Deposit History Detail Report

Purpose: Use this report to review deposits processed during a specific date range. Within this date range, you can select to include only deposits for a specific authorization service, pay type, and status.

How to print: Select Print Report on the Print Deposit History Detail Screen.

For more information: See the sample report in PDF format.

Note: This report is also available as a spreadsheet file, which you can open in spreadsheet application such as Microsoft Excel®. See Reports Available in Spreadsheet Format for more information.

Contents: The report page breaks by authorization service. For each authorization service, the system breaks deposits by date and within date by transaction type. The system sorts transaction types within date in ascending pay type, order number, and invoice number sequence.

Date Range: The date range specified on the Print Deposit History Detail Screen.

Auth: The authorization service specified on the Print Deposit History Detail Screen. All displays if you did not specify an authorization service.

Pay Type: The pay type specified on the Print Deposit History Detail Screen. All displays if you did not specify a pay type.

Status: The status selected on the Print Deposit History Detail Screen. All displays if you did not select a status.

Auth Service: A code for the authorization service associated with the deposit. From the Authorization service in the CC Deposit History table.

Deposit Date: The date the deposit was processed. From the Deposit date in the CC Deposit History table.

Tran Type: The type of deposit transaction. From the Transaction type in the CC Deposit History table.

- Purchase indicates a debit deposit transaction.

- Return indicates a credit deposit transaction.

- Conditional indicates an authorization and debit deposit transaction.

The following prints for each authorization service, deposit date, and transaction type combination:

Pay Type: The code and description for the pay type associated with the deposit. From the Pay type in the CC Deposit History table and Description in the Pay Type table.

Order #: The order number associated with the deposit. From the Order # in the CC Deposit History table.

Invoice #: The invoice number associated with the deposit. From the Invoice # in the CC Deposit History table.

CC Last 4: The last four digits of the credit card number defined for the pay type on the order. From the CC Last 4 in the Order Payment Method table.

Exp Date: The date the credit card expires. From the Credit card exp date in the CC Deposit History table.

Amount: The deposit amount; positive amounts represent debit deposits; negative amounts represent credit deposits. From the Deposit amount in the CC Deposit History table. See Netting Credits for Pay Plan Orders for more information on how credit amounts are calculated for deferred or installment returns.

Action Code: The action to take against the deposit. From the Action code in the CC Deposit History table.

- Deposit = Debit deposit transaction (Action code D in the CC Deposit History table).

- Auth/Deposit = Authorization and debit deposit transaction (Action code B in the CC Deposit History table).

- Return = Credit deposit transaction (Action code R in the CC Deposit History table.).

Auth Code: The authorization code from the authorization service. From the Authorization code in the CC Deposit History table.

Method: Indicates whether the deposit is associated with a deferred or installment payment plan. From the Flexible payment type in the CC Deposit History table.

- Regular = The deposit is not associated with a deferred or installment payment plan (Flexible payment type in the CC Deposit History table is blank).

- Defer = The deposit is associated with a deferred payment plan (Flexible payment type in the CC Deposit History table is D).

- Install = The deposit is associated with an installment payment plan (Flexible payment type in the CC Deposit History table is I).

Status: The status of the deposit. From the Status in the CC Deposit History table.

- Blank =

* The Preload Deposits (L78) system control value is selected, indicating the system created the record in the CC Deposit History table during billing in a blank (Not Yet Sent status). The system updates the status of the record in the CC Deposit History table when you submit deposits and perform Batch Deposit Updates using the Processing Auto Deposits (SDEP) menu option.

* There was a problem during transmission to the deposit service.

- Confirmed = The deposit has been confirmed by the service bureau (Status in the CC Deposit History table is C).

- Deleted = The deposit has been deleted (Status in the CC Deposit History table is D).

- Forced = The deposit has been forced (Status in the CC Deposit History table is F).

- Manual Confirm = The deposit has been manually confirmed (Status in the CC Deposit History table is M).

- Prepaid = The deposit has been prepaid (Status in the CC Deposit History table is P).

- Resubmitted = The deposit has been resubmitted to the service bureau (Status in the CC Deposit History table is R).

- Sent = The deposit has been sent to the service bureau, but a response has not been received (Status in the CC Deposit History table is S).

- Unconfirmed = The deposit has been sent to the service bureau, but an approved response was not received (Status in the CC Deposit History table is U).

- Written Off = The deposit has been written off (Status in the CC Deposit History table is W).


Total for specified transaction type, deposit date, and authorization service: The total deposit amount for the specified transaction type, deposit date, and authorization service. This is the sum of the Deposit amount in the CC Deposit History table for the specified transaction type, deposit date, and authorization service.

Total for specified deposit date and authorization service: The total deposit amount for the specified deposit date and authorization service, across all transaction types. This is the sum of the Deposit amount in the CC Deposit History table for the specified deposit date and authorization service.

Total for specified authorization service: The total deposit amount for the specified authorization service, across all transaction types and deposit dates within the report date range. This is the sum of the Deposit amount in the CC Deposit History table for the specified authorization service within the specified report date range.

Final totals: The total deposit amount across all transaction types and authorization services for the report date range. This is the sum of the Deposit amount in the CC Deposit History table for the specified report date range.

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