Defining Order Properties

Purpose: Use this screen to further define the current order or to advance to additional fields that are unavailable on the initial Order Entry screen.

The Order Ship-to Properties screen displays order-level defaults that you can override at the item level, if necessary. However, the values on this screen are used if you do not enter overrides at the item level.

The information you enter on this screen affects only the current order; you can set different order properties for any secondary orders (order ship-to's), except where noted in the field descriptions. Additionally, your entries on this screen do not update the customer record.

Work with Order Ship to Properties Screen

How to display this screen: Select Properties on the Work with Order Screen.



Order #

A unique number assigned by the system to identify an order.

Numeric, 8 positions; display-only, assigned by the system.

Ship-to number (Unlabeled field to the right of the order number)

A hyphen (-) separates this field from the Order# field.

Indicates the number of shipping addresses for the order. The system assigns a sequential ship-to number to every order, even if the shipping address and the sold-to address are the same. The first ship-to address is assigned the number 1.

Numeric, 3 positions; display-only, assigned by the system.

Alt Ord

The order number, if any, that was passed through the Generic Order Interface (Order API) and used to identify the order in an external system. In the case of a retail pickup or delivery order assigned through the Order Broker Integration, this is the order number in the system originating the order. The system assigns a Order Management System order number at the time it creates the order.

Alphanumeric, 35 positions; display-only.

Weight (Order ship to weight)

The total weight of the items (based on the value in the Sell weight field in the Item table).

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; display-only.

Arrival date

The date when the customer wants to receive the order. The current date defaults, but you can override it and enter a future date.

Numeric, 6 positions (in user date format); optional.

B/O priority (Backorder priority for reservation)

Determines the sequence in which orders with backordered items reserve first, where:

0 =Lowest priority

9 =Highest priority

A value defaults to this field if a priority was entered in the B/O priority (Backorder priority) field for the source code; and the header-level value, in turn, defaults to the Priority field on the order detail line.

Priority for Immediate Reservation

Immediate Reservation runs during Order Entry and reserves inventory for orders as they are entered. The Evaluate Backorders program uses the backorder priority to determine which backordered items receive stock first.

Numeric, 1 position; optional.

Quote Origin

Indicates whether the order originated from a pre-order quote.

Selected = The order originated from a pre-order quote.

Unselected = The order did not originate from a pre-order quote.

See Entering Pre-Order Quotes for an overview and the required setup.


Calculate freight

Indicates whether the system will calculate and add freight charges to the order.

Selected = Freight will be calculated.

Unselected = Freight will not be calculated; the freight method for the source is ignored.

To change this setting for the order, use the Calculate freight field at the Work with Order Screen.



Indicates whether this order is a gift order that will be shipped to a second party. If so, no pricing information prints on the pick slip and the buyer receives a gift acknowledgment card to confirm delivery of the gift.

Selected = The order is a gift order.

Unselected = The order is not a gift order.

Ship complete

Indicates whether all items on the order must ship together.

When an order must be shipped complete

The system:

1. Reserves available inventory for the order (reserving a partial quantity for an item whenever possible).

2. Backorders the remaining inventory for the order; the item’s Reserved field is set to 0.

3. Reserves the remaining inventory as it is received on purchase orders; the system ensures that backordered items receive inventory before new orders.

4. Creates pre-generated picks for the order when all items are available; the warehouse can now pick and ship the order.

5. Holds any reserved items until all items can be fulfilled.


When an order does not have to be shipped complete

The system:

1. Reserves available inventory for the order (reserving a partial quantity for an item whenever possible).

2. Creates pre-generated picks for qualifying items; the warehouse can pick and ship these items; see Selecting Order Lines for Pick Slip Preparation.

3. Backorders the remaining inventory for the order; the item’s Reserved field is set to 0.

4. Reserves the remaining inventory as it is received on purchase orders; the system ensures that backordered lines receive inventory before new orders.

5. Prints pick slips for the remaining items; the warehouse can now pick and ship these items; see Performing Pick Slip Generation.


The system repeats Steps 4-5 for each backordered item until the order has been completely shipped.

Valid values are:

Selected = Order must ship complete; available items will be held until each item is available and the entire order can ship together.

Unselected = Items can be shipped as they become available, or backordered and shipped at a later date.

Defaults to selected if you have the Default Ship Complete Flag (E09) system control value selected; otherwise, this field will default to unselected.

Auto can B/O (Automatically cancel backorders)

Indicates whether the system will cancel any backordered items automatically for the first shipment on the order (during Confirmation, in which items are confirmed for shipment).

Selected =Items cannot be backordered

Unselected =Items can be backordered

Cancel date

The date when the order will be canceled if all lines have not shipped.

