Working with Coupon Promotions (WCPR)

Purpose: You can use coupon promotions to offer percentage or dollar discounts on merchandise to customers. You can set up a coupon to apply to a particular order line only, or the entire order. You can also restrict a coupon to, for example, a particular offer, source code, or item, and make certain items exempt from a coupon discount.

You apply coupons to items or orders in order entry or order maintenance through the Coupon Discount Window. You can also apply coupons through the Generic Order Interface (Order API) by specifying a coupon at the order header or detail level; see Inbound Order XML Message (CWORDERIN) and Understanding Coupon Error Messages through the Order API for more information.

In this chapter:

How Coupons Work

- How an Order or Item Qualifies for a Coupon

Coupon Setup

Coupon Examples

- An Order-level Dollar Discount plus a Detail-level Percentage Discount

- An Order-level Percentage Discount plus a Detail-level Dollar Discount

- Two Order-level Discounts

- An Order-level Percentage Discount with a Minimum Order Dollar Total and a Non-discountable Item

- An Order-level Item Requirement with Multiple Items

Coupon Discount Processing

Work with Coupon Promotion Screen

Create Coupon Promotion Screen

Work with Coupon Offer Requirement Screen

Create Coupon Offer Requirement Screen

Work with Coupon Source Requirement Screen

Create Coupon Source Requirement Screen

Work with Coupon Restriction Screen

Create Coupon Restriction Screen

Work with Coupon Item Requirement Screen

Create Coupon Item Requirement Screen

Work with Coupon Item Restriction Screen

Create Coupon Item Restriction Screen

How Coupons Work

Two basic types of coupons: In addition to applying either a percentage or a dollar discount, coupons can be either:

order-level (Coupon type = O): the discount applies to all eligible order detail lines.

detail-level (Coupon type = D): the discount applies to the selected order detail line only.

Applying a coupon to an item or order: You can add coupons to the order at the Coupon Discount window, which you can display by:

• order-level or detail-level coupons: select Coupon for an item.

• order-level coupons only: select Reprice.

When can you enter a coupon on an order? You can use the Coupon Discount Window to work with coupons at any point in order entry or order maintenance as long as none of the items has printed pick slips or is in a closed (X) status. See Entering Coupon Promotions on an Order.

Applying coupons in order maintenance: In order for you to apply coupons to an order in order maintenance:

• You must have the Price Tables (E07) system control value at the Pricing Values (B31) screen selected, or

• You must use Customer Price Group Pricing; see Customer Price Group Pricing in Order Maintenance.

How is tax calculated? Tax is calculated based on the actual price the customer is paying after applying all coupons and other discounts.

Do coupons apply to freight charges? Coupons apply to merchandise prices only; however, discounts applied to the merchandise on an order can have the effect of also reducing freight charges, if freight charges are based on total merchandise value. To offer freight or handling discounts, you can use additional discounting options, such as Working with Promotions (WPRO).

How an Order or Item Qualifies for a Coupon

Valid coupon? When you enter a coupon at the Coupon Discount Window in order entry or order maintenance, the system determines whether the coupon is valid based on your entries through the Work with Coupon Promotion Screen. Also, the system confirms that the current system date is within the Start date and End date for the coupon.

Qualifiers: Next the system determines whether the order or detail line qualifies for the coupon based on:

order lines are open or held: There cannot be any detail lines on the order with printed pick slips, or in a closed (X) status.

duplicate coupon entry: The same coupon cannot already have been applied to the item (detail-level coupon) or order (order-level coupon).

source code: If the Source requirement field for the coupon is selected, then the source code on the order header must be one of the source codes specified through the Work with Coupon Source Requirement Screen.

offer: If the Offer requirement field for the coupon is selected, then the source code on the order header must point to one of the offers specified through the Work with Coupon Offer Requirement Screen.

other coupons: If the Coupon restriction field for the coupon is selected for any coupons on the order, then there must not be a coupon restriction set up for these coupons through the Work with Coupon Restriction Screen.

item requirement: If the Item requirement field for the coupon is selected, and the coupon is:

- order-level: the item(s) specified through the Work with Coupon Item Requirement Screen must be on the order; in this case, the discount applies only to the required item(s)

- detail-level: the item on the order detail line must be the one specified through the Work with Coupon Item Requirement Screen; you cannot specify more than one item requirement for a detail-level coupon

order detail line minimum: If the Minimum detail $ amt specifies a dollar value, then the regular single-unit offer price of the item or SKU must be equal to or greater than that value.

order total minimum: If the Minimum order $ amt specifies a dollar value, then the total merchandise value on the order, excluding any non-discountable items, must be equal to or greater than this value. In this case, the total merchandise value is calculated based on the regular, single-unit offer price of each item or SKU.

Note: See below for more information on how an order or detail line qualifies for a dollar minimum.

item restriction: If the coupon is detail-level and carries a percentage discount, the item in the order detail line must not be restricted (as set up through the Work with Coupon Item Restriction Screen). However, an item is still eligible for an order-level or detail-level dollar discount, and its extended price is included in the order total for the purposes of evaluating the Minimum order $ amt.

non-discountable items: If the coupon is detail-level, then the item must be flagged as Discountable; also, non-discountable items are not included in the order total for the purposes of determining the Minimum order $ amt. If all of the items on an order are non-discountable, then the order does not qualify for a coupon.

For more information: See Understanding Coupon Error Messages in Order Entry for a listing of the error messages the system displays when items or orders are not eligible for coupons.

Combining coupons with other discounts: You can offer a variety of additional discounts and pricing options in addition to coupons. When combining additional discounts and repricing:

Quantity break price: If the order detail line qualifies for a quantity break price that you have set up at the Create Item Price Screen (Quantity Price Breaks by Offer), then the coupon discount applies to the quantity break price. For example, if the coupon discount is $1.00, the regular price for a single unit is $20.00, and the quantity break price for five units is $19.00, the $1.00 coupon discount applies to the break price of $19.00 when the customer orders five or more units.

