Setting Up the Number Assignment Table (WNUM)

Purpose: Use the Number Assignment table to establish the starting and ending number assignments used throughout the system for fields that require a unique identifier, such as an order number, purchase order number and customer number.

The system will automatically and sequentially assign the next number for each record defined in this table. Typically, this table is pre-loaded by Order Management System. If, however, the Number Assignment table is empty, you must define each number assignment during system set up. See Available Number Assignments for a description of each number assignment.

In this chapter:

Work with Number Assignment Screen

Available Number Assignments

Create Number Assignment Screen

Copy Company Info Window (Copying a Number Assignment)

Change Number Assignment Screen

Work with Number Assignment Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to change, copy, delete, or display a number assignment field.

How to display this screen: Enter WNUM in the Fast path field at the top of any menu or select Work with Number Assignment from a menu.



File code

A code to uniquely identify a number assignment.

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; optional.


The description of the number assignment.

Alphanumeric, 40 positions; display-only.

Last #

The number most recently assigned for the number assignment.

Numeric, 9 positions; optional.

Start #

The initial number for the number assignment.

Numeric, 9 positions; optional.

End #

The highest possible number that can be used for a number assignment.

The value in the Last # field rolls (begins at the value in the Start # field again) when it reaches the value in the End # field.

Numeric, 9 positions; optional.

Reset date

The date on which you changed the value in the Last # field manually.

Numeric, 6 positions (in user date format); optional.

Screen Options


Change a number assignment

Select Change for a number assignment to advance to the Change Number Assignment Screen.

Copy a number assignment

Select Copy for a number assignment to advance to the Copy Company Info Window (Copying a Number Assignment).

Delete a number assignment

Select Delete for a number assignment to delete it. The screen displays a message if you try to delete a system supplied number:

System supplied number file codes cannot be deleted.

Display a number assignment

Select Display for a number assignment to advance to the Display Number Assignment Screen.

Create a number assignment

Select Create advance to the Create Number Assignment Screen.

Available Number Assignments

Purpose: This chart lists and describes all of the number assignment records that should be included in your system. If the number assignment table is empty when you install the system, you must define each number assignment during system installation.

Although 9 positions are available for the Start # and End # fields, actual field lengths vary. For example, the number assignment A01 (Order Batch) is a 5-digit field; therefore, the numbers in the Start # and End # fields cannot exceed 5 digits. Refer to this table for exact field lengths for each number assignment.


Number Assignment


Field name/length


Order Batch

Assigns the next number when entering a new batch of mail orders during Order Entry.

OBA Batch #

Numeric, 5 positions


Purchase Order Header

Assigns the next number to a purchase order for merchandise.


Numeric, 7 positions


Order Header

Assigns the next number to uniquely identify a new customer order or quote.

OHD Order #

Numeric, 8 positions


P/O Receipt Control

Assigns the next number when receiving merchandise ordered on several purchase orders to distribute costs across all goods received.

POC Control #

Numeric, 7 positions


Customer Sold To

Assigns the next number to uniquely identify the customer who places an order or wants a catalog.

CST Customer #

Numeric, 9 positions


Suspense Placement Work

Assigns the next number to incoming inventory being held in suspense.

SPW Job #

Numeric, 6 positions


Customer Fraud

Assigns the next number to uniquely identify a fraudulent name and address.

CFF Seq #

Numeric, 7 positions


Customer Bill To

Assigns the next number to a bill to customer.

CBT Account #

Numeric, 7 positions


Short SKU

Assigns the next number to an item or SKU so that you can uniquely identify it when passing e-commerce information or when picking and packing it (the number is printed with a product's bar code on the pick slip).


Numeric, 7 positions


PCH Billing Batch #

Assigns the next number to a batch of pick slips so that you may bill all pick slips in the batch in a single step.

PCH Billing Batch #

Numeric, 7 positions


Pick Slip Gen Opts #

Assigns a number to a pick slip generation procedure, such as one that generates pick slips by customer number.

PSO Seq #

Numeric, 5 positions


PCH Control #

Assigns the next number to uniquely identify each pick.

