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Rooms Availability View Options Screen

When selected, these options display on the Rooms Availability Screen, revealing the breakdown of data. House level also includes the Restrictions option. See the Rooms Availability View Options Legend below for these option descriptions.



Rooms Availability View Options Legend


View Option...


Available Rooms

Rooms Available to Sell - Considers Rooms Sold, Out of Order, and Sell Limit but does not include Tentative Reservations

Available Rms w/ Tent

Rooms Available to Sell - Considers Rooms Sold, Out of Order, Sell Limit, and Tentative Reservations

Rooms Sold

Number of Definite Rooms Sold - Does not include Tentative Reservations

Tentative Rooms Sold

Number of Tentative rooms sold - Does not include Definite Reservations


Cancelled Reservations - Number of Arrival Reservations Cancelled for that date

Occupancy %

Forecast Occupied Rooms (Rooms Sold) - Considers Out of Order and Sell Limit but does not include Tentative Reservations

Occupancy w/ Tent %

Forecast Occupied Rooms (Rooms Sold) - Considers Out of Order, Sell Limit and Tentative Reservations

Availability %

Forecast Available Rooms - Considers Out of Order and Sell Limit but does not include Tentative Reservations

Availability w/ Tent %

Forecast Available Rooms - Considers Out of Order, Sell Limit and Tentative Reservations

Physical Rooms

Physical number of rooms configured for the property

Out Of Order Rooms

Number of rooms set to Out of Order status - deducts from physical inventory

Sell Limit Rooms

Number of rooms with a set Sell Limit – Links to the Set Sell Limits screen to modify the Sell Limit


A flag indicates one or more restrictions exist for this date (displays at House level only)



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Rooms Availability View Options Legend, with Calculations

Following are the available view options in the Rooms Availability screen with the calculation methods for each.


  View Option



Available Rooms

Rooms Available to Sell - Considers Rooms Sold, Out of Order, and Sell Limit but does not include Tentative Reservations

Available Rooms =
(Physical Rooms - Rooms Sold - Out of Order + Sell Limit*)

Available Rms w/ Tent

Rooms Available to Sell - Considers Rooms Sold, Out of Order, Sell Limit, and Tentative Reservations

Available Rooms w/ Tentative =
(Physical Rooms - Rooms Sold - Out of Order + Sell Limit* - Tentative Rooms Sold)

Rooms Sold

Number of Definite Rooms Sold - Does not include Tentative Reservations

Rooms Sold =
Actual number of Rooms Sold in Definite (Deduct) status

Tentative Rooms Sold

Number of Tentative rooms sold - Does not include Definite Reservations

Tentative Rooms Sold =
Actual number of Rooms Sold in Tentative (Non-deduct) status


Cancelled Reservations - Number of Arrival Reservations Cancelled for that date

Cancelled =
Number of reservations due to arrive on that date but were cancelled.

This number refers to how many of that date's arrivals were cancelled, not how many cancellations were received on that date.

Occupancy %

Forecast Occupied Rooms (Rooms Sold) - Considers Out of Order and Sell Limit but does not include Tentative Reservations

Occupancy % =
(Rooms Sold / (Physical Rooms - Out of Order + Sell Limit*) x 100)

Occupancy w/ Tent %

Forecast Occupied Rooms (Rooms Sold) - Considers Out of Order, Sell Limit and Tentative Reservations

Occupancy w/Tent % =
(((Rooms Sold + Tentative Rooms Sold) / (Physical Rooms - Out Of Order + Sell Limit*)) x 100)

Availability %

Forecast Available Rooms - Considers Out of Order and Sell Limit but does not include Tentative Reservations

Availability % =
((Available Rooms / (Physical Rooms - Out Of Order + Sell Limit*)) x 100)

Availability w/ Tent %

Forecast Available Rooms - Considers Out of Order, Sell Limit and Tentative Reservations

Availability w/ Tent % =
(((Available Rooms - Tentative Rooms Sold) / (Physical Rooms - Out Of Order + Sell Limit*)) x 100)

Physical Rooms

Physical number of rooms configured for the property

Physical Rooms =
Actual number of Physical rooms configured for the property.

Out Of Order Rooms

Number of rooms set to Out of Order status - deducts from physical inventory

Out Of Order Rooms =
Actual number of rooms set to Out of Order status.

Sell Limit Rooms

Number of rooms with a set Sell Limit – Links to the Set Sell Limits screen to modify the Sell Limit. Can be set with a flat number of rooms or a percentage of total physical rooms.

Sell Limit Rooms =
Number of rooms that increase (overbook, positive sell limit) or decrease (underbook, negative sell limit) the allowable rooms available to sell.


A flag indicates one or more restrictions exist for this date (displays at House level only)


 * If the Sell Limit is negative, then subtract it in the equation.
For example, if the Physical rooms is 155 and the Sell Limit is -8, then the calculation for "Physical rooms + Sell Limit" would be "155 - 8".

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