt quantity)

Enter the number of units received, in your (retailer’s) unit of measure; the number remaining to be received is displayed above the data entry portion of this screen. The Over Receipt % (A61) system control value allows you to receive more than the quantity ordered, up to a user-defined percentage limit. This allows you to receive merchandise if the vendor over-ships.

The Under Receipt % (A62) system control value allows you to close a purchase order line when most of the merchandise has been received. This allows you to close a purchase order line automatically if the vendor under-ships.

The PO Receiving Overage Warning Window opens when the quantity received is greater than the quantity ordered and the Display Purchase Order Receiving Overage Warning Message (F29) system control value is selected. See Receiving Overages and Underages.

Numeric, 7 positions; required.

UoM (Unit of measure)

A code that represents a purchase order unit of measure for an item, such as EA (for a single unit) or DZ (for dozens). This field represents your own, not the vendor’s, unit of measure. See Working with Units of Measure (WUOM).

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; required.

Gross cost

Enter in the gross cost (per retailer’s unit of measure) at receiving time; the system displays the projected cost (from the purchase order) for comparison.

Note: The Display Cost in Inventory (A38) secured feature controls the display of this field.

Numeric, 10 positions; optional.


The total combined amount of all discounts applied towards this detail line. This includes:

Primary discount: The primary discount percentage the system applies towards all items purchased from this vendor. Primary discounts are defined in the Vendor table.

Percentage/Unit discounts: The three discounts defined in the Vendor Discount table that the system applies towards all items purchased from this vendor. These discounts are defined as either a percentage or unit discount.

If you change the amount in the Gross cost field, the system recalculates all discounts for this detail line and displays the new net cost in the Net cost field.

See the Purchase Order Line Discount Screen for more information on discount calculation.

Numeric, 10 positions with a 2-place decimal; display-only.

Net cost

The cost of this detail line, which is calculated by multiplying the quantity ordered and the price, adding the surcharge and subtracting the discount.

The system applies the discount from the Terms field in Working with Vendors (WVEN) to the cost of each item you receive if the Vendor Discount % to Costing at Receiving (D76) system control value is selected.

Note: The Display Cost in Inventory (A38) secured feature controls the display of this field.

Numeric, 11 positions with a 4-place decimal; display-only.

Whse (Warehouse)

The code that identifies the warehouse where the merchandise will be placed. The code of the warehouse for which the merchandise was ordered defaults and can be overridden. The code is validated against the Warehouse table; see Creating and Maintaining Warehouses (WWHS). Override the code only if the entire receipt quantity for the line is being placed in the same warehouse.

If the quantity received is being placed in more than one warehouse, select Location to display the Work with PO Receipt Locations Screen, which allows you to place the merchandise in more than one location or warehouse.

Numeric, 3 positions, required.


The warehouse location where the merchandise is being placed. The location code entered is validated against the Location table. The warehouse location from the Work with P/O Receipt Detail Screen defaults in this field, but you can override it. Enter a location only if the entire receipt quantity is being placed in one location.

The Confirm Location Creation pop-up window opens if you enter a new primary location code for an item and the Allow Multiple Primary Item Locations (D12) system control value is set to CONFIRM.

Select Location and click the arrow in the location field to display a list of locations or to create a new temporary location in which to place the item.


If the quantity received is being placed in more than one location, select Location to display the Work with PO Receipt Locations Screen, which allows you to place the merchandise in more than one location or warehouse.

The system may update the item’s primary location in the SKU table (the primary primary) depending on the setting of the Update Primary Primary Location for Item During Receiving (I35) system control value. See that system control value for more information.

Alphanumeric, 7 positions; required.

Receipt date

The date of the receipt. If you leave this field blank, the system defaults to today's date.

Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY format); optional.

Customs date

The date the receipt was received in customs or consolidation center for international orders.

Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY format); optional.

Currency rate

The currency conversion rate at the time of the receipt. This is the rate of cost against the base currency. You can enter this at receiving time for each item.

Numeric, 12 positions with a 7-place decimal; optional.

Screen Option


Work with PO receipt locations

Select Location to have the system suggest where the merchandise should be placed, or to place the merchandise in more than one location or warehouse. See Work with PO Receipt Locations Screen.

View messages for a line item

Select P/O Detail Msg to advance to the Work with PO Messages Screen.

View purchase order messages

Select P/O Messages to advance to the Work with PO Messages Screen.

View the vendor notes

Select Vendor Notes to advance to the Work with Vendor Notes Screen.

Instructions: Use the following steps to receive items one at a time if you have to add or change some of the information about the receipt, or to force the line complete.

1. Enter the quantity received in the Qty rec field. See Receiving Overages and Underages for instructions on processing receiving overages and underages.

2. Enter the location code where the merchandise is being placed in the Location field if a primary location is not displayed and you are placing the merchandise in only one location, or if the merchandise is not being placed in the displayed location. The following message indicates if an invalid location code is entered: Location (XXXXXXX) does not exist.

3. The Confirm Location Creation pop-up window opens if you enter a new primary location code for an item and the Allow Multiple Primary Item Locations (D12) system control value is set to CONFIRM. Select OK to accept the multiple primary location or select Exit to cancel.

4. To display a list of valid locations, or to create a new temporary location in which to place the item, select Location and click on the arrow in the location field to display the Select Location Screen.

5. Complete all other applicable fields. Refer to the field descriptions for instructions on completing the fields.

6. Select OK when you have completed all applicable fields.

7. Select Location to place the merchandise in more than one location or warehouse. See Work with PO Receipt Locations Screen.

8. Select Exit to return to the Work with P/O Receipt Detail Screen. The receipt quantity and location display if you are placing the merchandise in one location.