PCH Control #

Numeric, 7 positions


Billing Invoice #

Assigns the next number to an invoice which uniquely identifies a shipment.

IHD Invoice #

Numeric, 7 positions


RA Header #

Assigns the next number to a pre-authorized return.


Numeric, 3 positions


Refund Check #

This number assignment is no longer implemented; the system uses the refund check number specified in the Bank table instead.

RRC Check #

Numeric, 7 positions


Authorization Record




Call Tag #

Not currently implemented.

CTG Call Tag #

Numeric, 7 positions


Cart Batch #

Assigns the next number to a cart to be used for cart/bin picking.

PDL Cart Batch #

Numeric, 3 positions


Order Cross Reference

Assigns the next order number equivalent to an order number from another system.

OCR Cross Reference #

Numeric, 9 positions


Invoice Cross Reference

Assigns the next invoice number equivalent to an invoice number from another system.

ICR Cross Reference #

Numeric, 9 positions


Barcode Counter

Assigns the next barcode number that will print on the shipping label.

This counter is used by TanData when you ship a miscellaneous package (not a Order Management System order). This enables you to wand the barcode on the package and add it to the manifest.

(No field defined in Order Management System)

Numeric, 9 positions


Amex Deposit File Sequence #

Assigns the next sequence number to uniquely identify a deposit table transmitted to the American Express credit card authorization service

(No field defined in Order Management System)

Numeric, 6 positions


NaBanco Batch #

Assigns the next batch number to uniquely identify a deposit table transmitted to the NaBanco credit card authorization service

(No field defined in Order Management System)

Numeric, 3 positions


JCP Deposit File Batch #

Assigns the next batch number to uniquely identify a deposit table transmitted to the J.C. Penney credit card authorization service

(No field defined in Order Management System)

Numeric, 3 positions


JCP Deposit File Sequence #




Item #

Assigns the next item number in item entry if Auto assign item # in the System Control table = Selected.

(No field defined in Order Management System)

Numeric, 9 positions maximum


Item to Item Tfr ID#

Assigns the next number to identify an item to item transfer (item transaction code = G). The system uses the same ID number for both the "from" and "to" items.


Numeric, 9 positions (the system adds an additional position to the beginning of the number containing the letter "I")


Outlet Transfer

Assigns the next control number for items requested for replenishment by outlet warehouses.

ARD Control number

Numeric, 9 positions


Cash Receipts Transaction ID

Assigns the next number to a new batch of payment transactions, whether you are using the Cash Receipts or the Batch Payment function.

(no field defined in Order Management System)

Numeric, 9 positions maximum


Internet Order Batch

Assigns the next control number when you process a batch of orders received through the internet interface.

Numeric, 5 positions


GECC Batch Sequence #

Assigns the next sequence number to identify a deposit table transmitted to the GECC credit card authorization service.

(No field defined in Order Management System)

Numeric, 9 positions


PkMS Pick Number

Not currently implemented.

OCR B Number

Numeric, 7 positions


PkMS Case Number

Not currently implemented.

Case number

Numeric, 10 positions


Order Number Download

Not currently implemented.

(No field in Order Management System)


Check Interface Download ID

Not currently implemented.

No field defined in Order Management System Numeric, 7 positions


PkMS Case Control Number

Not currently implemented.

Batch control number

Numeric, 10 positions


PkMS Item Control Number

Not currently implemented.

Batch control number

Numeric, 10 positions


PkMS Pick Control Number

Not currently implemented.

Batch control number

Numeric, 10 positions


PkMS PO/ASN Control Number

Not currently implemented.

Batch control number

Numeric, 10 positions


PkMS Vendor Control Number

Not currently implemented.

Batch control number

Numeric, 10 positions


SKU Quick Price Update Number

Assigns the next sequence number to each SKU/offer price created in Update SKU Offer Prices so that multiple users can create SKU/offer prices at one time.

Job number

Numeric, 6 positions


Vendor Number

Assigns the next sequence number when you create a new vendor, skipping over numbers already assigned to vendors.

