Chapter 108: Processing Refunds by Order Number (MRFO)

Purpose: Use Process Refunds by Order Number to generate refunds for selected orders only. This option differs from Processing Refunds (MREF); this option allows you to generate all available refunds by selected refund type for a specified bank, limiting the total dollar value of refunds if desired.

Which refunds are eligible? See Chapter 102: Processing Refunds (MREF) for an overview of how the system determines which refunds to process, cancel, or write off.

Process Refunds by Order Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to generate refunds for selected orders.

How to display this screen:

CSR1194 ENTER Process Refunds by Order 9/06/01 15:58:11

Company #1

Select Bank . . . .

Selected Orders . .

F3=Exit F8=Work w/Refunds F9=Submit F12=Cancel




The bank associated with the source code on the order. You associate a bank with a source code by selecting a division for the source code; each division is associated with a bank. The system determines the next sequential check number to use by adding 1 to the Last check number defined in the Bank file.

If you process orders in multiple currencies, the bank also indicates the currency of the refunds, since each currency on your system is associated with a unique bank. The bank you specify at this screen indicates the currency of all refund checks, credits, or writeoffs that you process at this screen. Bank codes are defined in and validated against the Bank file. See Accounts Payable Chapter 6: Working with Banks (WBNK).

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; required.


Enter each order number that should have a refund processed, canceled, or written off. The system verifies that there is a refund for each order that is eligible for processing; see below for details.

Numeric, fifteen 8-position fields; required.

Completing this screen:

1. Enter the bank associated with the refund(s).

2. Enter each order number to have a refund processed, canceled, or written off. Optionally, press F8 to advance to the Work with Refunds Screen to review refunds eligible for generation.

Note: If you Press Enter before entering any order numbers, you can enter any order number and Press Enter again in order to exit the screen.

3. Press Enter. The system validates your entries and highlights any order numbers in error. Possible errors are:

Error message


All refund records on hold for order 2464

The Ref sts (Refund status) is held (H) or the Manual hold flag for the refund is set to Y.

1 of 3 refunds for order 2192 are on hold

Bank not valid for order 2465

The bank for the order is not the same as the Bank you entered.

Order 2605 not valid for processing

The Ref sts (Refund status) is processed (P), canceled (C), or written off (T).

Order 3865 is not eligible for refund processing

The Ord sts (Order status) is held (H) or suspended (S).

No refunds exist for order 5845

There are no refunds for the order.

4. After correcting any errors, press F9. If there are any refund checks to generate, a pop-up window appears displaying the next available check number. You can accept the check number displayed, change the check number, or press F12 to close the window and cancel the action.

5. The system submits the job REFORD_PRC. This job processes the same updates and reports as the Processing Refunds (MREF) menu option; see Summary of Refund Processing Updates and Reports.

CS10_10 CWDirect 18.0 August 2015 OTN