Chapter 33: Working with Shipping Rates (WSHR)

Purpose: You can use the Work with Shipping Rates menu option to set shipping rates for:

• charges you pay to a shipper for shipping a package to a customer; used when calculating best way shipping during pick slip generation

• charges to add to orders that use the Freight by Weight method (W), as defined in the source code on the order header; used during order entry and maintenance (Note: You do not use this menu option to work with rates for the Freight by Order Weight method (OW); see Chapter 41: Working with Weight Tables for Order Weight (WFTB)).

Each is described in this chapter.

Shipping rate definition includes the ship via, delivery code (residential, business, or neither), shipping zone, and weight.

Round up or down? The system rounds the total weight of the order or pick slip up or down to the next whole pound. For best way shipping at pick slip generation, the system always rounds the total weight up. However, for Freight by Weight, the system rounds up if the weight ends in .50 or greater; the system rounds down if the weight ends in .49 or less.

Note: The shipping rate must match the ship via, delivery code, zone and rounded-up weight exactly to apply to the order or pick slip. For example, if the total order weight is 11.5 pounds, and there is not a matching shipping rate for 12 pounds, the shipping rate will not apply for either best way shipping or Freight by Weight. When you are using Freight by Weight, no shipping rate will apply for shipments weighing .49 of a pound or less.

In this chapter:

Best Way Shipping at Pick Slip Generation

Examples of Best Way Shipping at Pick Slip Generation

Freight by Weight

Work with Shipping Rates Screen

Create Shipping Rate Screen

Change Shipping Rate Screen

Display Shipping Rate Screen

Best Way Shipping at Pick Slip Generation

At pick slip generation, the system compares the shipping rate for the ship via on the order with the shipping rate of each of the best way shippers defined for that ship via. If a better rate is available from one of the best way shippers, the system substitutes the original ship via with the best way shipper.

Note: The system does not use the shipping rate tables for best way shipping in order entry. See Working with Best Way Shippers for an overview.

To use best way shipping at pick slip generation:

• set the Perform Best Way Shipping (C47) system control value to Y

• assign one or more best way shippers to the ship via (option 10 at the Work with Ship Via Screen); the Type field must be set to P

• create shipping rates for each ship via, using the Work with Shipping Rates (WSHR) menu option

• set the Ship weight for the item in Work with Item/SKUs; see Merchandising Chapter 24: Performing Initial Item Entry (MITM)

• optionally, define a Best way surcharge to the shipper at the Work with Ship Via Screen; you must also define a surcharge (S) status for each zip code in which the surcharge applies (using Working with Zip/Ship Via (WZSV))

• optionally, define dunnage weights to include when calculating the total weight of a carton on a pick slip; see Chapter 38: Working with Dunnage Weight (WDUN)

• set the Best way shipping flag in Work with Pick Slip Generation to Y

You can use best way shipping at pick slip generation regardless of the method you use to calculate freight on the order.

The total weight is always rounded up for the purposes of best way shipping at pick slip generation. For example, a total weight of 7.25 would use the shipping rate for 8 pounds.

Examples of Best Way Shipping at Pick Slip Generation

Example one: You are shipping an order to a business address in zip code 01760. The ship via currently on the order is 01, and the total weight of the shipment is 4.5 pounds. The shipping rate for ship via 01, zone 01 (for 01760), and 5 pounds is $2.00.

Best way shippers with Type field set to P for ship via 01 would charge the following for this shipment:

• Shipper 02: $2.50

• Shipper 04: $1.75

• Shipper 07: $1.60

The system changes the ship via for the pick slip from shipper 01 to shipper 07, who is providing the best rate.

Example two (includes surcharge): You are shipping an order to a business address in zip code 01760. The ship via currently on the order is 01, and the total weight of the shipment is 1.45 pounds. The shipping rate for ship via 01, zone 01 (for 01760), and 2 pounds is $1.00.

Best way shippers with Type field set to P for ship via 01 would charge the following for this shipment:

• Shipper 02: $2.50

• Shipper 04: $1.75

• Shipper 07: $1.60

None of the best way shippers provides a lower rate than the original shipper for the pick slip. However, shipper 01 also has a best way surcharge of $1.50, which increases the shipping charge for the pick slip to $2.50. Both shipper 04 and 07 provide lower shipping charges; the system changes the ship via for the pick slip from shipper 01 to shipper 07, who is providing the best rate.

Freight by Weight

Freight by weight is a freight method using the charges a customer pays you for shipping an order based on the total selling weight of the items. Evaluation for this freight method takes place during order entry or order maintenance.

To use freight by weight:

• set the freight method for a source code to Freight by Weight (W); see Marketing Chapter 6: Working with Source Codes (WSRC)

• create shipping rates for each ship via; see Work with Ship Via Screen

• set the Sell weight for the item in Work with Item/SKUs; see Merchandising Chapter 24: Performing Initial Item Entry (MITM)

The total weight is rounded up for the purposes of freight by weight if the partial pound is .50 or more; otherwise, the total weight is rounded down. For example, if the total weight is 3.51 pounds, the 4 pound rate is used; if the total weight is 3.49 pounds, the 3 pound rate is used. Because partial pounds of .49 or lower are rounded down, no freight will be added to the order if the total weight is under a half pound.

