Refund Due List

How to print: Complete the Print Refund Due List Screen.

The following reports are generated, based on the By refund type and By order # check boxes on the Print Refund Due List screen:

Refund Due List by Type. This report sorts refunds by refund type.

Refund Due List by Order #. This report sorts refunds by order number.

The Selection criteria drop down box on the Print Refund Due List Screen controls the type of refunds that display on the report.

All = The report includes all refunds, including balance dues and writeoffs.

Refunds Only = The report includes refunds, excluding balance dues and writeoffs. The text Refunds Only displays after the report title.

Balance Dues Only = The report includes balance dues only. The text Balance Dues Only displays after the report title.

Writeoffs Only = The report includes writeoffs only. The text Writeoffs Only displays after the report title.

Identifying a refund as balance due: The system considers a refund a balance due if the Refund reason field for the refund is set to B (Balance due).

Identifying a refund as a write off: The system considers a refund a write off if the Refund status field for the refund is set to W (Write off pending).

Note: If a refund is flagged as both a balance due and a write off, the write off setting will take precedence over the balance due setting. In this situation, if you select to generate the report for Balance Dues Only, the system will not include the refund on the report. If you select to generate the report for Writeoffs Only, the system will include the refund on the report.

Important: If you generate the Refund Due List during a time when refunds are being processed, the totals and amounts on the report may not tie out correctly because the refunds that were being processed at the time the report was generated will not be reflected accurately on the report. You should generate the Refund Due List during a time when refunds are not being processed.

Refund Due List by Type

The Refund Due List by Type report sorts refunds by bank and within bank, by refund type, status, order number, and refund sequence number. The report page breaks by bank and refund type. The system generates this report if you select the By refund type check box on the Print Refund Due List Screen.

For more information: See the sample report in PDF format.

Note: This report is also available as a spreadsheet file, which you can open in a spreadsheet application such as Microsoft Excel®. See Reports Available in Spreadsheet Format for more information.


Bank: The Refund Due List by Type sorts refunds by bank. If you process orders in multiple currencies, the bank code indicates the currency used on the order and to use for the refund. The bank code is linked to the division of the source code on the order. The default check number for refund checks is also defined in the Bank table.

The report includes subtotals by refund type and report totals for each bank in use on your system. If you do not process orders in multiple currencies, the bank code indicates the division and next check number only.

The dollar amount of each refund is presented on the Refund Due List, and throughout all functions related to refunds, in the currency on the order. The totals for each currency also appear on the report if you process orders in multiple currencies.

The Multi Currency by Offer (E03) system control value must be selected for you to process orders in multiple currencies.

Order #: The order number and ship to number associated with the refund.

Typ (Refund type): The Refund Due List by Type sorts refunds by the following refund types:

Refund Type



Credit card credit




Stored value card

A page break separates each refund type on the report.

Sts (Pending refund status): The report provides totals for each refund type broken out by the refund's pending status (the action to be taken on the order when you process refunds). Valid status types are:

Refund Status





Cancel pending




Writeoff pending

Amount (Refund amount): The dollar amount to be refunded. A negative sign indicates a balance due the customer. An asterisk after the amount indicates the refund has been flagged for Credit Card Net Exchange Billing.

Ref date (Refund date): The date the transaction that resulted in a refund occurred.

Man hld (Manual hold): Indicates whether the refund is on hold. A refund may be on hold because you placed it on hold through Work with Refunds (WREF), or the system placed the refund on hold because the refund amount exceeds the maximum amount defined for the pay type.

- Y = The refund is on hold. Refunds on hold will not be processed when you process refunds (MREF).

- N = The refund is not on hold. The refund will be processed when you process refunds (MREF).

Hold until: The date when the system will release a refund from hold.

PT (Pay type): The pay type on the order associated with the refund.

DI (Deferred/Installment pay plan): The payment plan defined on the order. D indicates the order includes a deferred payment plan; I indicates the order includes an installment payment plan.

Customer #: The number here refers to the sold-to customer unless there is a bill-to customer associated with the order producing the refund; in this case, this is the bill-to customer number.

Sold to net W/O$ (Sold to net write off dollars): The net writeoff amount accumulated for the customer. A positive amount represents a balance you owe the customer; a negative amount represents a balance the customer owes you. This is the writeoff amount for the sold-to customer for the order.

Phone #: The sold-to or bill-to customer's phone number.

Current action: The action to be taken when the refund is processed. Possible actions are:

- Refund will be processed.

- Refund is on manual hold.

- Refund will be cancelled.

- Order Header is on hold.

Totals for type: The total number and dollar amount of refunds for the refund type, broken out by:

- Held: The number and dollar amount of refunds for the refund type that are held.

