Experian Data Quality (EDQ) Address Validate API

Experian Data Quality (EDQ) Address Validate API, formerly known as the QAS Pro On Demand Service, allows you to retrieve address information from Experian’s Address Validate API to update an Order Management System address during interactive quote or order entry/maintenance, the order API, catalog requests, the customer API, and customer maintenance. The Address Validate API captures, cleans, maintains, and enhances address records and validates the address data against national postal authorities, such as the U.S. Postal Service. This is an on-demand, SaaS solution hosted by Experian Data Quality.

In this chapter:

EDQ Address Standardization Points

- Interactive Address Standardization

- Remote Address Standardization

EDQ Address Standardization Process

- Interactive Address Standardization Process Illustration

- Remote Address Standardization Process Illustration

- EDQ Address Standardization Process Flow

- Retaining Non-Address Information in Address Lines 1-4

- Apartment Triggers

- Address Matches Containing a Company, Building or Firm Name

EDQ Address Response Match Level

Address Examples

Match Level None Example

Match Level Verified Example

Match Level Interaction Required Example

Match Level Premise Partial Example

Match Level Street Partial Example

Match Level Multiple Example

Address Standardization: No Address Match Found Screen

Address Standardization: Verify Recommendation Screen

Address Standardization: Verify Apartment/Suite Number Screen

Address Standardization: Verify Street Number Screen

Address Standardization: Select from Multiple Addresses Screen

Address Standardization: Verify Recommendation (from Pick List) Screen

Communication Failures

- Web Service Failure Screen

EDQ Setup

EDQ Address Standardization Points

The system sends address information to EDQ for standardization when you create or update an address.

Note: The Order Management System integration with Experian Data Quality supports address standardization for United States and Canadian addresses; it does not support address standardization for European countries at this time.

Interactive Address Standardization

Remote Address Standardization

Logging: During processing, the system writes any messages to the Application Log if its Logging Level is set to INFO or lower.

Interactive Address Standardization

Order Entry/Maintenance: The system sends address information for standardization when you create or update the sold to address, bill to address, or any type of ship to address on the order including:

• quote entry.

• regular order entry.

• customer membership orders, including the customer membership recipient address and alternate shipping address.

Catalog Requests: The system sends address information for standardization when you create an address on a catalog request:

• created in the Work with Catalog Requests (WCAT) menu option.

• created during order entry/maintenance.

Sold To Customer Creation and Maintenance: The system sends address information for standardization when you create or update a sold to customer address in the Work with Customers (WCST) menu option.

Permanent Ship To Customer Creation and Maintenance: The system sends address information for standardization when you create or update a permanent ship to customer address in the Work with Customers (WCST) menu option.

Bill To Customer Creation and Maintenance: The system sends address information for standardization when you create or update a bill to customer address in the Work with Bill To Customers (WCBT) menu option or Work with Customers (WCST) menu option.

Remote Address Standardization

Order API: The system sends address information for standardization when you create or update the sold to address, bill to address, or ship to address on an order received through the Order API.

Note: The system will still send address information for standardization if the order contains the customer number instead of the customer name and address information, even if the existing customer address has already been previously cleansed.

Catalog Request Interface: The system sends address information for standardization when you create an address on a catalog request, including:

• catalog requests created using the E-Commerce Catalog Request Message (CWCatRequest); see E-Commerce Catalog Requests.

• catalog requests created through records that have been uploaded to the Catalog Request Interface table (IXCRIN); see Working with the Catalog Request Interface (WCRU).

Note: The system does not send address information for standardization when you update an address on the Change Catalog Request Screen in the Work with Catalog Request Interface (WCRU) menu option; when you submit the catalog request for processing at the Work with Catalog Request Interface Screen, the system will send the address information for cleansing.

Customer API: The system sends address information when you create or change a customer record through the Generic Customer API if the Perform Address Standardization in Customer API (I99) system control value is selected and you are using address standardization.

EDQ Address Standardization Process

Interactive Address Standardization Process Illustration

Remote Address Standardization Process Illustration

EDQ Address Standardization Process Flow

Interactive Address Standardization Process Illustration


Remote Address Standardization Process Illustration


EDQ Address Standardization Process Flow

The system determines if a Order Management System address requires standardization each time you create a new address or update the following fields on an existing address:

• Street address

• Apartment/Suite

• Address lines 2-4

• City

• State/Province code

• Postal code

• Country code

Address Standardization Requirements

In order to send an address for standardization the following requirements must be met.



The EDQ Address interface must be enabled

• If the Use QAS Address Interface (I67) system control value is selected, the system uses the EDQ integration.

• If the Use QAS Address Interface (I67) system control value is unselected, the system does not retrieve address information from EDQ and instead, retains the Order Management System address.

See EDQ Setup for additional information on the required setup for the EDQ integration.

A country ISO code must be defined for the address

Country ISO codes are codes representing the international standard code used to identify a country. When the system sends address information for validation and standardization, the system sends the Country ISO code defined for the country instead of the Country code as the country code defined for the address. For example, the country code for the United States may be US and the country ISO code may be USA.

The country ISO codes supplied by EDQ for Canada and the United States are CAN and USA. You can define a country ISO code for a country in the Work with Countries (WCTY) menu option.

