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Connected Profiles

The Connected Profiles jump on the Reservation screen holds the guest's profile information, along with associated profiles (such as Company, Travel Agent, Group) and accompanying guest profiles linked to the reservation.

This jump consists of 3 pages (select the appropriate bar to open the page):

  1. Guest Profile - This is the reservation holder, also shown in the reservation's Primary Details. You can edit this information, open the full profile, or select another profile to make that profile the reservation holder.
  2. Associated Profiles - You can link a Company, Travel Agent, Group, or Source profile and their Contact profile to a reservation.
  3. Accompanying Profiles - If another guest is occupying a room with the reservation guest, but does not require a separate billing folio, you can attach that guest's profile as an Accompanying guest. Although this guest is not the reservation holder, a search for an accompanying guest returns the reservation record with the accompanying indicator and highlighted text.

How Do I . . .

View other Profiles attached to a Reservation?

Link another Profile to a Reservation?


What is the difference between an accompanying guest and a sharing guest?

Can I change the name (primary profile) on a reservation?

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