Price code price: If the order detail line qualifies for a price code discount that you have set up through Working with Price Codes (WPCD), then the coupon discount applies to the price code price. For example, if the coupon discount is $1.00, the regular price for a single unit is $20.00, and the price code price for five units is $19.00, the $1.00 coupon discount applies to the price code price of $19.00 when the customer orders five or more units.

Price override: If you enter a price override reason code for an item in order entry or order maintenance, then the coupon discount applies to the overridden price. For example, if the regular price of an item is $20.00, but you override the price to $15.00 and then apply a coupon with a 10% discount, the 10% is taken from the price of $15.00.

Promotions: If you use Working with Promotions (WPRO) to set up an order promotion (Type = O), then this promotion discount applies after any coupon discount. For example, if a coupon applies a discount of 10%, an order-level promotion carries a discount of $1.00, and the item price is $20.00, the 10% coupon discount applies first, reducing the unit price to $18.00; then the promotion discount of $1.00 applies.

Customer price group price: If you are using Customer Price Group Pricing, the system applies order-level coupons after all other discounts and promotions are applied to the order. The system applies the order-level coupon promotion to all lines eligible for the coupon promotion, including non-discountable items. See Order-Level Coupon Promotions when using Customer Price Group Pricing.

Note: An order-type promotion discount can be prorated against the order lines or applied as a negative additional charge, depending on your setup. See Working with Promotions (WPRO) for more information.

If the coupon discount exceeds the merchandise value: If the total coupon discount amount of a detail-level coupon exceeds the extended price of the item, then the extended price of the item is set to zero. Similarly, if the total coupon discount amount of an order-level coupon exceeds the total merchandise value of the order, the total merchandise value is set to zero. The coupon does not create a negative (credit) extended item price or order total.

What price does the system use to evaluate order or detail qualifying amounts? When a coupon has a Minimum detail $ amt or Minimum order $ amt requirement, the system uses the initial price on the order line to determine whether the order or detail line meets the minimum requirement.

Order detail line minimum: The system always considers the regular, single-unit price of the item or SKU when determining whether an order detail line meets the minimum requirement. For example, if the minimum is $50.00, and the customer orders two units at $30.00, the order detail line does not meet the order detail minimum requirement based on the single unit price of $30.00.

Order minimum: The system always considers the total merchandise value based on the regular, single-unit prices of the entire quantity of all eligible items on the order when determining whether the order meets the minimum requirement. For example, if the order minimum is $50.00, and the customer orders two units at $30.00 as above, the order does meet the order minimum requirement based on the total merchandise value of $60.00.

If there is a price override: The system still uses the regular, single-unit price of the item or SKU to evaluate the order or line for a dollar minimum if you use a price override reason code whose Override item offer price field is unselected. However, if this field is selected, the system uses the price override amount to evaluate the order or line for a dollar minimum. See Overriding the Item/SKU Offer Price for an overview.

If you apply multiple coupons to the same order or line, the system does not subtract the first coupon before determining whether the order qualifies for the second one. For example, COUPA carries a discount of 10%, and COUPB carries a discount of $1.00. The minimum dollar value for both coupons is $25.00, and that is the price for the order detail line. The order line qualifies for both coupons.

Please note the following variations in evaluating how an order or order line qualifies for a dollar minimum:


Detail Minimum = $25.00

Order Minimum = $50.00

basic qualification

1 unit at $10: does not qualify

1 unit at $100: qualifies

2 units at $10: does not qualify

1 unit at $100: qualifies

multiple units

3 units at $10 (total = $30): does not qualify

1 unit at $25: qualifies

5 units at $10: qualifies

quantity break price (as set up through Create Item Price Screen (Quantity Price Breaks by Offer))

1 unit at $25: qualifies

2 units at $20 quantity break price; regular single-unit price is $25: qualifies

2 units at $20 quantity break price; single-unit price is $25; qualifies

multiple coupons

1 unit at $25; 2 coupons, each requiring a $25 minimum: qualifies for both coupons

2 units at $25; 2 coupons, each requiring a $50 minimum; qualifies for both coupons

non-discountable item (the item’s Discountable field is selected)

cannot apply coupon discount to non-discountable item unless you are using Customer Price Group Pricing

4 units at $10, plus 1 unit of a non-discountable item at $10: does not qualify unless you are using Customer Price Group Pricing

Non-discountable item price is not included in the order minimum unless you are using Customer Price Group Pricing

restricted item (as set up through the Work with Coupon Item Restriction Screen)

dollar discounts: normal qualification rules

percentage discounts: do not apply

dollar discounts: normal qualification rules

percentage discounts: 3 units at $10 plus 1 unit of a restricted item at $20: percentage discount applies to the 3 regular units

price override (Override item offer price for the price override reason is selected)

item/SKU price = $25.00, price override = $20.00: does not qualify

item/SKU price = $20.00, price override = $25.00: qualifies

no item/SKU price, price override = $25.00: qualifies

item/SKU price = $25.00, price override = $20.00, 2 units: does not qualify

item/SKU price = $20.00, price override = $25.00, 2 units: qualifies

no item/SKU price, price override = $25.00, 2 units: qualifies

price override (Override item offer price for the price override reason is unselected)

item/SKU price = $25.00, price override = $20.00: qualifies

item/SKU price = $20.00, price override = $25.00: does not qualify

no item/SKU price, price override = $25.00: does not qualify

Note: In this situation, an item without an item/SKU price can never qualify for a coupon minimum dollar amount.

item/SKU price = $25.00, price override = $20.00, 2 units: qualifies

item/SKU price = $20.00, price override = $25.00, 2 units: does not qualify

no item/SKU price, price override = $25.00, 2 units: does not qualify

Note: In this situation, an item without an item/SKU price can never be counted toward the coupon minimum dollar amount.

