Selecting Customers

Introduction: You can select existing sold-to customers by entering information in any of the fields on the Customer Maintenance Scan screen. You can use this function to locate and view a particular customer record or to display a list of customer records that match the information you enter.

Purpose of this topic: This topic shows you how to use the system's scanning functions to search for and locate customer records.

In this chapter:

Scanning for Customers

Select Customer Sold To Screen

Work with Customers Screens (Selecting a Customer)

Scanning for Customers

How scanning works: When scanning, the system searches the Sold To Customer table for customers with information that closely matches the information you enter, then lists these customers on a scan screen. You select the customer record you want to work with from the scan screen.

There are some general principles to keep in mind as you scan for a customer:

• If you enter information in any numeric field (other than the Customer field), the system displays a list of possible matches in ascending numerical order (1, 2, 3..., etc.), beginning with the number you typed and continuing to the end of the table

• If you enter information in any alphanumeric field, the system displays a list of customers in ascending alphabetical order (a, b, c..., etc.), then in ascending numerical order (1,2,3..., etc.), beginning with the text you typed and continuing to the end of the table.

• When you position the cursor on any scannable field on a scan screen, and select Scan without typing anything in the field, the system displays a list of all records from the table in ascending order for the field you selected.

• If no customers match the criteria you enter, the system displays a list of all possible matches in ascending order beginning with the text you entered and continuing to the end of the table. For example, if you type Smith in the Last name field, but this name is not found in the customer database, your screen displays customer records starting with the first name closest alphabetically to “Smith” through the end of the alphabet.

Oracle Retail Customer Engagement customer integration: If the ORCE Customer Integration (L37) system control value is set to INTERACT, you use the Customer Scan Screen instead of the Select Customer Sold To Screen to search for customers, and the system searches for customers in Oracle Retail Customer Engagement rather than in Order Management System. See the Customer Scan Screen for more information.

Select Customer Sold To Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to search for customers in the Customer Maintenance table; see Selecting Customers.

How to display this screen: If the ORCE Customer Integration (L37) system control value is set to SALES or is blank, enter WCST in the Fast path field at the top of any menu or select Work with Customers from a menu; otherwise, if the system control value is set to INTERACT, you advance to the Customer Scan Screen.




A unique number to identify a customer. The system assigns a customer number automatically whenever you add a new customer (either when you enter an order for a new customer or when you Select Create to add the customer record manually through the Sold To Customer table).

You can scan on just the customer number, or on a combination of the customer number and ship-to number.

When you enter an invalid customer number, you advance to the Work with Customers by Number screen. This screen lists customer records in ascending numerical sequence, beginning with the number you typed and continuing to the end of the table. You also advance to this screen if you enter an unassigned customer number.

When you enter a valid customer number, you advance to the Change Customer screen. See Creating and Updating Sold-to Customers (WCST).

Numeric, 9 positions; optional.

Ship-to number (Unlabeled field to the right of the Customer field)

Identifies the number of shipping addresses on the order. You can scan on the ship-to number alone, or the complete customer ship-to number (which is the customer number and the ship-to number).

If you enter a customer ship-to number that identifies a permanent ship-to record, you advance to the Change Ship To screen for the ship-to record you selected.

If you enter only a ship-to number, you advance to the Work with Customers by Number screen, which list customers in ascending numerical sequence, beginning with the number you typed and continuing to the end of the table.

Numeric, 3 positions; optional.

Match code

A unique customer code the system assigns to each customer to identify duplicate customer records.

Match codes is a user-defined algorithm, which consists of portions of the customer's name, address, and postal code.

When you enter a full or partial match code, you advance to the Work with Customers by Match Code screen, which lists customers in ascending match code sequence, beginning with the code you typed and continuing to the end of the table.

Alphanumeric, 15 positions; optional.

Postal code

The postal or zip code for this customer.

Enter a full or partial code to advance to the Customers by Postal Code/Company screen. This screen lists all customers by postal code in ascending (lowest to highest) numeric sequence, beginning with the code you entered.

Scan length: The Postal Code Scan Length (F61) system control value controls how many characters of the postal code to use when searching for a customer. See that system control value for a discussion.

If you enter a postal code and last name, you advance to the Customers by Postal Code/Last Name screen, which lists all customers alphabetically beginning with the postal code you entered.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; optional.

Last name

The sold-to customer's last name.

When you enter all or part of a customer's last name, you advance to the Work with Customers by Last Name screen, which lists customers by last name, beginning with the letters you entered and continuing to the end of the table.

The Last name field is indented beneath the Postal code field. You can enter information in both fields to scan for a particular customer.

Alphanumeric, 25 positions; optional.


The company name associated with the customer.

When you enter a full or partial company name, you advance to the Work with Customers by Company Name screen, which lists customers by company name, beginning with the letters you entered and continuing forward to the end of the table.

Notice that the Company field is indented beneath the Postal code field. You can enter information in both of these fields for scanning purposes.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; optional.


The customer's telephone number.

When you enter a full or partial telephone number, you advance to the Work with Customers by Phone Number screen, which lists customers by telephone number.

You can define a telephone number format for each country to map to the phone numbers operators enter into the system. See Setting Up the Country Table (WCTY), for more information.

Note: Your entry should include any formatting specified by the telephone number format for the country; for example, if the telephone number format for the United States is (111) 111-111, your entry should include the parentheses and hyphen.

Alphanumeric, 14 positions; optional.

Alternate customer number

An additional number to identify the customer on the system. This might be a customer number carried over from a system conversion.

Enter an alternate customer number to advance to a subsequent scan screen that lists customers by alternate customer number. See Display Alternate Customer Cross Reference Window (I84) for more information.

