Printing the On Hand by Warehouse Report (POHW)

Purpose: Use the On Hand by Warehouse Report or the On Hand by Vendor by Warehouse Report to review total on-hand quantities for items in one or more allocatable warehouses.

Only items with on-hand quantities appear on the reports. If the on-hand quantity for an item in a warehouse is zero, it does not appear on the report.

What else is on the On Hand by Warehouse report? Depending on your selections at the On Hand by Warehouse List Prompt Screen, this report can also include for each item/SKU within the warehouse:

• unit and total cost

• total retail price and extended price, based on the price for the item or SKU in the offer specified in the Current Offer (A33) system control value

• unit and total vendor item price

What else is on the On Hand by Vendor by Warehouse report? In addition to the same information as the On Hand by Warehouse report, this report includes the total quantity returned, sold, adjusted, and received month to date.

How do you produce the On Hand by Vendor by Warehouse report? The system produces the On Hand by Vendor by Warehouse report only if your selections at the On Hand by Warehouse List Prompt screen include:

Vendor is blank

By warehouse/by warehouse vendor is set to Whse vendor

Otherwise, the system produces the On Hand by Warehouse report, which does not include the returned, sold, adjusted, or received quantities for the month to date.

Note: The totals on these reports may not match the totals on other inventory or costing reports due to differences in calculation. For example, the decrease in total retail price on the On Hand by Warehouse report might not match the total value of sales on a sales report due to different methods of determining item or SKU prices.

In this chapter:

On Hand by Warehouse List Prompt Screen

On Hand by Warehouse Report

On Hand by Vendor by Warehouse Report

On Hand by Warehouse List Prompt Screen

How to display this screen: Enter POHW in the Fast path field at the top of any menu, or select Print On Hand by Warehouse from a menu.




The warehouse to include on the report. Leave this field blank to include all warehouses with inventory on hand.

Numeric, 3 positions; optional.


The vendor whose items to include on the report. Leave this field blank to include all vendors from whom you purchase inventory. The report includes items based on the primary Vendor identified in the Item table, although it is possible that you received some or all of the on-hand quantity from a different vendor.


• If the By warehouse/by warehouse vendor field is set to Whse: You cannot specify a vendor.

• If the By warehouse/by warehouse vendor field is set to Whse vendor: If you specify a vendor, the system produces the On Hand by Warehouse report rather than the On Hand by Warehouse by Vendor report.

Numeric, 7 positions; optional.

Print cost

Indicates which dollar value to include on the report. Valid values are:

Cost: Include the standard, average, or FIFO cost on the report, based on the Costing Method (A25) system control value. If you use FIFO costing, the report does not include the unit cost of each item/SKU, only the extended cost.

Retail: Include the most current price for the item/SKU, based on the latest Effective date that is not in the future. Also, the Current Offer (A33) must still be active, based on the End (End date) for the offer. If the item has SKUs, the report includes a price only if there is a SKU Price record; if the item does not have SKUs, the report selects the price from the Item Price record.

Vendor list: Include the vendor/item price for the item’s primary vendor. The report does not include a vendor/item price if there is no primary vendor, or if there is no vendor/item for the primary vendor.

blank: Do not include any cost or price information on the report.


By warehouse/by warehouse vendor

Indicates whether the report should have a separate page for each vendor/warehouse combination. Valid values are:

Whse: Generate the On Hand by Warehouse Report, which summarizes the on-hand quantity and dollar value (cost, price, or vendor/item price) for item/SKUs by warehouse. This report does not include the returned, sold, adjusted, or received quantities month-to-date.

Note: If you select this value, you cannot specify a Vendor.

Whse vendor: If no vendor is specified, generate the On Hand by Vendor by Warehouse Report, which summarizes the on-hand quantity and dollar value (cost, price, or vendor/item price) for items, broken out for each selected vendor/warehouse combination. This report also includes the quantities returned, issued, adjusted, and received month-to-date. Otherwise, generate the On Hand by Warehouse report.


Completing this screen: Complete each required and any optional fields as described above. Select Submit to generate the report. If you selected Whse at the By warehouse/by warehouse vendor field, the system submits the job OHWLST if you selected Whse vendor, the system submits the job OHWVNDLST.

POHW OROMS 17.0 2018 OTN