• If a country ISO code is defined for the address, the system sends the address for standardization.

• If a country ISO code is not defined for the address, the system does not send the address for standardization.

Note: The Order Management System integration with EDQ supports address standardization for United States and Canadian addresses; it does not support address standardization for European countries at this time.

If the address is on an order, the order type must be eligible for standardization

• If the Address standardization field for the order type is selected, the order is eligible for address standardization and the system sends the address for standardization.

• If the Address standardization field for the order type is unselected, the order is not eligible for address standardization and the system retains the Order Management System address.

If the address meets the Address Standardization Requirements, the system sends the following address fields to EDQ:

• Street address

• Apartment/Suite

• Address lines 2-3 (The system does not send address line 4)

• City

• State/Province code

• Postal code

• Country ISO code

Once the address search completes, EDQ sends a response back to Order Management System. The EDQ Address Response Match Level returned determines the action Order Management System performs; see EDQ Address Response Match Level for more information.

Address map: The Serenade data map defines how the address information returned by EDQ is mapped to the Order Management System address. This map also defines whether the address data is returned in upper case letters and how non-address information is retained. See Serenade Map for more information.

Duplicate checking: The system sends an address for standardization prior to any duplicate customer checking. Once the address has been standardized, the system then determines if a duplicate address match already exists for the address.

Retaining Non-Address Information in Address Lines 1-4

If address lines 1, 2, or 3 contains non-address information, such as LEAVE PACKAGES ON FRONT PORCH, the EDQ Address Response Match Level determines whether EDQ retains the non-address information.

Note: When entering non-address information for an address on an order, use the Attention field to retain the non-address information for the order.

Match Level

Non-Address Information Results


The system retains any non-address information defined in address lines 1, 2, 3 and 4.


The system retains the first 32 characters of non-address information defined in address lines 1, 2, and 3 in address line 3. The system clears any non-address information defined in address line 4.

Premise Partial

Street Partial


Interaction Required

The system does not retain the non-address information defined in address lines 1, 2, 3, and 4.

See Address Examples for examples of how EDQ standardizes an address and whether non-address information is retained.

Apartment Triggers

Note: As a best practice, you should enter apartment information in the Apartment field, prefaced with apartment identifier text such as APT or STE.

Certain text in address lines 2 and 3 and the EDQ Address Response Match Level triggers EDQ to move the text to the Apartment field on an address. For example, if you enter APT 3 in Address line 2, the system moves this text to the Apartment field.

The text that EDQ will move from address lines 2 and 3 to the Apartment field is listed below. Any number that follows this text is also moved to the Apartment field.

• APARTMENT (the system abbreviates APARTMENT to APT)




• BUILDING (the system abbreviates BULIDING to BLDG)

• DEPARTMENT (the system abbreviates DEPARTMENT to DEPT)


• FL

• FLOOR (the system abbreviates FLOOR to FL)




• LOBBY (the system abbreviates LOBBY to LBBY)


• NO


• OFFICE (the system abbreviates OFFICE to OFC)

• PH



• RM

• ROOM (the system abbreviates ROOM to RM)

• RR




• SUITE (the system abbreviates SUITE to STE)



Important: When you enter non-address information in address lines 1, 2 or 3, pay attention to the text you enter if you do NOT want EDQ to recognize this text as an apartment trigger. For example, if you enter NO SIGNATURE REQUIRED, EDQ will move the text NO SIGNATU to the Apartment field because it recognized the text NO as an apartment trigger.

Address Matches Containing a Company, Building or Firm Name

When you standardize an Order Management System address that contains a company, building or firm name, if EDQ does not consider this information required for delivery purposes, it will not retain this information when it standardizes the address.

Example: You enter an address similar to the following:

Order Management System Address:

street address:

address line 2:

address line 3:


308 SAMPLE STREET (replace with a valid street address)




As part of addres standardization, CITY HALL is removed from the address:

Standardized Address:

street address:

address line 3:





EDQ Address Response Match Level

Purpose: The address response match level returned by EDQ determines the action Order Management System performs.

Match Level

Address Results


EDQ does not update the Order Management System address because it could not find a match to the address.

Remote address standardization: The system does not standardize the Order Management System address. If the address is on a remote order and a hold reason is defined in the Address Interface User Hold Code (I68) system control value, the system places the order on user hold.

If a hold reason is not defined in the Address Interface User Hold Code (I68) system control value, the system does not assign a hold reason to a remote order at the user level.

• If the remote order does not contain any errors, the system creates the order in an open status.

• If the remote order contains errors, the system places the order in an order batch with an error status.

Interactive address standardization: The system displays the Address Standardization: No Address Match Found Screen. At this screen you can select to return to the Order Management System screen and either:

• Retain the Order Management System address without any updates from EDQ.

• Update the Order Management System address to resend it for standardization.

Apartment Triggers: EDQ does not apply apartment triggers when the match level is None. See Apartment Triggers.

Non-Address Information: The system retains any non-address information defined in address lines 1, 2, and 3 in address line 3. See Retaining Non-Address Information in Address Lines 1-4.

See Match Level None Example.


EDQ found one address match with a high level of confidence. The system automatically updates the Order Management System address with the address returned by EDQ.

