Display Alternate Customer Cross Reference Window (I84)

Purpose: Use this screen to indicate whether to attempt to match customers based on the single alternate customer number specified in the Customer Sold To table (the “primary”), or to give equal priority to any of the alternate customer numbers stored in the Alternate Customer # Cross Reference table.

Yes/No field: Select this field to indicate that the alternate customer number specified at the second Create/Change/Display Customer screen is the “primary” alternate customer number, and additional numbers stored in the Alternate Customer # Cross Reference table are old numbers saved for historical purposes only. If you enter a cross-reference number at a scan screen, the system displays the Alternate Customer Cross Reference window. This window indicates that your entry is out of date, and you should use the current “primary” alternate customer number to identify the customer.

Note: The alternate customer number field label displayed at this window and at other screens is defined by the Alternate Customer Number Label Description (H95).

If this system control value is selected, the system does not let you delete the customer’s “primary” alternate customer number; it is a required field.

About interfaces: When this system control value is selected and the system needs to select a customer based on alternate customer number as part of an interface, there is no opportunity to display a window or indicate that the alternate customer number is not “primary.” In this situation, the system:

• selects the customer who has alternate number specified as the “primary,” if there is only one; otherwise,

• if there are multiple customers with the same “primary,” it selects the most recently created customer (indicated by the highest customer number) with a matching “primary”; otherwise,

• if there are no customers who have the specified alternate number as the “primary,” but there are matches in the Alternate Customer # Cross Reference table, it selects the most recently created customer (indicated by the highest customer number) with a matching cross-reference number.

Matching based on alternate customer number takes place only if more specific information, such as customer number, is not provided in the message.

Alternate customer numbers created how? Alternate customer numbers can be created or assigned through:

• creating a customer by any means, if the Assign Alternate Customer # (I88) system control value is selected; in this situation, the system assigns the number

• entering a specific number at the second Create or Change Customer screen in customer maintenance

• creating or updating a customer through the Generic Order Interface (Order API); in this case, the system updates the alternate customer number with the number specified in the inbound order message, if any

• creating or updating a customer through the Generic Customer API

About the Alternate Customer # Cross Reference table: The system automatically creates a record in this table for each alternate customer number assigned to a customer, and does not automatically delete any of the cross references. See Working with Alternate Customer Number Cross-References for information on the screens you use to review or work with this table.

Leave this field unselected if you do not want to give a higher priority to the alternate customer number specified in the Customer Sold To table. When you search based on alternate customer number, the system checks all alternate customer numbers in the Alternate Customer # Cross Reference table, and displays all matching results. It does not indicate whether your entry was also found in the Customer Sold To table.

If this system control value is unselected, the system allows you to delete the customer’s “primary” alternate customer number.

About interfaces: When this system control value is unselected and the system needs to select a customer based on alternate customer number, it selects the most recently created customer (indicated by the highest customer number) with a matching cross-reference number.

Summary of Alternate Customer Number Search Options

The following table indicates how the system searches based on alternate customer number at screens and through interfaces.

Display Alternate Customer Cross Reference Window (I84) setting




“Primary” match?

If there is a single match to your entry in the “primary” alternate customer number in the Customer Sold To table, advance to a subsequent scan screen with this customer displayed as the first entry; if more than one customer has the same “primary” alternate customer number, display the most recently created customer (based on highest customer number) as the first entry at the subsequent scan screen.

If there is a single “primary” match to the specified alternate customer number, select this customer; if there are multiple customers with the same “primary,” select the most recently created customer based on the highest customer number.


No “primary” match?


If there are no “primary” matches to your entry, but there is a cross-reference match, display the Alternate Customer Cross Reference window before advancing to the subsequent scan screen, displaying the customer’s current “primary” number rather than your entry; if more than one customer has the same cross-reference number, display the most recently created customer (based on highest customer number) in the pop-up window before advancing to the subsequent scan screen.

If there is a single cross-reference match to the specified alternate customer number, select this customer; if there are multiple customers with the same cross-reference number, select the most recently created customer based on the highest customer number.


Advance to a subsequent scan screen displaying all customers with matching cross-reference numbers sorted in ascending numeric order by customer number.

Select the most recently created customer (based on highest customer number) who has a matching cross-reference number.

Scan screens: Searching by alternate customer number is available at the:

Select Customer Sold To Screen in customer maintenance

Order Inquiry Scan Screen

Order Maintenance Selection Screen

Select Customer for Catalog Request Screen

Select Customer Sold To For Order Screen

Interfaces: Matching based on alternate customer number is enabled through the:

Generic Order Interface (Order API)

Generic Customer History API

• email integration that is part of the Email Repository

Generic Customer API: Regardless of the setting of the Display Alternate Customer Cross Reference Window (I84) system control value, this integration always looks for an alternate customer match against the Alternate Customer # Cross Reference table, even if there is a “primary” alternate customer number. See Determining the Customer to Update.

Generic Customer Inquiry (Search) API: Regardless of the setting of the Display Alternate Customer Cross Reference Window (I84) system control value, this integration always uses the Alternate Customer # Cross Reference table for searching, even if there is a “primary” alternate customer number.

IN03_08 OROMS 17.0 2018 OTN