The system will not reserve inventory one day prior to the order cancellation date, because the order would not reach the customer in time.

Order Cancellation List

Any items that have not shipped one day prior to the cancellation date appear on the Order Cancellation List.

Customer Service uses this list of pending order cancellations to contact each customer and request more time. If this is not possible, Customer Service must cancel the order manually through Order Maintenance.

Numeric, 6 positions (in user date format); optional.

Freight override

A flat freight fee for the order ship to. This fee will be used as the shipping charge on the current order, regardless of any system-calculated freight charges.

If you change the freight override amount and a freight tax override amount exists, the system recalculates the Freight tax override amount on freight for the order ship to using the tax rate for the freight defined in the OST Freight tax rate field in the Order Ship To table.

Alternate currency pricing

You can enter or review the freight override amount in the alternate currency by selecting AC Override if the order is associated with an alternate currency; see Using Alternate Currency Pricing.

Note: If a freight override exists, the system does not apply any additional freight, item charges, weight charges, or service charges to the order.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

Freight tax override

The tax override amount on freight for the order ship to. Used only if a freight override amount is defined.

If defined, the system does not calculate tax on freight.


• You can define a tax override amount on freight only on orders received through the Generic Order Interface (Order API); see the freight_tax_amount attribute in the Inbound Order XML Message (CWORDERIN).

• If you change the Freight override amount in order maintenance, the system uses the tax rate for the freight defined in the OST Freight tax rate field in the Order Ship To table to recalculate the freight tax override amount. The system does not update the freight tax rate based on the updated freight tax override amount.

The system stores the tax rate for the freight in the OST Freight tax rate field in the Order Ship To table; the system uses the freight tax rate during return and cancellation processing to determine the amount of tax on freight that should be returned or deducted during cancellation.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; display-only.

Estimated freight

Your “best guess” of the freight charges on the current order. The true freight charge will be based on the actual weight of items on the order.

Actual (billing amount) freight method

You can enter an estimated freight charge when using the actual freight method (as designated by selecting Actual in the Freight method field of the source code). A freight method is a means of calculating shipping charges for an order. This is an order-level freight method that uses the total weight of all the items on the order to determine what the shipping charges will be.

The actual freight charge is determined during Confirmation or Billing by one of these methods:

• Weighing the package and using the system-calculated the freight charge

• Entering the freight charge manually

The estimated freight charge is not included in the order totals, so the Frt (freight) field will be blank (unless there is a freight override) until you determine the actual freight charge.


Alternate currency pricing

You can enter or review the estimated freight amount in the alternate currency by selecting AC Override if the order is associated with an alternate currency; see Using Alternate Currency Pricing.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

Tax code

This code determines whether the customer's purchases are taxed, and if so, how to calculate the tax. Defaults to the tax status from the Sold To Customer record for an existing customer, and defaults to unselected for a new customer. When you enter the customer's name and address, the system changes to the tax code to T if the customer is subject to tax.

The system ignores the tax code if you use the Vertex interface to calculate tax.


The system uses these values to calculate tax on an order:

Tax Included in Price (E70) system control value and other system control values

• Country table (see Setting Up the Country Table (WCTY))

• SCF table (see Working with SCF Codes (WSCF))

• Postal Code table (see Setting Up the Zip/City/State (Postal Code) Table (WZIP))

• Customer Sold To table and Customer Tax table (see Working with Customer Tax Status)

• Item and SKU tables; Item Tax Exemption table and GST Tax Exemption Status table (see Working with GST Tax Exemption Status (MGTX) and Working with Item Tax Exemptions (WITX))

• Additional Charge Code table (see Establishing Additional Charge Codes (WADC))


The information that the system gathers for tax calculation purposes includes tax rates, calculation methods for the Canadian GST and PST taxes, and whether to tax freight and/or handling.

You can set up a tax exemption as an default for a customer, or exemptions in particular states or provinces. Whenever you make any change to the shipping address on the order, you should clear the Tax code field and the Rsl/ex# field. Clearing these fields allows the correct information to default into these fields based on the new destination address. See Working with Customer Tax Status for a discussion of how a customer's tax information defaults in order entry.


Valid values are:

Standard Tax = Indicates that the customer is subject to all regular taxes. If the customer resides in Canada, the customer is subject to both GST and PST.

Non Taxable = Indicates that the customer's purchases are not taxed. The system will reset the field to T when you select OK.

Resale = Indicates that the customer is a reseller. A reseller is a person or company who purchases goods to sell to someone else. A reseller certificate number is required in the Rsl/Ex# field. The system will not calculate standard tax (in the Tax bucket) or VAT, if applicable, on the order.


