Chapter 41: Working with Weight Tables for Order Weight (WFTB)

Purpose: Use Work with Freight Tables to create and maintain freight tables for use with the order weight freight method, defined in the Source Code file.

Freight by order weight involves calculating the freight charges for an order by evaluating the number of cartons you expect the order will require to ship, and the weight of each carton. The tables you create with this function define the freight charges to add to an order based on the weight of each carton.

In order to use this freight method, you must set up information correctly in several additional files. See Freight by Order Weight Setup for instructions on setting up the order weight freight method.

See Freight Calculation Logic and Examples for the logic that the system uses to calculate freight by order weight.

In this chapter:

Freight Calculation Logic and Examples

Freight by Order Weight Setup

Work with Freight Table Header Screen

Create Freight Table Screen

Change Freight Table Screen

Work with Freight Table Details Screen

Create Freight Table Details Screen

Change Freight Table Details Screen

Display Freight Table Details Screen

Copy Freight Table Details Screen

Freight Calculation Logic and Examples

Calculation: The system uses the following the steps in calculating freight by order weight:

Each time you enter an item on the order, the system adds together the weight of all non-ship alone items that have the same shipper and arrival date. The system calculates freight on ship-alone items separately (as defined by the Ship alone field in the Item file).

Example: An order contains the following non-ship alone items with the same ship via and arrival date:




Total Weight


10 lbs.


10 lbs.


20 lbs.


40 lbs.


30 lbs.


30 lbs.


80 lbs.

The system determines how many pounds to allocate to each carton, based on the Maximum carton weight defined for the ship via on the order and the value defined in the Extra Weight for Order Weight Freight Method (D85) system control value.


Maximum carton weight = 30 lbs.


Extra carton weight = 1 lb.


Pounds to allocate per carton = 29 lbs. (30 - 1)

The system then determines how many cartons the items would require to ship.

Note: The actual number of cartons you use to ship these items may differ; these calculations are used for assigning a freight amount to the order only.

Example: 80 lbs. (step 1) divided by 29 lbs. (step 2) = 2 full cartons with a remainder of 22 lbs. in a partial carton

The system then consults the freight table for each full carton, and the final, partial carton, adding the freight amount from the table defined for that weight to the order for each carton. The system includes the extra weight defined in the Extra Weight for Order Weight Freight Method (D85) system control value in each carton weight.

Note: In order to assign a freight amount to the order, the system must find a record on the freight table with the correct ship via, business/residence flag, shipping zone and weight. See Freight by Order Weight Setup.

Example: The freight table contains the following matching records:


Freight Amount

10 lbs.


15 lbs.


20 lbs.


25 lbs.


30 lbs.


The system adds the following freight amounts to the order:

first carton (30 lbs.)



second carton (30 lbs.)



third carton (22 + 1 lbs.)



Total freight



Note: The freight table is an “up to” table, meaning that the system selects the lowest freight amount from the table that is greater than or equal to the order weight.

The system repeats the above steps for each different ship via/arrival date combination on the order.

Ship-alone items: The system consults the freight table separately for each ship-alone item on the order.

Example: The order in the above example contained the following ship-alone items






10 lbs.

The system consults the freight table separately for each item as follows:

10 lbs. + 1 lb. carton weight from the System Control file = 11 lbs. per carton

The system adds an additional $6.00 to the order for each carton.

Include Weight of all Items in Freight by Order Weight: If the Include Weight of all Items in Freight by Order Weight (G05) system control value is set to Y, the system adds together the weight of all non-ship alone items and ship alone items, regardless of the item's shipper or arrival date. This way the system consults the freight table once for all of the items on the order.

Calculate Freight by Order Weight for N/C Orders: If the Calculate Freight by Order Weight for N/C Orders (G68) system control value is set to Y, the system calculates freight by order weight for an order whose merchandise total is zero. You might wish to calculate freight for an order whose merchandise total is zero if the order contains a warranty item.

Excluding an item from the freight calculation: You can set up an item to be excluded from the total weight for freight calculation purposes by creating an exemption through Working with Freight Exempt Items (WFEI). Additionally, you must have the Use Item Freight Exemption File (E73) system control value set to Y. See Freight by Order Weight Setup for more information on required setup.

