

.# of Days to Auto Cancel Orders Pending Payment (SCV K18)

.$ Threshold for Automatic Authorization # Assignment (SCV K36)


.A/P Age by Date Type (SCV C50)

.A/P Aging 1 Column Heading (SCV C22)

.A/P Aging 1 Days (SCV C28)

.A/P Aging 2 Column Heading (SCV C23)

.A/P Aging 2 Days (SCV C29)

.A/P Aging 3 Column Heading (SCV C24)

.A/P Aging 3 Days (SCV C30)

.A/P Aging 4 Column Heading (SCV C25)

.A/P Aging 4 Days (SCV C31)

.A/P Aging 5 Column Heading (SCV C26)

.A/P Aging 5 Days (SCV C32)

.A/P Aging 6 Column Heading (SCV C27)

.A/P Aging 6 Days (SCV C33)

.A/P Aging Summary Report

.A/P batching

.accepting a batch

.invoice batch totals, changing

.processing batches

.rejecting a batch

.Suspended A/P Batch Listing

.A/P Check # (Number Assignment A23)

.A/P Check Printing Program (SCV C52)

.A/P checks



.creating for an existing invoice

.criteria, defining





.manual check, creating





.reconciling a batch of checks


.sample check

.updates, types of


.A/P Discount General Ledger Account # (SCV C55)

.A/P Entry Batch # (Number Assignment A22)

.A/P Files Purge Days (SCV C21)

.A/P invoice entry

.A/P vendor, selecting for


.accepting the invoice

.batching, when not using

.batching, when using

.invoice details, entering

.invoice header, entering

.rejecting the invoice

.A/P invoice inquiry


.invoice detail history

.invoice details

.invoice header

.invoice header history

.payment details

.vendor charge back additional charges

.vendor charge back address, changing

.vendor charge back detail

.vendor charge back messages

.vendor history

.vendor notes

.A/P invoice maintenance


.invoice notes

.selecting an A/P invoice

.A/P Invoice Maintenance (Secured Feature A73)

.A/P invoice notes

.A/P Invoice Upload Auto Accept Batch (SCV H73)

.A/P Invoice Upload Bank (SCV H71)

.A/P Invoice Upload Cost Variance Percent (SCV H75)

.A/P Invoice Upload Default Detail General Ledger Number (SCV H72)

.A/P Invoice Upload Division (SCV H70)

.A/P Invoice Upload Error List

.A/P Invoice Upload Report

.A/P Invoice Upload Terms Code Usage (SCV H76)

.A/P Invoice Upload Unit Variance Percent (SCV H74)

.A/P Invoice Upload Values (SCV H69)

.A/P invoices, purging

.A/P invoices, uploading

.A/P Ledger

.A/P Purchase Journal with Discounts Report

.A/P Purchases Summary by Invoice Posted Date

.A/P Reconciliation List

.A/P STS Transfer Batch # (Number Assignment A37)

.A/P Vendor Hold Status (Secured Feature A37)

.A/P-PO invoice matching

.A/P invoice header, entering

.A/P transactions


.accepting the invoice

.invoice charge backs

.invoice detail discounts

.invoice details, entering

.invoice details, including, excluding, or closing

.receipt details, displaying

.rejecting the invoice


.unmatched transactions, creating


.A/R Adjustments Journal and Summary

.A/R aging



.reviewing in A/R inquiry

.A/R Aging 1 Column Heading (SCV A93)

.A/R Aging 1 Credit Check (SCV B06)

.A/R Aging 1 Days (SCV A99)

.A/R Aging 2 Column Heading (SCV A94)

.A/R Aging 2 Credit Check (SCV B07)

.A/R Aging 2 Days (SCV B01)

.A/R Aging 3 Column Heading (SCV A95)

.A/R Aging 3 Credit Check (SCV B08)

.A/R Aging 3 Days (SCV B02)

.A/R Aging 4 Column Heading (SCV A96)

.A/R Aging 4 Credit Check (SCV B09)

.A/R Aging 4 Days (SCV B03)

.A/R Aging 5 Column Heading (SCV A97)

.A/R Aging 5 Credit Check (SCV B10)

.A/R Aging 5 Days (SCV B04)

.A/R Aging 6 Column Heading (SCV A98)

.A/R Aging 6 Credit Check (SCV B11)

.A/R Aging 6 Days (SCV B05)

.A/R Aging Summary Report

.A/R Aging Summary Reports

.A/R batch entry, high speed

.A/R Control Report

.A/R credits, applying as payment in order maintenance

.A/R dispute reason codes

.A/R inquiry, about

.A/R invoice detail, reviewing in A/R inquiry

.A/R items

.A/R open items

.allocating or unallocating in A/R inquiry

.applying credits to debits in WARI

.changing dispute status in A/R inquiry

.changing in A/R inquiry

.changing in cash receipts


.reviewing details in A/R inquiry

.reviewing in A/R inquiry

.reviewing in WARI

.A/R Order Access (Secured Feature A26)

.A/R payment details

.reviewing in A/R inquiry

.A/R refunds, processing

.A/R sales history

.delinquent customer, reviewing

.reviewing in A/R inquiry

.A/R types, required codes

.ABC/velocity codes

.Accept Accounts Payable Invoice Batches (Secured Feature A71)

.Access Estimated Charge Percent (Secured Feature B01)

.Access Initial Data Warehouse Load (Secured Feature B04)

.Access To Customer Pop-Up Messages (Secured Feature A79)

.Access To Void/Reprint All (Secured Feature A76)

.Access Work With A/R Open Items For Order Entry/Order Maintenance (Secured Feature A67)

.accompanying items, working with

.accounting periods, about

.Accounting Values (SCV B73)

.Accounts Payable Due List

.Accounts Payable Held Invoices Report

.Accounts Payable Net Credit Balance Invoices Report

.accounts receivable, see also A/R

.ACS updates

.action notes, customer


.Customer Exposure Report by Reason Code

.Customer Exposure Report by User

.resolving or deleting

.action reason codes, customer

.active procedures

.for all users

.pop-up window when ending ASYNCS


.actual charges, PO, reviewing

.Add Accompanying Items in Order Maintenance (SCV H28)

.Add Customer Action Detail Notes (Secured Feature A94)

.Add Printed Drop Ship Lines as Backordered on Pick (SCV E93)

.Add Purchase Order Detail Line During Purchase Order Receipts (Secured Feature A21)

.add reason codes

.entering in order maintenance

.working with

.Additional Charge Code for Pre Billed Amount Cancels & Soldouts (SCV J75)

.Additional Charge Code for Pre Billed Amount Returns (SCV J74)

.additional charge codes


.working with

.Additional Charge Group Code for Freight (SCV I29)

.Additional Charge Group Code for Shipping and Handling Analysis Report (SCV E54)

.additional charges

.PO, about

.PO, assigning at PO receiving

.PO, working with

.reviewing in order inquiry

.Additional Charges Access (Secured Feature A24)

.additional pick labels, printing

.add-on request items for retail stores

.add-on sales

.address changes

.customers, processing across companies

.customers, reviewing

.through MBS or ACS upload

.Address Interface User Hold Code (SCV I68)

.address management interfaces

.Group 1 CODE-1

.QAS QuickAddress Pro

.Address Match Threshold (SCV B26)

.Address Verification Data Library (SCV B66)

.Address Verification Program Library (SCV B67)

.Address Verification Response List

.address verifications (AVS)


.A/R Adjustments Journal and Summary

.general ledger postings

.posting in cash receipts

.adjustments, see also inventory transactions

.adjustments/transfers, interface file for Cam Data



.add-on sales, about

.customer affinity preferences

.displaying more options in order entry

.pop-up window in order entry

.preference updates, batch

.purging customer files

.updates, batch

.working with item attributes

.Age by Date Type (SCV C02)

.Aged Receiving Report


.Receiving Report


.Summary Report

.Aging Report, Stock

.aging, A/R, see A/R aging

.aliases, item, working with


.Allow A/R Credits as Payments (SCV E81)

.Allow Access To Product Comment In Order Entry/Order Maintenance (Secured Feature A85)

.Allow Access To RF Inquiry (Secured Feature A53)

.Allow Access To RF Item Transfer (Secured Feature A52)

.Allow Access To RF Label Prints (Secured Feature A54)

.Allow Access To RF LPN Transfer (Secured Feature A51)

.Allow Access To RF Maintenance (Secured Feature A55)

.Allow Access To RF Receiving (Secured Feature A48)

.Allow Access To RF Replenishment (Secured Feature A49)

.Allow Access To RF Returns (Secured Feature A50)

.Allow Additional Costs to PO Receipts (SCV A60)

.Allow Dynamic Creation of Cash Control Numbers (SCV B20)

.Allow Entry of PO Number in Inventory Transactions (Secured Feature A86)

.Allow Location Class Edit in Inventory Transaction (SCV F86)

.Allow Maximum Order Line Value Override (Secured Feature A69)

.Allow Maximum Order Quantity Override (Secured Feature A70)

.Allow Multi-Payment Types (SCV A74)

.Allow Multiple Credit Card Applications (SCV J80)

.Allow Multiple Primary Item Locations (SCV D12)

.Allow Negative Prices in Order Entry (SCV E97)

.Allow Number of Copies to Maintain in Catalog Request (Secured Feature A75)

.Allow Only Single Line on Drop Ship Picks (SCV C82)

.Allow Order for New Bill To without Order Hold (SCV D84)

.Allow Order Number Override in Phone Interface (SCV G54)

.Allow Price Overrides (SCV D71)

.Allow Printing of Held Purchase Orders (SCV F18)

.Allow Product Comment Item Information Maintenance (Secured Feature A74)

.Allow Receipt to Suspense (SCV A59)

.Allow Retail Price Change Updates on Open Lines (SCV H30)

.Allow Underpayment in A/R Batch Processing (SCV I44)

.Allow Update of Inventory in RF (Secured Feature A47)

.alternate currency pricing

.Alternate Customer Number Label Description (SCV H95)

.Alternate Pay Type (SCV B51)

.Amazon FTP Download Script (SCV I87)

.Amazon order feed

.Amazon Order Type (SCV I22)

.Amex Deposit File Sequence # (Number Assignment A30)

.Anticipated Store Restock Generation - Restock Summary Report




.application areas, setting up

.application groups, setting up

.Apply A/P Terms Discount Percent at Purchase Order Receiving (SCV D76)

.Apply Credit to Debit Window in WARI

.Apply Discount to Manual Cost (SCV D96)

.Apply End of Order Discounts during Repricing (SCV J37)

.Apply Loyalty at the End of Order (SCV J35)

.Apply Total Amount to First A/P Check (SCV D18)

.applying a credit to a debit

.Approve Purchase Order (Secured Feature A31)





.archive libraries

.Archive Library (SCV C11)

.Archive Orders to Optical Disk (SCV D81)

.archiving orders to optical disk

.Assign Alternate Customer # (SCV I88)

.Assign Batch Numbers (SCV A07)

.Assign Drop Ship Expected Ship Date (SCV I59)

.Assign Unreferenced Email (SCV H93)

.ASYNC jobs

.background jobs


.changing the status of

.data warehouse



.reorganizing job data queues




.ASYNC, billing

.background job error listing

.status messages


.ASYNC, controlling

.ASYNC, data warehouse

.ASYNC, evaluate backorder

.ASYNC, interactive PC manifest

.ASYNC, item upload

.ASYNC, order processing

.background job error listing

.status messages

.ASYNC, other

.P/O Background Job Error Listing

.status messages

.ASYNC, PC manifest

.ASYNC, retail price change upload

.asynchronous job error listing


.evaluate backorder

.order processing


.P/O processing

.asynchronous jobs



.changing the status of

.controlling ASYNC


.evaluate backorder

.interactive PC manifest

.item upload

.order processing


.PC manifest

.processing purchase orders

.purging active procedures

.reorganizing data queues

.retail price change upload


.attributes, item, assigning

.authorization history, reviewing in order inquiry

.Authorization Number for Authorizations Under $ Threshold (SCV K37)

.Authorization Number for Authorizations Under $1.00 (SCV I08)

.Authorization Record (Number Assignment A21)

.Authorization Service for Authorization Inquiries (SCV K29)

.authorization services

.CWIntegrate, communicating via


.defining currencies

.defining line descriptions

.defining merchant ID overrides

.defining vendor pay type codes

.defining vendor response codes

.JCL statements



.card identification (CID, CVV2, CVC2)

.credit card, batch

.credit card, batch online

.credit card, CWIntegrate processing

.credit card, manual

.credit card, online

.defining ship via dollar limit to hold

.pay type dollar limit to force

.performing batch online

.placing credit cards on hold, hierarchy


.reprocessing drop ships

.reviewing in pick slip generation

.Authorize Full Amount During Order Entry (SCV G99)

.Authorize Only Merchandise for Drop Ship Picks (SCV C92)

.Auto Advance to Item Offer (SCV J05)

.Auto Advance to SKU Create (SCV B34)

.Auto Advance to SKU Generator (SCV J06)

.Auto Advance to Vendor Item Create (SCV E78)

.Auto Assign Item # (SCV D46)

.Auto Assign Sort Sequence Number during SKU Generation (SCV F24)

.auto deposit


.sending or receiving deposits

.Auto Deposit Confirmation Report

.Auto Soldout Cancel Reason (SCV C20)

.Auto Update Order Priority (SCV G45)



.Auto-Generate Item Keywords from Description (SCV F79)

.Auto-Generate Item Warehouse Records (SCV J45)

.Automatic A/R Write-off Values (SCV K58)

.Automatic Generation of Gift Acknowledgement (SCV B92)

.Automatic PO Creation Method (SCV H92)

.Automatically Display Coordinate Items in Order Entry (SCV I53)

.auto-restock location



.Autostock Feed Error Report

.Autostock Replenishment Work file

.layout and mappings

.populating from STS Request file for outlet transfer


.availability, items, in order inquiry


.B2B downloads to web storefront


.default price table for

.restricting source codes by division

.background job error listing


.evaluate backorder

.order processing


.P/O processing

.background jobs

.ASYNC, ending

.ASYNC, starting

.ASYNC, using



.CDC ASYNC troubleshooting

.changing the status of

.controlling ASYNC

.data warehouse

.evaluate backorder

.interactive PC manifest

.order processing


.PC manifest

.processing purchase orders

.purging active procedures

.reorganizing job data queues

.retail integration (external system into CWDirect)


.backing up the system

.Backorder Card Print Program (SCV D04)

.backorder card processing for CWCollaborate

.Backorder Free Gifts (SCV B48)

.Backorder Notification E-Mail Program (SCV G95)

.backorder notifications, generating

.Backorder Report by Descending Dollars by Division/Warehouse

.Backorder Report by Descending Dollars by Entity/Warehouse

.Backorder Report by Descending Dollars by Offer/Warehouse

.Backorder Report by Descending Dollars by Warehouse

.Backorder Report by Item

.Backorder Report by Item with SKU Details

.Backorder Report by Vendor

.Backorder Report by Vendor w/PO

.Backorder Report by Vendor with SKU Details

.Backorder Report by Vendor/SKU/PO

.Backorder Report by Warehouse

.Backorder Report by Warehouse with SKU Details

.Backorder Report for JC Penney Interface

.Backorder Summary Report


.CWCollaborate drop ship orders

.first notices, working with

.fulfilling through retail stores

.fulfillment from projected returns

.pending cancellation, working with

.processing item substitutions

.balancing, A/R

.Bank# for A/R Credit Card Deposits (SCV C56)



.alternate currency pricing

.multiple currencies

.processing refunds

.reconciliation transactions

.Barcode Counter (Number Assignment A29)

.Batch Auth File Trace Number (Number Assignment A71)

.Batch Cash (SCV B22)

.Batch Confirmed Report

.batch deposits, completing in cash receipts

.Batch Entry of A/P Invoices (SCV F02)

.Batch for Business to Business Orders in Error (SCV G09)

.Batch Item Pull Label Printing Program (SCV F63)

.Batch Number for Retail Channel Orders (SCV I78)

.batch online credit card authorizations

.Batch Order Control job

.batch order entry


.accepting a batch

.balancing batches

.cash batching

.creating an order batch

.defining controls for a batch

.rejecting a batch

.screen differences for

.unlocking stranded batches

.working with orders in a batch

.batch order maintenance, e-commerce errors

.Batch Pull Sheet Printing Program (SCV C38)

.batch reservation


.reserving stock

.Batch Size (SCV A08)

.Batch Totals Access (Secured Feature A27)


