Removing Offers and Items from Download (ERMV)

Purpose: Use this menu option to discontinue generating periodic updates to the web storefront for selected items, SKUs, or offers when the Generate E-Commerce Offer Tables (M29) system control value is selected.

E-commerce extract tables: When you run periodic updates to the web storefront about items and their availability, the system checks two extract tables to determine whether this is an item/SKU and offer featured on the web storefront. The extract tables are:

• E-Comm Item Extract (ECITEX): includes information on items in offers that have been selected for download through Downloading E-Commerce Offer Files (EOFR), and tracks whether the item or its SKUs have been changed.

• E-Comm SKU Extract (ECSKEX): includes information on all SKUs of items that are in the E-Comm Item Extract table.

If the system finds a record in either of these tables, this indicates that you sell the item/SKU on your web storefront, so the system should include them when extracting updates.

Remove Offers and Items from Download Screen

Use this screen to indicate the offer, item, or item/SKU to remove from the e-commerce extract tables in order to prevent related information from being included in future updates.

Note: The Get Orders from E-Commerce (G35) system control value must be selected in order for you to remove offer, item, or item/SKU information from the e-commerce extract tables.

How to display this screen: Select Remove Offers and Items from Download from a menu, or enter (ERMV) in the Fast path field at the top of any menu.




The offer to remove from the extract tables in order to discontinue sending updates to the web storefront. Your entry is validated against the Offer table; see Working with Offers (WOFR) for more information.

Updates: The submitted job removes each entry for this offer from the E-Comm Item Extract table (ECITEX). If there are no additional entries in the E-Comm Item Extract table for other offers, and if this is a SKU’d item, the submitted job also removes each SKU from the E-Comm SKU Extract table (ECSKEX). See the examples below for more information.

Note: You cannot enter both offer and item information.

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; optional.


The item to remove from the extract tables in order to discontinue sending updates to the web storefront. Your entry is validated against the Item table; see Performing Initial Item Entry (MITM) for more information. You can specify to remove all SKUs for an item by completing this field and leaving the SKU field blank, or you can identify a specific SKU to remove.

Updates: The submitted job removes each entry for this item from the E-Comm Item Extract table (ECITEX). If you also enter a SKU for this item, then the submitted job removes just this SKU from the E-Comm SKU Extract table (ECSKEX); otherwise, if the SKU field is blank, the submitted job removes all SKUs for the item from the E-Comm SKU Extract table.

Note: You cannot enter both offer and item information.

Alphanumeric, 12 positions; optional.


The particular SKU to remove from the extract tables in order to discontinue sending updates to the web storefront. Your entry is validated against the SKU table; see Performing Initial Item Entry (MITM) for more information.

You can enter the Item and leave this field blank in order to remove all SKUs.

Updates: The submitted job removes the SKU from the E-Comm SKU Extract table (ECSKEX). If there are no additional SKUs for the item left in this table, the submitted job also removes each entry for the item from the E-Comm Item Extract table (ECITEX).

Alphanumeric, three 4-position fields; optional.

Completing this screen:

• Enter the Offer to remove from the extract tables in order to discontinue sending updates; or,

• Enter the Item to remove from the extract tables in order to discontinue sending updates. Optionally, you can also specify a SKU if you enter an Item to delete just a particular SKU.

• Click OK. The system displays the Confirm Delete window.

If you click OK at this window, the system submits the ECOM_RMV job. This job deletes the specified records from the E-Comm Item Extract table (ECITEX) and the E-Comm SKU Extract table (ECSKEX).




Specify an offer to delete. A SKUed item is assigned to this offer and no other offers in the E-Comm Item Extract table.

Example: Offer S05 is no longer effective, so you no longer want to send updates on item/SKUs for that offer.

E-Comm Item Extract table update: Removes Item/Offer record

E-Comm SKU Extract table update: Removes all SKUs

Specify an offer to delete. A SKUed item is assigned to this offer and another offer in the E-Comm Item Extract table.

Example: Offer S05 is no longer effective, but you are continuing to sell some of the same items, including AB1234 in offer F05.

E-Comm Item Extract table update: Removes Item/Offer record for S05, but leaves Item/Offer record for F05

E-Comm SKU Extract table update: No changes to SKUs for AB1234.

Specify the base item of a SKUed item to delete. The SKUed item is assigned to two offers in the E-Comm Item Extract table.

Example: You are no longer selling item CD2345 this year in any offer.

E-Comm Item Extract table update: Removes all records for CD2345

E-Comm SKU Extract table update: Removes all SKUs

Specify a single SKU to delete. There are additional SKUs remaining in this offer in the E-Comm Item Extract table.

Example: You are no longer selling item DE4567 in orange, although other colors are still available for sale in the same offer.

E-Comm Item Extract table update: No change

E-Comm SKU Extract table update: Deletes this particular SKU

Specify a single SKU to delete. Although this is the only SKU for the item assigned to a particular offer, other SKUs for the same item are assigned to a different offer in the E-Comm Item Extract table.

Example: Item EF4567 in green is no longer available in your clearance offer, but other colors of the item are still available in your regular offer.

E-Comm Item Extract table update: No change (Item/SKU offer remains)

E-Comm SKU Extract table update: Deletes SKU

Specify a single SKU to delete. This is the last remaining SKU for an item in the E-Comm Item Extract table.

Example: You included item FG5678 in purple in your clearance offer, but this item is no longer available in any color in any remaining offers.

E-Comm Item Extract table update: Deletes the Item/Offer record

E-Comm SKU Extract table update: Deletes the SKU

ERMV OROMS 17.0 2018 OTN