Apartment Triggers: If address lines 2 or 3 contains an apartment trigger, the system moves the text from the address line to the Apartment field. See Apartment Triggers.

Non-Address Information: The system retains the first 32 characters of non-address information defined in address lines 1, 2, and 3 in address line 3. The system clears any non-address information defined in address line 4. See Retaining Non-Address Information in Address Lines 1-4.

See Match Level Verified Example.

Interaction Required

EDQ found a single match to the Order Management System address but requires you to confirm the address update.

Remote address standardization: The system does not standardize the Order Management System address. If the address is on a remote order and a hold reason is defined in the Address Interface User Hold Code (I68) system control value, the system places the order on user hold.

If a hold reason is not defined in the Address Interface User Hold Code (I68) system control value, the system does not assign a hold reason to a remote order at the user level.

• If the remote order does not contain any errors, the system creates the order in an open status.

• If the remote order contains errors, the system places the order in an order batch with an error status.

Interactive address standardization: The system displays the Address Standardization: Verify Recommendation Screen. At this screen you can:

• Retain the Order Management System address without any updates from EDQ.

• Update the Order Management System address with the recommended address returned by EDQ.

Apartment Triggers: If address line 2 or 3 contains an apartment trigger, the system moves the text from the address line to the Apartment field. See Apartment Triggers.

Non-Address Information: The system does not retain the non-address information defined in address lines 1, 2, 3, and 4.

See Match Level Interaction Required Example.

Premise Partial

EDQ found a match to the Order Management System address, but requires you to provide the apartment number for the address or select an address from a list of valid addresses returned by EDQ.

Remote address standardization: The system does not standardize the Order Management System address. If the address is on a remote order and a hold reason is defined in the Address Interface User Hold Code (I68) system control value, the system places the order on user hold.

If a hold reason is not defined in the Address Interface User Hold Code (I68) system control value, the system does not assign a hold reason to a remote order at the user level.

• If the remote order does not contain any errors, the system creates the order in an open status.

• If the remote order contains errors, the system places the order in an order batch with an error status.

Interactive address standardization: The system displays the Address Standardization: Verify Apartment/Suite Number Screen. At this screen you can:

• Retain the Order Management System address without any updates from EDQ.

• Provide the missing apartment number and standardize the Order Management System address.

Note: If you provide an apartment number that EDQ does not recognize as a valid apartment number, the system does not update the address with the apartment number you provided. Instead, you remain on the Verify Apartment/Suite Number screen until you provide a valid apartment number; you can review the pick list returned by EDQ to determine the valid apartment numbers for the address.

• Display a list of possible address matches in a pick list returned by EDQ and replace the Order Management System address with a standardized address selected from the pick list.

Note: The address matches in the pick list returned by EDQ provide an idea of the acceptable range of apartment numbers you can define for the address.

• If an address in the pick list displays as a hyperlink, you can select the address from the pick list to replace the Order Management System address with this standardized address.

• If an address in the pick list does not display as a hyperlink, you can enter the apartment number defined for the address in the Apartment number field to standardize the Order Management System address.


Non-Address Information: The system retains the first 32 characters of non-address information defined in address lines 1, 2, and 3 in address line 3. Address line 4 will be cleared of any non-address information.

Apartment Triggers:

• If you provide an apartment number for the address, and address line 2 or 3 contains an apartment trigger, the system moves the text from the address line to the Apartment field.

• If you select an address from the pick list returned by EDQ, EDQ does not apply apartment triggers to the address.

See Match Level Premise Partial Example.

Street Partial

EDQ found a match to the Order Management System address, but requires you to provide the street number for the address or select an address from a list of valid addresses returned by EDQ.

Remote address standardization: The system does not standardize the Order Management System address. If the address is on a remote order and a hold reason is defined in the Address Interface User Hold Code (I68) system control value, the system places the order on user hold.

If a hold reason is not defined in the Address Interface User Hold Code (I68) system control value, the system does not assign a hold reason to a remote order at the user level.

• If the remote order does not contain any errors, the system creates the order in an open status.

• If the remote order contains errors, the system places the order in an order batch with an error status.

Interactive address standardization: The system displays the Address Standardization: Verify Street Number Screen. At this screen you can:

• Retain the Order Management System address without any updates from EDQ.

• Provide the missing street number and standardize the Order Management System address.

Note: If you provide a street number that EDQ does not recognize as a valid street number, the system does not update the address with the street number you provided. Instead, you remain on the Verify Street Number screen until you provide a valid street number; you can review the pick list returned by EDQ to determine the valid street numbers for the address.

• Display a list of possible address matches in a pick list returned by EDQ and replace the Order Management System address with a standardized address selected from the pick list.

Note: The address matches in the pick list returned by EDQ provide an idea of the acceptable range of street numbers you can define for the address.

- If an address in the pick list displays as a hyperlink, you can select the address from the pick list to replace the Order Management System address with this standardized address returned from EDQ.

- If an address in the pick list does not display as a hyperlink, you can enter the street number defined for the address in the Street number field to standardize the Order Management System address.


Non-Address Information: The system retains the first 32 characters of non-address information defined in address lines 1, 2, and 3 in address line 3. Address line 4 will be cleared of any non-address information.