Sequence of discount application: The following rules control the sequence in which multiple coupons apply to an order or single detail line:

• Detail-level coupons always apply before order-level coupons.

• Next, the system checks the Discount calc seq #; the coupon with the lower sequence number applies first.

• Finally, if two coupons of the same type have the same sequence number, the first coupon alphanumerically, based on coupon code, applies first.

• If you are using Customer Price Group Pricing, the system applies order-level coupons after all other discounts and promotions are applied to the order; see Order-Level Coupon Promotions when using Customer Price Group Pricing.

Order entry vs. order maintenance: The system handles coupon entry and validation the same way in order maintenance in order entry; however:

• You cannot add any coupons to an order if any of the detail lines have printed pick slips, or are in closed (X) status.

• In order to apply coupon discounts in order maintenance:

- You must have the Price Tables (E07) system control value at the Pricing Values (B31) screen selected, or

- You must use Customer Price Group Pricing; see Customer Price Group Pricing in Order Maintenance.

What items are excluded from coupon discounts?

Restriction type

Detail-level coupons apply?

Order-level coupons apply?

Extended price included in Minimum order dollar total?

non-discountable item (the item’s Discountable field is selected) when using a pricing method other than Customer Price Group Pricing




non-discountable item (the item’s Discountable field is selected) when using Customer Price Group Pricing




restricted item (as set up through the Work with Coupon Item Restriction Screen)

only dollar discounts apply; restricted from percentage discounts

only dollar discounts apply; the system displays a warning message if you enter a percentage discount and there is a restricted item on the order


Coupon Setup

Overview: Use the Working with Coupon Promotions (WCPR) menu option to set up and maintain the following to support coupon promotions:

Identify the coupons available in your company: Use the Create Coupon Promotion Screen to specify the date range, type of discount, and any restrictions or requirements for the coupon.

Require an offer? Optionally, use the Create Coupon Offer Requirement Screen to specify that the coupon cannot be used unless the source code on the order header is associated with a specific offer, or one of a group of offers. The Offer requirement field for the coupon must be selected.

Require a source code? Optionally, use the Create Coupon Source Requirement Screen to specify that the coupon cannot be used unless there is a specific source code, or one of a group of source codes, on the order header. The Source requirement field for the coupon must be selected.

Restrict two coupons from being used on the same order or item? Optionally, use the Create Coupon Restriction Screen to specify two coupons that cannot be used together. This restriction can apply to both order-level and detail-level coupons, so that you will not be able to apply two restricted coupons to any two items on the same order. This setting would be useful if the two coupons together would result in a total discount that is greater than what you want to offer. The Coupon restriction field for both coupons should be selected. When you use the Create Coupon Restriction Screen to restrict the first coupon from the second, the system automatically creates a restriction for the second coupon against the first.

Require one or more specific items? Optionally, use the Create Coupon Item Requirement Screen to specify item requirements. If you require more than one item for an order-level coupon, then all specified items must be on the order. You cannot specify more than one item for a detail-level coupon. In either case, the Item requirement field must be selected.

Make an item exempt from a coupon percentage discount? Optionally, use the Create Coupon Item Restriction Screen to identify any items that are exempt from percentage discount coupons.

Additional setup:

Making an item non-discountable: Set the Discountable field to unselected if the item should never have any type of discount applied to it. You will still be able to enter order-level coupons against this item in order entry or order maintenance, but no discounts will apply to the item, and its price will not be included in the order total for the purpose of determining whether the order qualifies for a Minimum order $ amt. Note: If you use Customer Price Group Pricing, the system includes non-discountable items in the coupon discount.

Updating order detail coupon statuses: In order to update the Coupon status field in the Order Detail Coupon table (OECPDC) when you print a pick slip for the item or confirm the shipment, you must have the Pick Sort Program Name (C65) set to FLR0217. This program updates the coupon status to G when you print the pick slip, and to R when you confirm shipment of the pick slip.

Applying coupon discounts in order maintenance: In order to apply coupon discounts in order maintenance:

- You must have the Price Tables (E07) system control value at the Pricing Values (B31) screen selected, or

- You must use Customer Price Group Pricing; see Customer Price Group Pricing in Order Maintenance.

Important: In order for you to apply coupons to an order, the Price method for the source code on the order header must be set to D (regular plus reprice).

Coupon Examples

An Order-level Dollar Discount plus a Detail-level Percentage Discount


Items: An order has the following items:

AU123, one unit at $10.00

CH456, one unit at $100.00

Original merchandise total: $110.00

Coupons: Enter the following coupons against CH456:

10$O, $10.00 off (order-level)

15%D, 15% off (detail-level)


• Because 10$O is an order-level coupon, entering it against a single item has the effect of applying it to all eligible order detail lines.

• The order-level dollar discount is not prorated across each eligible order detail line; instead, the dollar discount applies to the item with the highest unit price based on the Item Offer or SKU Offer record. As a result, no discount applies to item AU123.

Sequence: 15%D applies first, regardless of sequence number, because detail-level coupons always apply before order-level coupons.



Coupon 15%D applies a discount of 15% to CH456: $100.00 - $15.00 (15% of $100.00) = $85.00

Coupon 10$O applies a discount of $10.00 to CH456: $85.00 - $10.00 = $75.00

Discounted merchandise total:

AU123: one unit at $10.00

CH456: one unit at $75.00

Total = $85.00


Variation with multiple units:


AU123, one unit at $10.00

CH456, three units at $100.00 = $300.00

Original merchandise total: $310.00

Note: As above, no discount applies to item AU123.


Coupon 15%D applies a 15% discount to CH456: $100.00 - $15.00 (15% of $100.00) = $85.00

Coupon 10$O applies a total dollar discount of $10.00 to CH456: $255.00 - $10.00 = $245.00, or 3 units at $81.67 each

Note: The total dollar discount applied for coupon 10$O is actually $10.01 due to rounding.