Freight by Order Weight Setup

Purpose: A freight table used to calculate freight for a given source code must contain a record for every combination of shipper, business or residence flag, geographical zone and weight possible for orders using that source code. If the system does not find a matching record on the freight table, freight by order weight will not be added to the order. Instructions for setting up freight tables are provided later in this chapter. In addition, you must set up the following fields:


Field Name

Valid Value

Working with Source Codes (WSRC)

Freight method

OW (Order Weight)

Freight table

code representing the freight table defined through Work with Freight Tables

Working with Ship Via Codes (WVIA)

Maximum carton weight

weight for the system to use when calculating how many items can fit in each carton

Performing Initial Item Entry (MITM)

Sell wgt. (Selling weight)

weight of the item

Ship alone

blank (' ') for non-ship alone items or

S for ship-alone items

System Control (fast path = WSYS)

Extra Weight for Order Weight Freight Method (D85)

extra weight to subtract from each carton's capacity when calculating how many items can fit in the carton, and to add to the order weight for each carton


Include Weight of all Items in Freight by Order Weight (G05)

set to Y, if you wish the system to add together the weight of all non-ship alone items and ship alone items, regardless of the item's shipper or arrival date

Note: Set this value to N if you are using an item freight exemption; see below.


Calculate Freight by Order Weight for N/C Orders (G68)

set to Y, if you wish the system to calculate freight by order weight for orders whose merchandise total is zero

Set this value to N if you are using an item freight exemption; see below.

Creating and Maintaining Warehouses (WWHS)

Working with SCF/Ship Via Values (WSHV)

Drop point

both drop points must be the same

Additional required setup to have item freight exemptions in freight by order weight calculation:

Use Item Freight Exemption File (E73) system control value must be set to Y

Include Weight of all Items in Freight by Order Weight (G05) must be set to N

Calculate Freight by Order Weight for N/C Orders (G68) must be set to N

Troubleshooting: Any of the following conditions will cause the system to fail to calculate freight by order weight correctly:

• no Sell wgt. (Selling weight) defined for an item

• no Maximum carton weight defined for the ship via

• an order dollar total of zero if the Calculate Freight by Order Weight for N/C Orders (G68) system control value is set to N or blank

• a carton weight defined for the Ship Via that exceeds the highest related freight table record

Additional freight only set to Y for the Ship Via

Ship via on the order header not found on the freight table

Delivery code on the order header not found on the freight table

Shipping zone for the SCF/Ship Via on the order not the same as the Shipping zone on the freight table

• the customer has a loyalty membership that provides free freight

Work with Freight Table Header Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to review existing freight table headers, to create, change, copy or delete a freight table, or to advance to the Work with Freight Table Detail screen.

How to display this screen: Enter WFTB in the Fast path field at the top of a menu, or select Work with Freight Tables from a menu.

OER0869 DISPLAY Work with Freight Table Header 7/25/96 9:49:40

Mail Order

Opt Freight Description


Type options, press Enter.

2=Change 3=Copy 4=Delete 5=Work with details




F3=Exit F6=Create F12=Cancel F21=Print list F24=Select Company



Freight table

The code defining a freight table to use for order weight freight.

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; optional.


The description associated with the freight table.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; optional.


Screen Option


Create a new freight table

Press F6 to advance to the Create Freight Table Screen.

Change a freight table

Enter 2 next to a freight table to advance to the Change Freight Table Screen.

Copy freight table details

Enter 3 next to a freight table to advance to the Copy Freight Table Details Screen.

Delete a freight table

Enter 4 next to a freight table to delete it.

Work with freight table details

Enter 5 next to a freight table to advance to the Work with Freight Table Details Screen.

Create Freight Table Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to create a new freight table header. The header consists of the freight table code and description; in order to use the freight table, you must create both the header and detail. See Work with Freight Table Details Screen.

How to display this screen: Press F6 at the Work with Freight Table Header Screen.

OER0868 ENTER Create Freight Table 7/25/96 12:03:39

Mail Order

Freight Table . . . . . . . .

Description . . . . . . . . .

F3=Exit F12=Cancel



Freight table

The code defining a freight table for use with the order weight freight method. You enter this code in the Source code field of the Source Code file for any source code to use this freight table.

Alphanumeric, 3 positions.

Create screen: required.

Change screen: display-only.


The description associated with the freight table.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; required.

Completing this screen: You advance to the Work with Freight Table Details Screen, where you can create freight table detail. You return to the Create Freight Table screen, and the system displays a message informing you that it has created the new freight table.

Change Freight Table Screen

To change: Enter 2 next to a freight table at the Work with Freight Table Header Screen to advance to the Change Freight Table screen. See Create Freight Table Screen for field descriptions. At the Change screen you can change only the Description field.

Work with Freight Table Details Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to create, change, delete or display freight table detail associated with the freight table header. The system consults this table when you enter an order whose source code points to this freight table.

How to display this screen: Enter 5 next to a freight table at the Work with Freight Table Header Screen. You also advance to this screen when you press Enter to accept a new freight table header at the Create Freight Table Screen.

OER0871 DISPLAY Work with Freight Table Details 7/25/96 13:22:04

Mail Order

Freight Table 1

Ship Del

Opt Via Cde Zone Weight Rate

Type options, press Enter.

