Reset SKU Open Order Quantity (MRSO)

Purpose: Use this menu option to reset the following fields in the SKU table based on the current open orders for the SKU:

SKU open quantity: the total number of units remaining to be shipped for all open order detail lines, including any quantity reserved and backordered, on open, held, or suspended orders, but excluding drop-ship items and future orders. The Display Item/Warehouse Information Screen displays this field as SKU: Open.

On hold quantity: the total number of units on held orders, excluding drop-ship items and future orders.

Quantity order drop ship: the total number of units on open, held, or suspended orders waiting to be drop-shipped, including future orders for drop-ship items. The Display Item/Warehouse Information Screen displays this field as Open D/S.

Future quantity: the total number of units on open, held, or suspended orders that have the Future order flag set to Y

Scheduling the reset: You can also run this reset using the Daily Inventory Reset periodic function (program name MSR0698); see How to Schedule a Job.

Quotes: Because the system does not reserve inventory for items on quotes, the Reset SKU Open Order Quantity process does not include quotes; see Entering Pre-Order Quotes for an overview.

Reset SKU Open Order Quantity Screen

How to display this screen: Enter MRSO in the Fast path field at the top of any menu, or select Reset SKU Open Order Quantity from a menu.

Completing this screen:


Select OK on the Reset SKU Open Order Quantity Screen. Select Confirm and then OK again to submit the reset.


The system submits the RSET_SKUOO job and calls the sp_reset_qty_quantities SQL stored procedure to perform the SKU Open Order Quantity Reset.


Regardless of whether there are any inventory transaction errors, the SKU Open Order Quantity Reset:

• Clears the Open quantity, On hold quantity, and Quantity order direct ship for all SKU records. Note: The On hold quantity is based on the Order Header status and not the Order Detail status.

• Resets the Open quantity, On hold quantity, and Quantity order direct ship for all SKU records by accumulating the quantities in open, held, and suspended Order Detail records.

• Resets the Future quantity for all SKU records by accumulating the quantities in open, held, and suspended Order Detail records with the Future order flag set to Y.

• Generates the Reset Audit Log for SKU Quantities.

The Order Detail open quantity is calculated as:

Quantity Open = (Quantity Ordered - Quantity Cancelled - Quantity Soldout - Quantity Shipped)


• The Open quantity in the SKU table includes held orders, which are also included in the Held quantity field in the SKU table.

• The Future quantity in the SKU table includes held orders, which are also included in the Held quantity field in the SKU table.

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