.A/P, see A/P batching

.A/R payment entry

.inventory transactions



.Best Way Pricing (SCV A78)

.best way shipping

.dunnage weight used in best way shipping at pick slip generation

.zip/ship via surcharge for

.Bill Me Later, about


.Billing Background Job Error Listing

.status messages

.Billing Invoice # (Number Assignment A16)

.billing, consolidating order history

.bill-to customers

.A/R sales history, reviewing

.creating or selecting through e-commerce orders

.delinquent, reviewing

.download through RA DOS



.bill-to notes

.entering in A/R inquiry

.entering in WARI

.bill-to payments, reviewing in A/R inquiry

.bin inquiry in RF

.bin labels, printing

.bin number validation


.Bonus Credit Bonus % (SCV B70)

.Bonus Credit Print Program (SCV D30)

.boxes or cartons


.Break Single Line Picks by Zone (SCV E33)

.business intelligence, see CWData

.business to business order entry



.distributing items

.entering orders

.errors, correcting

.order summary



.ship to customer order messages

.ship via overrides

.Business To Business Order Entry Format (Secured Feature A89)

.Business to Business Order Error Listing Report


.Bypass CTI Reason Code Entry in OIOM (Secured Feature B23)

.Bypass Geographic Zone Searching in Order Entry/Order Maintenance (SCV H55)

.Bypass Order Message Entry Requirement (Secured Feature B22)


.Calculate Expected Date in OE if No PO (SCV J61)

.Calculate Freight by Order Weight for No Charge Orders (SCV G68)


.alternate currency pricing

.combined discount

.future orders

.landed cost

.quantity available

.call codes, working with

.Call Tag # (Number Assignment A25)

.Call Tag Print Program (SCV E17)

.call tags

.in order inquiry



.working with

.calling programs



.user defined functions


.Cam Data interface


.Canadian tax, see GST or PST

.Cancel Order Broker Lines (secured feature B19)

.Cancel Reason Code for Orders Pending Payment (SCV K19)

.Cancel Reason Code for Retail Fulfillment Confirmation (SCV G11)

.cancel reason codes

.reviewing history

.working with

.Cancel Report for Orders Pending Payment

.canceling items in order maintenance

.canceling orders, in order maintenance



.credit cards

.when processing item substitutions

.Capture Addresses for Invoice (SCV J24)

.Capture General Ledger Detail (SCV E71)

.Capture Operator Statistics (SCV D61)

.Carousel upload, reviewing pick interface headers

.Carryover Report

.Carryover/Billing Pending Report

.Cart Batch # (Number Assignment A26)

.Cart/Bin Batch Pull Sheet Printing Program (SCV C39)

.cart/bin picking

.Carton Label (for docking PO)


.Cash Control # (Number Assignment A02)

.cash receipts

.applying credits to debits

.applying payments or adjustments

.change open item types

.completing cash deposits

.creating an open item

.high speed entry

.on-account payments

.posting a discount toward an open invoice

.posting a writeoff or adjustment

.posting an amount with the Work with Payment Details screen

.posting payments on account

.selecting customers for

.Cash Receipts Batch # (Number Assignment A19)

.Cash Receipts Journal

.Cash Receipts Sundry Journal

.Cash Receipts Transaction ID (Number Assignment A39)

.cash requirements forecast, about

.cash, posting to deferred liability

.catalog requests

.alternate screens for foreign addresses

.deleting printed

.for individuals, enabled



.resetting status

.working with




.for e-commerce

.source codes

.category codes, item




.Change A/P Invoice Batch Totals (Secured Feature A72)

.Change A/R Credit Open Item Status/Type (Secured Feature A68)

.Change Alternate Customer Number (Secured Feature B11)

.Change Associate Customer Flag (Secured Feature B10)

.Change Customer Action Detail Notes (Secured Feature A95)

.Change Customer Action Notes Description (Secured Feature A93)

.Change Customer Action Notes Status/Resolve (Secured Feature A98)

.Change Customer Action Notes Status/Work In Process (Secured Feature A97)

.Change Invoice Payment Information (Secured Feature A82)

.Change Pick Slips (Secured Feature A32)

.Change PIX Inventory Transaction Fields (Secured Feature B06)

.Change Salesrep # In Order Maintenance (Secured Feature B17)

.Changed Routed Email (secured feature B08)

.charges, PO additional

.chart of accounts

.Check Interface Additional Charge Code (SCV G27)

.Check Interface Download ID (Number Assignment A48)

.Check Interface Payment Type (SCV G26)

.Check Location Quantities During Pick Generation (SCV C54)

.Check Reconciliation List

.Check User Class/Vendor Authority (SCV D88)



.customer item class history, reviewing

.customer, pay type exclusions for

.customer, requiring


.location, at SKU level

.location, working with

.long SKU

.Clear Phone Interface Files (SCV J14)





.COD Charge (SCV E12)

.CODE-1 from Group 1 Values (SCV B68)

.collating sequence number for SKUs

.Column Sequence # (SCV A81)

.Combine Stored Value Cards on One Pick Ticket (SCV J53)

.combined discount calculation

.Communication Protocol (SCV H37)


.CTI phone numbers


.scanning across in order entry

.setting up


.Compare Physical Count Tickets Report

.Compare Physical Counts by Batch Report

.Computer Telephony Integration Type (SCV I06)

.Confirm Reprint of Pick Tickets from WMS (SCV J32)

.Confirmation Email Directory Address (SCV I19)

.confirming shipments

.interactive confirmation

.manual confirmation process

.Consolidate Like Items/SKUs on PO Print (SCV J26)

.Consolidated Credit Invoice (SCV K06)

.Consolidated Invoice (SCV B49)

.Consolidated Replenishment Report Program Name (SCV G49)

.contacts, vendor

.Continue Authorization Without Receipt (Secured Feature A90)

.continuity orders, reserving inventory for

.continuity sets, defining

.contract prices, customer

.Contract Sequence # (SCV A83)


.reviewing in order inquiry

.working with


.fast track item numbers

.FIFO costing

.unit of measure

.Convert Contribution Authority (Secured Feature A41)

.coordinate group items, reserving

.coordinate groups, held detail lines

.coordinates, working with item

.Copy Item to Company Security (Secured Feature B15)

.Copy Set Master Special Handling to Set Components (SCV J39)

.copying POs


.correspondence history

.history, purging


.see also emails

.Cost Report, Merchandising

.Cost Variance (SCV A21)

.cost, standard updating

.Costing Method (SCV A25)

.costing methods

.FIFO, about

.in PO receiving

.countries, working with

.Coupon # (Number Assignment A03)

.Coupon Item Sequence # (SCV A85)

.coupon promotions, overview


.coupons and credits

.generating and deleting


.unredeemed, list of

.coupons redemption records, purging



.Create Bank Interface Record (SCV G12)

.Create Generic Item Download Trigger Records (SCV I15)

.Create Generic Item Transaction Download Trigger Records (SCV J52)

.Create Generic Vendor Download Trigger Records (SCV I16)

.Create Inventory Download Triggers (SCV I32)

.Create Inventory Download Triggers During PO Entry/Maintenance (SCV J93)

.Create Item Transaction History for Non-Inventory Items (SCV E39)

.Create Keywords at Item Entry (SCV F78)

.Create Location/Item Location/Item Warehouse from PI Upload (SCV F09)

.Create Manifest Download Extended Records (SCV E77)

.Create Manual Tickler (Secured Feature B13)

.Create Pick Download Triggers (SCV I31)

.Create Random Gift Certificate/Coupon Numbers (SCV H09)

.Create Serial Number During Shipment/Return (Secured Feature A66)

.Create Supporting Files During Retail Item Upload (SCV H27)

.Create Supporting Files during Retail Item Upload (SCV H27)

.Create/Assign Bill To Customers in Order Entry (SCV A76)

.Create/Change Letters (Secured Feature A35)

.Creating SCF Ship Vias by SCF Range (MSSV)

.Credit Card Account file, loading

.credit card applications

.credit decision processing outside an order



.services, defining credit card offers


.Credit Card Audit file, updates to

.Credit Card Authorization AVS Hold Exemption/Bypass (SCV E61)

.Credit Card Authorization Field Access (Secured Feature A25)

.Credit Card Authorization Listing

.Credit Card Authorization Listing, Online

.credit card authorization reversal

.credit card authorization services

.CWIntegrate, communicating via


.defining currencies

.defining line descriptions

.defining merchant ID overrides

.defining vendor paytype codes

.defining vendor response codes

.JCL statements

.credit card authorizations

.defining ship via dollar limit to hold

.pay type dollar limit to force

.Credit Card Credit Acknowledgement E-Mail Program (SCV H08)

.Credit Card Credit Acknowledgment Print Program (SCV D22)

.Credit Card Deposit Schedule Report

.Credit Card Deposit Schedule Summary Report

.credit card deposit schedule, printing

.credit card encryption

.masking credit card number


.credit card invoice information, processing

.credit card number masking, about

.Credit Card Order Cancellation List

.credit card tokenization

.credit cards

.address verification

.authentication verification

.batch online authorizations

.Bill Me Later


.card identification (CID, CVV2, CVC2)

.changing information for deferred/installment billing plan, in order inquiry

.manual authorization

.online authorizations



.Credit Return Authorization (Secured Feature A34)




.applying to a debit

.processing by line of business


.cross reference


.PkMS inventory transaction reason code

.PkMS warehouse


.cross-selling, item coordinates






.customer call log

.customer, selecting for order entry

.message format

.order inquiry reason codes



.users, working with

.working with


.Cube of Bin (SCV B44)

.Cube of Cart (SCV B42)





.shadow postings

.currency, foreign

.comparing multiple currency by offer with alternate currency pricing

.defining decimalized

.refunds in

.reviewing totals in order inquiry

.using alternate currency pricing

.Current Accounting Year (SCV B72)

.Current Offer (SCV A33)

.curves, projection

.Cushion Periods (SCV C19)


.custom special handling formats

.Customer Address Change Report (RA DOS)

.Customer Address Changes Report

.customer affinity preferences

.Customer Affinity Recalculation Method (SCV G60)

.customer API

.Customer API Reports

.Customer Bill To (Number Assignment A11)

.Customer Class for User Defined Field Prompting (SCV G04)

.customer classes, see classes, customer

.customer companies, see companies, customer

.Customer Detail Exposure Report by Reason Code

.Customer Discount Sequence # (SCV A84)

.Customer Exposure Report

.Customer Fraud (Number Assignment A10)

.customer history API

.Customer History Outbound Message Type (SCV J84)

.customer inquiry (search) API

.customer inquiry API

.customer item returns, general ledger postings

.Customer Merge/Purge Direct Tech Audit Report

.Customer Merge/Purge Direct Tech Error List Report

.customer profiles, see also profiles, customer

.Customer Return Label Print Program (SCV D35)

.customer search API

.Customer Sold To (Number Assignment A07)


.A/R sales history, reviewing in A/R inquiry

.address changes, through RA DOS

.affinity files, purging

.affinity preferences


.B2B e-commerce downloads

.contract prices

.creating or selecting through e-commerce orders

.frauds, working with




.item class history, reviewing

.item history by entity

.item history for

.maintenance (bill-to)

.maintenance (ship-to)

.maintenance (sold-to)

.maintenance, alternate screens for foreign addresses

.memberships, President’s Club


.order detail history by entity

.order entry, selecting for

.order history by entity

.order history details (ship to)

.order history for

.order history, reviewing detail

.order/entity history (ship to)

.pay type exclusions for

.relationships between types

.reviewing address changes

.ship to item history

.ship to order history, totals

.tax status

.types, overview

.updating bill-to address with sold-to changes

.user fields

.warranty information

.CWAddressChg message

.CWAvailResponse message

.CWCancel message

.CWCatreqResponse message

.CWCatRequest message

.CWCchgResponse message


.backorder card processing

.cancelling drop ship orders

.cancelling return authorizations

.CDC ASYNC and CDC batch jobs

.CDC ASYNC troubleshooting

.changing address and cost information

.creating and sending drop ship orders

.Display P/O Drop Ship screen

.displaying unprocessed drop ship items

.downloading vendor information

.drop ship errors

.drop ship reports, printing


.FTP, sample scripts

.menu options

.MQSeries queues

.retail brands

.returning drop ship orders


.special handling

.system control values for

.uploading A/P invoices from

.vendor setup

.CWCreateOrder message

.CWCustomerIn message

.CWCustomerOut message


.data warehouse transactions, working with


.CWEmail message layout

.CWEmailOut message


.processing authorizations and deposits

.CWIntegrate sites, XML messages used by


.CWItemAvail message

.CWListResponse message

.CWLocate integration

.inventory inquiry

.merchandise locator and store fulfillment, .NET

.merchandise locator, JAVA

.setting up

.CWMaintenance message

.CWMaintResp message

.CWOrderList message

.CWOrderReject message

.CWOrderResponse message

.CWOrderStatus message



.CWPayment message


.CWPromotionalRequest message

.CWPromotionalResponse message

.CWReturn message

.CWReturnIn message

.CWReturnOut message

.CWReturnResponse message



.CWStatusResponse message

.CWStore integration, setting up

.Cycle Counting (SCV A06)


.Daily Business Status Report



.Data Base Library (SCV A37)

.Data Queue Library (SCV B78)

.Data Queue Name (SCV B77)

.Data Warehouse Staging Errors Report

.Data Warehouse Transaction Purge Days (SCV H10)

.data warehousing, see CWData

.dates, order reviewing in order inquiry

.Days after 2nd Backorder Notification to Cancel Order (SCV D07)





.deactivating payment methods in order maintenance

.Deadline for Special Shipper Override (SCV L43)

.Declared Value Type (SCV C66)

.Default “Gift Order” Flag (SCV D14)

.Default # Copies (SCV A39)

.Default A/R Payment Terms (SCV D83)

.Default Active Offers (SCV J07)

.Default Add Reason for Batch OM Line Additions (SCV H14)

.Default Additional Charge Code (SCV C45)

.Default Additional Charge Code for Inbound Returns (SCV H64)

.Default Associate Code (SCV D09)

.Default Bank (SCV K63)

.Default Bank for Cash Posting from Order Entry (SCV D17)

.Default Batch for E-Commerce Orders in Error (SCV G41)

.Default Cancel Reason Code for PC Memberships (SCV J23)

.Default Cancel Reason Code for Store Restock Orders (SCV G21)

.Default Cancel Reason for Store Pickup Lines (SCV I45)

.Default Cash Customer (SCV C49)

.Default Cash PayType (SCV C07)

.Default Check Credit Open Item Type (SCV E82)

.Default Company for RF Returns (SCV F45)

.Default Country for Customer Address (SCV B17)

.Default Country for International Address Format (SCV D69)

.Default Credit Card Authorization Number for Soft Declines (SCV F93)

.Default Credit Card Credit Open Item Type (SCV E83)

.Default Credit Limit for A/R Customers (SCV D82)

.Default Credit Open Item Type (SCV C12)

.Default Customer Class in Order Entry (SCV D63)

.Default Customer for Customer API (SCV I90)

.Default Debit Open Item Type (SCV B91)

.Default Deferred Liability General Ledger Account # (SCV C63)

.Default Deferred Liability Open Item Type (SCV C13)

.Default Delivery Code for New Order Entry Customers (SCV D13)

.Default Disposition Code (SCV C18)

.Default Division (SCV K62)

.Default Division for Inventory Transactions (SCV C17)

.Default Future Orders Arrival Date (SCV E53)

.Default Individual Email Address (SCV J17)

.Default Item Availability Screen in Order Entry (SCV J60)

.Default Item History Tracking (SCV B18)

.Default Item Label Print Format (SCV D36)

.Default Item Status for Exclusion on Store Restock Orders (SCV G24)

.Default Item Unit of Measure (SCV B33)

.default locations, warehouse

.in RF

.working with

.Default Mail Name (SCV D10)

.Default Male/Female Profile Code (SCV C74)

.Default Miscellaneous Source Code for Existing Customers (SCV H83)

.Default Miscellaneous Source Code for New Customers (SCV H84)

.Default Offer Source Code to Order Detail Line (SCV G28)

.Default Opt In/Opt Out Flag (SCV G97)

.default options

.Default Order Quantity (SCV B30)

.Default Order Type (SCV B28)

.Default Order Type for Phone Interface (SCV C93)

.Default Order Type for Store Restock Orders (SCV G23)

.Default OUTQ (SCV A38)

.Default Pay Type for Gift Certificates/Coupons (SCV G48)

.Default Payment Processing Open Item Type (SCV K24)