Discounted merchandise total:

AU123: one unit at $10.00

CH456: three units at $81.67 = $245.01

Total = $255.01


Variation with multiple units and quantity break price:

Items: The order has three units of item CH456, and this item has a break price of $90.00 for quantities of three or more.

Original merchandise total:

CH456: three units at $90 = $270.00

AU123: one unit at $10.00

Total = $280.00

Coupons: Same as above.

Sequence: Same as above.


Coupon 15%D applies a discount of 15% to CH456: $90.00 - $13.50 (15% of $90.00) = $76.50

Coupon 10$O applies a total dollar discount of $10.00 to CH456: $76.50 - $3.33 ($10.00 / quantity of 3) = $73.17

As above, no discount applies to item AU123.

Note: The total dollar discount applied for coupon 10$O is actually $9.99 due to rounding.

Discounted merchandise total:

CH456: three units at $73.17 = $219.51

AU123: one unit at $10.00

Total = $229.51

An Order-level Percentage Discount plus a Detail-level Dollar Discount


Items: An order has the following items:

AU123, two units at $10.00 = $20.00

BA456, one unit at $10.00

Original merchandise total: $30.00

Coupons: Enter the following coupons against AU123:

03$D, $3.00 off (detail-level)

05%O, 5% off (order-level)

Note: Because 05%O is an order-level coupon, entering it against a single item has the effect of applying it to all eligible order detail lines.

Sequence: 03$D applies first, regardless of sequence number, because detail-level coupons always apply before order-level coupons.


Coupon 03$D applies a discount of $3.00 to AU123, and this $3.00 is prorated across the two units: $10.00 - $1.50 ($3.00/2) = $8.50

Coupon 05%O applies a discount of 5% to AU123: $8.50 - $.42 (5% of $8.50) = $8.08

Note: The total discount applied is actually $.84, not $.85 (5% of the extended price of $17.00) due to rounding.

Coupon 05%O applies a discount of 5% to BA456: $10.00 - $.50 (5% of $10.00) = $9.50

Discounted merchandise total:

AU123: two units at $8.08 = $16.16

BA456: one unit at $9.50

Total = $25.66

Two Order-level Discounts


Items: An order has the following items:

AU123, one unit at $10.00

CH456, one unit at $100.00

Original merchandise total: $110.00

Coupons: Enter the following order-level coupons against any order detail line (because they are both order-level, entering them against any order detail line has the effect of applying them to all eligible order detail lines):

10$O, $10.00 off any order

10%O50, 10% off any order over $50.00

Note: Each coupon has a Discount calculation sequence number of 5.

Sequence: 10$O applies first because it is first alphanumerically; both coupons have the same sequence number.


Coupon 10$O applies the total order discount of $10.00 to item CH456, because it has the highest original unit price: $100.00 - $10.00 = $90.00

Note: As in the first example, this order-level dollar discount applies to a single item only.

Coupon 10%O50 applies a 10% discount to item CH456: $90.00 - $9.0 (10% of $90.00) = $81.00

Coupon 10%O50 applies a 10% discount to item AU123: $10.00 - $1.00 (10% of $10.00) = $9.00

Discounted merchandise total:

AU123: one unit at $9.00

CH456: one unit at $81.00

Total = $90.00


Variation with different sequence numbers (the percentage discount applies first):

Original merchandise total: $110.00

Result: If coupon 10%O50 has a lower sequence number than coupon 10$O, then the above example would have the following results:

Coupon 10$O50 applies a 10% discount to item AU123 as described above: $10.00 - $1.00 (10% of $10.00) = $9.00

Coupon 10%O50 applies a 10% discount to item CH456: $100.00 - $10.00 (10% of $100.00) = $90.00

Coupon 10$O applies a $10.00 discount to item CH456: $90.00 - $10.00 = $80.00

Discounted merchandise total:

AU123: one unit at $9.00

CH456: one unit at $80.00

Total = $89.00

An Order-level Percentage Discount with a Minimum Order Dollar Total and a Non-discountable Item


Items: An order has the following items:

AU123, two units at $10.00 = $20.00

BA456, three units at $10.00 = $30.00

MO789, one unit at $10.00

Original merchandise total: $60.00

Note: MO789 is flagged as non-discountable in the Item table.

Coupon: Enter coupon 10%O50 with a 10% discount for a $50.00 minimum order total against item MO789.

Note: Even though MO789 is flagged as non-discountable, you can still enter order-level coupons against it; however, if you attempt to enter a detail-level coupon against a non-discountable item, the system displays an error message.


Coupon 10%O50 applies a discount of 10%, or $1.00 per unit, to AU123 and BA456, for a total unit price of $9.00 for each. No discount applies to MO789, the non-discountable item.

Discounted merchandise total:

AU123: two units at $9.00 = $18.00

BA456: three units at $9.00 = $27.00

MO789: one unit at $10.00

Total = $55.00


Variation with promotional discount:

Original merchandise total: $60.00

The order is also eligible for a 10% promotional discount set up through Working with Promotions (WPRO).

Result: After applying the coupon discount as described above, the system applies the 10% promotional discount to AU123 and BA456, for a total unit price of $8.10 for each ($9.00 - $.90 (10% of $9.00) = $8.10). No discount applies to MO789, the non-discountable item.

Note: The system still considers the order to have met the $50.00 minimum for the coupon, because the promotion discount applies after the coupon discount. However, the Order Detail Coupon records do not reflect the additional promotional discounts, only the coupon discount calculations.

Discounted merchandise total:

AU123: two units at $8.10 = $16.20

BA456: three units at $8.10 = $24.30

MO789: one unit at $10.00

Total = $50.50


Variation with lower order dollar total:

Items: If the order had the following items:

AU123, two units at $10.00 = $20.00

BA456, two units at $10.00 = $20.00

MO789, one unit at $10.00

Original merchandise total: $50.00

Result: You would not be able to enter this coupon against the order; the non-discountable item, MO789, does not count toward the minimum order total of $50.00. However, the promotion still applies a 10% discount to the two discountable items, for a unit price of $9.00 ($10.00 - 10%).