Numeric, 7 positions


Item File Transfer #

Not implemented.

No field defined in Order Management System

Numeric, 6 positions


Item Note File Transfer #

Not implemented.

No field defined in Order Management System

Numeric, 6 positions


PO File Transfer #

Not implemented.

No field defined in Order Management System

Numeric, 6 positions


Vendor File Transfer #

Not implemented.

No field defined in Order Management System

Numeric, 6 positions


Returns File Transfer #

Not implemented.

No field defined in Order Management System

Numeric, 6 positions


Pick Ticket File Transfer #

Not implemented.

No field defined in Order Management System

Numeric, 6 positions


Stop Ship File Transfer #

Not implemented.

No field defined in Order Management System

Numeric, 6 positions


Immediate Need File Transfer #

Not currently implemented.

No field defined in Order Management System

Numeric, 6 positions


Transaction Sequence #

Assigns the next sequence number to the online authorization when you receive a response from the authorization service during online credit card authorization.

Transaction sequence #

Numeric, 15 positions


PkMS Immediate Need Control Number

Not currently implemented.

Batch control #

Numeric, 10 positions


Batch Auth File Trace Number

Assigns the next sequence number to the Reference ID field in the Integration Process Control table.

Reference ID

Alphanumeric, 16 positions


Tickler Number

Assigns the next sequence number to the Tickler number field for a newly created tickler.

Tickler number

Numeric, 9 positions


Alternate Customer #

Assigns the next sequence number to the Alternate customer number field whenever a new customer is created if the Assign Alternate Customer # (I88) system control value is selected.

Alt customer #

Alphanumeric, 15 positions


POS Customer #

Used with a series of other data to build a customer number for a point-of-sale (POS) system.

Customer id

Numeric, 6 positions


POS Transaction #

Sequential number that is used for sending activities to a POS system. The POS Transaction # is not related to a transaction but is required to pull sales transactions into the POS system.

Transaction id

Numeric, 8 positions

Create Number Assignment Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to define the number assignments required for system installation. See Available Number Assignments.

How to display this screen: Select Create at the Work with Number Assignment Screen.



File code

A unique identifier assigned to each number assignment.

Once a file code is assigned, it cannot be changed, only deleted. See Change Number Assignment Screen.

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; display-only.

Last #

The most recent number automatically assigned by the system or set manually.

The last number must be greater than or equal to the value in the Start # field.

Numeric, 9 positions; required.

Start #

The initial value for a number assignment.

Numeric, 9 positions; required.

End #

The highest possible number to be assigned for a number assignment.

Numeric, 9 positions; required.

Although 9 positions are available for the Start # and End # fields, actual field lengths vary. For specific field lengths, refer to the table entitled Available Number Assignments.

Reset date

The date on which you changed the value in the Last # field manually.

Enter a reset date each time you update the value in the Last # field.

Numeric, 6 positions (in user date format); required (only if last number is changed manually).

Copy Company Info Window (Copying a Number Assignment)

Purpose: Use this window to copy a number assignment to one or all of the companies set up on your system.

How to display this screen: At the Work with Number Assignment Screen, select Copy for the number assignment you wish to copy.



Company code

A code to uniquely identify a company set up on your system.

A company contains a single, isolated set of tables and data: it is an organization of financial information, inventory, and customers that is completely separate from another company.

Numeric, 3 positions; required.

To copy to one company: Enter the company code to which you wish to copy a number assignment and Select OK.

To copy to all companies: Select All Companies.

Change Number Assignment Screen

To change: Select Change for the number assignment at the Work with Number Assignment Screen to advance to the Change Number Assignment screen. You can change all fields on this screen except the File code field.

See Create Number Assignment Screen for a description of the fields on this screen.

Display Number Assignment Screen

To display: Select Display for the number assignment at the Work with Number Assignment Screen to advance to the Display Number Assignment screen. You cannot change any information on this screen.

See Create Number Assignment Screen for a description of the fields on this screen.

WNUM OROMS 17.0 2018 OTN