Apartment Triggers:

• If you provide a street number for the address, and address line 2 or 3 contains an apartment trigger, the system moves the text from the address line to the Apartment field.

• If you select an address from the pick list returned by EDQ, EDQ does not apply apartment triggers to the address.

See Match Level Street Partial Example.


EDQ found multiple matches to the Order Management System address and requires you to select an address from the list of valid addresses.

Remote address standardization: The system does not standardize the Order Management System address. If the address is on a remote order and a hold reason is defined in the Address Interface User Hold Code (I68) system control value, the system places the order on user hold.

If a hold reason is not defined in the Address Interface User Hold Code (I68) system control value, the system does not assign a hold reason to a remote order at the user level.

• If the remote order does not contain any errors, the system creates the order in an open status.

• If the remote order contains errors, the system places the order in an order batch with an error status.

Interactive address standardization: The system displays the Address Standardization: Select from Multiple Addresses Screen. At this screen you can:

• Retain the Order Management System address without any updates from EDQ.

• Display a list of possible address matches in a pick list returned by EDQ and replace the Order Management System address with a standardized address selected from the pick list.

Non-Address Information: The system retains the first 32 characters of non-address information defined in address lines 1, 2, and 3 in address line 3. Address line 4 will be cleared of any non-address information.

Apartment Triggers: EDQ does not apply apartment triggers when the match level is Multiple.

See Match Level Multiple Example.

Address Examples

Purpose: The following examples demonstrate how EDQ standardizes the Order Management System address.

Important: The following examples are for illustrative purposes only. To follow best address standardization practices, you should enter any apartment information in the Apartment field. In addition, for addresses on an order, you should enter non-address information in the Attention field on the order.

Match Level None Example

Match Level Verified Example

- Verified Example: Retain Non-Address Information

- Verified Example: Apartment Trigger

Match Level Interaction Required Example

Match Level Premise Partial Example

- Premise Partial Example: Provide Missing Apartment Number

- Premise Partial Example: Select Address from Pick List

Match Level Street Partial Example

- Street Partial Example: Provide Missing Street Number

- Street Partial Example: Provide Missing Street Number from Pick List

- Street Partial Example: Select Address from Pick List

Match Level Multiple Example

Match Level None Example

You enter the following address on an Order Management System screen:

Order Management System Address:

street address:

address line 2:

address line 3:

address line 4:







Order Management System sends the address to EDQ for standardization. EDQ returns a match level of None, indicating the Order Management System address will not be standardized because it could not find an address to match to the Order Management System address.

The system displays the Address Standardization: No Address Match Found Screen. At this screen you can select to return to the Order Management System screen without standardizing the address.

Retained Order Management System Address:

street address:

address line 2:

address line 3:

address line 4:







You can update the address information to resend it to EDQ for standardization; otherwise, the system determines if the address requires standardization the next time you create the address or update the address; see EDQ Address Standardization Process Flow.

Match Level Verified Example

Verified Example: Retain Non-Address Information

Verified Example: Apartment Trigger

Verified Example: Retain Non-Address Information

The following address is entered on an Order Management System screen or received through the Order API, catalog request interface or Customer API:

Order Management System Address:

street address:

address line 2:

address line 3:

address line 4:


1234 TURNER LANE (replace with a valid street address)





Order Management System sends the address to EDQ for standardization. EDQ returns a match level of Verified, indicating it found one address match with a high level of confidence.

Because an exact match was found, the system automatically updates the Order Management System address to the standardized address, without requiring any user action.

In addition, the system retains the first 32 characters of non-address information defined in address lines 2 and 3 in address line 3. In this example, the system retains the non-address information: KAT’S FRUITS AND VEGETABLES LEAV.

Standardized Address:

street address:

address line 3:




TEMPLETON MA 01468-1566 US

Verified Example: Apartment Trigger

The following address is entered on an Order Management System screen or received through the Order API, catalog request interface or Customer API:

Order Management System Address:

street address:

address line 2:

address line 3:


1234 GARDEN (replace with a valid street number)




Order Management System sends the address to EDQ for standardization. EDQ returns a match level of Verified, indicating it found one address match with a high level of confidence.

Because an exact match was found, the system automatically updates the Order Management System address to the standardized address, without requiring any user action.

In addition:

• the system recognized the text APARTMENT as an apartment trigger and moves this text, plus the number following it, to the Apartment field.

• the system retains the first 32 characters of non-address information defined in address lines 2 and 3 in address line 3.

Standardized Address:

street address/apt:

address line 3:





Match Level Interaction Required Example

You enter the following address on a Order Management System screen:

Order Management System Address:

street address:

address line 2:

address line 3:


123 SAMPLE STREET (replace with a valid street address)




Order Management System sends the address to EDQ for standardization. EDQ returns a match level of Interaction Required, indicating it found a single match to the Order Management System address but requires you to confirm the address update.