Discounted merchandise total:

AU123: two units at $9.00 = $18.00

BA456: two units at $9.00 = $18.00

MO789: one unit at $10.00

Total = $46.00

An Order-level Item Requirement with Multiple Items


Items: An order has the following items:

CH456, one unit at $100.00

AR789, one unit at $150.00

AU123, one unit at $10.00

Original merchandise total: $260.00

Coupon: Enter coupon 10%OIT against any item. This order-level coupon has a discount of 10%, and has two item requirements specified: CH456 and AR789.


Coupon 10%OIT applies a discount of 10% to the two required items:

CH456: $100.00 - $10.00 (10% of $100.00) = $90.00

AR789: $150.00 - $15.00 (10% of $150.00) = $135.00

Item AU123 is not discounted because it doesn’t meet the item requirement.

Discounted merchandise total:

CH456: one unit at $90.00

AR789: one unit at $135.00

AU123: one unit at $10.00

Total = $235.00

Coupon Discount Processing

As you enter and accept orders, generate pick slips, and confirm shipments, the system updates the Order Detail Coupon table (OECPDC) along with other order-related tables. These updates are described below.

Applying the coupon discounts to the order: The setting of the Automatically Reprice Coupon (K02) system control value determines when the system applies the coupon discounts to the order.

• If selected, the system applies the coupon discounts and validates the order dollar minimum when you select Accept or Exit at the Coupon Discount Window, select Reprice, and when you accept the order.

The system updates the following fields in the Order Detail Coupon table:

- Pre-discount price = the unit price of the item before applying this particular coupon discount. The pre-discount price already reflects discounts such as quantity break price.

- Post-discount price = the unit price of the item after applying this particular discount. The post-discount price does not reflect any additional discounts, such as subsequent applicable coupons or a promotion discount.

- Coupon status = P (processed)

- Status change time = the time when you selected Reprice to calculate end-of-order pricing or selected Accept to accept the order

• If unselected, the system applies the coupon discounts and validates the order dollar minimum when you select Reprice and when you accept the order.

When you select Accept at the Coupon Discount Window, the system creates a record in the Order Detail Coupon table with the following values:

- Coupon status = N (new)

- Status change date = current system date

- Status change time = current system time

When you select Reprice and when you accept the order, the system updates the following fields in the Order Detail Coupon table:

- Pre-discount price = the unit price of the item before applying this particular coupon discount. The pre-discount price already reflects discounts such as quantity break price.

- Post-discount price = the unit price of the item after applying this particular discount. The post-discount price does not reflect any additional discounts, such as subsequent applicable coupons or a promotion discount.

- Coupon status = P (processed)

- Status change time = the time when you selected Reprice to calculate end-of-order pricing or selected Accept to accept the order

Determining the final discounts: The system will reprice the items after you accept the order by selecting Accept. For example, you might delete or cancel an item on the order, reducing the merchandise total below the minimum required for the coupon. However, the changes in price after you accept the order will not be visible and you will not be able to inform the customer of the repricing unless the Display Order Recap (A75) system control value is selected; in this case, you can review the repriced order totals at the Order Recap screen.

Generating pick slips: When you print a pick slip for an order detail line, the system sets the Order Detail Coupon status to G (pick slip generated) only if you have the Pick Sort Program Name (C65) system control value set to FLR2017. The status change date and time are also updated.

Billing: When you confirm shipment, the system sets the Order Detail Coupon status to R (redeemed) if the status was previously set to G at pick slip generation. The status change date and time are also updated. However, if you do not have the Pick Sort Program Name (C65) system control value set to FLR2017, the coupon status will not be reset at billing.

Tracking demand: The system posts the net, discounted price to demand-tracking tables.


An order includes the item AU123. The regular Item Offer price is $10.00, but a coupon discount of $3.00 applies for a net price of $7.00. When you enter the order, the system posts $7.00 to demand-tracking tables such as the Order Billing History table.

Work with Coupon Promotion Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to review and work with the coupons you use to apply percentage or dollar discounts to orders, or items on orders.

How to display this screen: Enter WCPR in the Fast path field at the top of any menu, or select Work with Coupon Promotions from a menu.



Coupon code

The code associated with the coupon promotion discount.

Alphanumeric, 6 positions; optional.

Coupon description

The description of the coupon, truncated from 45 positions.

Alphanumeric, 35 positions; display-only.

Coupon type

Indicates whether this is an order-level or detail-level coupon:

Order Level = order-level coupon: applies to all applicable items on the order

Detail Level = detail-level coupon: applies only to a specific item on the order

Alphanumeric, optional.

Calculation seq #

Indicates the sequence in which to apply this coupon compared with other coupons for the same order or order detail line. Coupons with lower sequence numbers apply first. The system uses all of the following information when determining the sequence in which to apply coupons:

• Detail-level coupons always apply before order-level coupons.

• Next, the system checks this sequence number. The coupon with the lower sequence number applies first.

• Finally, if two coupons have the same sequence number, the first coupon alphanumerically, based on the coupon code, applies first.

Numeric, 5 positions; display-only.

Src req (Source requirement)

Indicates whether you can apply this coupon only to orders using a required source code, or one source from a list of required source codes. You use the Work with Coupon Source Requirement Screen to review or work with source requirements for a coupon.

Ofr req (Offer requirement)

Indicates whether you can apply this coupon only to orders using a required offer, or one offer from a list of required offers. You use the Work with Coupon Offer Requirement Screen to review or work with offer requirements for a coupon.

Cpn Res (Coupon restriction)

Indicates whether this coupon is restricted from use with another coupon on the same order or order detail line. You use the Work with Coupon Restriction Screen to review or work with coupon restrictions for a coupon.