9. Select Suspense On/Off for a detail line at the Work with P/O Receipt Detail Screen to change the suspense receiving status of a line. The word Suspense displays next to the Location field and indicates the line item will be placed into suspense when the purchase order is accepted. If the word Suspense is not displayed, the quantity received for the line will be placed into inventory. A Location is not required if you are placing the item into suspense. See Receiving into Suspense.

10. Select Accept to accept your receipt entries. The system validates your entries and highlights any fields you need to correct or gives you an error message. Correct any fields as needed.

11. Select Reject to reject your receipt and placement entries. A pop-up window opens for you to confirm or cancel the reject request.

The Weight Warning pop-up window opens if you select Accept to accept your receipt entries and:

- an item(s) contains a shipping weight which is .000 or greater than 9000 pounds

- the P/O Receipt Costing Calculation Method (A57) system control value is set to W (purchase order receipt costing calculation by weight)


Receiving an Entire Purchase Order into Inventory

Why use this method? An entire purchase order is received in one transaction to minimize data entry when all or most of the item quantities on the purchase order are received. If most or all of the items received will be placed into inventory, you can select Receive P/O to mark each line on the purchase order as received. The system will update the quantity received field for each line with the remaining quantity due for the item.

Secured feature: The Receive P/O option is available only if you have authority to the Receive All Permission (B21) secured feature.

Adjustments prior to receipt: You can make any necessary adjustments to individual lines before the receipt transactions are accepted, if necessary. You can:

• change the quantity received

• un-receive the line if none of the items were received

• add or override the purchase order receipt details

• place the items in more than one location or warehouse

• place individual line items into suspense.

For example, if you received 10 line items on a 12 line purchase order, you can receive the entire purchase order and then un-receive the two line items that were not shipped.

Placement location: You can use any of the following options to enter the location where the merchandise will be placed:

• default the item/SKU's primary location as the placement location (if the Default Primary Location - Suspense Placement and PO Receipts (C08) system control value is selected)

• default a primary location for the item in the receiving warehouse (if the Default Primary Location from an Item Warehouse (G06) system control value is selected; this default location overrides item/SKU's primary location)

• type the location code in the Location field if the merchandise is being placed in only one location, or if it is not being placed in the default location

• use the Locs option to have the system suggest the location where the merchandise should be placed if using Suggest Location Placement

• use the Locs option to place the merchandise in more than one location or warehouse

Instructions: Use the following steps to receive an entire purchase order into inventory and make adjustments to individual line items. See Using the Direct Entry Method or Using the Change Purchase Order Details Method for more detailed information about working with individual line items if necessary.

1. Select Receive P/O at the Work with P/O Receipt Detail Screen to receive the entire purchase order into inventory. The Qty rec field for each line is updated with the amount in the Qty due field.

2. The primary location defined for the item in the Item/SKU table defaults in the Location field if the Default Primary Location - Suspense Placement and PO Receipts (C08) system control value is selected, or:

3. The first primary location (in alphanumeric order) for the item in the receiving warehouse defaults if the Default Primary Location from an Item Warehouse (G06) system control value is selected; this location overrides the item/SKU's primary location, or:

4. Enter the code of the location where the received items will be placed in the Location field if you are placing the item in only one location, or if a primary location defaults and you are not placing the item in the displayed location.

5. The Confirm Location Creation pop-up window opens if you enter a new primary location code for an item and the Allow Multiple Primary Item Locations (D12) system control value is set to CONFIRM.

6. To display a list of valid locations, or to create a new temporary location in which to place the item, position the cursor on the Location field, prompt and select Create Temp to display the Creating Temporary Locations at Receiving.

7. Leave the Location field blank if you are using the Suggest Location Placement feature, if you are placing the item in multiple locations or warehouses, or if you are placing the item in suspense.

8. Make any changes to the quantity received for a line by typing the correct quantity directly over the value in the Qty rec field. See Receiving Overages and Underages for instructions on receiving overages and underages.

9. Make any changes to the location where the item will be placed for a line by typing the correct location directly over the value in the Location field if the item is being placed in only one location.

10. Select Locations for a detail line to display the Work with PO Receipt Locations Screen to have the system suggest the locations where the item should be placed if you are using the Suggest Location Placement feature, or to place the item in more than one location or warehouse.

11. Select Change for a detail line to change the purchase order details. See Using the Change Purchase Order Details Method.

12. Select Suspense On/Off for a detail line to change the suspense receiving status of a line. The word Suspense displays next to the Location field and indicates the line item will be placed into suspense when the purchase order is accepted. If the word Suspense is not displayed, the quantity received for the line will be placed into inventory. A Location is not required if you are placing the item into suspense. See Receiving into Suspense.

13. To un-receive a line, position the cursor at the Qty rec and Location fields and delete the values.

14. Select Accept to accept your receipts. Any errors will be highlighted on the screen. Make any necessary corrections and select Accept again.

15. Select Reject to reject all receipts. A pop-up window opens allowing you to confirm or cancel the reject request.

The Weight Warning pop-up window opens if you select Accept your receipt entries and:

- an item(s) contains a shipping weight which is .000 or greater than 9000 pounds

- the P/O Receipt Costing Calculation Method (A57) system control value is set to W (purchase order receipt costing calculation by weight)

Receiving an Entire Purchase Order Into Suspense

Why use this method? An entire purchase order is received in one transaction to minimize data entry when all or most of the item quantities on the purchase order are received. If most or all of the items received will be placed into suspense, you can select Receive Suspense to mark each line on the purchase order as received into suspense. The system will update the quantity received field for each line with the remaining quantity due for the item.

Merchandise is placed into suspense when you want to record the receipt, but you do not want to place the merchandise immediately into your on-hand inventory.

