Inventory Usage Report

How to print: Complete the Print Inventory Usage Report Screen.

For more information: See the sample report in PDF format.

Note: This report is also available as a .csv (comma-separated value) file, which you can open in a spreadsheet application such as Microsoft Excel®. See Reports Available in CSV (Spreadsheet) Format for more information.


Selection criteria:

Date Range: The Start Date and End Date you entered at the Print Inventory Usage Report Screen. The report includes items and SKUs that were shipped or returned during this date range.

Warehouse: The warehouse where the shipments or returns occurred. The warehouse is included only if you selected a Warehouse at the Print Inventory Usage Report Screen, and in this situation the totals reflect activity and inventory status within that warehouse only; otherwise, the report includes items and SKU’s that were shipped or returned during the date range regardless of the warehouse where the shipment or return occurred, and the Current Inventory Status includes totals across all allocatable warehouses. As a result, drop shipments are not included on the report if you select a warehouse; however, it is possible that returns of drop ship items are included if you receive the return into a warehouse and it affects inventory.

Report details: For each item or SKU that has been shipped or returned during the date range, and within the selected warehouse, if any:

T (type): Indicates a special type of item:

- C: Component. The Shipped, Returns, and Net Qty listed for the item or SKU include orders where the item was shipped or returned as a component of a set rather than as a stand-alone item. When an item or SKU has shipment or return activity as a set component, there are three lines for the item on the report: the first includes the Current Inventory Status fields, the Rcvd quantity, and the Shipped, Returns, and Net Qty for the item on orders where the item was not a set component; these three totals will be zero if you never sell the item as a stand-alone. The second line includes just the component totals, but does not include the inventory status. Finally, there is a Total line, providing the Shipped, Returns, and Net Qty for all orders where the item was shipped or returned, including orders where the item was part of set and orders where it was a stand-alone item. See Entering Set Information (WSET) for background.

Note: For the purposes of this report, variable set components are treated like ordinary items, and the variable set itself is not listed.

- D: Drop Ship. The item was sent as a drop shipment directly from a vendor rather than shipping from a warehouse. Drop shipments are not included in the report when you specify a warehouse as a selection criterion, since the shipment is not associated with a warehouse. If you do not keep a drop ship item in a warehouse or receive returns in a warehouse, the Current Inventory Status totals are all zero. Also, if the Create Item Transaction History for Non-Inventory Items (E39) system control value is unselected, the system does not track inventory history for drop ship items, and they are not ordinarily included in the report unless you receive returns into a warehouse and select the Update Inventory option.

- F: Finished Good. Before you can sell any units of the item, you must first create them through an M (make finished good) inventory transaction, which assembles it from its component items. Once the finished good is created, the report treats it as it would any regular item you keep in inventory, and the shipment and return totals for the components that made up the finished good item are not broken out separately on the report and flagged with a type of C. See Entering Finished Goods Information (WFGD) for background.

- M: Membership. The item you use to charge a customer for a membership program and create the customer membership. If the membership item is not an inventory item, the Current Inventory Status totals are typically all zero, unless you process a return for the membership item and select the Update Inventory option. Also, if the Create Item Transaction History for Non-Inventory Items (E39) system control value is unselected, and the membership item is not an inventory item, it is not included on the report. See Membership Overview for background on membership items.

- S: Set. The set main item that you use to add the set components to an order. Since the set main item is not an actual inventoried item, its Current Inventory Status totals are all zero; however, the Shipped and Returns totals do include set main items in addition to the component items. For example, if you ship one unit of item SET100, consisting of one each of component items A100, B100, and C100, the Shipped totals for the set and the component items are each 1, and the total quantity added to the shipped total on the report is 4. Also, if the Create Item Transaction History for Non-Inventory Items (E39) system control value is unselected, and the set main item is not included on the report; only the components are included. See Working with Sets for background on sets.