Example: You are shipping an order to a business address in zip code 01760. The ship via on the order is 01, and the total weight of the shipment is 4.5 pounds. The shipping rate for ship via 01, zone 01 (for 01760), and 5 pounds is $2.00.

If the total shipping weight in the above example were 4.4 pounds, the system would round this total down and use the 4 pound shipping rate.

Work with Shipping Rates Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to work with shipping rates for freight by weight or best way shipping.

How to display this screen: Enter WSHR in the fast path field at the top of any menu, or select Work with Shipping Rates from a menu.

OER0248 DISPLAY Work with Shipping Rates 9/10/99 11:13:59

EZK Mail Order

Ship Del

Opt Via Cde Weight Zone Rate

Type options, press Enter.

2=Change 4=Delete 5=Display

1 B 1.000 1 2.50

1 R 1.000 1 1.50

2 B 1.000 1 1.00

2 B 2.000 1 2.00

2 B 3.000 1 3.00

2 B 4.000 1 4.00

2 B 5.000 1 5.00

2 N 1.000 1 1.00

2 N 2.000 1 2.00

2 N 3.000 1 3.00 +

F3=Exit F6=Create F12=Cancel F21=Print list F24=Select company



Ship via

A code that represents the shipper.

Numeric, 2 positions; optional.

Del cde (Delivery code)

A code that indicates the type of address for delivery. Valid values are:

B = Business

R = Residential

N = No Distinction (Note: Not a valid delivery code for UPS)

Certain shippers use the delivery code to determine shipping rates, charging a different rate for a delivery to a business address.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.


The weight of the shipment.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 3-place decimal; optional.


The shipping zone within the country where the shipping rate applies.

See About Zones.

Numeric, 2 positions; optional.


The charge to ship the package.

Numeric, 9 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.


Screen Option


Create a new shipping rate

Press F6 to advance to the Create Shipping Rate Screen.

Change a shipping rate

Enter 2 next to a shipping rate to advance to the Change Shipping Rate Screen.

Delete a shipping rate

Enter 4 next to a shipping rate and press Enter to delete it.

Display a shipping rate

Enter 5 next to a shipping rate to advance to the Display Shipping Rate Screen.

Create Shipping Rate Screen

How to display this screen: At the Work with Shipping Rates Screen, press F6.

OER0249 ENTER Create Shipping Rate 9/10/99 11:43:22

EZK Mail Order

Ship via . . .

Delivery code . (B=Business, R=Residential, N=Neither)

Weight . . . .

Zone . . . . .

Rate . . . . .

F3=Exit F12=Cancel



Ship via

The shipper that will deliver merchandise to the customer.

Ship via codes are defined in and validated against the Ship Via file. See Chapter 30: Working with Ship Via Codes (WVIA).

Numeric, 2 positions.

Create screen: required.

Change screen: display-only.

Delivery code

This code identifies a business (commercial) or residential address. Used when shipping an order by a carrier that uses business or consumer rate tables (e.g., UPS).

A code that indicates the type of address for delivery. Valid values are:

B = Business

R = Residential

N = Neither (Note: Not a valid delivery code for UPS)

Certain shippers use the delivery code to determine shipping rates, charging a different rate for a delivery to a business address.

Alphanumeric, 1 position.

Create screen: required.

Change screen: display-only.


The total weight of the shipment. The system uses the Sell weight (for Freight by Weight) or the Ship weight (for best way shipping at pick slip generation) defined in the Item file to calculate the total shipping weight for all units of each item included in the shipment. The system may round the total weight up or down to find a match in the shipping rate table; see the descriptions Freight by Weight and Best Way Shipping at Pick Slip Generation.

You must define a shipping rate for each whole pound to have the system use the shipping rate. For example, if the total weight of the items is 3.75 pounds, the system uses the shipping rate defined for 4 pounds. If there is no matching shipping rate record for 4 pounds, then best way shipping or freight by weight will not apply. When you are using Freight by Weight, no shipping rate will apply for shipments weighing .49 of a pound or less.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 3-place decimal.

Create screen: required.

Change screen: display-only.


The geographic zone where the merchandise is being shipped in relation to the drop point. See About Zones.

Numeric, 2 positions.

Create screen: required.

Change screen: display-only.


The shipping charge for this weight. In the case of freight by weight, this is the freight charge to add to the order. In the case of best way shipping at pick slip generation, this is the charge you pay the shipper for delivery.

Numeric, 9 positions with a 2-place decimal; required.

Change Shipping Rate Screen

To change: Enter 2 next to a code at the Work with Shipping Rates Screen to advance to the Change Shipping Rate screen. At this screen, you can change only the rate. See Create Shipping Rate Screen for field descriptions.

Display Shipping Rate Screen

To display: Enter 5 next to a code at the Work with Shipping Rates Screen to advance to the Display Shipping Rate screen. You cannot change any information on this screen. See Create Shipping Rate Screen for field descriptions.

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