Itm Req (Item requirement)

Indicates whether you can apply this coupon only to:

• orders that include a required item or items (order-level coupons); in this case, the coupon discount applies only to the required item(s)

• order detail lines for a required item (detail-level coupons)

You use the Work with Coupon Item Requirement Screen to review or work with item requirements for a coupon.



Create a new coupon

Select Create to advance to the Create Coupon Promotion Screen.

Change an existing coupon

Select Change for a coupon to advance to the Change Coupon Promotion screen. Use this screen to change an existing coupon promotion. See Create Coupon Promotion Screen for more information and field descriptions.

Delete a coupon

Select Delete for a coupon.

Display a coupon

Select Display for a coupon to advance to the Display Coupon Promotion screen. Use this screen to review an existing coupon promotion. See Create Coupon Promotion Screen for more information and field descriptions.

Work with offer requirements for a coupon

Select Offer requirement for a coupon to advance to the Work with Coupon Offer Requirement Screen.

Work with source code requirements for a coupon

Select Source requirement for a coupon to advance to the Work with Coupon Source Requirement Screen.

Work with coupon restrictions for a coupon

Select Coupon restriction for a coupon to advance to the Work with Coupon Restriction Screen.

Work with item requirements for a coupon

Select Item requirement for a coupon to advance to the Work with Coupon Item Requirement Screen.

Work with item restrictions

Select Item restriction to advance to the Work with Coupon Item Restriction Screen.

Create Coupon Promotion Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to create a new coupon for a dollar or percentage discount.

How to display this screen: Select Create at the Work with Coupon Promotion Screen.



Coupon code

The code associated with the coupon promotion discount. This is the code that you enter at the Coupon Discount Window in order entry.

Alphanumeric, 6 positions; required.

Coupon description

The description of the coupon. This is the description that displays at the Coupon Discount Window in order entry.

Alphanumeric, 45 positions; required.

Coupon type

Indicates whether this is an order-level or detail-level coupon:

Order Level = order-level coupon: applies to all applicable items on the order

Detail Level = detail-level coupon: applies only to a specific item on the order

Alphanumeric, required.

Discount calc seq #

Indicates the sequence in which to apply this coupon compared with other coupons for the same order or order detail line. Coupons with lower sequence numbers apply first. The system uses all of the following information when determining the sequence in which to apply coupons:

• Detail-level coupons always apply before order-level coupons.

• Next, the system checks this sequence number. The coupon with the lower sequence number applies first.

• Finally, if two coupons have the same sequence number, the first coupon alphanumerically, based on the coupon code, applies first.

Numeric, 5 positions; required.


For informational and reporting use only.

Alphanumeric, 5 positions; optional.

Start date

The first date when the coupon can be applied to orders. The Start date cannot be later than the End date. If the current date is not within the Start date and the End date, you will not be able to apply the coupon in order entry; instead, the Coupon Discount window displays an error message:

Coupon is not currently active.

Numeric, 6 positions; required.

End date

The last date when the coupon can be applied to orders. The End date cannot be earlier than the Start date. If the current date is not within the Start date and the End date, you will not be able to apply the coupon in order entry; instead, the Coupon Discount window: displays an error message:

Coupon is not currently active.

Numeric, 6 positions; required.

Source requirement

Indicates whether you can apply this coupon to orders only if they use a required source code, or one source from a list of required source codes. Valid values are:

Selected = This coupon can be applied to an order only if the source code on the order header is specified through the Work with Coupon Source Requirement Screen

Unselected = This coupon does not have a source code requirement

Vendor #

The vendor associated with the coupon. For informational and reporting purposes only.

Numeric, 7 positions; optional.

Offer requirement

Indicates whether you can apply this coupon to orders only if they use a required offer, or one offer from a list of required offers.

Valid values are:

Selected = This coupon can be applied to an order only if the source code on the order header points to an offer specified through the Work with Coupon Offer Requirement Screen

Unselected = This coupon does not have an offer requirement

Group ID

For informational and reporting purposes only.

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; optional.

Coupon restriction

Indicates whether this coupon is restricted from use on the same order or detail line as another coupon.

Valid values are:

Selected = This coupon cannot be used on the same order (order-level coupon) or order detail line (detail-level coupon) as another coupon, specified through the Work with Coupon Restriction Screen

Unselected = This coupon does not have a coupon restriction

When you create a restriction for COUPA against COUPB, the system automatically creates a restriction for COUPA against COUPB. The system will not allow you to apply both coupons against the same order or detail line.

Coupon analysis unit

For informational and reporting purposes only.

Alphanumeric, 6 positions; optional.

Item requirement

Indicates whether you can apply this coupon to orders only if they include one or more required items.

Valid values are:

Selected = This coupon can be applied only if:

- order-level coupons: the order includes all the items specified through the Work with Coupon Item Requirement Screen; in this case, the coupon discount applies only to the required item(s)

- detail-level coupons: the order detail line is for the item specified through the Work with Coupon Item Requirement Screen

Note: You can specify only one item requirement for detail-level coupons.

Unselected = This coupon does not have an item requirement

Minimum detail $ amt

Indicates the minimum single-unit price required for an order detail line to qualify for the coupon. You can specify a minimum detail dollar amount for detail-level coupons only; if you try to specify this amount for an order-level coupon, the system displays an error message:

Minimum detail $ amt only applies to detail level coupons.

See How an Order or Item Qualifies for a Coupon for more information on how the system evaluates minimum dollar requirements.

Numeric, 9 positions with a two-place decimal; optional.

Minimum order $ amt

Indicates the minimum total merchandise value required for an order to qualify for the coupon. This qualifying total does not include the price of any non-discountable items. You can specify a minimum order dollar amount for order-level coupons only; if you try to specify this amount for an detail-level coupon, the system displays an error message:

Minimum order $ amt only applies to order level coupons.

See How an Order or Item Qualifies for a Coupon for more information on how the system evaluates minimum dollar requirements.