Exempt = Indicates that the customer is considered tax-exempt. A tax-exempt certificate number is required in the Rsl/Ex# field. The system will not calculate standard tax (in the Tax bucket) or VAT, if applicable, on the order.

GST Only (Goods and Services Tax) = Indicates that the customer is a Canadian customer who is subject to the Goods and Services tax (GST) on purchases only. GST is a federal tax.

The System Control table defines the default GST Rate (A90); however, an override GST rate may exist for the postal code or SCF.

PST Only (Provincial Services Tax) = Indicates that the customer is a Canadian customer who is subject to the Provincial Services tax (PST) on purchases only.


Tax Codes and their meaning

Consult this table for a quick reference of each tax code, its tax status, and whether merchandise will be taxed on the order:

Status Tax? Certificate #?

Standard Tax yes no

Non Taxable no no

Resale no yes

Exempt no yes

GST yes no


Resale/Exempt # (Reseller/Exempt certificate number)

A certificate number that identifies this customer as a reseller or tax-exempt customer who is not charged sales tax. A reseller/exempt# is required if the Tax code is R or E.

The Exempt cert field in the customer record indicates the customer's reseller or tax-exempt certificate number. This number defaults to the Rsl/Ex# field in order entry for each new order placed by an existing customer. A new customer must provide a certificate number during order entry to avoid paying sales tax.

If a customer has a VAT exemption number, the tax code will default to E and the words VAT EXEMPT will default in this field for any order subject to VAT. You cannot override a VAT exemption and make the order taxable. See Working with Customer Tax Status for a discussion of how tax information defaults in order entry.

Alphanumeric, 15 positions; required when the customer's Tax code is R (reseller) or E (exempt).

Carrier #

The customer's carrier account number that will be billed when the order ships by the carrier. The customer will not receive a bill directly for the order shipping charges; the carrier delivery service will be billed for the shipment (and, in turn, bill your account).

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; optional.


The customer's own purchase order number.

For example, several departments within a company are requisitioning supplies. Each departmental manager creates a purchase order for these supplies, has it approved, and gives the purchase order to the office manager. The office manager places one order, with different ship-to addresses for each purchase order.

Each purchase order represents a ship-to customer on the system, because, although the sold-to customer is the company placing the order, the recipient of each order differs by department (and purchase order number).

The department manager may inquire into the status of his or her order by the purchase order number.

Alphanumeric, 15 positions; optional.

Broker delivery type

Indicates whether the order is being fulfilled through the Order Broker Integration. Possible settings are:

Retail pickup = The order originated in an external system and Order Management System ships the order to the originating retail store location, where the customer picks it up

Delivery = The order originated in an external system, and Order Management System ships the order directly to the customer

Ship for pickup = The order originated in Order Management System, and Order Management System ships the order ships the order to a designated retail store location, where the customer picks it up

Note: An additional delivery type in which Order Management System assigns backordered items to the Order Broker for fulfillment (brokered backorder) is not indicated here.

See the Order Broker Integration for an overview.


Sales Rep Store

The store number assigned to the order.

Store numbers are defined in and validated against the Store Cross Reference table; see Work with Store Cross Reference (WSCR). The system validates that the Active flag for the store on the order is selected; otherwise, an error message displays: Store is not active.

Note: The store number defined here does not have to be associated with the salesrep from the Order Header.

The Maintain Originating Store # During Order Maintenance (B23) secured feature controls whether you can update the Sales Rep Store field on the Work with Order Ship To Properties screen in Order Maintenance. If you do not have authority to this secured feature, the Sales Rep Store field is display-only.

Included in CWEmailOut: If the order is not fulfilled through the Order Broker integration, the OriginatingStore element in the Outbound Email XML Message (CWEmailOut) specifies the sales rep store and the description and address information from its Store Cross Reference record. See the OriginatingStore element for more information.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; optional.

When you complete this screen: Select OK when you finish entering order properties. These values are associated with the current order only (except for the Freight override/all ship-to's field, which affects the primary order and all secondary orders) and does not update the customer record. You return to the initial Order Entry screen.

Screen Option


Enter or review the freight override amount and estimated freight amount in the alternate currency

Select AC Override to advance to the Alternate Currency Override window if you use alternate currency pricing (the Use Alternate Currency Pricing (H89) system control value is selected). At this window you can enter or review the freight override amount and estimated freight amount in the alternate currency.

An error message indicates if you select AC Override and the order is not associated with an alternate currency (the offer associated with the source code on the order header is in the local currency): Alternate Currency Prompt not valid.

See Using Alternate Currency Pricing.

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