.Default Pick Generation Template for SVC Refund Processing (SCV I75)

.Default Previous Pay Type in Order Entry (SCV D64)

.Default Price Override Reason (SCV B35)

.Default Price Override Reason for Warranty Items (SCV G01)

.Default Price Table (SCV E04)

.Default Price Table Code for E-Commerce Extraction (SCV H67)

.Default Primary Location - Suspense Placement and PO Receipts (SCV C08)

.Default Primary Location (SCV C05)

.Default Primary Location from an Item Warehouse (SCV G06)

.Default Primary Warehouse in RF (SCV G32)

.Default Purchase Order Ship Via for Purchase Order Interface (SCV F85)

.Default Receipt General Ledger Number (SCV D95)

.Default Recipient Type for E-Commerce Orders (SCV H33)

.Default Rent Name (SCV D11)

.Default Restock Location (SCV B62)

.Default Return Disposition Code for Inbound Returns (SCV H65)

.Default Return Reason Code for Inbound Returns (SCV H63)

.Default Salesrep for E-Commerce Interface (SCV H24)

.Default Salesrep Number (SCV E86)

.Default Search Within Radius (SCV I40)

.Default Ship Complete Flag (SCV E09)

.Default Ship Via (SCV A77)

.Default SKU Generator L/S Style (SCV J04)

.Default SKU Generator Vendor Item (SCV C61)

.Default Soldout Control Code (SCV D72)

.Default Soldout Control Code for Item to Item Transactions (SCV D94)

.Default Source Code for Batch Catalog Requests (SCV D37)

.Default Source for Internet Orders (SCV E65)

.Default Staging Warehouse (SCV E15)

.Default SVC Refund Item Number (SCV I73)

.Default Tape Drive (SCV C57)

.Default Unknown Source Code (SCV I58)

.Default Vendor Item Additional Charges (SCV I21)

.Default Vendor Response for Automatic Authorizations (SCV G10)

.Default Version for Order Entry (SCV A71)

.Default Version for Order Inquiry (SCV C34)

.Default Warehouse (SCV A04)

.Default Weight for Call Tags (SCV D50)

.Defer Purge During Customer API (SCV I89)

.deferred billing


.applying in order entry

.authorization service settings

.billing updates

.creating a plan

.order hold reason codes

.order inquiry

.processing deposits

.rejected deposits

.related reports


.secured features


.system control values

.working with options

.Deferred Liability Cash Post Method (SCV C48)

.deferred liability, posting to

.deferred SKU offer changes



.deferred/installment billing

.changing credit card information in order inquiry

.working with in order maintenance

.Define Special Forms (SCV C03)

.Delete Customer Action Notes (Secured Feature A96)

.Delete Customer Call Log Records (Secured Feature A78)

.Delete Customer Individuals Records (Secured Feature A45)

.delinquent customers

.delinquent payment history, reviewing in A/R inquiry

.delivery confirmations

.general ledger posting

.manually flagging an order line


.Demand Update for Non-Inventoried Items (SCV E59)

.demand, tracking by offer

.demographics, see profiles, customer



.long SKU

.depictions, working with

.Deposit History Summary Report

.deposit history, reviewing in order inquiry

.Deposit Proof Listing

.Deposit Proof Listing by Pay Type

.Deposit Service for Conditional Deposits (SCV L13)

.deposits, sending level II discounting

.Detail Aging Report, A/R

.detail messages, PO

.Detailed Source Code Analysis Report

.devices, warehouse










.direct disbursement, entering

.Direct Tech, tape download

.Disbursements Journal

.Disbursements Journal Summary by Check Printed Date

.Disbursements Journal Summary by Vendor Number

.Discount 1 Field (SCV D97)

.Discount 2 Field (SCV D98)

.Discount 3 Field (SCV D99)

.discount calculation, vendor



.Discount Percentage Access (Secured Feature A39)


.applying in order maintenance

.coupons, applying to an order

.coupons, overview

.dollar, for offer

.item volume for offer


.PO entry

.posting in cash receipts


.special pricing by source

.Display “No Primary Location” Message in Returns (SCV G46)

.Display A/R Balance in OEOM (SCV H98)

.Display Additional Fields in A/R Batch Processing (SCV I42)

.Display Alternate Customer Cross Reference Window (SCV I84)

.Display Alternate Shipping Charges by Via Window in OM (SCV I02)

.Display Backordered Affinity Items (SCV G59)

.Display Backordered Coordinate Sale Items (SCV F41)

.Display Backordered Telemarketing Special Items (SCV F37)

.Display Basic Install Values Only (SCV F22)

.Display Customer Action Notes/Messages in RA (SCV F64)

.Display Customer Affinity Upon Order Accept (SCV G58)

.Display Customer Notes in LIFO Sequence (SCV D55)

.Display Discount on Order Recap Screen (SCV D38)

.Display Entity Description (SCV F84)

.Display First Membership Order Total (SCV G14)

.Display Frozen Primary Location Warning Message in Returns (SCV F58)

.Display Full Credit Card Number (Secured Feature B14)

.Display Gross Margin (Secured Feature A65)

.Display Invoice Cost In Order Inquiry (Secured Feature A36)

.Display Item Alias (SCV D56)

.Display Item Description (SCV D45)

.Display Non-Offer-Specific Telemarketing Specials in Order Entry (SCV J31)

.Display Order Line Discount Messages (SCV F01)

.Display Order Recap (SCV A75)

.Display P/O Drop Ship screen

.Display Partial Credit Card Number in Logs (J16)

.Display Partial Credit Card Number in Logs (SCV J16)

.Display Purchase Order Receiving Overage Warning Message (SCV F29)

.Display QAS Address Window for Single Response (SCV I70)

.Display SKU Description in Place of SKU Element (SCV F25)

.Display SKU Description on Scan Order Detail Screens (SCV J90)

.Display Special Format Response Descriptions in Order Entry (SCV E90)

.Display TaxAreaID Window in OE/OM (SCV J12)

.Display Telemarketing Window in Order Entry (SCV H02)

.dispute reason codes

.dispute status of open items

.Disregard Soldout Controls for Non-Allocatable Warehouses (SCV J27)



.Division for Source Code Download (SCV H66)

.Division to Exclude from General Ledger Download File (SCV F68)



.general ledger accounts

.general ledger postings



.DMT Change of Address Interface Summary Report

.DMT Customer Inquiry Interface Summary Report

.DMT Customer Status Change Interface Report

.DMT interface, about

.DMT Order Detail Interface Summary Report

.DMT Order Header Interface Summary Report

.DMT Source Code Summary Report

.Docked but Past Due Purchase Orders Report


.documents in folders, working with for POS interface

.dollar charts

.by offer

.by ship via

.by source

.by source code

.dollar discounts

.for offer

.for source

.Dollar Limit for Automatic A/R Write-offs (SCV K59)

.Dollar Method Used to Evaluate Offer Ship Via Override (SCV E50)

.Dollar Threshold for Sold To Customer Orders with Flexible Payments (SCV F54)





.Download Audit Report, General Ledger

.Download Prepaid Payment Types to E-Commerce (SCV I69)

.Download Threshold Quantity (SCV G36)


.B2B e-commerce static files

.e-commerce, offer files

.e-commerce, overview

.e-commerce, static files

.financial sales information



.RA DOS open account (bill-to)


.retail stock adjustments

.retail store, about





.drop points


.multiple SCF/ship vias, editing for

.setting up for zone skipping

.drop ship invoices

.A/P transactions, displaying


.accepting the invoice

.excluding for payment

.including for payment

.invoice details, entering

.invoice header, entering

.rejecting the invoice

.unmatched transactions, creating

.Drop Ship Items on Hold from Vendor report

.Drop Ship Items Pending Cancellation report

.Drop Ship Items Sent report

.Drop Ship Items with Revised Due Date report

.drop ship items, reserving

.Drop Ship Lead Days (SCV H36)

.drop ship orders

.processing by batch

.selecting vendors for

.Drop Ship Pick Print Program (SCV E92)

.drop ship PO, A/P-PO invoice matching

.drop ship processing

.CWCollaborate drop ship errors

.Drop Ship Set Shipments Report

.drop ship, display unprocessed items


.drops, working with for house list



.Due Date Threshold (SCV K11)

.Dun & Bradstreet, about

.dunnage weight

.D-U-N-S number for SmartLabel

.Duplicate Item Check (SCV C09)

.Duplicate Item Days (SCV C58)

.Duplicate Special Pricing by Source Report

.duty rates, defining for countries

.Dynamic Creation of Coupons (SCV B21)


.E3 interface

.EBO Background Job Error Listing


.ECLG files, purging

.ECLOGF Purge Days (SCV I79)





.alternate ship to addresses, default for

.cancel request message

.catalog request message

.catalog request response message


.copying related files in file sets

.creating orders through

.downloading offer files

.downloading static files

.entering item information for web storefront

.file setup for download


.item availability request message

.item availability response message

.item images

.job control

.maintenance request message

.name/address change message

.name/address change response message

.new order message

.new order response message

.order list message

.order list response message

.order maintenance or cancels

.order reject/cancel message

.order status message

.order status response message

.payment message


.removing offers and items from download

.return request message

.return response message

.sending internet order ship confirmation


.system control values

.upsell items

.E-Commerce Item Availability Download Method (SCV I10)

.e-commerce maintenance response message

.E-Commerce Order Type (SCV G42)

.e-commerce queues in XML mode

.E-Commerce Staging Library (SCV G56)


.EDI Header Generation Program (SCV C78)

.EDI Service Provider ID (SCV C96)

.EDI Trailer Generation Program (SCV C79)

.Edit CWCollaborate Values Screen (SCV H20)

.Edit for Duplicate Catalog Requests (SCV E46)





.standard mode and XML mode

.XML mode

.Electronic Gift Certificate Pay Type (SCV G72)

.elements, creating SKU

.email addresses

.“from” address on notifications

.customer, about

.error report

.format validation


.Email Errors Report

.email message layout

.email notifications

.“from” address for

.company-level templates, working with

.entity-level templates

.outbound XML API, generic

.purchase order

.rules for generating

.E-Mail Order Confirmations for All Orders (SCV H51)

.Email Presentation (SCV I01)

.E-Mail Shipment Confirmations for All Orders (SCV H52)

.E-mail Shipment/Return Confirmation Notification Immediately (SCV K07)

.email XML message, inbound

.email XML message, outbound



.CWEmail message format

.notifications, “from” address for

.purchase order

.purging correspondence history

.repository, overview

.repository, setup requirements

.unrouted, working with

.updating email domains

.emails, retailer

.auto-rejection notification of shipping address changes

.decline of shipping address change notifications

.error acknowledgements

.out of balance invoice confirmation notifications

.out of balance invoice notifications

.PO status updates

.RA upload errors

.unsuccessful shipping address changes upload notifications

.vendor delinquent picking up new PO file notifications

.vendor return upload errors

.vendor shipment upload notifications

.emails, vendor

.cancel requests


.new automatically pulled PO notifications

.new PO notifications

.new purchase order file waiting to be downloaded notifications

.notifications of invoice approval or rejection

.notifications of PO cost changes

.notifications of PO shipping address changes

.return authorization upload notifications

.unsuccessful invoice reconciliations

.vendor return upload errors

.vendor shipment upload notifications


.inventory count file layout

.updating inventory count for

.emory worldwide item file



.Enable Catalog Request at Individual Level (SCV H81)

.encryption, credit card

.masking credit card number


.Enter Amount For Order Additional Charge Code (Secured Feature A80)

.Enter Custom Special Handling in Upper and Lower Case (SCV D65)

.Enter Gross A/P Invoice Amount (SCV F03)

.Enter Offer After Item (SCV D19)

.Enter or Override Personalization Charge (Secured Feature A40)

.Enter or Override S/H Price (Secured Feature B12)



.customer item class history by

.customer order detail history by

.customer order history by

.merchant ID by

.order history, ship to customers

.select for vendor response details

.system control value overrides by

.Entry Method (SCV A01)












.estimated charges, PO

.Evaluate B/O Background Job Error Listing

.evaluate backorder ASYNC

.Evaluate Loyalty Eligibility within Qualifying Order (SCV J34)

.Evaluate Promotional Items/Inserts in Order Entry/Maintenance (SCV E48)

.Evaluate Special Handling Charges by Order Line (SCV D67)

.Evaluate Warehouses in Warehouse List Only (SCV J47)


.Exact Match Required on Address Line 2 for Phone Interface (SCV F75)

.Exact Match Required on Apartment for Phone Interface (SCV F74)

.Exact Match Required on City for Phone Interface (SCV F76)

.Exact Match Required on First Name for Phone Interface (SCV F71)

.Exact Match Required on Last Name for Phone Interface (SCV F72)

.Exact Match Required on State for Phone Interface (SCV F77)

.Exact Match Required on Street Address for Phone Interface (SCV F73)

.exceptions, general ledger

.exchange rate, changing for POs

.exchange reason codes

.reviewing exchange reason/offer history

.working with


.entering in order maintenance

.entering, in order entry

.posting through order entry

.Exclude Business Addresses from Credit Card Applications (SCV J82)

.Exclude Pieces Per Case for Retail Store Restock (SCV K82)

.Exclude Restock Orders from Posting Shipped Units (SCV G20)

.Exclude Sale Item When Prorating Discounts (SCV I65)


.item keywords

.pay type, by customer

.pay type, for customer classes

.exemptions, customer tax



.Expected Membership Orders Report

.external document, linking to an item for display in order entry

.External Postal Code Validation (SCV E62)

.External Validation for Phone Number (SCV E64)

.Extra Weight for Order Weight Freight Method (SCV D85)



.Fast Track Inventory (SCV A70)

.fast track items

.FAX and Print (SCV B55)

.FAX API User Profile (SCV B56)

.FAX Available (SCV B53)

.FAX Batch Priority Number (SCV B57)

.FAX Library (SCV B74)

.FAX Output Queue (SCV B75)

.FAX Product Name (SCV B54)


.POs, about

.POs, by range

.POs, single


.FDC Interface Report



.Federal Express, link to tracking information

.Federal Express, link to tracking information in shipment confirmation email

.FIFO Activity Report by Item

.FIFO Activity Report by Warehouse

.FIFO Cost Layer Listing

.FIFO costing


.activity report

.Activity Report by Item

.Activity Report by Warehouse



.screen differences

.stock aging report

.FIFO Flag (SCV A03)

.FIFO Stock Aging Recap Report

.FIFO Stock Aging Report by Item

.FIFO Stock Aging Report by Warehouse



.File Generation Output (SCV A09)

.file sets

.file sets, reorganizing

.Fill Rate Report

.Finder Load Summary Report

.Finished Good Explosion Report

.Finished Good Items Average or Standard Cost Updated Report

.Finished Good/Component On Hand Report

.finished goods

.and component on hand, report

.component item usage report

.exploded, report

.reserving inventory for

.setting up

.updating cost

.work order processing

.First Day of a Forecasting Period (SCV B99)

.First Location Type (SCV E42)

.Flash Report

.flexible payment plan


.applying in order entry

.authorization service settings

.billing updates


.order hold reason codes

.order inquiry

.processing deposits

.rejected deposits

.related reports


.secured features


.system control values

.working with options


.FOB address

.defining in PO entry

.reviewing in PO inquiry

.force authorization

.Forecast Generated Purchase Orders Report

.Forecast*21 interface

.Forecast21 Item Product Sequence Number (Number Assignment A54)

.Forecast21 Key Code Sequence Number (Number Assignment A56)

.Forecast21 Order Transaction Sequence Number (Number Assignment A55)



.curves for

.inventory status/projection inquiry

.Item/SKU Coverage Report

.working with

.Forecasting Order Category #1 (SCV B94)

.Forecasting Order Category #2 (SCV B95)

.Forecasting Period Description (SCV B97)

.Forecasting PO Error Listing

.Forecasting Values (SCV C00)

.forecasting, tracking demand by separate offers

.foreign credit card deposits, purging records

.foreign currencies

.alternate currency pricing

.and processing deposits

.purging prestige credit card deposits


.Forerunner Interface


.FPO, processing deposits

.Fraud Checking (SCV A68)


.customers, working with

.miscellaneous, working with

.free gifts

.by offer

.by source

.freeze flags, resetting

.Freeze Item during Physical (SCV A10)