Numeric, 9 positions with a two-place decimal; optional.

Dollar discount

Indicates the dollar discount to apply as follows:

order-level coupons: the dollar discount applies to the item with the highest unit price, reducing the total merchandise value on the order.

Note: If you cancel this item, the system moves the discount to the item with the next highest single-unit price if the order is still eligible for the coupon.

detail-level coupons: the total dollar discount applies to the extended price of the order detail line.

Prorating against multiple units: The dollar discount is prorated if the order detail line has a quantity of more than one unit. In this situation, there may be a slight discrepancy against the total dollar discount due to rounding. For example, if the total dollar discount is $1.00, and it is prorated against 3 units, the total discount for each unit is actually $.33, or $.99 total for the line.

See How Coupons Work and Coupon Examples for more information.

You cannot enter both a dollar discount and a percentage discount, or the system displays an error message:

Either dollar or percentage discount required.

Numeric, 7 positions with a two-place decimal; required if you do not specify a percentage discount.

Percentage discount

Indicates the percentage discount to apply as follows:

order-level coupons: the percentage discount applies to each order detail line that is not a restricted item (through the Work with Coupon Item Restriction Screen) or a non-discountable item

detail-level coupons: the percentage discount that applies to the unit price of the order detail line.

See How Coupons Work and Coupon Examples for more information.

You cannot enter both a dollar discount and a percentage discount or the system displays an error message:

Either dollar or percentage discount required.

Numeric, 7 positions with a two-place decimal; required if you do not specify a dollar discount.

Work with Coupon Offer Requirement Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to review and work with the offers that are required for an order to qualify for a coupon:

If you specify a single offer: the source code on the order header must point to this offer

If you specify more than one offer: the source code on the order header must point to one of the offers specified

Otherwise, the system displays an error message when you enter the coupon:

Coupon cannot be used with existing offer.

You cannot advance to this screen for a coupon that does not have an offer requirement, based on the Offer requirement field; instead, the system displays an error message:

No offer requirement for this coupon.

How to display this screen: Select Offer requirement for a coupon at the Work with Coupon Promotion Screen.



Coupon code

The coupon code with the offer requirement.

Alphanumeric, 6 positions; display-only.

Coupon description

The description of the coupon.

Alphanumeric, 45 positions; display-only.


The required offer.

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; optional.

Offer description

The description of the required offer.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; display-only.



Create a coupon offer requirement

Select Create to advance to the Create Coupon Offer Requirement Screen.

Delete a coupon offer requirement

Select Delete for a coupon offer restriction to delete it.

Create Coupon Offer Requirement Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to specify an offer requirement for a coupon:

If you specify a single offer: the source code on the order header must point to this offer

If you specify more than one offer: the source code on the order header must point to one of the offers specified

Otherwise, the system displays an error message when you enter the coupon:

Coupon cannot be used with existing offer.

How to display this screen: Select Create at the Work with Coupon Offer Requirement Screen.

Completing this screen: Enter the offer that will be required to apply the coupon. Offers are defined in and validated against the Offer table; see Working with Offers (WOFR) for more information.

If the offer requirement already exists for the coupon, the system displays an error message:

Coupon Offer Requirement already exists.

Work with Coupon Source Requirement Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to review and work with the source code requirement(s) for a coupon:

If you specify a single source code: this must be the source code on the order header

If you specify more than one source code: the source code on the order header must be one of the source codes specified

Otherwise, the system displays an error message when you enter the coupon:

Coupon cannot be used with existing source.

You cannot advance to this screen for a coupon that does not have a source code requirement, based on the Source requirement field; instead, the system displays an error message:

No source requirement for this coupon.

How to display this screen: Select Source requirement for a coupon at the Work with Coupon Promotion Screen.



Coupon code

The coupon code with the source code requirement.

Alphanumeric, 6 positions; display-only.

Coupon description

The description of the coupon.

Alphanumeric, 45 positions; display-only.


The required source code.

Alphanumeric, 7 positions; optional.

Source description

The description of the required source code.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; display-only.



Create a coupon source requirement

Select Create to advance to the Create Coupon Source Requirement Screen.

Delete a coupon source requirement

Select Delete for a coupon source restriction to delete it.

Create Coupon Source Requirement Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to specify a source code requirement for a coupon:

If you specify a single source code: this must be the source code on the order header

• If you specify more than one source code: the source code on the order header must be one of the source codes specified

Otherwise, the system displays an error message when you enter the coupon:

Coupon cannot be used with existing source.

How to display this screen: Select Create at the Work with Coupon Source Requirement Screen.

Completing this screen: Enter the source code that will be required to apply the coupon. Source codes are defined in and validated against the Source Code table; see Working with Source Codes (WSRC) for more information.

If the source code requirement already exists for the coupon, the system displays an error message:

Coupon Source Requirement already exists.

Work with Coupon Restriction Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to review or work with the other coupons that are restricted from use with this coupon. Regardless of whether the coupons are order-level or detail-level, the system does not permit you to enter the two restricted coupons on the same order, even on separate order detail lines.

Coupon restrictions are reciprocal: The system creates coupon restrictions reciprocally. For example, when you create a coupon restriction for COUPA against COUPB, the system automatically creates a coupon restriction for COUPB against COUPA. If you try to enter COUPA on the same order as COUPB, or vice versa, the system displays an error message:

Coupon may not be used with a conflicting coupon.

You cannot advance to this screen for a coupon that does not the Coupon restriction field selected; instead, the system displays an error message:

No coupon restriction for this coupon.

How to display this screen: Select Coupon restriction for a coupon at the Work with Coupon Promotion Screen.



Coupon code

The coupon code with the coupon restriction.

Alphanumeric, 6 positions; display-only.

Coupon description

The description of the coupon.

Alphanumeric, 45 positions; display-only.

Restricted coupon code

The coupon that is restricted against use with this coupon.

Alphanumeric, 6 positions; optional.