The system displays the Address Standardization: Verify Recommendation Screen. At this screen, you confirm the address update:

Standardized Address:

street address:


123 SAMPLE ST (replace with a valid street address)


Match Level Premise Partial Example

Premise Partial Example: Provide Missing Apartment Number

Premise Partial Example: Select Address from Pick List

Premise Partial Example: Provide Missing Apartment Number

You enter the following address on an Order Management System screen:

Order Management System Address:

street address:

address line 2:

address line 3:

address line 4:


1234 GARDEN (replace with a valid street number)





Order Management System sends the address to EDQ for standardization. EDQ returns a match level of Premise Partial, indicating it found a match to the Order Management System address, but requires you to provide the apartment number for the address or select an address from a list of valid addresses.

The system displays the Address Standardization: Verify Apartment/Suite Number Screen. At this screen, you provide the apartment number for the address.

The system standardizes the Order Management System address. In addition, the system retains the first 32 characters of non-address information defined in address lines 2 and 3 in address line 3. In this example, the system retains the non-address information: LAST BUILDING LEAVE PACKAGES AT.

Standardized Address:

street address/apt:

address line 3:





Premise Partial Example: Select Address from Pick List

You enter the following address on an Order Management System screen:

Order Management System Address:

street address:

address line 2:

address line 3:

address line 4:


1234 GARDEN (replace with a valid street number)





Order Management System sends the address to EDQ for standardization. EDQ returns a match level of Premise Partial, indicating it found a match to the Order Management System address, but requires you to provide the apartment number for the address or select an address from a list of valid addresses.

The system displays the Address Standardization: Verify Apartment/Suite Number Screen. At this screen, you review the addresses in the pick list returned by EDQ.

Because the addresses in the pick list returned by EDQ display as a hyperlink, you can select an address from the pick list.

EDQ Address Pick List:

street address:




street address/apt:




street address/apt:




street address/apt:




street address/apt:




The system standardizes the Order Management System address. In addition, the system retains the first 32 characters of non-address information defined in address lines 2 and 3 in address line 3. In this example, the system retains the non-address information: LAST BUILDING LEAVE PACKAGES AT.

Standardized Address:

street address/apt:

address line 3:





Match Level Street Partial Example

Street Partial Example: Provide Missing Street Number

Street Partial Example: Provide Missing Street Number from Pick List

Street Partial Example: Select Address from Pick List

Street Partial Example: Provide Missing Street Number

You enter the following address on an Order Management System screen:

Order Management System Address:

street address:

address line 2:

address line 3:

address line 4:


SAMPLE LANE (replace with a valid street name)





Order Management System sends the address to EDQ for standardization. EDQ returns a match level of Street Partial, indicating it found a match to the Order Management System address, but requires you to provide the street number for the address or select an address from a list of valid addresses.

The system displays the Address Standardization: Verify Street Number Screen. At this screen, you provide the street number for the address.

The system standardizes the Order Management System address. In addition, the system retains the first 32 characters of non-address information defined in address lines 2 and 3 in address line 3. In this example, the system retains the non-address information: SMITH PLACE LEAVE PACKAGES AT.

Standardized Address:

street address:

address line 3:




TEMPLETON MA 01468-1556 US

Street Partial Example: Provide Missing Street Number from Pick List

You enter the following address on a Order Management System screen:

Order Management System Address:

street address:

address line 2:

address line 3:

address line 4:


SAMPLE LANE (replace with a valid street name)





Order Management System sends the address to EDQ for standardization. EDQ returns a match level of Street Partial, indicating it found a match to the Order Management System address, but requires you to provide the street number for the address or select an address from a list of valid addresses.

The system displays the Address Standardization: Verify Street Number Screen. At this screen, you review the addresses in the pick list.

EDQ Address Pick List:

street address:


1 ... 99 SAMPLE LN


street address/apt:


2 ... 98 SAMPLE LN


Because the addresses in the pick list returned by EDQ do not display as a hyperlink, you must enter a valid street number in the Street number field. According to the pick list returned by EDQ, the valid street numbers are 1 - 99 (odd numbers) and 2 - 98 (even numbers).

You provide the street number for the address. The system standardizes the Order Management System address. In addition, the system retains the first 32 characters of non-address information defined in address lines 2 and 3 in address line 3. In this example, the system retains the non-address information: SMITH PLACE LEAVE PACKAGES AT.

Standardized Address:

street address:

address line 3:




TEMPLETON MA 01468-1556 US

Street Partial Example: Select Address from Pick List

You enter the following address on an Order Management System screen:

Order Management System Address:

street address:

address line 3:


SAMPLE PARK WAY (replace with a valid street name)



Order Management System sends the address to EDQ for standardization. EDQ returns a match level of Street Partial, indicating it found a match to the Order Management System address, but requires you to provide the street number for the address or select an address from a list of valid addresses.

The system displays the Address Standardization: Verify Street Number Screen. At this screen, you review the addresses in the pick list.

One address in the pick list displays as a hyperlink; the rest of the addresses in the pick list do not display as a hyperlink. You can either:

• Use the addresses in the pick list to determine the valid street number to enter in the Street number field.

• Select the address that displays as a hyperlink to standardize the Order Management System address.

EDQ Address Pick List:

street address:




street address/apt:




street address/apt:




street address:




street address:




street address/apt:


24 SAMPLE PARK WAY STE 101 ... 103


street address/apt:


24 SAMPLE PARK WAY STE 104 ... 503


street address/apt:




You select the address in the pick list that displays as a hyperlink to standardize the Order Management System address.

