Edit Warehouse/Reservation Values Screen (B50)

Purpose: Use this screen to define the parameters that control immediate and batch reservation.

Immediate Reservation (A64)

Select this field to reserve inventory for all orders (open and held) as you enter each line item in Order Entry.

Unselect this field to reserve inventory for all eligible orders in Working with Interactive Reservation (MIRV).

Exceptions: Regardless of the setting of this system control value, inventory is not reserved in order entry for:

• Orders for customers whose Bypass Reservation flag is selected.

• Items whose order quantity exceeds the Reserve qty from the SKU table.

In order to reserve inventory for either of these types of orders, you need to use Working with Interactive Reservation (MIRV).

FIFO Flag (A03)

If you select this field, inventory is held for orders on a first-in/first-out basis, regardless of whether the order is eligible for reservation. This field must be selected if Immediate Reservation (A64) is selected.

If you leave this field unselected, inventory is not held for orders that are not eligible for reservation.

For example, if a customer's order is held from reservation because of a balance due, inventory is not held for that order; instead, it is allocated to the next eligible “pickable” order.

Note: If this field is unselected, the system subtracts the SKU open quantity from the On hand quantity for each warehouse in calculating the Available quantity. For example, if you have 10 units of an item on-hand in warehouse 1 and warehouse 2, and you enter an order for a quantity of 2, the system displays an available quantity of 8 in both warehouse 1 and warehouse 2.

Default Warehouse (A04)

Enter the code for the warehouse (up to 3 positions, numeric) to default in Work with Items when you create an item or SKU and in the pop-up window when using the SKU generator.

This warehouse is also used in Reservation.

Warehouse codes are defined in and validated against the Warehouse table. See Creating and Maintaining Warehouses (WWHS).

Ship Complete from 1 Warehouse (B16)

If you select this field, the system attempts to fulfill an entire order from one warehouse, based on the warehouse list associated with the order ship to SCF address.

The system consolidates as much of the order as possible into one warehouse, using a warehouse ranking system. See Working with Warehouse Lists (WWHL) for an explanation of the logic the system uses to consolidate orders.

If the system cannot reserve an order line completely from one warehouse, it reserves what it can from the first warehouse on the warehouse list and reserves the remaining quantity on the line from the next warehouse on the list that contains inventory.

If you leave this field unselected, the system tries first to reserve inventory in the item’s primary warehouse, as defined in the Item table. If you have defined a warehouse list for the order ship to address, the system uses the warehouse list to reserve inventory only if the item’s primary location does not have enough inventory to fulfill the order.

Note: You must set this system control value to selected if you want to use warehouse lists to reserve inventory. Also, you must define warehouse lists if you want to use this system control value to consolidate reserve warehouses. If you have not defined a warehouse list for the SCF of an order ship-to address, the system does not attempt to consolidate reserve warehouses, regardless of the setting of this system control value. See Creating and Maintaining Warehouses (WWHS) for more information on warehouse lists.

Split Line Over Multi Whse (B19)

If you select this field, a line on an order can be fulfilled by inventory from more than one warehouse.

If you leave this field unselected, an order line must be fulfilled by inventory from only one warehouse.

Important: This system control value is not currently implemented. See Working with Warehouse Lists (WWHL) for an explanation of how the system reserves single order lines based on the setting of system control value Ship Complete from 1 Warehouse (B16).

Reservation Lead Days (B27)

Enter the number of days (up to 3 positions, numeric) after which an order (or order line) should be considered a future order and should not be reserved.

Calculating a future order:

If the arrival date minus the reservation lead days is greater than today's date, the order is considered a future order, because it is not yet time to reserve the merchandise.

Arrival date = 12/20; Today's date = 12/5; reservation lead days = 5; 12/20 - 5 = 12/15; order is a future order.

The quantity on future order in the Item/SKU table increases, and the quantity open does not increase. Each night the system evaluates if the order should be put in an open status through periodic processing.

Generic order interface: If this system control value is 0, the system does not calculate whether an order received through the Generic Order Interface (Order API) is a future order and reserves the items on the order.

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