Order Type Summary Report

Purpose: This report displays order information summarized by order type for orders that were entered within the date range you entered on the Order Type Summary Screen.

Which orders are included? The report includes order information only for orders whose Order status in the Order Header table is blank (Open), H (Held), X (Closed), or C (Cancelled). The date range you entered on the Order Type Summary screen determines which orders are selected for the report.

How to print: Enter a date range on the Order Type Summary Screen and select Submit.

For more information: See the sample report in PDF format.

Note: This report is also available as a .csv (comma-separated value) file, which you can open in a spreadsheet application such as Microsoft Excel®. See Reports Available in CSV (Spreadsheet) Format for more information.

Contents: A separate line prints on this report for each order type associated with orders entered within the date range you entered on the Order Type Summary screen. Order information displays on this report in ascending order type sequence.

Start date: The date entered in the Start date field on the Order Type Summary screen. The report includes orders whose Order date in the Order Header table falls within the specified date range.

End date: The date entered in the End date field on the Order Type Summary screen. The report includes orders whose Order date in the Order Header table falls within the specified date range.

Order Type: The code and description of an order type associated with one or more orders that were entered within the specified date range. From Order type in the Order Header table and Description in Order Type table.

# Orders: The number of orders entered within the specified date range for the order type. This is the sum of the qualifying records in the Order Header table that are associated with the specified order type for the selected date range. Note:

- Multi-recipient orders count as a single order regardless of whether the recipient order was added during order entry or order maintenance.

- This number includes cancelled orders, regardless of whether the cancel reason code used reduces demand.

# Lines: The total number of order lines on the orders entered within the specified date range for the order type. This is the sum of the qualifying records in the Order Detail table that are associated with the specified order type for the selected date range. Note:

- This number does not include orders cancelled using a cancel reason code that reduces demand.

- This number includes main set items as well as each component item.

# Units: The total number of units on the orders entered within the specified date range for the order type. This is the sum of the Qty ordered in the Order Detail table for the selected orders. Note:

- This total does not include orders cancelled using a cancel reason code that reduces demand.

- This total includes main set items as well as each component item.

Merch $: The total merchandise dollars on the orders entered within the specified date range for the order type. This is the sum of the Qty ordered x Price in the Order Detail table for the selected orders. Note: This total does not include orders cancelled using a cancel reason code that reduces demand.

Avg $: The average merchandise dollars on the orders entered within the specified date range for the order type. The system uses the following calculation to determine the Avg $: Merch $ for the order type / # Orders for the order type = Avg $ for the order type.

Avg Lns: The average number of lines on the orders entered within the specified date range for the order type. The system uses the following calculation to determine the Avg Lns: # Lines for the order type / # Orders for the order type = Avg Lns for the order type.

% Orders: The percentage of all orders entered within the specified date range that are associated with this order type. The system uses the following calculation to determine the % Orders: # Orders for this order type / Total # Orders for all order types x 100 = % Orders.

% Dollars: The percentage of all merchandise dollars entered within the specified date range that are associated with this order type. The system uses the following calculation to determine the % Dollars: Merch $ for this order type / Total Merch $ for all order types x 100 = % Dollars.

Totals: Totals across all order types:

- Total # Orders: The number of orders entered within the specified date range across all order types. This is the sum of the # Orders across all order types.

- Total # Lines: The total number of order lines on the orders entered within the specified date range across all order types. This is the sum of the # Lines across all order types.

- Total # Units: The total number of units on the orders entered within the specified date range across all order types. This is the sum of the # Units across all order types.

- Total Merch $: The total merchandise dollars on the orders entered within the specified date range across all order types. This is the sum of the Merch $ across all order types.

- Total Avg $: The average merchandise dollars on the orders entered within the specified date range across all order types. This is the sum of the Avg $ across all order types.

- Total Avg Lns: The average number of lines on the orders entered within the specified date range across all order types. This is the sum of the Avg Lns across all order types.

CS06_09r OROMS 16.0 December 2016 OTN