Standardized Address:

street address/apt:

address line 3:




NATICK MA 01760-1528 US

Match Level Multiple Example

You enter the following address on an Order Management System screen:

Order Management System Address:

street address:

address line 2:

address line 3:

address line 4:


PO BOX 1234 (replace with a valid PO box number)





Order Management System sends the address to EDQ for standardization. EDQ returns a match level of Street Partial, indicating it found multiple matches to the Order Management System address and requires you to select an address from a list of valid addresses.

The system displays the Address Standardization: Select from Multiple Addresses Screen. At this screen, you select an address from the pick list.

The system standardizes the Order Management System address.

Standardized Address:

street address:

address line 3:


PO BOX 1234


NEW YORK NY 10002-0915 US

Address Standardization: No Address Match Found Screen

Purpose: This screen indicates that EDQ could not find a match for the Order Management System address.

How to display this screen: This screen displays during Interactive Address Standardization when the EDQ Address Response Match Level returned by EDQ is None.

Screen Option


Return to the Order Management System screen where you can either:

• Retain the Order Management System address without any updates from EDQ, or

• Update the Order Management System address to resend it to EDQ for standardization

Select Select/Edit. The system returns you to the Order Management System screen and does not standardize the address.

The system determines if the address requires standardization the next time you create the address or update the address; see EDQ Address Standardization Process Flow.

Address Standardization: Verify Recommendation Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to confirm the address match returned by EDQ.

How to display this screen: This screen displays during Interactive Address Standardization when the EDQ Address Response Match Level returned by EDQ is Interaction Required, indicating EDQ found a single match to the Order Management System address but requires you to confirm the address update.

Screen Option


Retain the Order Management System address without any updates from EDQ

Select Select/Edit. The system returns you to the Order Management System screen and does not standardize the address.

The system determines if the address requires standardization the next time you create the address or update the address; see EDQ Address Standardization Process Flow.

Update the Order Management System address with the recommended address returned by EDQ

Select Select. The system returns you to the Order Management System screen and standardizes the address.

Address Standardization: Verify Apartment/Suite Number Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to provide the missing apartment number for the Order Management System address or select an address from the pick list returned by EDQ.

How to display this screen: This screen displays during Interactive Address Standardization when the EDQ Address Response Match Level returned by EDQ is Premise Partial, indicating EDQ found a match to the Order Management System address but the address is missing the apartment number.

Screen Option


Retain the Order Management System address without any updates

Select Select/Edit. The system returns you to the Order Management System screen and does not standardize the address.

The system determines if the address requires standardization the next time you create the address or update the address; see EDQ Address Standardization Process Flow.

Provide the missing apartment/suite number and update the Order Management System address with the recommendations returned by EDQ

Enter the apartment/suite number in the Apartment number field and select OK. The system returns you to the Order Management System screen and standardizes the address.

Apartment preface: When you enter the apartment/suite number, make sure you preface the number with apartment text, such as APT or STE; for example APT D. See Apartment Triggers for a list of valid apartment text that you can enter before the number.

Note: If you provide an apartment number that EDQ does not recognize as a valid apartment number, the system does not update the address with the apartment number you provided. Instead, you remain on the Address Standardization: Verify Apartment/Suite Number Screen until you provide a valid apartment number; you can review the pick list returned by EDQ to determine the valid apartment numbers for the address.

Display a list of possible address matches returned by EDQ

Select Matches to display a list of valid address returned by EDQ.

The address list indicates the valid apartment numbers available for the address. You can use this list to determine the apartment number to enter in the Apartment number field, or if an address displays as a hyperlink, you can select it.

When you select one of these matches:

• If the Display Confirmation After QAS Picklist Selection (J01) system control value is selected, the system advances you to the Address Standardization: Verify Recommendation (from Pick List) Screen where you can confirm the address before making any updates.

• If the Display Confirmation After QAS Picklist Selection (J01) system control value is unselected, the system returns you to the Order Management System screen and standardizes the address.

Address Standardization: Verify Street Number Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to provide the missing street number for the Order Management System address or to select an address from the pick list returned by EDQ.

How to display this screen: This screen displays during Interactive Address Standardization when the EDQ Address Response Match Level returned by EDQ is Street Partial, indicating EDQ found a match to the Order Management System address but the address is missing the street number.

Screen Option


Retain the Order Management System address without any updates from EDQ

Select Select/Edit. The system returns you to the Order Management System screen and does not standardize the address.

Provide the missing street number and update the Order Management System address with the recommendations returned by EDQ

Enter a valid street number in the Street number field and select OK. The system returns you to the Order Management System screen and standardizes the address.

Note: If you provide a street number that EDQ does not recognize as a valid street number, the system does not update the address with the street number you provided. Instead, you remain on the Address Standardization: Verify Street Number Screen until you provide a valid street number; you can review the pick list returned by EDQ to determine the valid street numbers for the address.

Display a list of possible address matches returned by EDQ

Select Matches to review a list of possible address matches returned by EDQ.

The address list indicates the valid street numbers available for the address. You can use this list to determine the street number to enter in the Street number field, or if an address displays as a hyperlink, you can select it.

