Refund Check

Purpose: You might generate a refund check if a customer paid for an order by cash or check and if an item was sold out or backordered.

The Refund Check Print Program (D23) system control value identifies the refund check print program to use. The standard non-graphical print program for printing refund checks is REFCHECK. The standard graphical print program for printing refund checks is REFCHECKG.

How to print: Complete the Process Refunds Screen (MREF) with the Generate refund checks field selected.

Working with forms: See Forms Management (My Forms) for information on displaying or printing refund checks and other forms.

Sample refund checks: See the non-graphical sample refund check and the graphical sample refund check.


Check stub: The top portion of the page represents the check stub.

order number and ship-to number

order message: Up to three lines of messages (flagged as Check Cust Msg at the Work with Order Messages screen; see Reviewing Order-Level Properties). If you reprint a check, the same messages will appear on the reprint unless you change them through order messages.

check number: Refund check number.

refund amount: The amount of the refund. The tax amount included in the refund amount is based on the tax rate that was effective when the item was shipped.

Check: The bottom portion of the page represents the refund check itself.

refund date: the date the refund check was generated.

check number: Refund check number. The check number on the check itself is followed by an asterisk (*) if this is a reprint. There is no asterisk next to the check number on the stub.

Note: The refund amount is spelled out alphanumerically above the customer name and address if the Print Alpha $ Amount on Refund Check (E30) system control value is selected.

refund amount: The amount of the refund. The tax amount included in the refund amount is based on the tax rate that was effective when the item was shipped.

customer name and address: The sold-to customer name and address appears here unless there is a bill-to customer associated with the order; in this case, the bill-to customer name and address is indicated. The name and address includes the:

- prefix, first name, last name

- company

- address line 1

- city, state, postal code

Note: The country does not print on the refund check.

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