.freight by order weight



.freight by weight, shipping rates

.freight charges

.best way shipping

.by offer price

.dollar chart by offer

.dollar chart by ship via

.dollar chart by source

.dunnage weight

.freight by weight

.overriding shipper in order entry

.shipper/item charges

.state shipping matrix

.weight charges by ship via

.weight tables for freight by order weight

.zone skipping

.freight exempt items

.freight methods table

.freight, override or discount, promotions

.frequency codes

.FTC - # of Days for Items without Expected Ship Date (SCV C71)

.FTC - # of Days Prior to Next Backorder Date to Generate Second Notice (SCV E67)

.FTC - # of Days to Add for Drop Ships (SCV C68)

.FTC - # of Days to Add for Special Handling (SCV C67)

.FTC - Action after Second Notification (SCV C70)

.FTC -- First Notice Output (SCV J70)

.FTC - Second Notice Output (SCV E68)

.FTP application

.FTP application, creating

.FTP Code for Immediate Needs Interface (SCV G91)

.FTP Code for Item Interface (SCV G81)

.FTP Code for Item Notes Interface (SCV G82)

.FTP Code for Pick Ticket Detail Interface (SCV G88)

.FTP Code for Pick Ticket Header Interface (SCV G87)

.FTP Code for Pick Ticket Special Instructions Interface (SCV G89)

.FTP Code for PO Detail Interface (SCV G84)

.FTP Code for PO Header Interface (SCV G83)

.FTP Code for Returns Interface (SCV G86)

.FTP Code for Stop Shipments Interface (SCV G90)

.FTP Code for Vendor Interface (SCV G85)

.FTP commands


.sample scripts for CWCollaborate setup

.FTP ID - AP Invoice Upload (SCV H77)

.FTP ID - Cancellation Requests (SCV H18)

.FTP ID - Deleted RAs (SCV H57)

.FTP ID - PO Cost Changes (SCV H78)

.FTP ID - PO Download - New (SCV H17)

.FTP ID - PO Download Changes (SCV H35)

.FTP ID - PO Updates (SCV H19)

.FTP ID - Return Updates (SCV H58)

.FTP ID - Returns Download - New (SCV H56)

.FTP ID - Vendor Download (SCV H16)

.Fulfillment Non-Assembly Percent (SCV C88)

.Fulfillment Operations Control Report

.Fulfillment Order Type (SCV J36)

.Fulfillment Production Percent (SCV C86)

.Fulfillment Type (SCV M21)

.future orders calculation

.Future Orders Item Status (SCV E52)


.G/A Non-Assembly Percent (SCV C89)

.G/A Production Percent (SCV C87)

.G/L Account to Offset Automatic A/R Write-offs (SCV K61)

.G/L Download Type (SCV G03)




.GECC Batch Sequence # (Number Assignment A41)

.GECC, file layout




.general ledger


.amount of posting for inventory

.delivery confirmation, posting

.Division file

.download file


.gross sales, posting

.interface details

.interface, displaying

.interface, resetting

.Inventory Transaction file

.inventory value, posting changes

.Item Class file

.Item file

.net sales, posting

.sales, posting

.Warehouse file

.General Ledger Control Report

.General Ledger Download Audit Report

.general ledger download file

.general ledger download file, generating

.General Ledger Interface Posting List

.general ledger law400 file

.general ledger Lawson NT file

.general ledger summary download file

.Generate Coordinate Groups at Pick Gen for Ship Complete Orders (SCV E10)

.Generate Custom Special Handling File (SCV D66)

.Generate E-Commerce Customer Merge Staging Files (SCV H86)

.Generate Invoice Number at Pick Gen (SCV H80)

.Generate Price Tickets During Pick Slip Generation (SCV I77)

.Generate Sale Credit for Orders with Sale Items (SCV I64)

.Generate SVC Refund for all Merchandise Credit Refunds (SCV I72)

.Generic List Report

.generic order interface

.generic pick out API

.geographic restrictions

.by country/state

.by item class/city

.geographic zones


.creating and maintaining

.Germany, identcode for shipments in

.GERS item download file

.Get Orders from E-Commerce (SCV G35)





.ghost customer

.ghost customer warning pop-up window

.Gift Acknowledgement

.Gift Certificate # (Number Assignment A24)

.Gift Certificate E-Mail Program (SCV H07)

.Gift Certificate Pricing Method (SCV I54)

.Gift Certificate Print Program (SCV E76)

.Gift Certificate Register

.gift certificates






.reviewing in order inquiry

.unredeemed, list of

.Gift Order Acknowledgement Print Program (SCV B90)

.Gift Wrap Default (SCV F07)


.Google Checkout integration


.grab-bag transfers, see also inventory transactions

.gross margin, in catalog planning


.GST Item Status Default (SCV A91)

.GST Rate (SCV A90)

.GST, tax exempt items



.harmonize codes, updating

.hazard codes

.heartbeat request and response

.held for release

.reviewing in PO inquiry

.setting in PO entry or maintenance

.held order detail lines, coordinate grouped

.held orders

.by zip code


.report, by reason code

.summary, reviewing

.Held Orders by Pay Type Report

.Held Orders by Reason Code Report

.held orders, releasing



.high speed A/R payment entry and batch processing


.A/R sales

.authorization reviewing in order inquiry

.cancel reason

.Consolidating order billing

.consolidating order billing

.customer A/R sales

.customer item

.customer item class

.customer item class/entity

.customer mail

.customer order

.customer order by entity

.customer order detail

.customer order/entity

.delinquent payment, reviewing in A/R

.deposit, reviewing in order inquiry

.details, ship to

.exchange reason/offer

.individual mail

.individual order

.Inventory Transaction History Report

.merchandising control summary

.operations control summary

.order line

.order line, reviewing in order inquiry

.order payment, reviewing in order inquiry

.order transaction history in API

.PO detail

.PO receipts

.PO receipts, reviewing

.printing inventory transactions

.retail price change

.return reason codes, reviewing

.reviewing in order inquiry

.reviewing inventory transactions

.reviewing item warehouse

.ship to customers, totals

.ship to order/entity

.ship to/item

.system control values

.user option




.hold for release lines, PO

.Hold Invoices for Multi-Recipient Orders (SCV G07)

.Hold Listing Default (SCV A40)

.Hold Orders by Zip report

.Hold Reason Code for Suspect Order Payments (SCV K20)

.hold reason codes, see order hold reason codes

.Hold Reason for Duplicate Items Found in Processing Remote Orders (SCV J51)

.Hold Reason for Failed E-Commerce Maintenance Transactions (SCV H11)

.Hold Reason for Payment Approval (SCV K17)

.Hold Reason for Stored Value Cards with Insufficient Funds (SCV J18)


.holding orders by zip code

.holidays, e-commerce

.house list

.purging customer and marketing transaction records


.House List Drop, Segment, and Detail Report

.House List Selection Statistics Report



.iCAT electronic commerce interface



.identcode, about

.IF/SO Interface






.item, specifying for web storefront

.items, specifying for display in order entry

.menus, specifying for GUI

.immediate authorization socket server and async, processing

.immediate credit card authorizations

.Immediate Priority Number (SCV B58)

.immediate reservation

.overview of

.reserving stock

.Immediate Reservation (SCV A64)

.in transit, flagging an order line as

.Inbound Customer Search Message (CWCustomerInqRequest)

.Inbound Order Message

.incentive items, see promotional pricing

.Include All Customer Inquiry Triggers for DMT (SCV I09)

.Include All Customer Merge/Purge Triggers in DMT (SCV L17)

.Include All Payment Types on Printed Invoice (SCV D28)

.Include Bulk Locations in Primary Primary Availability (SCV F87)

.Include Coordinate Grouped Items (SCV K13)

.Include Estimated Charges in Receiving Cost with WMS Interface (SCV F99)

.Include Gift Orders (SCV K14)

.Include Handling in Freight Charge Calculation (SCV D77)

.Include HDL Warehouse Value on Order Detail (SCV J54)

.Include Held Orders in DMT Order Files (SCV K52)

.Include In-Transit Location On Hand for Retail Replenishment (SCV J89)

.Include Non-Allocatable Warehouses (SCV I34)

.Include PO Estimated Charges in Receipt Cost Calculation (SCV G29)

.Include PO Updates (SCV J93)

.Include Print Quantity in Available Calculations (SCV A65)

.Include Projected Returns in Available Quantity for Download (SCV J62)

.Include Projected Returns in Available Quantity for OE (SCV L68)

.Include Secondary Locations in Primary Primary Availability (SCV F88)

.Include Set Components in Order Status Response Message (SCV J83)

.Include Ship Complete Orders (SCV K12)

.Include Spaces in Special Handling Edit for Maximum Characters (SCV F80)

.Include Special Handling in Alternate Shipping Charges by Via (SCV I03)

.Include Telephone Number in Customer Search (SCV I20)

.Include Weight of all Items in Freight by Order Weight (SCV G05)


.Incomplete Item/SKU List

.indicia, ship via

.Individual Position for Consumer Customers (SCV G02)


.B2B e-commerce downloads

.catalog requests for, enabled

.creating or selecting through e-commerce orders

.departments for

.mail history for

.order entry, selecting for an order

.order history for

.positions for

.scanning by

.working with

.Individuals Required in Order Entry (SCV E01)

.initializing inventory balance

.initializing offers


.availability in order

.inventory (DINI)

.inventory, by item (IIQI)

.inventory, for all SKUs (DSQI)

.inventory, status (ISIQ)

.item availability in order entry


.order details, reviewing in A/R

.order, see order inquiry

.pick slip generation

.pick slips, reviewing




.ship via/item

.vendor notes in PO

.inserts, package

.installment billing


.applying in order entry

.authorization service settings

.billing updates

.creating a plan

.order hold reason codes

.order inquiry

.processing deposits

.rejected deposits

.related reports


.secured features


.system control values

.working with options

.integration layer processes, about


.outbound email, generic

.interactive confirmation

.interactive PC manifest ASYNC

.interactive PC manifest ASYNC, starting and ending

.Interactive Processing (SCV E56)

.interactive reservation


.by item/SKU

.by warehouse

.reserving stock

.working with

.Interface Staging Library (SCV I07)


.A/P invoices, uploading

.A/R batch payment


.bank reconciliation transactions

.Cam Data


.catalog requests



.customer inquiry

.customer search


.FDMS Chase integration


.Forerunner IF/SO

.house list and FDC

.iCAT electronic commerce

.JC Penney

.Man to Man PO layering

.NCOA updates

.Net Perceptions

.OCC item file

.order, generic

.outlet transfers

.Paymentech integration


.Petals, PO receipts

.Petals, PO receipts of finished goods

.phone, about

.physical inventory upload, overview


.PkMS customer returns

.PkMS pick slip generation

.PkMS pick slip maintenance

.PkMS purchase order

.PkMS shipment confirmation

.PkMS vendor


.PO receiving, RA DOS


.President’s Club membership

.QAS QuickAddress Pro


.RA DOS download

.RA DOS PO receipts upload

.RA DOS store add-on request upload

.RA DOS upload

.RA DOS uploads

.Regis file, uploading physical inventory

.Relate stored value card integration

.retail integration (external system into CWDirect)

.retail point of sale

.retail stores

.return interface errors



.STS sales

.subscription extract

.vendor upload


.warehouse management system

.WATS inventory count, file layout

.WATS inventory count, working with

.Internet Order Batch (Number Assignment A40)




.initializing before running the Inventory Control Report

.PO receiving options

.recount requests, RA DOS

.Inventory Control Report

.inventory count, emory, updating

.inventory count, WATS

.inventory download API

.inventory inquiry

.by item (IIQI)

.by item/warehouse and location (DINI)

.for all SKUs of an item (DSQI)

.merchandising control summary

.inventory inquiry API

.inventory inquiry, status (ISIQ)

.Inventory Receipt Exception Report

.inventory resets

.Inventory Sharing (SCV A69)

.Inventory Status and Projection Report


.Inventory Status/Projection Inquiry

.Inventory Transaction Analysis Detail Report

.Inventory Transaction Analysis Report

.Inventory Transaction Batch Authority (Secured Feature A01)

.Inventory Transaction Batch Security (SCV A02)

.Inventory Transaction Code for ’Sync’ Processing (SCV I85)

.Inventory Transaction History Report

.Inventory Transaction History Retention Days (SCV A24)

.inventory transaction priority

.Inventory Transaction Summary by G/L # Report

.Inventory Transaction Summary Report

.inventory transactions

.automated across companies


.entering in batch mode

.entering in immediate mode


.general ledger postings

.history, printing

.history, purging

.history, reviewing

.PIX errors, PkMS

.PkMS cross references

.reason codes

.receipt exceptions report


.summary, reviewing

.transferring primary locations

.updates when using FIFO costing


.Inventory Valuation Report

.Invoice Age to Start Generating A/R Statement (SCV B86)

.Invoice Age to Stop Generating A/R Statement (SCV B87)

.Invoice Consolidation Method (SCV E29)

.Invoice Cross Reference (Number Assignment A28)

.Invoice Print Program (SCV B83)

.Invoice Processing Program (SCV B82)


.A/P, uploading

.A/R, printing

.cross references


.extracting information for download

.printing in order inquiry

.reviewing in order inquiry

.IP address

.fraud checking for

.validation of

.IPCS Mail Order Company Identification Number (SCV D44)


.IS Report


.IS Report Net Projected Remaining Calculation Method (SCV D34)

.IS Report Projected Dollar Calculation Price Basis (SCV D59)

.IS report, initializing



.iSeries interface setup





.issues, general ledger postings



.attribute assignment


.hazard codes

.history by ship to customer

.history for customers

.on-hand by location, reviewing

.prices, see pricing

.reviewing open orders by item

.sales analysis


.volume discounting

.warehouse history, reviewing

.Item # (Number Assignment A34)

.item availability in order entry

.item categorization, overview

.item category codes

.item class


.customer history, reviewing

.general ledger postings

.history by entity/customer

.item offer overrides by

.restrictions by city

.restrictions by customer class

.restrictions special handling

.templates about

.item coordinates, working with

.Item Creation Values (SCV J08)

.item information




.product comments, reviewing in order inquiry

.reviewing in order inquiry

.setting up item class templates for

.templates, selecting for entry

.item keywords


.screen advancement at item creation

.selecting an item with

.Item Label, PO

.Item Location/LPN Discrepancy Report

.item locations



.Item Notes XML Message Format (SCV H39)

.Item Number Cross Reference Program (SCV G40)

.Item Number Label Type (SCV E28)

.item offers

.creating at initial item entry

.creating through MISO

.defining alternate currency price

.overrides by item class



.working with

.Item Purchase and Sales Aging Report

.Item Sales Analysis Report

.Item Stock Status Report

.Item to Item Transfer ID # (Number Assignment A36)

.item to item transfers, general ledger postings

.Item Transaction Batch (Number Assignment A08)

.Item Transaction History Outbound XML (CWInvXActionOut)

.item transactions, see RF or inventory transactions

.Item Upload Error Report

.Item Upload Processed Records Report

.Item Values (SCV I91)

.Item Volume Discount (SCV B29)

.item warehouses


.resetting on-hand quantity


.working with

.Item XML Message Format (SCV H38)

.item/SKU comments


.reviewing in order inquiry

.Item/SKU Coverage Report

.Item/SKU List, Incomplete

.Item/SKU Offer Upload Exception Report

.item/SKU offers



.item/SKU offers, see also item offer or SKU offer



.ABC/velocity codes


.adding to orders

.attributes, working with

.availability, in order inquiry


.carton definitions for

.category codes



.copying to shared companies


.cycle codes for physical inventory


.fast track, working with

.freight exempt

.general ledger postings

.harmonize codes, updating

.hazardous item codes

.information, see also item information

.keyword exclusions

.keywords for selection

.keywords, see also item keywords

.labels, creating

.location reconciliation report for LPNs

.long SKU classes

.long SKU departments

.on orders, reviewing in order inquiry

.pick frequency codes

.prep codes

.RF item labels

.sales velocity codes

.screen flow when creating

.search options

.ship via overrides

.SKUs, overview

.specifying e-commerce images

.specifying images for display in order entry

.status codes


.tax exemptions

.transferring primary locations

.transfers with RF

.units of measure for

.upload, retail items

.values, working with

.warehouse assignments

.warehouse/locations, generating

.working with existing

.item-to-item transfers, see also inventory transactions





.JC Penney

.extracting invoices

.invoice cross references

.SKU cross references

.source cross references

.JC Penney Interface, overview

.JCL statements

.JCP Deposit File Batch # (Number Assignment A32)

.JCP Deposit File Batch # (Number Assignment A33)

.job control language statements

.Job Description for Business to Business Order Generation (SCV G13)