2=Change 4=Delete 5=Display

3 R 1 1.000 1.00

3 R 1 5.000 5.00

3 R 1 10.000 10.00

3 R 1 30.000 30.00

3 R 1 50.000 50.00

3 R 1 60.000 60.00

3 R 2 1.000 1.00 +

F3=Exit F6=Create F12=Cancel



Freight table

A code representing the freight table.

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; display-only.

Ship via

A code representing the shipper to deliver merchandise to your customers. Validated against the Ship Via file.

Numeric, 2 positions; optional.

Del cde (Delivery code)

A code representing the type of delivery address on an order. Valid values are:

B = Business address

R = Residence

N = No Distinction

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.


The geographical region where the shipper delivers packages. UPS uses zones to calculate rates.

Numeric, 3 positions; optional.


The maximum amount that a carton can weigh for the dollar amount defined for the freight table to apply. This is an “up to” field; the system selects the lowest freight table record whose weight is equal to or greater than the carton weight.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 3-place decimal; optional.


The dollar amount to charge for a carton whose weight matches this freight table record.

Numeric, 9 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

Screen Option


Create a freight table record

Press F6 to advance to the Create Freight Table Details Screen.

Change a freight table record

Enter 2 next to a record to advance to the Change Freight Table Details Screen.

Delete a freight table record

Enter 4 next to a record to delete it.

Display a freight table record

Enter 5 next to a record to advance to the Display Freight Table Details Screen.

Create Freight Table Details Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to create freight table details.

How to display this screen: At the Work with Freight Table Details Screen, press F6. See Freight by Order Weight Setup for more information on setting up a freight table.

OER0874 ENTER Create Freight Table Details 7/25/96 15:24:09

Mail Order

Freight Table . . . : 1

Ship via . . . . . .

Delivery Code . . . . (B=Business, R=Residential, N=Neither)

Zone . . . . . . . .

Weight . . . . . . .

Rate . . . . . . . .

F3=Exit F12=Cancel



Freight table

The code representing a table that the system consults to calculate freight on orders using the order weight freight method.

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; display-only.

Ship via

The code representing a shipper who delivers merchandise to your customers. Validated against the Ship Via file; see Chapter 30: Working with Ship Via Codes (WVIA).

Numeric, 2 positions.

Create screen: required.

Change screen: display-only.

Delivery code

A code representing the type of delivery address on an order. Valid values are:

B = Business Address

R = Residence

N = No Distinction

Some shippers, such as UPS, charge different rates based on the type of delivery address. Only B and R are valid delivery codes for a UPS ship via; see Chapter 30: Working with Ship Via Codes (WVIA).

Alphanumeric, 1 position.

Create screen: optional

Change screen: display-only.


The geographical region where the shipper delivers packages. UPS uses relative geographic zones, defined by SCF, to calculate shipping rates. See About Zones.

Numeric, 3 positions.

Create screen: required.

Change screen: display-only.


The maximum amount that a carton can weigh for the dollar amount defined for this freight table record to apply. This is an “up to” field; the system selects the first freight table record whose weight is equal to or greater than the carton weight.

Example: If you have records in your freight table for 10, 20 and 30 pounds, a carton weighing 11 pounds will match the 20-pound record.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 3-place decimal.

Create screen: required.

Change screen: display-only.


The amount to charge for shipping a carton that matches the freight table record.

Numeric, 9 positions with a 2-place decimal; required.

Note: In order to match the freight table record, the order must have the same Ship via and Delivery code as the freight table record. In addition, the Shipping zone defined for the SCF/Ship Via on the order must match the Zone defined for the freight table record, and the carton weight must be less than or equal to the Weight defined for the freight table record. See Freight by Order Weight Setup.

Change Freight Table Details Screen

To change: Enter 2 next to a freight table record at the Work with Freight Table Details Screen to advance to the Change Freight Table Details screen. See Create Freight Table Details Screen for field descriptions. At the Change screen you can change the Rate field. To change any other information, you must delete the record and create a new one.

Display Freight Table Details Screen

To display: Enter 5 next to a record at the Work with Freight Table Details Screen to advance to the Display Freight Table Details screen. You cannot change any information on this screen. See Create Freight Table Details Screen for field descriptions.

Copy Freight Table Details Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to copy freight table detail records from an existing freight table to another freight table header.

How to display this screen: Enter 3 next to an existing freight table at the Work with Freight Table Header Screen.

OER0877 ENTER Copy Freight Table Details 7/25/96 17:55:43

Mail Order

Copy from 1

To freight table

F3=Exit F12=Cancel CONFIRM: N (Y/N)

How to use this screen: Enter an existing freight table code in the To freight table field. If the freight table you select as the destination for copying already has detail records, the following message displays:

Freight Table Details already exist for To Freight Table

If you enter a valid freight table code without existing detail records as your destination table, the Confirm prompt field displays. Enter Y in this field to copy the detail records to the destination freight table, or press Enter to cancel the copy.

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