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Room Discrepancies Jump

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Room Discrepancies occur when the Housekeeping occupancy status of a room differs from the Front Office occupancy status of the same room. The Room Discrepancies jump allows you to search for and resolve such discrepancies.

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How do I print a room discrepancy report?

What if I check someone in and I don't know that the room is discrepant?


Room Discrepancies Types - Skips and Sleeps

Room discrepancies between Housekeeping and the Front Office are the result of "Skips" or "Sleeps" that are discovered during the day-to-day operations of a property.

Note: Of the two discrepancy types, a Sleep discrepancy may be the most critical to investigate in regards to the current status of the room and in order to maximize room revenue. It is important to resolve any room that housekeeping indicates is occupied when the front desk shows that it is vacant. Skip discrepancies are common during the middle of the day when housekeeping has cleaned a departure room (and now shows it as vacant), but the reservation still shows it as checked in because the guest did not officially check out upon departure.

Search for Room Discrepancies

Use Search to display Room Discrepancies. Search criteria includes Property, Floor, From Room No, and Room Class. You can filter search results by selecting Skip, Sleep, or Departure Only.

Room Discrepancy - Search fields

Search Criteria



A mandatory field. Enter or select the Property's name.


Searches for discrepancies by Floor number. Floors are defined groups of rooms assigned to housekeeping attendants.

From Room No

Searches for discrepancies starting from the room number you enter or select and going higher.

Room Class

Searches by defined room classes, for example, villas, cabins, beach front, etc.


Filters search by rooms listed as Skips (rooms shown as occupied by the Front Office, but shown as vacant by Housekeeping).


Filters search by rooms listed as sleeps (rooms shown as vacant by the Front Office, but shown as occupied by Housekeeping).

Departure Only

Filters search by rooms with a Reservation Status of Departure. These are rooms whose guests are due to check out on the current date.

Resolve Room Discrepancies

Search results allow you resolve room discrepancies by updating room status and other information associated with a room. The discrepancies displayed in search results provide the following information: Room Number, Room Type, Room Status, HK Status (Housekeeping), FO Status (Front Office), Reservation Status, and Discrepancy. Use the Update Room Status function to resolve discrepancies.

Room Discrepancies - Search results

To update the room and housekeeping status and resolve the discrepancies:

  1. Select a room.
  2. Select Update Room Status. The Set Room Status pop-up screen displays.
  3. Select the current Room Status (Inspected, Clean, Dirty, or Pickup).
  4. Select the current Housekeeping Status (Vacant or Occupied).
  5. Close the screen.

Room Discrepancy - Set Room Status

Select the Prioritize for Housekeeping Service check box to assign priority to the room when task sheets are generated (it moves the room to the top of the My Rooms list).

Housekeeping Discrepancy Report

The Housekeeping Discrepancies Report lists all room discrepancies found in your search. Select Report to print, email, fax, or preview the report.

Room Discrepancies - Report

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