- Open: The number and dollar amount of refunds for the refund type that are open and will be processed.

- Cancel: The number and dollar amount of refunds for the refund type that will be cancelled.

- Writeoff: The number and dollar amount of refunds for the refund type that will be written off.

Final totals: Final totals by refund type (check, credit card, and stored value card) and status (held, open, cancel, and writeoff) appear for each bank. If you process orders in multiple currencies, the total by bank specifies the currency. The report provides final totals for each refund type and totals across all refund types. The system provides the number and dollar amount of refunds broken out by:

- Held: The number and dollar amount of refunds for the refund type and across all refund types that are held.

- Open: The number and dollar amount of refunds for the refund type and across all refund types that are open and will be processed.

- Cancel: The number and dollar amount of refunds for the refund type and across all refund types that will be cancelled.

- Writeoff: The number and dollar amount of refunds for the refund type and across all refund types that will be written off.

Refund Due List by Order #

The Refund Due List by Order # sorts refunds by bank and within bank, by order number and refund type. The report breaks by order, inserting an extra line after each order grouping. The report page breaks by bank.The system generates this report if you select the By order # check box on the Print Refund Due List Screen.

For more information: See the sample report in PDF format.

Note: This report is also available as a spreadsheet file, which you can open in a spreadsheet application such as Microsoft Excel®. See Reports Available in Spreadsheet Format for more information.


Bank: The Refund Due List by Order Number sorts refunds by bank only if you process orders in multiple currencies. If you process orders in multiple currencies, the bank code indicates the currency used on the order and to use for the refund. The bank code is linked to the division of the source code on the order. The default check number for refund checks is also defined in the Bank table.

The report includes subtotals by refund type and report totals for each bank in use on your system. If you do not process orders in multiple currencies, the bank code indicates the division and next check number only.

The dollar amount of each refund is presented on the Refund Due List, and throughout all functions related to refunds, in the currency on the order. The totals for each currency also appear on the report if you process orders in multiple currencies.

The Multi Currency by Offer (E03) system control value must be selected for you to process orders in multiple currencies.

Order #: The order number and ship to number associated with the refund.

Typ (Refund type): The Refund Due List by Type sorts refunds by the following refund types:

Refund Type



Credit card credit




Stored value card

A page break separates each refund type on the report.

Sts (Refund status): The report provides totals for each refund type broken out by the refund's pending status (the action to be taken on the order when you process refunds). Valid status types are:

Refund Status





Cancel pending




Writeoff pending

Amount (Refund amount): The dollar amount to be refunded. A negative sign indicates a balance due the customer. An asterisk after the amount indicates the refund has been flagged for Credit Card Net Exchange Billing.

Ref date (Refund date): The date the transaction that resulted in a refund occurred.

Man hld (Manual hold): Indicates whether the refund is on hold. A refund may be on hold because you placed it on hold through Work with Refunds (WREF), or the system placed the refund on hold because the refund amount exceeds the maximum amount defined for the pay type.

- Y = The refund is on hold. Refunds on hold will not be processed when you process refunds (MREF).

- N = The refund is not on hold. The refund will be processed when you process refunds (MREF).

Hold until: The date when the system will release a refund from hold.

PT (Pay type): The pay type on the order associated with the refund.

DI (Deferred/Installment pay plan): The payment plan defined on the order. D indicates the order includes a deferred payment plan; I indicates the order includes an installment payment plan.

Customer #: The number here refers to the sold-to customer unless there is a bill-to customer associated with the order producing the refund; in this case, this is the bill-to customer number.

Sold to net W/O $ (Sold to net write off dollars): The net writeoff amount accumulated for the customer. A positive amount represents a balance you owe the customer; a negative amount represents a balance the customer owes you. This is the writeoff amount for the sold-to customer for the order.

Phone #: The sold-to or bill-to customer's phone number.

Current action: The action to be taken when the refund is processed. Possible actions are:

- Refund will be processed.

- Refund is on manual hold.

- Refund will be cancelled.

- Order Header is on hold.

Final totals: Final totals by refund type (check, credit card, and stored value card) and status (held, open, cancel, and writeoff) appear for each bank. If you process orders in multiple currencies, the total by bank specifies the currency. The report provides final totals for each refund type and totals across all refund types. The system provides the number and dollar amount of refunds broken out by:

- Held: The number and dollar amount of refunds for the refund type and across all refund types that are held.

- Open: The number and dollar amount of refunds for the refund type and across all refund types that are open and will be processed.

- Cancel: The number and dollar amount of refunds for the refund type and across all refund types that will be cancelled.

- Writeoff: The number and dollar amount of refunds for the refund type and across all refund types that will be written off.

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