You can make any necessary corrections to individual line items as necessary. You can:

• change the quantity received

• un-receive the line if none of the items were received

• add or override purchase order receipt details

• place the items into inventory

Instructions: Use the following steps to receive an entire purchase order into suspense and make adjustments to individual line items. See Using the Direct Entry Method or Using the Change Purchase Order Details Method for more detailed information about working with individual line items if necessary.

1. Select Receive Suspense at the Work with P/O Receipt Detail Screen to receive the entire purchase order into suspense.

2. Make any changes to the quantity received for a line by typing the correct quantity directly over the value in the Qty rec field. See Receiving Overages and Underages for instructions on processing receiving overages and underages.

3. Select Suspense On/Off for a detail line to change the suspense receiving status of a line. The word Suspense displays next to the Location field and indicates the line item will be placed into suspense when the purchase order is accepted. If the word Suspense is not displayed, the quantity received for the line will be placed into inventory when the purchase order is accepted. A Location is not required if you are placing items into suspense.

4. If you are receiving a line into inventory, type the code of the location where the item will be placed in the Location field if you are placing the item in only one location. To display a list of valid locations, or to create a new temporary location in which to place the item, position the cursor on the Location field and prompt to display the Select Location Screen.

5. If you are receiving a line into inventory, select Locations for a detail line to display the Work with PO Receipt Locations Screen to have the system suggest the locations where the item should be placed if you are using the Suggest Location Placement feature, or to place the item in more than one location or warehouse.

6. To un-receive a line, position the cursor at the Qty rec and Location fields and delete the values.

7. Select Accept to accept your receipts. Any errors will be highlighted on the screen. Make any necessary corrections and select Accept again.

8. Select Reject to reject all receipts. A pop-up window opens for you to confirm or cancel the reject request.

The Weight Warning pop-up window opens if you select Accept to accept your receipt entries and:

- an item(s) contains a shipping weight which is .000 or greater than 9000 pounds

- the P/O Receipt Costing Calculation Method (A57) system control value is set to W (purchase order receipt costing calculation by weight)

Suspense updates: The system performs the following updates when merchandise is received into suspense:

• Creates a record in the PO Suspense table for each purchase order line indicating the quantity received into suspense.

• Creates a record in the PO Receipt table for each purchase order line, with the Suspense flag set to Y.

• Updates the Received quantity for each purchase order line on the Purchase Receipts History Screen by the quantity received into suspense.

• Decreases the Quantity Due for each purchase order line on the First Display Purchase Order Detail Screen by the quantity received into suspense.

• Updates the Suspense quantity on the Display Item/Warehouse Information Screen by the quantity received into suspense.

The following updates do not occur when merchandise is received into suspense:

• The on-hand quantity for the item is not changed.

• The costing calculation is not performed.

• Vendor Item analysis is not performed.

These updates occur when the merchandise is transferred from suspense to inventory using the Placing Suspended Stock (SUSP) menu option.

Purchase order layering: If you receive purchase orders into suspense, you must run Purchase Order Layering in order to update the Expected delivery date displayed in Order Entry, Order Maintenance, standard or streamlined Order Inquiry, Inventory Inquiry and Item Availability. You must run Purchase Order Layering again after the suspended stock is placed through Suspense placement in order to clear the Expected delivery date displayed in Order Entry, Inventory Inquiry and Item Availability. This information is also included in the item availability download to the web storefront; see FTC -- # of Days for Items without Expected Ship Date (C71) for a discussion.

Changing the Exchange Rate

Purpose: The currency exchange rate for the entire purchase order can be changed at receiving if the exchange rate has changed. Enter the new currency rate on the Work with P/O Receipt Detail Screen.


1. Select Rate at the Work with P/O Receipt Detail Screen to make the Rate field enterable.

2. Enter the new exchange rate in the Rate field.

3. The new rate will be applied to the entire purchase order unless the rate has been overridden for a particular line item. See Using the Change Purchase Order Details Method for instructions on overriding the exchange rate for an individual purchase order line.

Receiving Overages and Underages

Overages: At times, a vendor can overship an item. The Over Receipt % (A61) system control value allows you to receive more than the quantity ordered for an item if the quantity received is within the percentage.

If a vendor ships you more merchandise than you ordered, the system allows you to record the receipt if the overage is within an acceptable tolerance limit. For example, if you set the Over Receipt % (A61) system control value to 10%, you can receive a quantity up to ten percent above the amount that was ordered. If the overage exceeds the tolerance amount, the following error message indicates:

Invalid over receipt quantity

You can then override the Over Receipt % (A61) if the Override Tolerance (A18) secured feature is set to *ALLOW. If the Override Tolerance (A18) secured feature is set to *EXCLUDE, the system continues to use the Over Receipt % (A61) system control value to determine whether an overage can be received.

Overage Warning pop-up window: If the Display Purchase Order Receiving Overage Warning Message (F29) system control value is selected, the PO Receiving Overage Warning Window opens when the quantity received is greater than the quantity ordered.

When the pop-up window opens: The system determines when to display this window based on the Over Receipt % (A61) system control value and the Override Tolerance (A18) secured feature.

If the Override Tolerance (A18) secured feature authority is set to *ALLOW, the system:

• Allows you to enter a receipt quantity that is greater than the Over Receipt % (A61).

• Displays the window each time the quantity received is greater than the quantity ordered.

If the Override Tolerance (A18) secured feature authority is set to *EXCLUDE, the system:

• Does not allow you to enter a receipt quantity that is greater than the Over Receipt % (A61).

• Displays the window only when the quantity received is greater than the quantity ordered and less than the Over Receipt % (A61).