.Job Queue for E-Commerce Order Processing (SCV G53)


.A/R Adjustments

.Cash Receipts

.Cash Receipts Sundry


.keywords, see item keywords

.kit makeup, working with


.Label 1-Up Printing Program (SCV C83)

.Label 4-Up Printing Program (SCV C84)

.Labels at PO Receipts (SCV C16)

.landed cost calculation, see also updating standard cost


.late payments (delinquent customers)

.Lawson NT Company Code (SCV H46)



.let down replenishment

.Let Down Replenishment (SCV C36)

.Letter Default Number of Copies (SCV B65)

.Letter Folder (SCV B63)

.Letter Query Library (SCV B64)

.license plates, see LPNs

.lines of business


.displaying order queue

.order queue summary

.processing credits

.setting up

.link to tracking information

.link to tracking information in shipment confirmation email

.linked offers


.list source codes

.lists, working with warehouses


.Load Location into Pick Sequence (SCV G34)

.Load Order Header Source from Mailing History (SCV F05)

.Load Source from Mailing History (SCV D20)




.Local Currency Code (SCV A55)

.Locate Account Name (K49)

.Locate Default Location Code for Unfulfillable Orders (SCV K56)

.Location Capacity Method (SCV A31)

.Location Class for Loose Pick Store Restock (SCV G22)

.location classes, working with

.Location Generation (Secured Feature A05)

.Location Label Type (SCV E32)

.Location Types (SCV A28)



.pending, working with

.primary, assigning in RF

.primary, changing in RF

.temporary, creating at PO receiving

.warehouse default, working with

.warehouse/entity for SmartLabel

.working with


.long SKU classes

.long SKU departments

.lost sales, capturing

.Loyalty Membership Activation Notification Email Program (SCV I82)

.Loyalty Membership Deactivation Notification Program (SCV I83)



.LPN Total Greater Than Item Location List

.LPN Tracking (SCV E16)


.adjusting in RF

.building in RF

.creating in RF



.inquiry in RF

.item location reconciliation report

.Item Location/LPN Discrepancy Report

.labels, printing in RF

.transfers in RF









.mail codes, working with

.mail history

.for customers

.for individuals

.Maintain Brokered Fulfillment Orders (secured feature A12)

.Maintain Check Interface Download Date (Secured Feature A99)

.Maintain from within Inquiry (Secured Feature A16)

.Maintain Item Warehouse Minimum/Maximum Quantity (Secured Feature A92)

.Maintain Item Warehouse Retail Price (Secured Feature A91)

.Maintain Long SKU Values in MITM (Secured Feature B05)

.maintaining item offers

.maintaining item/SKU/offers

.maintaining PO

.Maintenance of Bypass Credit Check Field in Source Code File (Secured Feature A87)

.Maintenance of Hold/Fraud/Bypass Flag (Secured Feature A57)

.Maintenance of PC Membership (Secured Feature B16)

.maintenance, order, see order maintenance

.make up finished good, see also inventory transactions

.Man to Man PO layering interface

.Manifest Audit Error Report

.Manifest Audit Report

.sorted by batch date

.sorted by scan date/order number

.sorted by scan date/pick control number

.Manifest Download Report

.manifesting, PC, see PC manifesting

.manual confirmation

.manual credit card authorization



.Mark Up/Down Report

.Markdown Cost General Ledger Number (SCV E21)

.Markdown Cost Percentage for Liquidation (SCV E20)



.match codes, working with

.Max # of Invoices on a Check (SCV C53)

.Maximum Coupon Amount (SCV D91)

.Maximum Cube Value for a Carton (SCV B45)

.Maximum Life to Date Warranty Amount for Customer (SCV F98)

.Maximum Number of Lines to Include on Store Restock Order (SCV I51)

.Maximum Number of Multi Line Picks (SCV B40)

.Maximum Number of Retries on Credit Card Orders (SCV E74)

.Maximum Number of Single Line Picks (SCV B39)

.Maximum Number of Zones (SCV B41)

.Maximum Order Amount (SCV A92)

.Maximum Order Amount for E-Commerce Orders (SCV H54)

.Maximum Order Amount for Fraud Checking (SCV D24)

.maximum order line or quantity, in order maintenance

.Maximum Order Line Value (SCV E98)

.Maximum Order Quantity (SCV C60)

.Maximum Warranty Order Amount (SCV F97)

.Maximum Weight of a Carton (SCV B46)




.MBS updates

























.customer memberships, working with

.entering in order entry

.expected orders report

.generating orders

.President’s Club







.options, about

.specifying images for


.Merchandise Credit Print Program (SCV D29)

.Merchandise Locator Distance Measurement (SCV I39)

.merchandise locator option, .NET

.merchandise locator option, JAVA

.Merchandise Locator Values (SCV I37)

.Merchandising Cost Report

.merchant ID messages

.when processing deposits

.merchant ID overrides, defining



.bill-to customers

.clearing status flag for sold-to customers

.Direct Tech


.sold-to customers


.message controller for e-commerce jobs

.message controller queues for e-commerce job control


.default order, order line

.order line in order inquiry

.pick slip

.PO detail

.PO detail, working with

.PO entry

.refunds, checks

.Method for Processing Overpayments in Order Entry (SCV D70)





.Minimum Item Price Eligible for Retail Pick Ticket (SCV I76)

.Minimum Number of Picks in a Cart (SCV B47)






.misship returns

.in order maintenance

.in return authorizations



.creating items

.working with existing items









.Mode to Process Sync Transactions (SCV G77)

.Modify Existing Messages (Secured Feature A30)

.Modulus 10 Check on Salesrep Number (SCV E88)
















.sheet entry

.ticket entry



















.MQSeries queues for CWCollaborate




























.Multi Currency by Offer (SCV E03)

.multi-currency, shadow postings

.Multiple Items in a Location (SCV C43)








.NaBanco Batch # (Number Assignment A31)

.NCOA updates

.Negative Additional Charge Limit (SCV E49)

.negative quantity, performing a return in order entry using

.Net Credit Card Credits for Deferred and Installment Billing (SCV F55)

.Net Perceptions interface

.Newgistics, see SmartLabel returns processing

.No Entry Audit Report

.Non-Assembly Category (SCV C91)

.Non-Inventory Entry (Secured Feature A09)

.non-inventory items

.in order entry

.package inserts

.physical inventory

.PO entry

.set information


.note types, customer


.bill-to, see bill-to notes


.vendor item, PO

.vendor, reviewing in PO inquiry

.vendor, working with

.NP Customer Item History file

.number assignments


.copying to companies

.listing of

.Number of Billing Async Jobs to Start (SCV F08)

.Number of Counts Required per Physical (SCV A13)

.Number of Days Allowed Before Receipt (SCV D01)

.Number of Days Before PO Purge (SCV A58)

.Number of Days Flexible Payment Option is Used (SCV F53)

.Number of Days for CC Application Request (SCV J81)

.Number of Days in Forecasting Period (SCV B96)

.Number of Days Past Invoice Date for A/R Write-offs (SCV K60)

.Number of Days Since Last Order (SCV D26)

.Number of Days to Add for Accepted Delays (SCV E69)

.Number of Days to Delay Initial Backorder Notice (SCV D89)

.Number of Days to Purge WMS Inbound Files (SCV H48)

.Number of Forecasting Periods (SCV B98)

.Number of Months to Prompt for President’s Club Renewal (SCV H97)

.Number of Outstanding Physicals (SCV A05)

.Number of Periods to Collect Daily Data (SCV C01)

.Number of Periods to Offset Returns (SCV C06)

.Number of Pick Control Labels (SCV D47)

.Number of Times Flexible Payment Option is Used (SCV F52)

.Number of Times Shipped to Same Address (SCV D25)

.Number of Times to Reprocess PIX Errors (SCV G76)

.Number of Times to Retry On Line Authorizations (SCV B93)


.O/E Hold, Release Order Lines (Secured Feature A46)


.OCC item interface file



.Offer Page Analysis Report

.Offer Price Sequence # (SCV A79)

.Offer Projection Summary Report

.Offer Recap Report

.Offer Required Entry on Purchase Orders (SCV A36)

.offer/ship via assignment



.alternate currency, defining

.Backorder Report

.cross references

.dollar charts for

.dollar discounts for

.free gifts for


.page analysis report

.projection summary report

.Recap Report


.telemarketing specials for

.tracking demand

.working with





.On Hand by Vendor by Warehouse Screen

.On Hand by Warehouse Report

.On Line Authorizations (SCV B89)

.on-account payments in cash receipts

.Online Auth Reserve $ Threshold (SCV L74)

.Online Auth Verification Only (SCV I96)

.online authorization socket server and async, processing

.online cash payments

.Online Credit Card Authorization Listing

.online credit card authorizations


.open accounts, RA DOS download

.Open AP/PO Receipt reports

.Open Item # (Number Assignment A20)

.Open Item Purge Days (SCV C10)

.open items

.allocating or unallocating

.applying credits to debits in cash receipts

.changing in cash receipts


.entering notes


.setting dispute status

.open orders by item, reviewing

.Open PO’s by Vendor Report

.open POs for item

.periodic function to reset quantities


.Open Prepaid Order List



.operator statistics



.Order Acknowledgement Program (SCV G50)

.Order Addition Audit Report

.Order API/No Reprice Price Override Reason (SCV L96)

.Order Batch (Number Assignment A01)

.Order Batch Listing

.Order Batch Listing Report (retail store restock)

.order batching, BATCHSHEET job

.order billing history


.detail, reviewing


.Order Billing History Consolidation Report

.Order Broker Include Default Country Orders Only (SCV M29)

.Order Broker Values (SCV K15)

.Order Cancellation List

.Order Combination Pick Selection Type (SCV G47)

.Order Control Report

.Order Control Summary Shipment Update Method (SCV I55)

.Order Cross Reference (Number Assignment A27)

.order cross references

.Order Demand/Sales Reports

.order detail history by entity/customer

.order details, reviewing in A/R inquiry

.Order Discount Percentage Limit (SCV D16)

.order entry

.A/R credits, using as payment


.additional charges

.alternate screens for foreign addresses

.batching, defining controls for a batch

.batching, screen differences for

.batching, see also batch order entry

.billing addresses

.business to business, about

.business to business, distributing items

.business to business, entering orders

.cash batching

.companies, scanning

.continuity items

.coordinate items

.credit cards, deactivating

.customers, selecting


.deferred billing, assigning

.detail line options

.displaying more options

.end-of-order repricing

.exchanges, posting

.fast track item entry

.generic order interface

.gross profit, determining for an item in OE

.header format

.header/detail format

.individuals, selecting for

.installment billing, assigning

.item availability

.item information, reviewing in

.item status messages

.items, adding

.items, changing

.items, selecting before

.lost sales, capturing

.messages, order

.messages, order line

.order summary

.page/letter entry

.payment plans, assigning

.payments, adding

.payments, changing

.paytypes, default


.recap, payments

.recipients, adding

.recipients, copying items to

.recipients, switching to


.returns, posting

.set items

.ship to properties

.shipping addresses

.shipping addresses, permanent

.single item orders

.SKUs, differences in

.special handling

.subscription items



.upselling the customer

.warranty items

.Order Entry Batching Default (SCV A73)

.Order Error Listing

.Order Header (Number Assignment A05)

.order header, in order maintenance

.order history

.by entity/customer

.customers, reviewing

.details, ship to

.for customers

.for individuals

.order transaction history in API

.reviewing in order inquiry

.ship to customers, by entity

.ship to customers, totals

.order history API, see customer history API

.order hold reason codes


.authority hierarchy

.for deferred/installment billing

.setting authority for user classes

.setting authority for users

.working with

.Order Hold Reason Release Authority (Secured Feature A77)

.order inquiry

.additional charges

.advancement options in

.alternate screens for foreign addresses

.authorization history

.call tags


.deferred/installment billing order, for

.deposit history

.detail information

.financial information, options in

.gift certificates

.header information


.item availability

.item details

.item information

.item/SKU comments

.order dates

.order history

.order line history

.order line messages

.order payment methods

.order pricing

.order properties

.order quantities

.order summary

.order totals in alternate currency

.order totals in foreign currency

.payment history

.printing an invoice

.product comments

.reason codes


.reserved order lines in

.selecting an order

.special handling

.special handling, custom

.zone reservation dates

.order inquiry API, see customer history API

.order inquiry reason codes

.order line history

.activity codes

.generic order line history interface

.reviewing in order inquiry

.order line messages in order inquiry

.order maintenance

.A/R credits in


.adding items

.canceling items

.canceling orders

.changing payment methods

.confirm quantity/line value override

.deactivating payment methods

.deferred/installment billing changes in

.detail screen


.exchanging items

.increasing the quantity of items

.items in

.maximum order line quantity or value

.misship returns

.order header

.overriding maximum quantity/line value

.recipient orders in

.returning items

.returning the entire order

.selecting an order

.Order Maintenance Access (Secured Feature A22)

.Order Maintenance Confirmation E-Mail Program (SCV H12)

.Order Number Download (Number Assignment A47)

.order payment history, reviewing in order inquiry

.order processing ASYNC

.O/P Background Job Error Listing

.status messages

.Order Purge Days (SCV C62)

.Order Reconciliation Report

.Order Shipment Analysis

.order status

.credit card cancellations

.returns, use in

.order summary, reviewing in order inquiry

.order totals, reviewing

.Order Type to Process as Catalog Request/Item Samples (SCV E08)

.order types


.activity, reviewing

.archiving to optical disk

.creating through e-commerce

.drop ship, processing by batch


.operations summary, displaying

.Purged Order List


.purging suspended

.related files

.releasing from time hold

.stranded, unlocking

.Orders Released from Time Hold Report


.O/P Background Job Error Listing

.status messages



.background job error listing

.status messages


.out of balance warning for sundry transactions in cash receipts

.Outbound Customer Search Response (CWCustomerInqResponse)

.outbound email API

.Outbound email XML message (CWEmailOut)

.Outbound Interface Trigger File Purge Days (SCV I14)

.Outlet Transfer (Number Assignment A38)

.outlet transfers



.scanning items

.Outstanding Physical Listing

.Over Receipt % (SCV A61)

.overages, PO


.receiving on POs

.Override Deferred And Installment Billing Options (Secured Feature A81)

.Override Negative Additional Charge Limit (Secured Feature A60)

.Override Offer on Order Detail Line (SCV D49)

.Override Offer/Page/Alias on Order Detail (SCV E72)

.Override PO Cost (Secured Feature A17)

.Override Price Override Limit (Secured Feature A64)

.Override Tolerance (Secured Feature A18)

.Override Vendor’s Discount Percentage (Secured Feature A10)


.P.O.S. download file

.P/P Scan by Unit Default (SCV B60)


.package insert processing

.package, shipment tracking

.package, tracking link in shipment confirmation email

.page letter assignments

.Page/Letter Entry (SCV A72)






.partial payment against A/R invoices

.Pass E-Commerce Order Status Response Type (SCV H68)

.Pass Entity Code to Vertex (SCV F69)

.Pass Order Ship To # in New Order Response Message (SCV H47)

.Pass Reserved Warehouse Code to E-Commerce (SCV H25)

.Pass Ship To Address in E-Commerce Status Inquiry (SCV J33)


.pay plan


.applying in order entry

.authorization service settings

.billing updates


.order hold reason codes

.order inquiry

.processing deposits

.rejected deposits

.related reports


.secured features


.system control values

.working with options

.Pay Type for Payment Processing (SCV K16)

.pay types


.charging against

.general ledger numbers

.Held Orders by Pay Type Report

.payment methods

.changing in order maintenance

.deactivating in order maintenance

.entering in order maintenance

.reviewing in order inquiry

.Payment Processing Values (SCV K21)


.batch record layouts

.level II discounting, sending

.online record layouts




.PC interactive manifest ASYNC


.starting and ending

.PC manifest ASYNC

.PC Manifest Tool (SCV B81)

.PC manifesting

.displaying batches

.displaying call tags in batch

.displaying picks in batch

.list of transactions available


.ports, working with

.purging unused pick control label records


.stopping and starting TCP/IP processing

.TCP/IP connection status, checking

.typical process

.user-defined socket programs






.PCH Billing Batch # (Number Assignment A13)

.PCH Control # (Number Assignment A15)



.starting and ending

.working with















.pending locations, working with

.Pending Payment Plan Deposits Report

.Pending Putaway Due Date Days (SCV G92)

.pending putaway warehouse

.Percent Cost Variance (SCV A23)

.Percent Units Variance (SCV A22)

