Printing Item Stock Status Reports (MISS)

Purpose: The Print Item Stock Status Report function is used to create, delete, and display status reports for item stock.

In this chapter:

Work with Report Selection Screen (MISS)

Create Report Selection Screen (MISS)

Item Report Selection Screen (MISS)

Item Stock Status Save Options Screen

Item Stock Status Report

Display Stock Status Report Options Screen

Work with Report Selection Screen (MISS)

How to display this screen: Enter MISS in the Fast Path field at the top of any menu.




The name of the report.

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; optional.


The description of the report.

Alphanumeric, 40 positions; optional.


The last date the report was printed or the report selection was updated.

Numeric, 6 position (in user date format); optional.


The last time the report was printed or the report selection was updated.

Numeric, 6 positions (HHMMSS format); optional.

Screen Option


Create a report selection

Select Create to advance to the Create Report Selection Screen (MISS).

Define and save report selections

Select a report selection to advance to the Item Report Selection Screen (MISS).

Display report selections

Select Display for a report selection to advance to the Display Stock Status Report Options Screen.

Create Report Selection Screen (MISS)

Purpose: Use this screen to define the name and description of the report selection.

How to display this screen: At the Work with Report Selection Screen (MISS), Select Create.




The name of the report selection which is used for future reference. The selection criteria are saved to the Item Report Selection table with this name the first time the report is run. In the future, you can call up these selection criteria by entering this report name.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; optional.


The description of the report selection which is used for future reference. If the report selection is saved, the report description is displayed on the selection screen, provided you choose to list all of the previously saved report selections.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; optional.

Item Report Selection Screen (MISS)

Purpose: Use this screen to define the information that will be included on the report. For example, to produce a report for items in Warehouse 1 that were supplied by vendor's 100 and 200 you would define the warehouse and vendor fields at this screen.

How to display this screen: At the Work with Report Selection Screen (MISS), select a report.

Field descriptions:



Whs (Warehouse)

A code that represents the warehouse, validated against the Warehouse table. See Creating and Maintaining Warehouses (WWHS).

Numeric, 3 positions; optional.

Dept (Department)

A numeric code used to group items into departments for reporting purposes. Validated against the Department table; see Working with Long SKU Departments (WLSD).

Numeric, 4 positions; optional.


A user-defined code that identifies a group of items. Item Class codes are used as a high level method to:

• sort inventory

• define information templates at the item class level

• assign city/state restrictions

• assign customer class restrictions

See Working with Item Classes (WICL).

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; optional.


A user-defined code that represents the primary vendor or supplier of the item. Validated against the Vendor table. See Working with Vendors (WVEN).

Numeric, 7 positions; optional.


A user-defined code that represents a person who is authorized to make purchases for this item. Validated against the Buyer table. See Working with Buyers (WBUY).

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; optional.

Cat (Category)

A user-defined code assigned to an item to classify and group like items. Item category is a level below the item class. Validated against the Item Category table. See Working with Item Category Codes (WITG).

Alphanumeric, 4 positions; optional.

Sts (Status)

A code that represents an item's status such as obsolete, discontinued, etc. This information is used for inventory reporting purposes only. See Working with Item Status (WIST).

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.

Item Stock Status Save Options Screen

Purpose: Once you have defined the report information, you are ready to save this information and to print the Item Stock Status Report.

How to display this screen: At the Item Report Selection Screen (MISS), Select OK.



Sort selection

The sort selection field specifies how the report will be sorted. You can use the prompt (click on the arrow) to view the list of available values.

Valid values:

• By Item Warehouse

• By Warehouse Item

• By Depart. Item Warehouse

• By Depart. Warehouse Item

• By Item Class Item Warehouse

• By Item Class Warehouse Item

• By Vendor Warehouse Item

• By Vendor Item Warehouse

• By Buyer Item Warehouse


• By Buyer Warehouse Item

• By Category Warehouse Item

• By Category Item Warehouse

• By Status Item Warehouse

• By Status Warehouse Item

• By Backorder $ Ascending

• By Backorder $ Descending

• By Backorder Units Descending

• By Backorder Units Ascending


Include on order

Selected = The on-order (purchase order) quantity should be included in the quantity available calculation on the Item Stock Status Report.

Unselected = The on-order quantity should not be included in the quantity available calculation on the Inventory Stock Status Report.

FIFO option

The FIFO option identifies whether the report should include held orders in the backorder calculation.

Valid values:

Both open and held orders

Open orders only


Selection option

Type the number associated with the option, as follows:

1. Print only = Prints the Item Stock Status Report and does not save your selections. You must select the sort option the next time you run this report.

2. Save only = Saves your selections, but does not print the report.

3. Save and print = Saves your selections and prints the report.

Numeric, 1 position; required.

Report function

Represents the system-assigned function name of the report that is run. As each report is selected and run, the system will update this field with the name of the report. You cannot change this field.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; display only.

Report code

The name of the report selection. The selection criteria is saved to the Item Report Selection table with this code.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; required.


The description of the report selection. If the report selection is saved, the report description is displayed on this screen.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; required.

Completing this screen: Based on your selection option, the system prints the Item Stock Status Report and/or saves your selections.

Display Stock Status Report Options Screen

Display a report selection: Select Display for a report at the Work with Report Selection Screen (MISS) to advance to the Display Report Selection screen. You cannot change any information on this screen. See Item Report Selection Screen (MISS) for field descriptions.

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