• Displays the Invalid over receipt quantity error message if you select OK on the PO Receiving Overage Warning Window without changing the receipt quantity to a quantity that does not exceed the Over Receipt % (A61)

PO Receiving Overage Warning Window




Qty received is xx.xx % greater than the quantity ordered)

Defines the percentage the receipt quantity is over the order quantity. The system uses the following calculation to determine the percentage over:

[(quantity received - quantity ordered) / quantity ordered] x 100 = percentage the receipt quantity is over the quantity ordered

Numeric, 7 positions; display-only.

PO ln. # (Purchase order line number)

The purchase order line number that contains the over receipt quantity.

Numeric, 3 positions; display-only.

Qty rec (Quantity received)

The receipt quantity (in your unit of measure, not the vendor’s) for this purchase order line. The quantity you entered defaults in this field, but can be overridden.

Numeric, 7 positions; optional.

Instructions: Use the following steps to enter a receipt quantity that meets the receipt overage requirements defined.

1. Enter a receipt quantity in the Quantity received field if you wish to override the quantity you previously entered.

2. The system returns you to the Work with P/O Receipt Detail Screen or the P/O Receipt Detail Screen with the receipt quantity you entered defaulting in the Quantity received field for the purchase order line.

3. The system accepts the quantity you entered or redisplays the pop-up window if the quantity you entered still exceeds the overage requirements.

4. If the purchase order line meets the overage requirements, the system will display a pop-up window for the next purchase order line that exceeds the overage requirements.

Note: The system displays a window for each purchase order line that contains a receipt quantity that is greater than the ordered quantity each time you select an option or click OK.

Underages: At times, a vendor can under-ship an item and can not fulfill the entire purchase request. The Under Receipt % (A62) system control value allows the system to close a purchase order line if only a certain percentage of the order quantity is received.

If a vendor short-ships an item and the quantity received is within the defined tolerance, the purchase order line will be closed even if the full order quantity was not received. This allows you to close purchase order lines when vendors short-ship merchandise and are unable to complete the shipment.

For example, if you define the Under Receipt % (A62) at 10%, a purchase order line will be closed when at least 90% of the merchandise is received. If you order 100 units and receive 92 units, the line will be closed when the receipt for 92 units is accepted.

Enter Serial Numbers Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to specify the serial number of each unit of an item you are receiving. You use serial numbers to track inventory activity, such as returns or shipments, after the units have been received into the warehouse. If the Serial number flag is selected in the Item table, the system records the item's additional inventory activity, such as confirmations, by prompting you for the serial numbers of units affected by that activity. See Assigning Items to Warehouses.

How to display this screen: Select Serial # for a serial numbered item at the Work with P/O Receipt Detail Screen (provided you have already entered the receipt quantity). You also advance to this screen automatically when you accept the purchase order if you have not already entered serial numbers for a serial numbered item.



Serial #s

The serial number(s) of each unit of the item or SKU you are receiving on this purchase order. This screen provides a field for entry of a serial number for each unit.

Alphanumeric, 20 positions each field; required.


1. Enter the serial number for each unit of the item you are receiving in each field provided. When you have completed each serial number field on the screen, select OK.

2. The system highlights any serial number fields that are not complete, or that contain serial numbers that already exist for the item (Note: it does not check the status of the serial number). Complete or correct any fields as needed.

3. Select Submit to submit the serial number entry; otherwise, select Reject to reject and return to the Work with P/O Receipt Detail Screen.

Note: You will not be able to accept the purchase order until you complete each serial number field on this screen.

Display Current Receipts Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to review receipt information for each item on the purchase order, such as quantity ordered and price.

How to display this screen: Select Summary on the Work with P/O Receipt Detail Screen.



P/O #

The number of the purchase order you are reviewing.

Numeric, 7 positions; display-only.


The purchase order line number.

Numeric, 3 positions; optional.


An item on the purchase order you are reviewing.

Alphanumeric, 12 positions; optional.

Colr size othr

The SKU elements which further define the item.

Alphanumeric, 14 positions; optional.


The amount ordered for this line item, in your unit of measure, not the vendor’s.

Numeric, 7 positions; display-only.


The price of this item as defined in Working with Vendor Items (WVNI). This price represents the price per unit in your own unit of measure, not the vendor’s. For example, if the vendor sells an item in pairs, and defines the price in the vendor item table as $12.00, but you sell the item in single units (eaches), the price displayed in this field would be $6.00.

If a price does not exist in the Vendor Item table, the system uses the cost from Work with Item/SKUs (fast path = MITM).

Note: The Display Cost in Inventory (A38) secured feature controls the display of this field.

Numeric, 9 positions with a 4-place decimal; display-only.


The quantity of the item remaining to receive.

Numeric, 7 positions; display-only.


The extended price of this item. The system uses the following calculation to determine the extended price:

quantity received x the vendor price = extended cost.

Numeric, 11 positions with a 2-place decimal; display-only.

Work with PO Receipt Locations Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to place the merchandise in more than one location or warehouse or to have the system suggest the locations where the merchandise should be placed.

This screen is used during purchase order receipts when you are placing merchandise into inventory, a pending putaway warehouse, or a staging warehouse. It is also used during Placing Suspended Stock (SUSP) when you are transferring merchandise from suspense to inventory, and in Suggest Location Placement (MSLO).

Suggest location placement: When you use Suggest Warehouse/Location Placement, the system checks the system control values related to suggesting location placement to determine which locations to suggest.

When you use Standard warehouse/location placement, the system checks:

Suggest Location Placement (A27), which controls whether the function is used.

Type of Location to Search First during Suggest Location Placement (C40), which defines the location type that will be searched first.

Type of Location to Search Second during Suggest Location Placement (C41), which defines the location type that will be searched second.

Type of Location to Search Third during Suggest Location Placement (C42), which defines the location type that will be searched last.