.Perform Address Standardization in Customer API (SCV I99)

.Perform Authorization Reversal during Deposit Processing (SCV J20)

.Perform Balance Inquiry during Batch Authorizations (SCV J19)

.Perform Best Way Shipping (SCV C47)

.Perform Cubing (SCV B36)

.Perform Order Edit Interactively (SCV I56)

.Perform Source Pricing Validation (SCV D62)

.periodic functions

.assigning to processes

.working with

.periodic processes

.assigning functions to



.setting parameters

.working with

.Periods to Use Expected Return % (SCV D27)

.Periods to Use Projected Units (SCV H91)


.PO receipts

.PO receipts of finished goods







.Phone Errors Report

.phone interface


.accepting orders

.correcting orders


.gift certificate errors

.inputting remote orders

.loading remote orders

.phone transmit file layout

.rejecting orders

.rerunning phone order edit

.transferring remote orders

.Phone Interface Values (SCV F70)

.Phone Load Method (SCV C97)

.Phone Numbers (SCV D15)

.Phone Order Batch Totals Report



.Physical Evaluation Variance Report

.physical inventory


.accepting a batch

.batch entry (worksheets)

.creating record with sheet entry


.entering counts with tickets

.entering counts with worksheets

.general ledger postings


.generating tickets for second or final count

.item cycle codes for

.item status codes for

.PkMS transactions

.printing reports or tickets through count entry

.printing sheets for second or final count

.processing the update

.Regis file, uploading

.reporting, overview

.reports, printing

.reprinting batch sheets or tickets

.resetting freeze flags

.ticket, creating in count entry

.tickets, printing at generation

.updates at accept

.upload error codes

.upload record, creating

.upload, default options

.upload, overview

.upload, working with

.uploading counts

.worksheets, printing at generation

.Physical Inventory Batch Grouping (SCV L64)

.Physical Inventory Batch Worksheet

.Physical Inventory Evaluation Report With An Update (Secured Feature A03)

.Physical Inventory Final Count Accept (Secured Feature A63)

.Physical Inventory Final Count Entry (Secured Feature A02)

.Physical Inventory First Count Accept (Secured Feature A61)

.Physical Inventory First Count Entry (Secured Feature A58)

.Physical Inventory Generation (Secured Feature A04)

.Physical Inventory Item Location Audit Report

.Physical Inventory New On Hand Quantities Report

.Physical Inventory Second Count Accept (Secured Feature A62)

.Physical Inventory Second Count Entry (Secured Feature A59)

.Physical Inventory Ticket

.Physical Inventory Ticket Listing

.Physical Inventory Upload Error List

.Physical Inventory Upload Selection (Secured Feature A06)

.Physical Inventory Values (SCV C15)

.Physical Inventory Void Upload Records (Secured Feature A07)



.pick control detail, displaying

.pick control header, displaying

.pick control label records, purging

.pick error types

.pick frequency codes

.Pick Generation - Store Restock Orders Backorder Analysis Detail Report

.Pick Label Print Program (SCV F28)

.pick labels, printing additional

.Pick Printing Program (SCV C37)

.Pick Processing Days (SCV B37)

.pick slip generation

.cart/bin picking



.let down replenishment

.printing additional pick labels

.reviewing authorizations

.selection, analyzing

.subsequent screens

.wave picking

.working with

.Pick Slip Generation Analysis Report

.Pick Slip Generation Options # (Number Assignment A14)

.pick slip stop shipment request

.pick slips

.accepting and rejecting

.assigning for pick/pack verification

.assigning pickers to batch

.creating settings for


.pick control detail lines

.pick error type

.pick/pack verification

.picker/packer information

.printing additional labels

.reprinting and voiding

.resetting picker/packer MTD statistics

.resetting picker/packer TD statistics



.Pick Sort Program Name (SCV C65)

.Pick Unit Report

.Pick Units to Initiate Extra Labels (SCV E91)

.Pick Void XML Message Format (SCV H44)

.Pick Wave Label Print Program (SCV J88)

.Pick XML Message Format (SCV H43)

.pick/pack verification

.Pick/Pack Verification Entry Format (SCV B59)

.Pickable Setting for Analyzing Replenishment Locations (SCV G63)

.picker assignment

.picker/packer information

.picker/packer MTD statistics, resetting

.picker/packer TD statistics, resetting

.pieces per case, in RF















.PIX transaction errors




.background jobs

.backordered orders program

.customer returns interface

.immediate backorder fulfillment interface

.inventory transaction cross references

.inventory transaction interface

.inventory transaction priority

.inventory transaction reason code cross references

.invoice errors

.item cross references

.item/SKU interface

.physical inventory transactions

.pick slip generation interface

.pick slip maintenance interface

.PIX transaction errors

.purchase order interface

.reserved and unprinted orders program


.shipment confirmation interface

.vendor interface

.warehouse cross references

.PkMS Case Number (Number Assignment A43)

.PkMS Company Designator (SCV G61)

.PkMS Data Base Library (SCV H03)

.PkMS File Transfer Library (SCV H04)

.PkMS Immediate Need Control Number (Number Assignment A69)

.PkMS Item Interface Program (SCV F33)

.PkMS Item Notes Program (SCV F47)

.PkMS Pick Number (Number Assignment A42)

.PkMS Pick Program (SCV F34)

.PkMS Purchase Order Interface Program (SCV F32)

.PkMS Return/Case Interface Program (SCV F38)

.PkMS System Library FTP Transfer (SCV G93)

.PkMS Transport Type (SCV G80)

.PkMS Use SKU Retail Reference (SCV I86)

.PkMS Vendor Contact Program Name (SCV F48)

.PkMS Vendor Interface Program (SCV F30)

.PkMS Void Pick Check Program (SCV F49)






.detail history, reviewing

.file layout

.labels, printing



.receipts history, reviewing


.PO additional charges

.PO Allow Recurring (SCV A50)

.PO Auto Cancel Report

.PO Default Status (SCV A49)

.PO Default View (SCV A51)

.PO EDI File Generation Program (SCV C77)

.PO entry

.detail messages

.entering header information

.entering items

.entering overrides

.estimated charges

.FOB address

.for multiple SKUs

.hold for release lines

.horizontal format


.non-inventory items

.order line discounts

.recurring POs

.selecting vendors



.vendor item format

.vendor item notes

.PO Expected Delivery Report

.PO for item

.open, reviewing

.periodic function to reset open quantities

.PO Header (Number Assignment A04)

.PO inquiry

.actual charges

.detail charges

.FOB address


.header history

.line history


.reviewing detail

.reviewing held for release lines

.vendor notes

.PO interface

.PO Interface - Accepted PO Report

.PO Interface - Error Report

.PO Item Label

.PO maintenance

.copying POs

.selecting POs

.PO Maintenance Security (Secured Feature A08)

.PO Print Program (SCV C64)

.PO Print Program for PO Print in PO Sequence (SCV C76)

.PO Receipt Control # Entered (SCV A56)

.PO Receipt Control (Number Assignment A06)

.PO Receipt Costing Calculation Method (SCV A57)

.PO Receipt Detail Entry Method (SCV A63)

.PO Receipt Records Processed Report

.PO receiving


.adding lines

.additional charges, working with

.changing detail


.creating temporary locations

.detail messages, working with

.detail receiving methods

.entering serial numbers

.exchange rate, changing

.messages, working with

.overages or underages

.RA DOS interface

.receipt controls, creating

.reviewing prior receipts

.selecting locations

.selecting POs for receipt

.vendor notes, working with

.working with header and detail

.PO Receiving Worksheet

.Unit Method

.Weight Method

.with all primary locations (POR0740)

.with receipt details (POR0167)

.PO Receiving Worksheet Print Program (SCV I36)

.PO Reference # Required (SCV A35)

.PO Required for A/R Orders (SCV D79)

.PO ship via

.PO, A/P-PO invoice matching






.PO’s by Vendor Report, Open







.point of sale download file, generating


.Populate E-Commerce Effective Date Files (SCV K23)

.Populate Marketing/PO Interface Trigger File (SCV G33)


.receipt controls

.receiving POs

.selecting POs



.ports, for PC manifesting



.creating based on projected requirements



.in transit

.overages and underages

.PkMS interface


.RA DOS download

.RA DOS PO receipts upload

.receipt cost summary

.POS integration

.customer history

.customer inquiry (search)

.generic order interface

.inventory download

.inventory inquiry

.inventory transaction upload

.merchandise locator and store fulfillment, .NET

.merchandise locator, JAVA

.POs, faxing


.by range

.single PO

.POs, printing

.by range

.single PO


.Position Cursor on Offer Field in Order Entry/Maintenance (SCV F91)

.Position of SKU Element 1 in Order Entry/Maintenance (SCV A42)

.Position of SKU Element 2 in Order Entry/Maintenance (SCV A43)

.Position of SKU Element 3 in Order Entry/Maintenance (SCV A44)

.positions, individual

.Post Coupon Liability to G/L for New Orders (SCV D52)

.Post Demand to Order Level Forecast Files for Soldout Items (SCV E58)

.Post Inventory G/L Transactions Using Source Code Associated with Order (SCV F81)

.Post Purchase Order Additional Charges to General Ledger (SCV G30)

.Post Sales G/L Using Division at Order Line Source Code (SCV F17)

.Postal Code Scan Length (SCV F61)

.postal codes

.formats and validation

.holding orders by

.setting up tax rates for

.updating by range

.working with

.posting to deferred liability










.Pre Billed Amount Item (SCV J72)

.Preauthorize Backorders (SCV D32)

.prefix codes, working with

.Prefix of Identcode (SCV I28)

.Preload Deposits (SCV L78)

.premium items

.free gifts by offer

.free gifts by source

.in order maintenance

.prep codes

.president’s club memberships, about


.billing and processing deposits

.purging credit card deposits

.Prevent Storing the Customer’s Last CC# and Expiration Date (SCV J86)

.Previous Accounting Year (SCV B71)

.price breaks, see pricing

.price codes


.working with

.Price Codes (SCV D93)

.Price Override Code for Promotional Priced Lines (SCV B61)

.Price Override for Retail Price Change Lines (SCV H32)

.Price Override Limit Percent (SCV E55)

.price override reason codes

.Price Override Reason for Business to Business Orders (SCV G08)

.Price Override Reason for E-Commerce (SCV G73)

.Price Override Reason for Pre Billed Amount Item (SCV J73)

.Price Override Reason for Same Price Exchanges (SCV D92)

.Price Override Reason for SVC Refund Item (SCV I74)

.Price Overrides (Secured Feature A23)

.price ranges, see pricing

.price ranges, working with

.Price Table Level Override Code (SCV E05)

.Price Table Sequence # (SCV E06)

.price tables

.B2B e-commerce downloads

.groups, working with

.in order maintenance

.items, working with

.selecting for B2B e-commerce extract

.working with

.Price Tables (SCV E07)

.Price Ticket Print Program (SCV F46)

.price tickets



.alternate currency


.dollar discounts for offer

.items, in order inquiry

.price codes, assigning

.price codes, working with

.price tables

.price tickets


.ranges for Item Grid Report

.retail price changes, applying

.special pricing by source in Work with Source Codes

.special pricing by source, in Work with Items

.special pricing by source, menu option

.special pricing by source, report

.updating SKU offer

.working with by item/offer or SKU/offer

.Pricing Values (SCV B31)

.primary locations


.selecting for pick slip generation


.Primary SKU Element (SCV A34)

.Primary Upsell Category (SCV A67)

.Print ABC Velocity Report (By Dollars or Units)

.Print Amounts on Drop Ship Picks (SCV C81)

.Print Batch Pull Sheet Item Summary (SCV C59)

.Print Company Address on Invoice (SCV D57)

.Print Company Address on Statements (SCV D58)

.Print Credit Card Credit Acknowledgments (SCV C35)

.Print Direct Debit Report

.Print Drop Ship Invoice at Time of Purchase Order Receiving (SCV F10)

.Print Drop Ship Invoice with PO (SCV C85)

.Print Inventory Status and Projection Reports (ISRP)

.Print Item Status or Sold Out Control on 10 Offer IS Report (SCV D78)

.Print Letters Using OfficeVision/400 (SCV E26)

.Print on Hand Quantity (SCV A11)

.Print One Drop Ship Invoice per Ship Alone Item (SCV E38)

.Print Order Reconciliation Report

.Print Phone Errors Report (retail store restock)

.Print Purged Coupons Report

.Print Warehouse Address on Pick Slips (SCV D60)


.Process A/R Batch Automatically after Creation through IJCT (SCV I95)

.Process A/R Credits Immediately (SCV E80)

.process Internet orders

.Process PkMS Overlays as Adjustments (SCV G78)

.Processed Refund Register

.processing deposits

.for deferred/installment billing

.merchant ID messages

.Production Category (SCV C90)

.profiles, customer


.working with

.projected returns to fulfill backorders, withholding from soldouts

.projection curves

.Promotion Code Entry Required for Discount (SCV I63)

.promotional pricing




.See also pricing

.working with


.retail stores, about

.retail stores, working with

.single-use codes

.Source Promotion Report

.types, retail store

.working with

.Prompt for Mandatory Demographics in Order Maintenance (SCV E60)

.properties, order, reviewing in order inquiry

.Prorate Dollar Discounts and Coupons (SCV D90)

.Prorate Freight Charges (SCV D39)


.Prospect Finder file























.Purchase Journal Summary by Vendor Number

.purchase order approval

.Purchase Order Auto Cancel Report

.Purchase Order Email Directory Address Entry (SCV J49)

.purchase order information

.file layout

.See also PO


.Purchase Order Purge Listing

.Purchase Order sample

.Purchase Orders in Docked Status Report

.Purchase Orders XML Message Format (SCV H40)

.Purge Completed Receipts (SCV D02)









.Purged Order List

.Purged SKU List


.A/P checks and invoices

.A/R items

.Active Procedures

.affinity files

.call tags

.correspondence (email) history

.CTI customer call log

.ECLG files

.existing price tickets

.general ledger details

.inventory transaction history

.item locations

.marketing customers and orders

.open item purge days

.open items

.order billing history


.pick control label records

.prestige credit card deposits

.Print Purged Coupons Report

.printed catalog requests

.Prospect Finder file

.purchase orders

.Purged Order List

.refund checks



.suspended orders

.unused pick control label records, PC manifesting

.vendor charge backs







.QAS Address Interface Values (SCV I66)

.QAS QuickAddress Pro interface, about

.quantities, order, in order inquiry

.quantity available calculation

.Quantity Available Threshold for Inventory Downloads (SCV G36)

.Quantity Break by SKU Sequence # (SCV A80)

.Quantity Break/Item (SCV A87)

.Quantity Required for Purchase Order SKU Scanning (SCV F15)

.QuickPick Zone Identifier (SCV J41)



.PO receipts interface, working with

.PO receipts upload

.store add-on request upload

.upload, working with

.RA DOS Customer Address Upload Error Report

.RA DOS Inventory Count Worksheet

.RA Header # (Number Assignment A17)

.RA Program XML Message Format (SCV H45)


.radio frequency, see RF










.Random Stock Location Assignment Sequence (SCV A30)

.Random Stock Location Usage (SCV A29)








.reason codes





.order inquiry



.Aged Receiving Report

.general ledger postings

.Receipt Cost Summary Report

.Receipt of Non-Inventory Item (Secured Feature A19)

.recency codes, working with

.recipients, in order maintenance

.reconciliation transactions, bank

.reconciling refund checks

.Record Deleted from RI Item Upload Report

.recurring POs



.reviewing generated

.redeeming coupons, gift certificates, and credits

.Reevaluate Reservation Logic at Final Accept (SCV M01)






.Refund Additional Charge Default for Inbound Returns (SCV H60)

.Refund Check # (Number Assignment A18)

.Refund Check Bonus % (SCV B69)

.Refund Due List

.Refund Duty Default for Inbound Returns (SCV H62)

.Refund Freight Default for Inbound Returns (SCV H59)

.Refund Handling Default for Inbound Returns (H61)



.A/R, processing


.acknowledgements, printing

.changing status


.checks, messages on

.credits, printing

.flagging credit open items as

.how pay type determines refund type


.processing by order number

.purging checks

.reconciling checks



.reviewing in order inquiry

.stored value cards, generating

.using the refund due list

.working with

.Regis file, uploading physical inventory counts

.RegisterTokenRequest message

.RegisterTokenResponse message

.Rejected Batch Listing

.rejected deposits

.for deferred/installment billing


.Relate stored value card integration

.releasing orders from time hold

.remote job entry facility

.remote orders





.gift certificate errors



.phone transmit file layout


.rerunning phone order edit


.Remove Stored Value Card Number After Activation (SCV J22)