Restricted coupon description

The description of the restricted coupon.

Alphanumeric, 45 positions; display-only.



Create a coupon restriction

Select Create to advance to the Create Coupon Restriction Screen.

Delete a coupon restriction

Select Delete for a coupon restriction to delete it.

Create Coupon Restriction Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to restrict this coupon from use on the same order with another coupon.

Coupon restrictions are reciprocal: The system creates coupon restrictions reciprocally, and the restriction works only as long as you do not remove the restriction for one coupon or another. For example, when you create a coupon restriction for COUPA against COUPB, the system automatically creates a coupon restriction for COUPB against COUPA. If you try to enter COUPA on the same order or detail line as COUPB, or vice versa, the system displays an error message:

Coupon may not be used with a conflicting coupon.

How to display this screen: Select Create at the Work with Coupon Restriction Screen.

Completing this screen: Enter the coupon code to restrict from use with the current coupon. The system creates a restriction for the current coupon against the entered coupon, and for the entered coupon against the current coupon. If the coupon restriction already exists, the system displays an error message:

Coupon Restriction already exists.

Work with Coupon Item Requirement Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to review and work with the item requirement(s) for a coupon:

If you specify a single item:

- order-level coupons: the item must be included on the order; in this case, the coupon discount applies only to the required item

- detail-level coupons: the item must be on the selected order detail line

If you specify more than one item:

- order-level coupons: all of the items must be on the order; in this case, the coupon discount applies only to the required items

- detail-level coupons: you cannot specify more than one item

If the order or detail line does not meet the item requirement(s), the system displays an error message when you enter the coupon:

Coupon item requirement(s) have not been met.

You cannot advance to this screen for a coupon that does not have an item requirement, based on the Item requirement field; instead, the system displays an error message:

No item requirement for this coupon.

How to display this screen: Select Item requirement for a coupon at the Work with Coupon Promotion Screen.



Coupon code

The coupon code with the item requirement.

Alphanumeric, 6 positions; display-only.

Coupon description

The description of the coupon.

Alphanumeric, 45 positions; display-only.


The required item.

Alphanumeric, 12 positions; optional.


The item’s unique characteristics, such as its color or size.

Note: If you leave the SKU field blank for a SKU’d item, the coupon applies to any SKU for the item.

Alphanumeric, three 4-position fields; optional.


The description of the SKU (SKU’d item) or the item (non-SKU’d item).

Alphanumeric, 40 positions; display-only.



Create an item requirement

Select Create to advance to the Create Coupon Item Requirement Screen.

Delete an item requirement

Select Delete for an item requirement to delete it.

Create Coupon Item Requirement Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to create an item requirement:

If you specify a single item:

- order-level coupons: the item must be included on the order; in this case, the coupon discount applies only to the required item

- detail-level coupons: the item must be on the selected order detail line

If you specify more than one item:

- order-level coupons: all of the items must be on the order; in this case, the coupon discount applies only to the required items

- detail-level coupons: you cannot specify more than one item

If the order or detail line does not meet the item requirement(s), the system displays an error message when you enter the coupon:

Coupon item requirement(s) have not been met.

How to display this screen: Select Create at the Work with Coupon Item Requirement Screen.

Completing this screen: Enter the code representing the item that should be required for the coupon. If the item is SKU’d, you can enter the SKU information to restrict the coupon to that specific SKU; or, you can leave the SKU information blank so that all SKUs are eligible for the coupon.

If you try to create more than one item requirement for a detail-level coupon, the system displays an error message:

Only 1 item requirement allowed for detail level coupon.

If you enter an item that already has an item requirement for the coupon, the system displays an error message:

Coupon Item already exists.

Work with Coupon Item Restriction Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to review or work with items that are restricted from percentage coupon discounts under the following conditions:

order-level coupons: the discount does not apply to the restricted item; however, the restricted item price is included in the order total for the purposes of evaluating the Minimum order $ amt. When you apply an order-level percentage coupon to an order with a restricted item, the system displays an error message: At least one item is restricted from this coupon. If all of the items on the order are restricted, the system displays an error message: % discount not allowed.

detail-level coupons: you cannot apply a coupon to the restricted item; instead, the system displays an error message: % discount not allowed. However, you can apply a detail-level dollar discount to a restricted item.

How to display this screen: Select Item restriction at the Work with Coupon Promotion Screen.




The item that is restricted from percentage discount.

Alphanumeric, 12 positions; optional.


The item’s unique characteristics, such as its color or style.

Note: If the item has SKUs, but the base item displays here without any SKU information, then all SKUs of the item are restricted from percentage discounts.

Alphanumeric, three 4-position fields; optional.


The description of the SKU (SKU’d item) or item (non-SKU’d item).

Alphanumeric, 45 positions; display-only.



Create an item restriction

Select Create to advance to the Create Coupon Item Restriction Screen.

Delete an item restriction

Select Delete for an item restriction to delete it.

Create Coupon Item Restriction Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to specify items that are restricted from percentage coupon discounts under the following conditions:

order-level coupons: the discount does not apply to the restricted item; however, the restricted item price is included in the order total for the purposes of evaluating the Minimum order $ amt. When you apply an order-level percentage coupon to an order with a restricted item, the system displays an error message: At least one item is restricted from this coupon. If all of the items on the order are restricted, the system displays an error message: % discount not allowed.

detail-level coupons: you cannot apply a coupon to the restricted item; instead, the system displays an error message: % discount not allowed. However, you can apply a detail-level dollar discount to a restricted item.

How to display this screen: Select Create at the Work with Coupon Item Restriction Screen.

Completing this screen: Enter the item and, optionally, the SKU to restrict from percentage discounts. If the item has SKUs and you do not enter any SKU information, then all SKUs of the item will be restricted as described above.

If you enter an item that already has a restriction, the system displays an error message:

Coupon Item Restriction already exists.

WCPR OROMS 16.0 December 2016 OTN