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Look To Book Sell Messages

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   Video_Sell Messages Display  LTB - Sell Messages Display VScript_Sell Messages Display

   Video_LTB - Property Room Type Availability Functionality  LTB - Property Room Type Availability Functionality VScript_LTB - Property Room Type Availability Functionality


Sell Messages

Sell Messages can contain important selling features that the agent can mention to the guest or motivational messages intended for the sales agents themselves.  

Room Types Stay Availability

The bottom portion of the Sell Messages box includes a breakout of availability by Room Type. This availability appears when an Availability Search is conducted, and reflects the current maximum available rooms for each Room Type for the selected Property for the entire stay.

The “Show / Hide Availability” link toggles the view.

Related items

For Blocks Room Types Stay Availability, see Look to Book Block - Show Availability

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