Alternate Customer Number Label Description

The field label on this screen is based on the name you enter in the Alternate Customer Number Label Description (H95) system control value; if you do not enter a name in this system control value, the field label is Alt cust.

Example: If you enter the field label name MEMBER# in the system control value, the field label on this screen is MEMBER#.

Alphanumeric, 15 positions; optional.

E-mail Address

An e-mail address for the customer.

When you enter a full or partial email address, you advance to the Scan Customer by E-mail Address screen, where you can scan by any email address on file for a customer. This field is not case-sensitive; an email address of matches an entry of ABC@example.COM, and vice versa.

Alphanumeric, 50 positions; optional.

Screen Option


Create a new customer

Select Create. See Creating and Updating Sold-to Customers (WCST).

Work with Customers Screens (Selecting a Customer)

Purpose: Whenever you enter information in a field at the Select Customer Sold To Scan screen, you advance to a screen that lists customers in ascending numerical or alphabetical order, beginning with the first customer that matches the information you entered.

The customer number is an exception to this rule. When you enter a valid customer number, you advance directly to the Change Customer screen for the specified customer.

You can use the Work with Customer screen to narrow down your search, or to select and work with a specific customer.

About this screen: Work with Customer screens display different information, depending on the information you entered on the initial selection screen.

The Work with Customer screen, for example, displays the company name and street address, and lists customers in ascending alphabetical order by company name.



Information on Line 1:

Company name

The name of the company.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; optional.


A unique number to identify a customer.

Numeric, 9 positions; display-only, assigned by the system.

Cls (Customer class)

A user-defined code that categorizes customers at a high level for reporting purposes.

You can use customer class codes to:

• mail offers to a limited group

• restrict items from being sold

• bypass normal item reservation

Class codes are defined in and validated against the Customer Class table. See Setting Up the Customer Class Table (WCCL).

Numeric, 2 positions; display-only.

Source (Source code)

A unique code assigned to a list of customer names to whom you target an offer (catalog, newspaper or television advertisement). See Working with Source Codes (WSRC).

The customer's current source code displays.

Alphanumeric, 7 positions; display-only.

Mail type

A code to classify the “type” of customer.

Valid values are:

B = Buyer: A customer who places an order (also known as the "Sold To" customer).

R = Recipient: A customer who receives the order (also known as the "Ship To" customer).

C = Catalog requester: A person to whom you send a catalog (added automatically to the Sold To Customer table because they are a prospect for a future sale).

L = List rental: A customer whose name you purchased from a another company.

S = Suspect/Prospect: A customer whose name you have acquired by a telemarketing effort or a public or industry listing.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; display-only.

Information on Line 2:


The customer's or company's street address.

Alphanumeric, 32 positions; display-only.


The name of the customer's city.

Alphanumeric, 25 positions; display-only.

State or Province

The code for the customer's state or province.

Alphanumeric, 2 positions; display-only.

Postal code

The customer's postal (or ZIP) code.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; display-only.

Screen Option


Create a new customer

Select Create. See the First Create Sold To Customer Screen.

Change information about the customer

Select Change for a customer. See Changing Sold To Customers.

Delete a customer

Select Delete for a customer. The system does not allow you to delete a customer record if you have taken orders for the customer. The screen displays a message such as:

Orders exist for customer (xxxx) - cannot delete.

Display information about the customer

Select Display for a customer. You advance to the first Display Customer screen. You cannot change any information on this screen. See the First Create Sold To Customer Screen for field descriptions.

Work with ship-to customers

Select Ship To for a customer to advance to the Work with Customer Ship Tos Screen.

Work with bill-to customers

Select Bill To for a customer. If the customer:

• already has a bill-to customer and you:

- have authority to the Work with Bill To menu option, you advance to the Work with Bill To Customers Screen.

- do not have authority to the Work with Bill To menu option, you advance to the Display Customer Bill To screen. See the Create Bill-to Customer Screen for field descriptions.

• does not already have a bill-to customer and you:

- have authority to the Work with Bill To menu option, you advance to the Create Bill-to Customer Screen.

- do not have authority to the Work with Bill To menu option, the screen displays an error message.

Work with subscriptions for a customer

Select Subscriptions for a customer to advance to the Work with Subscriptions Screen.

Work with contract pricing for a customer

Select Contract Pricing for a customer to advance to the Work with Contract Price Screen.

Work with state-specific tax exemptions for a customer

Select Tax for a customer to advance to the Work with Customer Tax Screen. See Working with Customer Tax Status for an overview.

Review mail history for a customer

Select Mail History for a customer to advance to the Display Customer Mail History Screen. See Reviewing Customer History for an overview of customer history.

Work with actions for a customer

Select Actions for a customer to advance to the Edit Customer Actions Window.

Work with the profile for a customer

Select Profile for a customer to advance to the Work with Customer Profile Screen.

Review item ordering history for a customer

Select Item History for a customer to advance to the Customer Sold To Item History Screen. See Reviewing Customer History for an overview of customer history.

Display customer order history

Select Order History for a customer to advance to the Display Customer Order History Screen. See Reviewing Customer History for an overview of customer history.

Exclude pay types for a customer

Select Pay Type Exclusion for a customer to advance to the Exclude Pay Types By Customer Screen.

Enter information in the user-defined fields for a customer

Select User Fields for a customer to advance to the Work with User Fields Screen.

Work with notes about a customer

Select Notes for a customer to advance to the Edit Customer Notes Screen.

Review address changes for a customer

Select Previous Address for a customer to advance to the Display Address Changes Screen. See Reviewing Customer Address Changes for an overview.

Work with warranty information for a customer

Select Warranty Info for a customer to advance to the Work with Customer Warranty Information Screen.

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