Require Reason in CTI (G98)

Purpose: Use this screen to define whether a window displays requiring an order inquiry reason code when you return to the Customer Selection Screen after using order inquiry or order maintenance.

Yes/No field: Select this field if you want the system to display a pop-up window requiring an order inquiry reason code when you return to the Customer Selection Screen after using order inquiry or order maintenance and you do not have authority to the Bypass CTI Reason Code (B24) secured feature.

Note: Contact your Order Management System representative for information on implementing CTI.

You can use order inquiry reason codes to determine why customers are inquiring about their orders or requesting maintenance on their orders. For example, if customers are inquiring about when they can expect to receive the merchandise on their orders, you can train your order entry operators to inform the customers of the expected delivery date.

Note: You can only enter an order inquiry reason code if you advance to order inquiry or order maintenance from the Customer Selection Screen. If you advance to order inquiry from the Order Inquiry Scan Screen or you advance to order maintenance from the Select Customer Sold To For Order Screen, the system does not allow you to enter an order inquiry reason code regardless of the setting of the Require Reason in CTI (G98) system control value and Bypass CTI Reason Code Entry (B24) secured feature.

How do order inquiry reasons relate to the order? When you define an order inquiry reason code after maintaining or reviewing an order, the system does not assign the order inquiry reason code to the order. Instead, the system tracks the number of times a specific user maintained or reviewed an order or orders associated with a specific line of business for a specific date and a specific order inquiry reason. You can review order inquiry reason history at the Order Inquiry Reason History Screen.

For more information: See:

Working with Order Inquiry Reason Codes (WORC) for information on creating and maintaining order inquiry reason codes.

Bypass CTI Reason Code (B24) for more information on this secured feature.

Leave this field unselected if you do not want the system to require an order inquiry reason code when you return to the Customer Selection screen after using order inquiry or order maintenance.

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