Suggest Multiple Items in a Location during Suggest Location Placement (C43), which determines whether the merchandise can be placed in a location the contains other merchandise when the system is searching for any available location.

Location Capacity Method (A31), which determines how the system determines when a location is full.

See Standard Warehouse/Location Placement for more information.

To default the primary primary location: If you wish to default the item's primary primary location, or a primary location for the item in the receiving warehouse, select Receive for the item on the Work with P/O Receipt Detail Screen. See Receiving Methods for more information on the system control values that control the default location.

How to display this screen: Select Locations for a purchase order line on the Work with P/O Receipt Detail Screen. You can also display this screen by selecting Prior Receipts for a suspended item at the Suspense Placement By Item Screen, Suspense Placement By PO Screen, or Suspense Placement By PO Control # Screen. You must also enter the quantity to place.




The number assigned to the purchase order you are working with.

Numeric, 7 positions; display-only.


The purchase order detail line number.

Numeric, 3 positions; display-only


An item and SKU on the purchase order.

Item: Alphanumeric, 12 positions; display-only.

SKU: Alphanumeric, three 4-position fields; display-only.

Qty received

The number of units, in your unit of measure, not the vendor’s, of the item being received.

Numeric, 7 positions; display-only.

Qty placed:

The total quantity to be placed across all locations and warehouses.

Numeric, 7 positions; display-only.


The quantity to be placed in the associated location.

• The quantity is recommended by the system when using Suggest Location Placement (MSLO). The quantity can be changed and additional quantities and locations can be added.

• A quantity must be entered if you are not using Suggest Location Placement.

• The total quantity entered for all locations must be equal to the Total receipt qty.

Numeric, 7 positions; required.

Whs (Warehouse)

The code of the warehouse where the items will be placed. The warehouse code on the purchase order defaults.

You can enter a warehouse code when you select Override Whse to override the warehouse.

The warehouse code is validated against the Warehouse table. See Creating and Maintaining Warehouses (WWHS).

Numeric, 3 positions; display-only.


The location where the associated quantity will be placed.

• The location is recommended by the system when using the Suggest Location Placement function. The location can be changed and additional quantities and locations can be added.

• A location must be entered if you are not using the Suggest Location Placement function. The location will be validated against the Location table.

• The Confirm Location Creation pop-up window opens if you enter a new primary location code for an item and the Allow Multiple Primary Item Locations (D12) system control value is set to CONFIRM.


Note: This screen will not display any quantities and locations if the system cannot place the inventory (e.g., if all available locations are full, frozen, etc.)

See Creating and Maintaining Locations (WLOC).

The system may update the item’s primary location in the SKU table (the primary primary) depending on the setting of the Update Primary Primary Location for Item During Receiving (I35) system control value. See that system control value for more information.

Alphanumeric, 7 positions; required.

Screen Option


Change a receipt location

Select Change for the location to change it.

Delete a receipt location

Select Delete for a location to delete it.

Override the warehouse

Select Override Whse to place the quantity in another warehouse. The system toggles between making the Whs field an enterable or display-only field.

Accept the locations

Select Accept to accept the locations and quantities for the item.

Reject the locations

Select Reject to reject the locations and quantities for the item. The Confirm Reject Request pop-up window opens, allowing you to confirm or cancel the reject request.


1. Review the system suggested locations if there are any.

2. Enter the number of items that you want to place in the Qty field.

3. In the Location field, enter the location code where the quantity will be placed. A valid warehouse location for the item must be entered. The following message indicates if the location is invalid: Location XXXXXXX does not exist.

4. The Confirm Location Creation pop-up window opens if you enter a new primary location code for an item and the Allow Multiple Primary Item Locations (D12) system control value is set to CONFIRM. Select OK to accept the multiple primary location or select Exit to cancel.

5. To display a list of valid locations or to create a new temporary location in which to place the item, position the cursor on the Location field and prompt to display the Select Location Screen.

6. To override the warehouse, select Override Whse to gain access to the Warehouse field where you can enter a new warehouse code for the placement. A valid warehouse for the item must be entered. The following message indicates if the warehouse is invalid: Warehouse XXX does not exist.

7. Select OK. The system validates your entries and highlights any fields you need to correct. Correct the fields and select OK again. The system displays the quantity, warehouse and location at the bottom of the screen and increases the amount in the Qty placed field in the header of this screen.

8. Select Accept to accept the placements you have made. The system verifies that the total quantity placed equals the quantity received. The following message indicates if the quantities are not the same: Total units placed must equal the amount requested.

9. Select Reject to reject the placements for the item. The Confirm Reject Request pop-up window opens for you to confirm or cancel the reject request. The system returns you to previous screen.

Creating Temporary Locations at Receiving

Purpose: Use the Create Temporary Location Screen to create a temporary location in which to place the merchandise. Locations are used to identify where merchandise is stored in the warehouse. Temporary locations are used to place merchandise that you want recognized as received, before a permanent location is assigned.

A temporary location cannot exist without at least one item/location record associated with it. When stock is moved into a temporary location, the system creates an item/location record. When the on-hand in the item/location reaches zero, the system will delete the location and the item/location record.

Allocating stock: Oracle Retail Order Management System will not allocate merchandise from a temporary location even if the location is defined as pickable. In order to allocate stock, you must move the merchandise to a non-temporary, pickable location.

Location codes identify a specific storage unit in the warehouse, and usually consist of a combination of the warehouse zone, aisle, shelf and bin number where the location is situated. The system provides two methods of defining your location codes:

• You can segregate your location codes into zone, aisle, shelf and bin identifiers with a separate field for each value. This method provides for inventory reporting by warehouse zone.

