Order Volume Report (OVOL)

Purpose: Use this menu option to generate the Order Count report, which provides the total number of orders entered in Order Management System broken out by company, and optionally, order type for a specified date range.

Order Count Report Screen

Use this screen to specify the criteria used to generate the Order Count report.




The date range you wish to use to generate the Order Count report. The system totals the number of orders entered within this date range for each Order Management System company.

Numeric, 6 positions (user date format); required.

Sort by order type

Select this field to generate the Order Count Report by Order Type, which provide a break out of the total number of orders entered for a company by order type.

Unselect this field to generate the Order Count Report, which provides an order count for each company across all order types.


Screen Option


Generate the Order Count Report or Order Count Report by Order Type

Select Submit to generate the report.

To generate the report:


Enter the date range you wish to use to generate the Order Count report in the From and To fields.


Select the Sort by order type field to generate the Order Count Report by Order Type, which provides a break out of the total number of orders entered for each company by order type; otherwise, unselect this field to generate the Order Count Report, which provides an order count for each company across all order types.


Select OK to validate your entries.


Select Submit to generate the Order Count report.

• If you did not select the Sort by order type field, the system generates the Order Count Report, which provides the total number of orders entered in Order Management System broken out by company for a specified date range.

• If you selected the Sort by order type field, the system generates the Order Count Report by Order Type, which provides the total number of orders entered in Order Management System broken out by order type within company for a specified date range.

OVOL OROMS 17.0 2018 OTN