Default Return Reason Code for Inbound Returns (H63)

Purpose: Use this screen to identify the return reason code to use when processing returns initiated from an outside system, such as a third-party warehouse management system, if a valid return reason code is not passed to Order Management System.

Number field: Enter a valid return reason code in this field to specify the return reason code to use for a return initiated from an outside system when a valid return reason code is not passed from the outside system and you have not created a return authorization for the merchandise. If a return authorization exists for the merchandise in Order Management System, the system applies the Return reason from the return authorization when the return is received.

If you do not enter a return reason code in this field, and the system needs a return reason for a return initiated from an outside system, the first record in the Return Reason Code table, sorted numerically, applies.


• You have defined return reason codes 001, 002, 005, 888 and 999 in Order Management System.

• A return from an outside system is uploaded to Order Management System, and there is no return authorization for the return.

• The return from the outside system does not pass any of the defined reason codes.

• You have entered 005 in the Number field of this system control value.

Order Management System assigns reason 005.


• You have defined return reason codes 001, 002, 005, 888 and 999 in Order Management System.

• A return from an outside system is uploaded to Order Management System, and there is no return authorization for the return.

• The return from the outside system does not pass any of the defined reason codes.

• This system control value is blank.

Order Management System assigns reason 001.

For more information: See Establishing Return Reason Codes (WRTR).

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