When you select one of these matches:

• If the Display Confirmation After QAS Picklist Selection (J01) system control value is selected, the system advances you to the Address Standardization: Verify Recommendation (from Pick List) Screen where you can confirm the address before making any updates.

• If the Display Confirmation After QAS Picklist Selection (J01) system control value is unselected, the system returns you to the Order Management System screen and standardizes the address.

Address Standardization: Select from Multiple Addresses Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to select an address from the pick list returned by EDQ.

How to display this screen: This screen displays during Interactive Address Standardization when the EDQ Address Response Match Level returned by EDQ is Multiple, indicating EDQ found multiple matches to the Order Management System address and requires you to select an address from the list of valid addresses returned by EDQ.

Screen Option


Retain the Order Management System address without any updates

Select Select/Edit. The system returns you to the Order Management System screen and does not standardize the address.

Select an address from a list of possible matches

Select an address from the list of valid addresses returned from EDQ.

When you select one of these matches:

• If the Display Confirmation After QAS Picklist Selection (J01) is selected, the system advances you to the Address Standardization: Verify Recommendation (from Pick List) Screen where you can confirm the address before making any updates.

• If the Display Confirmation After QAS Picklist Selection (J01) is unselected, the system returns you to the Order Management System screen and standardizes the address.

Address Standardization: Verify Recommendation (from Pick List) Screen

Purpose: This screen allows you to review the address you selected from the pick list returned by EDQ before updating the Order Management System address.

How to display this screen: This screen displays during Interactive Address Standardization when you select an address from a list of valid addresses returned by EDQ on the following screens and the Display Confirmation After QAS Picklist Selection (J01) system control value is selected:

Address Standardization: Verify Apartment/Suite Number Screen

Address Standardization: Verify Street Number Screen

Address Standardization: Select from Multiple Addresses Screen

Screen Option


Retain the Order Management System address without any updates

Select Select/Edit. The system returns you to the Order Management System screen and does not standardize the address.

Select the address that you have selected from the pick list returned by EDQ

Select Select. The system returns you to the Order Management System screen and standardizes the address.

Display a list of possible address matches returned by EDQ and update the Order Management System address with the updates defined for one of these addresses

Select Matches to display a list of valid address returned by EDQ.

When you select one of these matches, the system displays the address under the Recommended Address section of the screen for you to review.

Communication Failures

If an error occurs during processing, for example a connection could not be made with the EDQ, the system displays the Web Service Failure Screen.

To restore communication:

• Retry to make sure the connection is no longer working.

• Verify your account license information in the Experian self service portal.

• Contact your EDQ representative to make sure the Validate Address API is running correctly and that configuration settings on their end have not changed.

• Check your Order Management System configuration settings; see EDQ Setup.

Web Service Failure Screen

This screen indicates a connection could not be made with EDQ.

Screen Option


Return to the Order Management System screen without updating the Order Management System address

Select Select/Edit. The system returns you to the Order Management System screen without updating the address.

You will need to resend the address to EDQ at a later time once the connection to EDQ has been reestablished.

EDQ Setup

Purpose: Before you can use EDQ, you must perform the necessary setup in Order Management System.

Required setup includes:

System Control Values

Country ISO Codes

Order Type

SCF Codes

Ship Via

WebService Mapping File

Property Settings

Proxy Server

Serenade Map

System Control Values

System Control Value


Use QAS Address Interface (I67)

Select this field if you wish to use EDQ to retrieve address information.

Address Interface User Hold Code (I68)

Enter a valid hold reason code in this field that the system can assign to a remote order at the user level when the remote order fails address verification. A remote order fails address verification if EDQ could not find an exact match to the Order Management System address (the EDQ Address Response Match Level is not Verified).

If you do not define a hold reason code in this system control value, the system does not assign a hold reason to a remote order at the user level when the remote order fails address verification.

• If the remote order does not contain any errors, the system creates the order in an open status.

• If the remote order contains errors, the system places the order in an order batch with an error status.

Perform Address Standardization in Customer API (I99)

Select this field if you use EDQ and you would like to use the interface to verify customer addresses that you add or change through the Generic Customer API. In the case of an Add request, the address standardization takes place before any duplicate checking.

Note: The address standardization only occurs if there is an exact match to the address (the EDQ Address Response Match Level is Verified); otherwise, the process does not update the customer’s address before proceeding with regular edits.

Display Confirmation After QAS Picklist Selection (J01)

Select field if you wish to display the Address Standardization: Verify Recommendation (from Pick List) Screen after you select an address from a list of possible address matches returned by EDQ.

Leave this field blank if you wish to suppress the Address Standardization: Verify Recommendation (from Pick List) Screen after you select an address from a list of possible address matches returned by EDQ.

Use Zip/City/State Defaulting? (B13)

If this system control value is selected, when you enter a postal code for an address, the system defaults the associated city and state (as defined in the Postal Code/City/State file) before sending the address to EDQ.

Default Country for Customer Address (B17)

If you do not define a country code for an address, the system defaults the country code defined in this system control value to the address.

Country ISO Codes

Country ISO codes are codes representing the international standard code used to identify a country. When the system sends address information to EDQ for validation and standardization, the system sends the Country ISO code defined for the country instead of the Country code as the country code defined for the address. For example, the country code for the United States may be US and the country ISO code may be USA.