• You can define your location codes using one free-form field with each location code containing from one to seven characters. This method is used when your warehouse is not organized by zones, aisles, shelves and bins.

Select Location Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to review a list of existing locations. You can select the location where the merchandise will be placed from the list or you can create a temporary location for the placement.

How to display this screen: Position the cursor on the Location field and prompt on the Work with P/O Receipt Detail Screen, or select Change on the Work with P/O Receipt Detail Screen, then select Location on the P/O Receipt Detail Screen and click on the arrow in the Location field at the Work with PO Receipt Locations Screen. Position the cursor on the Location field and prompt on the:

Work with P/O Receipt Detail Screen

P/O Receipt Detail Screen

Work with PO Receipt Locations Screen


Screen Option


Create a temporary location

Select Create Temp to advance to the Create Temporary Location Screen.

Create Temporary Location Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to create a temporary location for an item during Purchase Order Receipts. Temporary locations are used to place merchandise that you want recognized as received, before a permanent location is assigned.

Streamlined Pick Slip Generation (WSPS) will not allocate merchandise from temporary locations even if the location is defined as pickable. In order to allocate stock, you must move the merchandise to a non-temporary, pickable location. Temporary locations are deleted from the system when the quantity on-hand reaches zero.

How to display this screen: Select Create Temp on the Select Location Screen.



Whs/desc (Warehouse/ description)

A code that identifies the warehouse where the location will be created The code of the warehouse where the merchandise is being placed and the warehouse name display.

Numeric, 3 positions; display-only.


A user-defined code that represents a warehouse location where merchandise is stored. The warehouse location code can consist of a zone/aisle/shelf/bin combination, or it can be any user-defined code. The location code prints on pick slips and reports.

See Creating and Maintaining Locations (WLOC).

Note: If your warehouse locations consist of a warehouse zone, aisle, bin number and shelf number combination, separate fields are provided for these values. The zone/aisle/shelf/bin combination must still be entered in this field.

Alphanumeric, 7 positions; required.


The location type, which determines whether inventory can be allocated from the location, whether the location is permanent or temporary, and whether merchandise will be replenished to or from the location. Only temporary locations can be created using this function. This field is set to T.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; display-only.


A user-defined code to identify the warehouse zone where the location is situated. Assigning zone codes provides for inventory analysis reporting by zone. Zone codes are also used to sort pick slips when the Cart Bin Picking method is used.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.


A user-defined code to identify the warehouse aisle of the location.

Numeric, 2 positions; optional.


A user-defined code to identify the location's shelf number within the aisle.

Numeric, 2 positions; optional.


A user-defined code to identify the location's bin number on the shelf.

Numeric, 2 positions; optional.


A code indicating how inventory is stored in the location. This code is informational only.

H = indicates that inventory in the location is hung.

F = indicates that inventory in the location is laid flat, or is stored in a conventional manner.

O = indicates that inventory in stored in the location in some other manner.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; required.

Picking sequence

A user-defined sequence number which is used during Pick Slip Generation to determine the sort of the Batch Pick Sheet. When picking sequence numbers are not assigned, the system sorts the locations alphabetically by Location code. The picking sequence code is used by all pick slip generation methods.

Numeric, 7 positions; optional.

Bar code #

A system generated sequence number assigned to the location when it is created. The sequence number prints in bar code format on the bin location labels.

Numeric, 7 positions; display-only.

Fill factor

A user-defined percentage value that is used during Suggest Location Placement (MSLO) to determine when the location is stocked to capacity. The system evaluates the location capacity entered in the cubic field against the fill factor to determine location's true item capacity.

Example: A location can be considered filled to capacity when 80% of its cubic volume is consumed because of the shape of the items that are stored in it. The cubic volume of a location may be 100 cubic feet, but can hold only eight items that are 10 cubic feet each because the items are spherical in shape.

Note: The system assumes the fill factor is 100% if this field is left blank.

Alphanumeric, 5 positions with 2-place decimal; optional.

Pickable location

A code indicating whether inventory can be picked from the location.

Selected - indicates that inventory can be picked from the location.

Unselected - indicates that inventory cannot be picked from the location. Bulk locations, or locations where defective merchandise is kept might be defined as non-pickable.

Note: Inventory Inquiry in Order Entry includes quantities in pickable locations only; all other inventory inquiries display pickable and non-pickable quantities.


Indicates whether the location and its merchandise are frozen. Valid values are:

Selected = The location is frozen.

Unselected = The location not frozen.

If a location is frozen:

• Pick Slip Generation ignores the location when determining where inventory should be picked to fulfill an order. See Performing Pick Slip Generation.

Suggest Location Placement (MSLO) ignores the location when suggesting where to place stock.

Replenish Warehouses and Replenish Primary Locations do not replenish stock to or from the location.

Stock type

A user-defined code that describes the type of merchandise that can be found in the location. Examples include DEF (Defective), or RTV (Return to Vendor). This field is informational only.

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; optional.

Frequency code

A user-defined code that represents the frequency with which inventory is picked from the location. Informational only.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.

Class (Location class)

A user-defined code that identifies the type of merchandise that will be placed in the location.

This code is used to restrict the placement of certain item types to specific locations. For example, if the location is defined as a 'Jewelry' location, only items that contain the item type code for 'Jewelry' can be placed in the location. The class code entered is validated against the Location Class table. See Creating and Maintaining Location Classes (WLCL).

Note: If this field is left blank, only items that have a blank location class can be stored in the location.

Alphanumeric, 2 positions; optional.

Capacity units

The total number of units that can fit in the location. Suggest Location Placement (MSLO), Replenish Warehouses and Replenish Primary Locations will consider the location filled to capacity when it reaches this number of units.

Numeric, 7 positions; optional.