- If this field is blank: The item is not a drop ship item, membership item, set main item, or finished good, and the shipment and return totals indicated on this line of the report do not include any orders where the item was sold as a set component.

Item: The code identifying an item that was shipped or returned.

SKU: The item’s distinguishing characteristics, such as its color and size.

Description: The description of the item. May be truncated to fewer positions based on the total width of the characters. This is the item description, even for SKU’d items; the SKU description does not print.

Current Inventory Status: The following fields reflect the item or SKU’s inventory status as of the date and time when you generated the report, rather than the selected date range. The totals are based on the inventory on the selected warehouse only if you selected a warehouse at the Print Inventory Usage Report Screen.

Note: The Current Inventory Status totals are normally zero for items you do not actually stock in inventory, such as set master items, non-inventory items (including subscription items, or membership items if they are flagged as non-inventory), and drop ship items. Also, these totals are blank on report lines flagged with a type of C, indicating that the Shipped, Returns, and Net Qty totals for the item represent orders where the item was sold as a component of a set.

- O/H (on-hand quantity): The total quantity on-hand in all warehouses, or in the selected warehouse, as of the date and time when you generated the report. An on-hand quantity up to 9,999,999 can display on this report.

- Avail (available quantity): The quantity of this item or SKU currently available to sell in all allocatable warehouses, or in the selected warehouse, as of the date and time when you generated the report. An available quantity up to 9,999,999 can display on this report. This quantity includes only reservable locations, not locations defined as defective or return-to-vendor. Item availability is calculated as follows: On hand - Protected - Reserved - Reserve Transfer - Backordered = Quantity available

- Reserve (reserved quantity): The total quantity reserved for orders in all warehouses, or in the selected warehouse, as of the date and time when you generated this report. A reserved quantity up to 9,999,999 can display on this report.

- Prot (protected quantity): The unit quantity of this item/SKU protected from reservation. The system does not reserve this inventory except through Working with Interactive Reservation (MIRV), which you might use for large wholesale orders or preferred mail order customers. Protected quantity is included in on-hand quantity. This quantity is also protected from being used to replenish another warehouse. A protected quantity up to 9,999,9 can display on this report.

- B/O (backorder quantity): The total quantity ordered but not available across all warehouses, or in the selected warehouse, as of the date and time when you generated this report. A backorder quantity up to 9,999,999 can display on this report.

Rcvd (quantity received): The total quantity of the item received into all warehouses on purchase orders, or in the selected warehouse, during the selected date range. A quantity received up to 9,999,999 can display on this report.

Shipped: The total quantity of the item shipped to customers from all warehouses, or in the selected warehouse, during the date range. A shipped quantity up to 999,999,999 can display on this report.

Returns: The total quantity of the item received in returns from customers into all warehouses, or in the selected warehouse, during the selected date range. If you process returns using a separate step for creation, receipt, and credit of the return, the system updates this total when you create the return authorization. See Introducing Return Authorizations (WRTA) for background. A return quantity up to 999,999,999 can display on this report.

Net Qty (net quantity): The shipped quantity of the item (Shipped) minus the returned quantity (Returns). A net quantity up to 999,999,999 can display on this report.

Total for item: The total quantity shipped and returned, and the net quantity shipped minus returns, on orders where the item is sold as a stand-alone item or as a component of a set. These totals are always included whenever an item has been shipped or returned as a component of a set during the selected date range, even if you do not sell the item as a stand-alone item.

Final Totals:

- Rcvd (quantity received): The total quantity of all items received into all warehouses on purchase orders, or in the selected warehouse, during the selected date range.

- Shipped: The total quantity of all items shipped to customers from all warehouses, or in the selected warehouse, during the date range.

- Returns: The total quantity of all items received in returns from customers into all warehouses, or in the selected warehouse, during the selected date range.

- Net Qty (net quantity): The shipped quantity of all items (Shipped) minus the returned quantity (Returns).

ME12_09r OROMS 16.0 December 2016 OTN