The country ISO codes supplied by EDQ for Canada and the United States are listed below.

Country Code

ISO Code







United States of America

You can define a country ISO code for a country in the Setting Up the Country Table (WCTY) menu option. A country ISO code must be defined for the United States and Canada in order to send addresses for standardization to EDQ.

Note: The Order Management System integration with EDQ supports address standardization for United States and Canadian addresses; it does not support address standardization for European countries at this time. You should not define a country ISO code for a country other than the United States or Canada.

Order Type

The Address standardization field defined for an order type controls whether orders with this order type are eligible for address standardization using the Address Interface.

• If the Address standardization field for the order type on the order is selected, the order is eligible for address standardization using EDQ.

• If the Address standardization field for the order type on the order is unselected, the order is not eligible for address standardization using EDQ.

SCF Codes

The system uses the SCF file to validate that a customer’s postal code and state are consistent. Regardless if you use EDQ to validate addresses, you must still use the Working with SCF Codes (WSCF) menu option to create SCF codes and tax rates that apply to orders shipped to the SCF.

Ship Via

Regardless of whether you use EDQ to validate addresses, you must define the eligible shippers for a specific postal code. You can define eligible shippers for a postal code using either:

• the Working with Zip/Ship Via (WZSV) menu option to create a zip code/ship via cross reference for each postal code.

• the Working with SCF/Ship Via Values (WSHV) menu option to create an SCF/ship via cross reference for each SCF code.

WebService Mapping File

This file contains information required for EDQ.

Location of file: This file is normally saved on the application server at the following location, where domain is the WebLogic domain directory for Order Management System:


Note: This file is delivered with Order Management System and should not be changed.

Property Name



This setting indicates Order Management System communicates with EDQ.

The delivered setting is:


Do not change this setting.

Property Settings

The following properties are used with EDQ.

Property Name



defined in Working with Customer Properties (PROP)

Verify the URL used to connect to EDQ. This setting is delivered with the application and does not require any change unless the domain where Experian resides changes.


defined in Working with Customer Properties (PROP)

The name of the custom layout used for data mapping. This layout resides with Experian and should be set to Serenade. Do not change this setting.


defined in Working with Customer Properties (PROP)

Enter the address service token used by EDQ to identify a customer; this is a token you created in the EDQ self service portal.


defined in Working with Admin Properties (CPRP)

The location of the ProOnDemandService.wsdl file. The recommended location is file:///domain/conf/cwdirectcpproperties/ProOnDemandService.wsdl, where domain is the WebLogic domain directory for Order Management System. The ProOnDemandService.wsdl is delivered with Order Management System and should not be changed.

proxied external hosts

defined in the Jenasys Properties File

Defines the necessary proxy information required for the integration. This setting is delivered with the application and does not require any change unless the domain where Experian resides changes.

Proxy Server

When communicating with EDQ, you must define a proxy server to act as an intermediary in order to increase security. Oracle Retail Order Management System sends transactions to the proxy server and the proxy server sends the transactions along to EDQ. The PROXY_HOST and PROXY_PORT properties in Working with Admin Properties (CPRP) define the IP address and port number used to connect to the proxy server during address standardization.

Serenade Map

The address information and placement of the information returned from EDQ is based on a layout defined in the Serenade map. For example, the address mapping details specify:

• whether the data should be returned in upper case letters.

• if non-address data such as Leave at back door should be retained, and if retained, in which address field the information should be stored.

Note: The Order Management System integration with EDQ supports address standardization for United States and Canadian addresses; it does not support address standardization for European countries at this time.

EDQ maps the following information to each Order Management System address field.


Mapping Details

Street address

EDQ updates this field with the primary number and street address.

Example: 1234 SAMPLE STREET updates to 1234 SAMPLE ST.

Address line 2

Based on the EDQ Address Response Match Level, EDQ may clear address line 2 of any information.

Address line 3

Based on the EDQ Address Response Match Level, EDQ may update this field with the first 32 characters of non-address information that was defined in address lines 1, 2, and 3 in Order Management System.

Example: The following non-address information was defined in address lines 2 and 3 for the Order Management System address:



EDQ moves the first 32 characters of this information to address line 3:


See Retaining Non-Address Information in Address Lines 1-4 for more information.

Address line 4

EDQ clears address line 4 of any information.


EDQ updates this field with a valid apartment/suite/unit number and includes an abbreviation such as APT or STE.

Example: APT 3

Apartment Triggers

Certain text in address lines 2 and 3 and the EDQ Address Response Match Level triggers EDQ to move the text to the Apartment field on an address. For example, if you enter NO 3 in Address line 2, the system moves this text to the Apartment field.

See Apartment Triggers for a list of the text that EDQ will move from address lines 2 and 3 to the Apartment field. Any number that follows this text is also moved to the Apartment field.


EDQ updates this field with the valid city name for the address.

Example: WESTBORO updates to WESTBOROUGH

State code

EDQ updates this field with the valid state code for the address.

Example: MA

Postal code

EDQ updates this field with the valid zip + 4 postal code for the address.

Example: 01468 updates to 01468-1566.

Country code

EDQ translates the ISO country code for the address to the associated country code defined in Order Management System.

Example: US

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