Capacity weight

The total weight the location can hold, expressed in whole pounds. The Suggest Location Placement program and the Warehouse Replenishment and Primary Location Replenishment programs will consider the location filled to capacity when the total weight of the items in the location reaches this weight.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 3-place decimal; optional.

Capacity: cubic

The total cubic volume of the location. The Suggest Location Placement program, the Warehouse Replenishment program and the Primary Location Replenishment program will consider the location filled to capacity when the total cubic volume of the items in the location reaches this value.

The cubic volume can be expressed in any measurement you wish (e.g., inches, feet, meters, etc.) as long as the same measurement is used throughout the system in the height, length, weight, and cubic fields. The system calculates the cubic capacity if values are entered in the height, length, and weight fields.

Note: The value in the fill factor field works in conjunction with this field.

Numeric, 7 positions; optional.

Dimensions: Height

The total height (the distance from the top to the bottom) of the location. The height can be expressed in any measurement you wish (e.g., inches, feet, meters, etc.) as long as the same measurement is used throughout the system in all height, length, weight, and cubic fields.

Numeric, 3 positions; optional.

Dimensions: Length

The total length (the distance from one side to the other) of the location. The length can be expressed in any measurement you wish (e.g., inches, feet, meters, etc.) as long as the same measurement is used throughout the system in all height, length, weight, and cubic fields.

Numeric, 3 positions; optional.

Dimensions: Width

The total width (the distance from the front to the back) of the location. The width can be expressed in any measurement you wish (e.g., inches, feet, meters, etc.) as long as the same measurement is used throughout the system in the height, length, weight, and cubic fields.

Numeric, 3 positions; optional.


A user-defined comment about the location.

Alphanumeric, 20 positions; optional.

Create PO Detail Standard Screen (Adding Lines To A Purchase Order)

Purpose: Item lines can be added to a purchase order during Purchase Order Receipts when a vendor ships you merchandise and you do not have an open quantity for the merchandise on the purchase order.

For example, a vendor may send the wrong color or size of an item, may send you merchandise that you did not order, or may send you the balance of an item after you forced the line complete.

By adding lines to the purchase order, you can record receipt of the merchandise for tracking purposes. You can then do any of the following:

• place the merchandise into suspense until you decide what to do with it.

• place the merchandise into inventory if you decide to keep it.

• place the merchandise in a non-reservable warehouse and process a return-to-vendor inventory transaction if you will be returning it to the vendor.

The Add PO Detail Line during PO Receipts (A21) secured feature controls whether this function can be used.

For more information: See Entering Purchase Orders (MPOE) for a complete description of the fields on this screen and step-by-step instructions on adding lines to a purchase order.

How to display this screen: Select Add Line at the Work with P/O Receipt Detail Screen.

Printing Purchase Order Labels

Purpose: You can print bar-coded labels to identify the receipt quantity and the location where the merchandise is placed. Labels can be printed at the following times:

• during Receiving Purchase Orders (PORC) when the merchandise is being placed into inventory.

• when using Placing Suspended Stock (SUSP) to transfer merchandise from suspense to inventory.

Labels cannot be printed for merchandise being placed into suspense during Purchase Order Receipts.

The Labels at PO Receipts (C16) system control value determines whether the labels are printed. You can print one label for each item or you can print as many labels as you want. When you print multiple labels, the same quantity prints on each label.

The Print Labels window opens only when the Labels at PO Receipts (C16) system control value indicates to prompt for user-entry of label information. The window does not open if this value indicates to print only one label per receipt; one label automatically prints for each receipt or suspense transfer when the transaction is accepted.

Print Labels Window

Purpose: Use this window to enter the number of labels you want to print and the item quantity to print on each label. When the window opens, a quantity of 1 defaults in the Number of labels field and the quantity being placed in the location is indicated in the Quantity per label field. You can change this information if necessary.

Note: If you are placing the merchandise in more than one location, this window opens for each location where you are placing the item.

How to display this window:

• Select Accept at the Work with P/O Receipt Detail Screen when using the Receive Purchase Orders function.

• Select Accept at the Suspense Placement By Item Screen, Suspense Placement By PO Screen, or the Suspense Placement By PO Control # Screen when using the Place Suspended Stock function.



# of labels

The number of labels you want to print for the item/location. Up to 999 labels can be printed per location. You must print at least one label.

Numeric, 3 positions; required.

Qty per label

The number of units you want to print on each label for the item/location. The quantity you enter does not have to be the same as the receipt or transfer quantity; you can enter any quantity to print on the label. When printing multiple labels for an item/location, the quantity entered will print on each label.

Numeric, 7 positions; required.


1. Review the default # of labels and Qty per label. Change the information if necessary, using the steps described below.

2. Enter the number of labels you want to print for the item/ location in the # of labels field.

3. Enter the item quantity to print on each label in the Qty per label field.

4. Select OK to accept your entries. The Print Labels window opens for the next item.

Display Prior P/O Receipts Screen

Purpose: This screen lets you view all previous receipts for a purchase order line during Purchase Order Receipts, if the line is open. Each receipt for line can be viewed.

The following information is displayed for each receipt:

• P/O #

• Control#

• Vendor #

• Vendor name

• Line #

• Item/SKU

• Receipt quantity

• Placement type

• Receipt date

• Currency rate

• Customs date

How to display this screen: Select Prior Receipts for a purchase order line on the Work with P/O Receipt Detail Screen.




The date the items were received. When you enter a date all items received on or after the date entered display in ascending order by date. Enter the date as MMDDYY with no slashes.

Numeric, 6 positions; optional.


The quantity of the Item/SKU (in retailer’s unit of measure) that was received on the date shown in the previous field.

Numeric, 7 positions; display-only.


