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Rooms Availability

The Rooms Availability screen shows you the number of Available and Sold rooms at a glance for the House level and Room Type Level within a two week period. By default, the House level also shows the number of Cancelled reservations.

Select hyperlinked numbers to access more detail or to change settings; customize the view by selecting the View Options and choosing the statistics that you want shown on the screen.

Screen Details icon   Screen Details


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Rooms Availability Screen

Rooms Availability View Options Screen

View Options Legend



   Video - Rooms Availability - How to Use the View Options  How to Use the View Options Video Script - Rooms Availability - How to Use the View Options

   Video - Rooms Availability - How to Access Sell Limits from Rooms Availability  How to Access Sell Limits from Rooms Availability Video Script - Rooms Availability - How to Access Sell Limits from Rooms Availability 





FAQs icon   FAQs

I can manage Sell Limits from this screen, but what about Restrictions?

Why are some numbers displaying in red and others in blue?

What is included in the calculation for each line in the Rooms Availability screen?


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