Pack Slip

Important: This report is not currently implemented. When you generate this report, the system prints a generic document with the following information:

The requested document is not currently implemented: PICKPACK

Purpose: You can use the pack slip to include a listing of the items packed within a particular carton. The pack slip can be especially useful for shipments that you pack into multiple cartons.

How to print: Complete packing a carton at the Pick Pack Verification Screen and accept your entries to generate a pack slip, provided the Pack Slip Print Program (K32) system control value specifies a valid program name and the Print pack slip flag is selected at the Completed Carton window. If you pack the pick slip contents into two or more cartons, you have the option to print the pack slip for each carton.

Note: The pack slip opens in a separate browser window while you are working in pick pack verification; it is not necessary to go to the Forms Management screen to view or print it.

Sample pack slips: See the graphical pack slip sample and the non-graphical pack slip sample . These samples were produced with the Pack Slip Print Program (K32) system control value set to PICKPACKG (graphical) and PICKPACK (non-graphical).

Note: The information included on the graphical and non-graphical pack slips is the same; however, the graphical version also includes elements such as field labels, the company or entity logo, and text boxes to highlight the printed information.

Working with forms: See Forms Management (My Forms) for background on forms.


Note: The information presented here is included on your pack slip only if your print program supports it. The Pack Slip Print Program (K32) system control value identifies the pack slip printing program to use.

Header information:


• Logo (graphical pack slip only). You can include a company logo or an entity logo. See Setting Up Company Logos for Forms and the Print Entity Image (K35) system control value for background and setup information.

Important: Company and entity logos on forms is not currently implemented.

Ordered By: Sold-to name and address, including:

- Company

- First name, middle initial, last name

- Address line 1

- Apartment (prints next to address line 1)

- Address line 2 (lines 3 and 4 do not print)

- City, state, postal code

- Country (The country description prints only if you are shipping to a country other than the default specified in the Default Country for Customer Address (B17) system control value.)

Ship To: Ship-to name and address, including:

- Company

- First name, middle initial, last name

- Address line 1

- Apartment (prints next to address line 1)

- Address line 2 (lines 3 and 4 do not print)

- City, state, postal code

- Country (The country description prints only if you are shipping to a country other than the default specified in the Default Country for Customer Address (B17) system control value.)


Customer #: A unique number identifying the sold-to customer who placed the order. Prints below the ship-to name and address.


• Up to four lines of order messages print below the customer #. Only message lines flagged as Print as gift message; Print on both; and Print on pick are included.


Date of order: The order date from the order header. May differ from the Enter date.

Purchase order number: The purchase order number, if any, from the order header.

Customer number: A unique number identifying the sold-to customer who placed the order.

Order number: A unique number to identify the order. Does not include the ship-to number.

Page number: A unique number to identify the pack slip page number.


Line number: Identifies the line number of the item on the pack slip only; this line number does not correspond to the order detail line number or the pick detail line number

Items shipped: The total unit quantity of the item/SKU packed in the carton. If there are multiple detail lines for the item/SKU on the pick slip that have been packed in this carton, they are consolidated into a single line on the pack slip.

Item number: A code that represents a unit of inventory. The SKU code is included on the following line if the item is SKU’d. The item may have been ordered using a different item number if it is part of a set, or if it was ordered by alias. Set master items are also listed. Non-inventory items are included if the Scan Non-Inventory Items (K34) system control value is selected.

Description: The description of the item. The description of the SKU is included on the following line if the item is SKU’d.

Unit price: The amount the customer pays for each unit of the item. No prices are listed for gift orders; for no-charge items, such as free gifts and set components, the unit price indicated is $0.00.

Extension: The unit price times the shipped quantity.

Note: The pack slip does not include any order totals except for the extended order line price.

Information repeated on additional pages: If the pack slip flows to more than one page, the logo, order number, order date, order messages, sold-to name and address, and ship-to name and address repeat at the top of each subsequent page.


Additional information included on the pack slip:

• Order line messages: Any order-line messages entered for the order line are included on the pack slip. Item or SKU comments are not included.

• Special handling description: If an order line included any special handling instructions, the description of the additional charge code associated with the special handling format is listed below the item. If the shipment included multiple order lines for the same item but with different special handling formats, just the description for the first special handling format is listed.

• The message ** ADDITIONAL ITEMS SHIPPED IN SEPARATE CARTONS ** prints at the bottom of the pack slip if additional items from the same pick slip are packed separately

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