The receiving cost of the Item/SKU for the receipt shown.

Numeric, 11 positions with a 4-place decimal; display-only.


A description indicating whether the items were received into inventory or into suspense.

Valid values are:

Whse/Location = indicates the receipt was placed into inventory.

Suspense = indicates the receipt was placed into suspense.



A number assigned to a group of Purchase Orders during Purchase Order Receipts to batch multiple purchase orders together. When you enter a control number, only receipts with that control number display.

Numeric, 6 positions; optional.

Screen Option


View receipt details

Select Display for the receipt to advance to the Display P/O Receipts Screen.

Display P/O Receipts Screen

Purpose: This screen displays the detail information for the selected receipt. The receipt date, quantity received, placement type (inventory or suspense), currency rate, and customs date for the receipt are shown.

How to display this screen: Select Display for a receipt on the Display Prior P/O Receipts Screen.



Control #

A number assigned to a group of purchase orders during Purchase Order Receipts to batch multiple purchase orders together. The control number indicates the batch in which the receipt was posted.

Numeric, 6 positions; display-only.

PO #

The number of the purchase order you are working with.

Numeric, 7 positions; display-only.


The number of the vendor from whom the items on the purchase order were purchased.

Numeric, 7 positions; display-only.

Line #

The purchase order line number the receipt was posted against.

Numeric, 3 positions; display-only.


The item number/SKU that was received.

(Item #): Alphanumeric, 12 positions; display-only.

(SKU): Alphanumeric; 4 positions each; display-only.


The number of units of the item received.

Numeric, 7 positions; display-only.


The description WHSE/LOCATION indicates the receipt was placed into inventory.

Alphanumeric, 13 positions; display-only.


The description SUSPENSE indicates the receipt was placed into inventory.

Alphanumeric, 13 positions; display-only.

Receipt Date

The date the merchandise was received.

Numeric, 6 positions; display-only.

Currency Rate

The currency exchange rate at which the merchandise was received. The cost at receiving and the average cost are calculated using the converted rate.

Numeric, 11 positions with a 7-place decimal; display-only.

Work with PO Messages Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to add, view or change messages that apply to the entire purchase order. Messages that were entered using the Enter/Maintain POs function can be viewed or changed during Purchase Order Receipts. In addition, new messages can be added during Purchase Order Receipts.

Optionally, you can print any of the messages on the purchase order form and the receiver's worksheet.

How to display this screen: Select Messages at the Work with P/O Receipt Detail Screen or select P/O Messages at the P/O Receipt Detail Screen.




The message text for this purchase order. Previously entered messages display when you access the screen. Additional lines are available to enter new messages. Select Next to view additional messages or to access additional lines.

Alphanumeric, 60 positions each line; optional


Indicates whether this message text will print, and the form on which it will print. You can choose to print none, some, or all message lines, and you can also define the forms on which each line will print.

The valid values are:

• Blank = Do not print

Print on Both = Print on both the purchase order and the receiver's worksheet

Print on PO = Print on purchase order only

Print on RCV Worksheet = Print on receiver's worksheet only


Adding a new message:

1. Enter the information you want on the first available line in the message section.

2. Use Tab to move to or click on the Print field. Enter a print code, if applicable.

3. When you finish the note, select OK. The system accepts the entry.

Changing a message:

1. Select Add/Change. The existing messages can now be changed.

2. Make the changes and select OK. The system accepts the entry.

Work with P/O Detail Messages Screen

Purpose: Messages that apply to an item on an individual purchase order line can be added, changed or viewed during Purchase Order Receipts. Optionally, you can print any of the messages on the purchase order form and the receiver's worksheet.

Messages can also be entered, changed, or viewed using the Enter/Maintain PO's function. See Entering Purchase Orders (MPOE).

How to display this screen: Select Messages for an item at the Work with P/O Receipt Detail Screen or select P/O Messages at the P/O Receipt Detail Screen.




The message text for this purchase order detail line. Previously entered messages display when you access the screen. Additional lines are available to enter new messages. Select Next to view additional messages or to access additional lines.

Alphanumeric, 60 positions each line; optional.


Indicates whether this message text will print, and the form on which it will print. You can choose to print none, some, or all message lines, and you can also define the forms on which each line will print.

The valid values are:

• Blank = Do not print

Print on Both = Print on both the purchase order and the receiver's worksheet

Print on PO = Print on purchase order only

Print on RCV Worksheet = Print on receiver's worksheet only


Adding a new line message:

1. Enter the information you want on the first available line in the message section.

2. Use Tab to move to or click on the Print field. Enter a print code, if applicable.

3. When you finish the note, select OK. The system accepts the entry.

Changing a line message:

1. Select Add/Change. The existing messages can now be changed.

2. Enter the changes as needed. The system accepts the entry.

Closing the Purchase Order

Closing PO lines: When the total quantity due on a line is received, or if the quantity received is within the Under receipt% tolerance limit from the System Control table, the purchase order line is closed. When all lines on a purchase order are closed, the purchase order is closed.

You cannot reopen a purchase order line that is closed. You can add a line to the purchase order during receiving if the vendor ships additional merchandise. For example, if a vendor short-ships an item, and the received quantity is within the Under Receipt % (A62), the purchase order line will be closed when the receipt is accepted. If the vendor subsequently ships the remaining balance, a new line must be added to the purchase order to record the additional receipt. See Create PO Detail Standard Screen (Adding Lines To A Purchase Order).

Closing the PO: When all lines on the purchase order are closed, the purchase order is closed. Closed purchase orders cannot be reopened during Receiving. You can reopen a closed purchase order with Maintaining Purchase Orders (MPOE).

WH06_05 OROMS 15.1 June 2016 OTN