.removing offers and items from e-commerce download

.Replenish from Location Type (SCV A66)

.Replenish from Primary during Let Down Replenishment (SCV J42)

.Replenishment Label Program Name (SCV F20)

.Replenishment Pick Worksheet

.Replenishment Receiving Worksheet

.Replenishment Report Program Name (SCV E47)

.Replenishment Transfer Label

.replenishment, primary location


.confirming, processing, or deleting requests

.let down replenishment

.pick slip generation, and

.transfer labels

.working with

.replenishment, warehouse


.creating, standard process

.default warehouse locations for

.outlet transfer, about

.outlet transfer, creating by loading STS Request file

.outlet transfers, correcting unallocatable items

.outlet transfers, processing

.outlet transfers, scanning items

.placing stock

.populating Autostock Replenishment Work file

.processing, confirming, or unallocating

.standard process, overview

.working with

.report controls

.reports, creating settings for

.Reprint Pick Slips (Secured Feature A33)


.A/P checks

.gift certificates

.physical inventory batch sheets or tickets

.pick slips

.refund checks


.vendor charge backs

.Require Credit Card Token (SCV L40)

.Require Customer Class in OE, WCAT, and WCST (SCV H85)

.Require Due Date for Non-Inventory Items on Held Purchase Orders (SCV F21)

.Require Entity in Item File (SCV G44)

.Require Entry of Parent Vendor (SCV G31)

.Require Exchange Item at Time of Receipt (SCV F42)

.Require Gift Certificate/Coupon Number (SCV G75)

.Require Item Class in Work with Items (SCV F06)

.Require L/S Class (SCV I93)

.Require L/S Department (SCV I92)

.Require L/S Style (SCV I94)

.Require Long SKU Division with Long SKU Department (SCV E85)

.Require Order Message Entry (SCV L73)

.Require Phone Number in Order Entry/Order Maintenance (SCV H01)

.Require Reason for Lines Added in Order Maintenance (SCV D75)

.Require Reason in CTI (SCV G98)

.Require Return Reason Code for all Call Tags (SCV G67)

.Require Salesrep Number in Order Entry/Order Maintenance (SCV E87)

.Require Ship Via on Purchase Order Header (SCV E96)

.Require Sort Sequence Number in the SKU File (SCV F23)

.resequencing SKU collating sequence number



.batch, about

.batch, reserving stock

.continuity orders

.coordinate group items

.drop ship items

.finished good orders

.immediate, about

.immediate, reserving stock with

.interactive by item/SKU

.interactive by warehouse

.interactive, about

.interactive, reserving stock

.interactive, working with

.reviewing types

.set orders

.special handling items

.variable set orders

.Reservation Lead Days (SCV B27)

.Reserve from Non-Allocatable Warehouse (SCV J25)

.reserved order lines, reviewing in order inquiry

.Reset Customer Sold To $ On Order (RONO)






.A/R balance

.backorder quantities

.inventory levels

.item warehouse on-hand quantity

.physical freeze flags

.printed quantities

.reserved quantities

.SKU open, held, D/S quantity

.responses, defining for custom special handling format

.restocking retail stores

.Restrict Access to Credit Card Numbers in Order Inquiry and Order Maintenance (Secured Feature A88)

.Restrict Additional Charge Amount if Default Charge (SCV F43)

.Restrict Pre Billed Amounts to Drop Ship Items Only (SCV J76)

.Restrict SKU Scan by Offer (SCV H34)

.resubmitting rejected deposits


.integration (external system into CWDirect), about

.point of sale interface

.see also retail stores

.stock adjustments

.stock adjustments, downloading

.Retail A/R Batch Errors After Processing (SCV I33)

.retail brands

.retail integration (external system into CWDirect)


.conversion programs

.item upload, see retail item upload


.price changes overview

.price changes, see retail price changes


.retail item upload





.conversion programs

.errors, working with

.Item Upload Error Report

.Item Upload Processed Records Report



.Record Deleted from RI Item Upload Report

.RI_COPY job


.RI_UPLD job


.unpacked file, copying to packed file

.Retail Order Cross Reference Report

.Retail Order Defaults (SCV F59)

.Retail PC POS Sales Upload Shared Folder (SCV F56)

.Retail PC Stock Transfer Shared Folder (SCV F50)

.Retail Price Change Update Report

.Retail Price Change Upload Approval Percent (SCV H31)

.Retail Price Change Upload Error List

.retail price changes

.adjustments, creating


.conversion programs

.history, reviewing


.price change uploads, working with

.price changes, working with

.Retail Price Change Update Report

.Retail Price Change Upload Error List


.retail SKUs

.Retail Store Values (SCV G00)

.retail stores


.about restock

.about retail fulfillment

.add-on request items

.confirming retail fulfillment selection


.download about

.generating promotion notifications

.item warehouse values

.printing restock confirmations

.promotion types

.promotions, about

.promotions, working with

.RA DOS interface




.selecting for retail fulfillment


.upload, about

.working with retail fulfillment selection


.Retailer ID (SCV H15)

.Retain Unused Stored Value Card Authorization After Deposit (SCV J21)

.Return Acknowledgement (SCV C04)

.return authorizations




.selecting orders

.standard process

.streamlined process

.Return Confirmation E-Mail Program (SCV H53)

.Return Disposition Authority (Secured Feature A83)

.return disposition codes

.authority hierarchy for

.setting user authority for

.setting user class authority for

.working with

.return error display screen

.Return Grace Period (SCV B52)

.return interface errors

.return reason codes

.reviewing history

.working with

.return to vendor

.general ledger postings

.See also inventory transactions



.completing, in order maintenance

.entering, in order entry

.entire order, in order maintenance

.for deferred/installment billing orders

.interface errors

.order maintenance, about

.posting through order entry

.posting with a negative quantity

.projected, to fulfill backorders

.receiving, in generic return API

.receiving, in order maintenance

.see also return authorizations

.SmartLabel processing

.with RF

.reverse shipping charges for SmartLabel returns



.adjusting LPNs

.assigning primary locations

.bin inquiry

.build LPNs

.changing primary locations

.creating LPNs

.data entry

.field descriptions

.inquiry and maintenance options

.item inquiry

.item transfers

.location replenishment

.LPN inquiry

.LPN transfers

.printing bin labels

.printing item labels

.printing LPN labels





.RF Bin Label Print Program (SCV E23)

.RF Carton Label Print Program (SCV E27)

.RF Item Label Print Program (SCV E24)

.RF LPN Label Print Program (SCV E22)

.RF Return Label Print Program (SCV E25)











.RJE facility




.Round Up Quantity in RF Suggest Warehouse Placement for B/O (SCV F16)

.Rounding for Casepacks from Bulk in Let Down Replenishment (SCV J43)














.Sale Credit Print Program (SCV D31)

.Sales Analysis Report, Item

.sales history

.A/R customers

.delinquent customers

.Sales Journal by Currency Report

.Sales Journal by Division

.Sales Journal by Order Type

.Sales Journal by Pay Type

.Sales Journal Errors Report

.Sales Journal Summary

.sales representatives, about

.Salesman Demand Report

.salesmen, about

.Salesrep Number to Use in P.O.S. Download File (SCV F82)


.Save Listing Default (SCV A41)

.Scan Customer Bill-to screens in cash receipts

.SCF code

.SCF tax rates

.SCF/ship via

.editing multiple values

.setting up values

.SCVs, see SCV title


.Search Active Offers for Price (SCV F95)

.Search Offers for Alias (SCV J68)

.Search SKU Cross Reference (SCV J56)


.use in zone reservation

.working with


.Second Location Type (SCV E43)

.sectional center facility codes

.Secure G/L Number Field Access (Secured Feature A84)

.Secure Item Master Cost Field (Secured Feature A38)

.secured features


.copying to companies

.listing of

.See also secured feature title

.security shell components



.segments, defining for house list

.Select Affinity Items pop-up window

.Select Affinity SKUs pop-up window

.Select Telemarketing Specials by Item Category (SCV F35)

.Sell Out Set if Component is Sold Out (SCV I05)

.Send Average Cost Changes to PkMS (SCV F92)

.Send B/O to Locate (SCV K08)

.Send Data for Level II Discounting (SCV I12)

.Send Order Response After E-Commerce Payment Message (SCV I57)

.Send RA Message for Negative Quantity in OE/OM (SCV J58)

.Send RA Message for RA Create (SCV J57)

.Send RA Message for RA Delete (SCV J59)

.Send Void Requests (SCV E45)

.serial numbers


.entering at PO receipts

.entering counts

.entering in inventory transactions

.for returns in order maintenance

.working with

.service charges

.dollar chart by offer

.dollar chart by source



.continuity (type C), setting up

.finished good (type F), setting up

.reserving inventory for orders

.S type, setting up

.variable (type V), setting up


.Ship Complete from 1 Warehouse (SCV B16)

.ship via codes

.ship via dollar limit to hold authorization

.ship via history

.Ship Via Priority for Ship To Mismatch (SCV L71)

.ship via, PO

.Ship Via/Item Reports

.Shipment Confirmation Program (SCV G51)

.Shipment Summary Report


.confirming for e-commerce orders

.confirming interactively

.confirming manually

.shipments, tracking

.shipments, tracking from shipment confirmation email

.shipper/item charges


.best way shipping

.displaying ship via history

.dollar chart by ship via

.freight by order weight

.offer/ship via assignment

.overriding assignment by offer, source code, dollar total or SCF

.overriding in order entry with Alternate Shipping Charges by Via window

.SCF/ship via values

.SCF/ship via, editing multiple values of

.ship via codes, working with

.ship via indicia

.ship via override hierarchy

.shipper/item charges

.shipping rates, working with

.state shipping matrix

.weight charges by ship via

.zip/ship via

.Shipping and Handling Analysis Report

.shipping charges, freight methods table

.shipping charges, reverse, for SmartLabel returns

.shipping zone reservation


.date windows, creating

.geographic zones, creating

.overriding zone reservation rules

.pop-up windows in order entry


.zone reservation codes, creating

.zone reservation dates, creating

.ship-to customers

.Short SKU (Number Assignment A12)

.single-use promotion codes




.SKU Cross Reference Type (SCV J55)

.SKU cross reference types

.SKU Element 1 Name (SCV A14)

.SKU Element 2 Name (SCV A15)

.SKU Element 3 Name (SCV A16)

.SKU Element Description 1 (SCV G37)

.SKU Element Description 2 (SCV G38)

.SKU Element Description 3 (SCV G39)

.SKU Element for Auto Linking Coordinates (SCV F39)

.SKU Element for Order Entry Filtering (SCV F40)

.SKU elements, creating

.SKU generator

.SKU groups



.SKU offer changes, deferred



.SKU offers


.creating at initial item entry

.creating through MISO

.defining alternate currency price


.updating prices


.working with

.SKU prices, see pricing

.SKU Purge Days (SCV F11)

.SKU Quick Price Update Number (Number Assignment A57)


.SKUL Interface file for Cam Data



.collating sequence number

.creating at initial item entry

.creating through SKU generator

.cross reference codes

.cross reference codes for JC Penney interface


.elements, creating

.order of appearance, controlling

.Purge SKU List


.resetting open, held, D/S quantity

.sort sequence numbers

.split, overview (see also split SKUs)


.SKUS Interface file for Cam Data





.SmartLabel D-U-N-S Number (SCV I47)

.SmartLabel FTP Script for ARN Import (SCV I62)

.SmartLabel Item Weight Limit (SCV I48)

.SmartLabel Merchant ID (SCV I46)

.SmartLabel returns processing

.importing return notifications


.processing returns

.reverse shipping charges for

.sample label and contents


.troubleshooting label setup

.SmartLabel Scanned Return Input Mode (SCV I61)

.SmartLabel Values (SCV I60)

.SmartPost Application ID (SCV J78)

.SmartPost Application ID Prefix (SCV J77)

.SmartPost pick slip processing

.SmartPost USPS Service Type (SCV J79)


.socket interface for PC manifesting, see PC manifesting

.socket programs

.user-defined for PC manifesting

.socket servers, about

.Sold Out Retention Method (SCV E63)

.soldout controls, working with

.Soldout Notification Print Program (SCV E75)

.soldout notifications, printing

.soldouts, processing

.sold-to customers, see customers

.Sort Pick Slips by Gift Flag (SCV D53)

.Sort Picks by Foreign/Domestic Flag (SCV D54)

.Sort Picks by Pick Sequence (SCV E89)

.Sort Source Codes Prompt by Description in Order Entry (SCV F67)

.Source Analysis Summary Report, Detailed (SSCA)

.Source Code Analysis Report (RSCA)

.Source Code Analysis Report, Detailed (SSCA)

.Source Code Analysis Report, Weighted (RSCE)

.Source Code Auto Retrieval Value (SCV H82)

.Source Code Upload File Exception Report

.Source Code Upload File Processed Listing

.source codes


.B2B e-commerce downloads


.cross references

.detailed analysis or recap report (SSCA)

.dollar chart for

.free gifts for

.list codes

.reviewing history

.Source Promotion Report

.special pricing for

.special pricing for, menu option


.working with

.Source file (MSSRC)

.Source Promotion Report

.Source Shipped Report






.Special by Source Sequence # (SCV A82)

.special handling

.adding in order entry

.custom, setting up for item/offer or SKU offer

.item reserving

.reviewing in order inquiry

.special handling formats, custom

.specification sheet, linking to an item in order entry

.Spiegel Account Number (SCV D06)

.Spiegel Batch Size (SCV D05)

.Spiegel interface


.extracting syndication invoices, generating

.invoice cross references

.Spiegel Vendor Number (SCV C75)

.Split Line Over Multi Warehouse (SCV B19)

.Split SKU Element 1 Column Heading (SCV A52)

.Split SKU Element 2 Column Heading (SCV A53)

.Split SKU Element 3 Column Heading (SCV A54)

.Split SKU Inventory (SCV A26)

.Split SKU Values (SCV B32)

.split SKUs

.elements, working with

.overview and setup

.PO entry







.staging warehouses

.default locations

.placement logic

.Standard Cost Updates Report

.standard cost, updating

.Standard Sales Journal

.state shipping matrix

.State Tax Detail Report

.State Tax Report

.Statement Interval (SCV B88)

.Statement Print Program (SCV B85)

.Statement Processing Program (SCV B84)

.statements, A/R, printing


.customer tax exemptions

.defining for countries

.Status Message for E-Commerce Partial Reserved Lines (SCV G52)

.status messages

.billing ASYNC

.order processing ASYNC

.other ASYNC

.Status Report, Item Stock

.Status Update Interval (SCV K10)

.stock aging

.Stock Aging Report

.Stock Status Report, Item


.Store Add-on Request Backorder Report

.Store Cross References, working with

.store fulfillment integration

.Store Pickup Request Purge Days (SCV I43)

.Store Promotion Minimum/Maximum End Days (SCV G19)

.Store Promotion Minimum/Maximum Lead Days (SCV G18)

.Store Promotion Notification

.Store Promotion Pricing End Days (SCV G17)

.Store Promotion Pricing Lead Days (SCV G16)

.Store Restock Confirmation

.Store Restock Generation - Restock Summary Report

.Store Restock Pick Generation - Restock Analysis Summary Report

.Store Restock Shipping Confirmation Summary Analysis

.Store Selection Exception - Store Restock Generation Report

.Store Selection Exception Report

.Store Shipment Freight Charge (SCV J03)


.Stored Value Card Activation Authorization Service (SCV I26)

.Stored Value Card Activation Pricing Method (SCV I25)

.Stored Value Card Assignment Errors Report

.Stored Value Card Email Notification Program (SCV I30)

.Stored Value Card Merchant ID for Activations (SCV L69)

.Stored Value Card Modulus Checking Method (SCV I24)

.Stored Value Card Processing Values (SCV I71)

.stored value cards


.activation email

.activation request message

.activation response message

.authorization reversals

.balance inquiry

.balance inquiry request message

.balance inquiry response message

.number assignment


.processing SVC triggers


.Relate integration

.remote fulfillment


.stores, retail, see retail stores

.stranded orders or batches, unlocking

.streamlined return authorizations

.Street Name Matching Algorithm (SCV B25)

.STS interface

.A/P Batch Header file

.A/P transfer process, submitting

.A/P transfer purge, submitting


.STS Request Error Report

.STS Request file, loading

.STS sales interface

.STS subcodes, identifying


.Sub Page Entry (SCV E99)





