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FAQ - What are Service Recovery Adjustments and how can I make them?

A Service Recovery Adjustment enables you to associate a department, reason code, and clarifying text with the adjustment, as well as gain a guest signature acknowledging the adjustment. The feature provides the ability to post and track Service Recovery Adjustments versus other non-service recovery related adjustments. The Cashiering > Service Recovery Allowance parameter must be set to ON for this feature.

Posting for Service Recovery Allowances

Service Recovery Allowance posting adjustments are made on the Manage Billing screen after displaying the guest reservation. An Adjustment train guides you through the adjustment process.

To display the Adjustment train:

  1. Select a posting from the guest's folio.
  2. Select the Actions menu and choose "Post Adjustment."
  3. The first stop of the Adjustment train opens.

1.) Select Transactions Train Stop

Transactions that are allowed to be adjusted are displayed in the "Available" section of the Select Transactions Stop.

TCW_Transaction Codes_Service Recovery Allowance_stop 1

  1. Select an allowable transaction.
  2. Add the transaction to the "Selected" section of the screen.
  3. Select Next.

2.) Adjustments Train Stop

The Adjustments stop lets you select the Service Recovery checkbox and select the Department responsible for the adjustment.

TCW - Transaction Codes - Service Recovery Allowance - stop 2

  1. Select "Service Recovery" as the type of adjustment.
  2. Select either Amount or Percentage and enter either an adjustment amount or percentage (of the original posted amount).
  3. Select a reason code. A list of reason codes is provided based on the department.
  4. Use the text field to enter any additional information about the adjustment.
  5. Select Next.

Note: You cannot post a service recovery for an amount greater than the original net charge amount. Service Recovery Allowance postings inherit the tax configuration of the transaction code you are adjusting.

3.) Confirmation Train Stop

The Confirmation stops gives you the opportunity to review the adjustment before posting it to the guest folio.

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The screen below displays the transaction details of the highlighted posting.

Service Recovery Allowance Charge Information

After the adjustment is posted, a receipt is generated (if the Print Receipt checkbox is checked for the Service Recovery Code used in the adjustment). The receipt displays only the the adjustment amount and provides a place for guest and associate to sign.

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