.customer, working with

.generating an extract file


.Subtract Hidden Tax from CWData Order Line Price (SCV J15)

.suggest warehouse placement



.Suggest Warehouse Placement (SCV A27)

.Suggest Warehouse Placement (SCV C44)

.Sum Price of Components for Set Master in Order Response Message (SCV J40)

.Summary Aging Report

.Summary Aging Report, A/R

.Summary Page Report (ISRP)

.summary, PO

.sundry transactions

.Cash Receipts Journal

.creating or deleting in cash receipts

.effects on general ledger

.out of balance warning

.Suppress Customer Credit Card Information in Data Warehouse (SCV I49)

.Suppress Email Address Search (SCV J09)


.Suspended A/P Batch Listing

.suspended orders


.Rejected Batch Listing


.placement, about

.placing suspended stock

.receiving POs into

.Suspense Placement Work (Number Assignment A09)



.System Assigned PO # (SCV B76)

.system back-ups

.system control file components

.system control values

.by application area

.copying to companies



.overrides by entity


.Tape Drive (SCV C98)

.Tape Record Length (SCV C99)



.customer exemptions

.customer, about

.rates for an SCF

.status, customer

.tax jurisdiction by postal code

.tax-inclusive pricing

.Vertex interface

.Tax API Default Entity (SCV L67)

.tax exempt items



.Tax Included in Price (SCV E70)

.Tax Inclusive Cutoff Date (SCV E79)

.Tax Interface Values (SCV J29)

.Tax Jurisdiction Report

.Tax on Freight (SCV B14)

.Tax on Handling (SCV B15)

.tax rates, about

.tax-inclusive pricing, see VAT

.TCP/IP connection status for PC manifesting

.TCP/IP processing for PC manifesting


.Telemarketing Special Price Override Reason (SCV F36)

.telemarketing specials

.if using item category

.non-offer-specific, working with

.offer-specific, working with

.working with for an order

.telephone number formats, defining for countries

.telephony integration, see CTI

.telephony, see CTI

.templates, email



.temporary locations, creating at PO receiving

.terms, about

.Third Location Type (SCV E44)

.Third Phone Number Type (SCV L53)

.Threshold Monitor Interval (SCV H90)



.actual values, updating

.monitor breach email

.system delivered values

.Tickler Number (Number Assignment A72)

.ticklers, see workflow management

.tiered discount calculation

.Time Limit for Suspended E-Commerce Orders (SCV G43)

.Tokenization IJCT Job (SCV L41)

.tokenization, credit card

.Total Purchase Order Entry Dollar Limit (SCV J91)

.Total Purchase Order Maintenance Dollar Limit (SCV J92)


.Track Cost Changes (SCV J69)

.Track Customer History at Entity Level (SCV F89)

.Track Invoice Currency (SCV D68)

.tracking shipments

.tracking shipments from shipment confirmation email

.Transaction Sequence Number (Number Assignment A68)


.general ledger postings

.See also inventory transactions

.transit, POs

.triggers, removing before copying e-commerce files

.Type of Location to Search First (SCV C40)

.Type of Location to Search First in Replenishment (SCV G64)

.Type of Location to Search Second (SCV C41)

.Type of Location to Search Second in Replenishment (G65)

.Type of Location to Search Third (SCV C42)

.Type of Location to Search Third in Replenishment (SCV G66)

.Type of RF Location to Search First (SCV F12)

.Type of RF Location to Search Second (SCV F13)

.Type of RF Location to Search Third (SCV F14)



.Unactivated Stored Value Card Report

.unallocated autostock details, processing for outlet transfer

.Unconditional Suppression of Backorder Card (SCV F19)

.Unconfirmed Deposits Listing

.Under Receipt % (SCV A62)

.underages, PO


.receiving on POs

.Unique Library Abbreviation (SCV G57)

.units of measure

.units of measure, conversion

.Units Variance (SCV A20)

.universe, defining for house list

.unlocking stranded orders or batches

.Unprocessed Physical Inventory Records Report

.unredeemed coupon/credit/gift certificate listing

.unredeemed gift certificates listing

.unrouted emails, working with


.UPC codes, assigning to items

.UPC Validation Program (SCV G62)

.Update a Bill To Address with Sold To Address Changes (SCV E13)

.Update All Ticklers (Secured Feature B09)

.Update CTI Customer Call Log (SCV F27)

.Update Customer Sold to with Bill to Account Number for New E-Commerce Orders (SCV H87)

.Update Demand for Order Maintenance Transactions (SCV C72)

.Update Existing Purchase Order Messages (Secured Feature A13)

.Update Existing Vendor Notes (Secured Feature A14)

.Update Invoice File with System Date During Billing (SCV D51)

.Update of Current Source Code in Customer File (SCV D08)

.Update Original Source Code for Recipient Customers (SCV F90)

.Update Primary Primary Location for Item During Receiving (SCV I35)

.Update Source Code from Mail History (SCV J94)

.Update Vendor Item Price Changes to PO Lines (SCV L45)


.addresses through MBS upload

.affinity preference, batch

.affinity, batch

.bill-to customer with sold-to changes

.customer addresses across companies

.email domains

.harmonize codes

.item/SKU offers

.postal codes, by range

.SKU pricing, handling options, and item or SKU status

.standard cost

.threshold actual values




.Upload Counts (SCV A12)


.A/P invoices

.A/R batch payment


.customer address changes through RA DOS

.item/SKU offer

.physical inventory counts

.physical inventory, error codes

.PO receipts


.RA DOS, submitting

.Regis file for physical inventory

.retail item

.retail price changes

.retail store, about

.store add-on requests


.UPS Identifier and Account Number (SCV K57)

.UPS, link to tracking information

.UPS, link to tracking information in shipment confirmation email




.item coordinates

.order entry

.telemarketing specials for offer

.upsell promotions

.upselling customers

.Use Alternate Currency Pricing (SCV H89)

.Use Alternate Zone Reservation Logic (SCV I52)

.Use Async Start Date for Billing Transactions (SCV E95)

.Use Auto Authorization Interface (SCV C14)

.Use Carousel Interface (SCV G55)

.Use Cart/Bin Picking? (SCV B38)

.Use CODE-1 Coding System (SCV B24)

.Use Computer Telephony Integration (SCV F26)

.Use Coordinate Groups within Sets Only (SCV E11)

.Use Costing Method for Returns (SCV K22)

.Use Credit Card Authorization Values (SCV L75)

.Use Credit Card Encryption (SCV I97)

.Use Credit Card Vendor Response Entity Ship Via Dollar Limits (SCV F94)

.Use CWCollaborate (SCV H20)

.Use Data Warehouse (SCV G94)

.Use Default Current Source Code (SCV C46)

.Use Deferred and Installment Billing (SCV F51)

.Use EDI (SCV C80)

.Use Generic Tax XML Interface (SCV J10)

.Use Gift Card Fraud Checking (SCV L72)

.Use International Package Consignment Service (SCV D43)

.Use Inventory Sharing Backorder Evaluation (SCV I80)

.Use Item Freight Exemption File (SCV E73)

.Use Loyalty Membership Program (SCV I81)

.Use Merchandise Locator (SCV I38)

.Use Net Perceptions (SCV G79)

.Use PartSmart Interface (SCV G69)

.Use PC Manifesting? (SCV B80)

.Use Pick Label Tracking in Manifest Interface? (SCV D48)

.Use PkMS Interface Values (SCV F31)

.Use Preprinted Checks (SCV C51)

.Use President’s Club Membership (SCV H94)

.Use Prospect Finder File (SCV E40)

.Use Purchase Order/Drop Ship Matching (SCV D21)

.Use QAS Address Interface (SCV I67)

.Use Retail Integration (SCV H26)

.Use Retail Price Change Processing (SCV H29)

.Use Retail Store File (SCV G15)

.Use SCF Ship Via in E-Commerce (SCV J30)

.Use Single Use Promo Codes (SCV L95)

.Use Source Code from Order Header when Creating Order Lines (SCV D73)

.Use Split Order (SCV L56)

.Use Standard Tax Calc if Tax Interface Communication Fails (SCV J13)

.Use State Shipping Matrix (SCV B12)

.Use Store Pickup (SCV I41)

.Use Store Shipment (SCV J02)

.Use Stored Value Card Batch Processing (SCV I50)

.Use Streamlined Return Authorizations (SCV F44)

.Use Streamlined Stored Value Card Billing (SCV I23)

.Use Swipe Card Entry for SVC Activations (SCV J44)

.Use TaxAreaID Lookup Message (SCV J11)

.Use Warehouse for PartSmart Item Availability (SCV G71)

.Use Wave Picking (SCV J87)

.Use Work Order Processing (SCV E37)

.Use Workflow Management (SCV H96)

.Use Zip/City/State Defaulting (SCV B13)

.user classes


.address format, selecting

.company authority


.menu option authority

.secure feature authority

.user option authority

.vendor authority

.User Defined Modulus Check Program (SCV E94)

.user exit points

.User-Defined Field Prompting for Existing Customers (SCV D33)

.user-defined fields


.working with



.address format, selecting

.company authority


.menu option authority

.secure feature authority

.user option history

.user-defined function authority


.Validate Prefix (SCV I27)

.Validate Primary Locations for Purchase Orders (SCV E19)

.variable sets

.component item usage report

.reserving inventory for orders

.setting up


.customer tax exemptions for

.determining when to apply

.VCB A/P Invoice Number Default Method (SCV E34)

.VCB Default "To" Location (SCV D87)

.VCB Default "To" Warehouse (SCV D86)

.VCB Perform Inventory Write Off During A/P Posting (SCV E36)

.VCB Reverse A/P Invoice Number Default Method (SCV E35)


.velocity codes

.Vendor Charge Back # (Number Assignment A35)

.Vendor Charge Back Cost Maintenance (Secured Feature A42)

.Vendor Charge Back Delete Authority (Secured Feature A43)

.Vendor Charge Back Notification

.Vendor Charge Back Report

.Vendor Charge Back Reverse Authority (Secured Feature A44)

.vendor charge backs



.additional charges



.notification, sample

.notifications, printing

.notifications, reprinting

.process overview


.reason codes, about




.Vendor Contacts XML Message Format (SCV H42)

.vendor discount calculation



.vendor extended

.vendor FOB address

.Vendor for E-Mail Gift Certificate (SCV I04)

.vendor history, reviewing

.vendor items

.assigning additional charges to

.charges, working with

.notes, PO

.performing multiple updates

.PO entry

.price breaks for

.reviewing history

.updating standard cost

.working with

.Vendor Name Display (SCV D41)

.vendor notes

.at PO receiving

.reviewing in PO inquiry

.Vendor Number (Number Assignment A58)

.vendor pay type codes, defining for authorization services

.vendor response codes, defining for authorizations

.Vendor Upload Error Report

.Vendor XML Message Format (SCV H41)

.Vendor/PO Discount Values (SCV E18)



.discount calculation method

.discounts, defining


.drop ship output

.entering email address for CWCollaborate


.returning CWCollaborate items for

.reviewing aging

.scheduling disbursements

.total A/P value

.total POs for



.Verify Duplicate PO Numbers for A/R Orders (SCV D80)



.prestige cities


.tax calculation

.Vertex Interface (SCV A88)

.Vertex Tax Method (SCV A89)

.Void Request Wait Time (SCV B79)

.Void Unused CC Authorization After Initial Deposit (SCV K05)

.volume discounts for item










.Wait Time if Automatic (SCV E57)



.Warehouse Interface (SCV F96)

.warehouse list

.warehouse management system interface, about

.Warehouse Replenishment Label Program (SCV F57)

.Warehouse Replenishment Pick Worksheet Print Program (SCV G25)

.Warehouse Utilization Report

.warehouse/entity locations for SmartLabel

.Warehouse/Reservation Values (SCV B50)


.default locations

.devices, working with

.entity locations for SmartLabel

.general ledger postings

.inventory control report

.item warehouse values for retail stores

.item warehouses, working with

.lists, working with

.pending putaway

.PkMS cross references

.replenishment, see replenishment, warehouse

.reserve warehouse hierarchy

.utilization report

.working with


.warranties, for customers

.Warranty Freight Report



.WATS inventory count

.file layout

.working with

.wave picking
























































.weight charges by ship via

.weight limit for SmartLabel

.weight tables, for freight by order weight charges

.Weighted Source Code Analysis Report and Recap (RSCE)

































.Where Kit Component Item Used Report

.Where Set Component Item Used Report

.Where Variable Set Component Used Report















.Withhold Picks due to Item Allocation Error (SCV F04)



















.WMS background jobs











.Work Order Error Listing

.Work Order Ticket

.Work Order Values (SCV E41)

.work orders, finished good processing

.Work with Credit Card Application Requests (WCCA)

.Work with Credit Card Application Services (WCCS)

.Work with Inventory Transaction Priority (WITP)

.workflow management



.tickler categories

.tickler events

.tickler notification emails

.tickler reassignment emails

.tickler resolution reasons

.tickler user groups

.ticklers, creating






















































.Write Outbound Email to Email Repository (SCV H99)

.Write Promotional Information to the Order Response Message (SCV J38)


.automatic A/R open item process

.posting in cash receipts












































































.XML Begin Message Indicator (SCV H49)

.XML End Message Indicator (SCV H50)

.XML message layouts

.A/R payment

.cancel request (CWCancel)

.catalog request (CWCatRequest)

.catalog request response (CWCatreqResponse)

.customer history request

.customer history response (CWCUSTHISTOUT)










.detailed order inquiry response (CWORDEROUT)

.detailed order response (CWORDEROUT)


.generic inbound order

.generic WMS customer return (CWCustomerReturn)

.generic WMS immediate needs (CWImmediateNeeds)

.generic WMS invoice (CWInvoices)

.generic WMS item (CWItem)

.generic WMS pick (CWPickTicket)

.generic WMS PIX (CWPIX)

.generic WMS PO (CWPurchaseOrder)

.generic WMS stop shipment request (CWStopShipment)

.generic WMS vendor (CWVendor)

.generic WMS vendor contacts (CWVendorContact)

.generic WMS vendor notes (CWVendorNotes)

.inbound customer (CWCustomerIn)

.inventory download

.inventory inquiry request

.inventory inquiry response

.inventory transaction

.invoice download (CWINVOICEOUT)


.item availability request (CWItemAvail)

.item availability response (CWAvailResponse)

.maintenance request (CWMaintenance)

.maintenance response (CWMaintResp)

.merchandise locator request

.merchandise locator response

.name/address change (CWAddressChg)

.name/address change response (CWCchgResponse)

.new order (CWCreateOrder)

.new order response (CWOrderResponse)

.order acknowledgement (CWORDEROUT)

.order line history in (CWORDLNHSTIN)

.order list (CWOrderList)

.order list response (CWListResponse)

.order reject/cancel (CWOrderReject)

.order status (CWOrderStatus)

.order status response (CWStatusResponse)

.order transaction history in (CWORDTRANSHSTIN)

.outbound customer response (CWCustomerOut)

.payment (CWPayment)

.PkMS batch invoice (Invoice_1_0)

.PkMS customer return (CaseBridge_1_0)

.PkMS immediate needs (ImmediateNeeds_1_0)

.PkMS item (ItemMaster_1_0)

.PkMS pick (Pickticket_1_0)

.PkMS PIX (PIX_1_0)

.PkMS PO (InboundASN_1_0)

.PkMS stop shipment request (Pickticket_1_0)

.PkMS vendor (VendorMaster_1_0, VendorContact_1_0)

.promotional pricing request (CWPromotionalRequest)

.promotional pricing response (CWPromotionalResponse)

.return request (CWReturnIn)

.return request message (CWReturn)

.return response (CWReturnOut)

.return response (CWReturnResponse)

.store fulfillment request

.Store21 Customer History Response (CWCUSTHISTOUTSTORE21)

.summary order inquiry response (CWORDEROUT)



.XML mode for e-commerce job control

.XML mode for e-commerce queues

.XML mode message controller for e-commerce jobs

.XML versions, about



.Zero Count Report

.zip codes, see postal codes

.zip/ship via

.zone reservation


.date windows, creating

.dates, reviewing in order inquiry

.geographic zones, creating

.overriding zone reservation rules

.pop-up windows in order entry


.seasons, about

.zone reservation codes, creating

.zone reservation dates, creating

.zone skipping


.contexts in pick slip generation

.geographic, about

masterIX CWDirect 18.0 August 2015 OTN