Chapter 94: Working with E-Mail Notification Templates (WEMT)

Purpose: Use this menu option to work with the default text to include when you send the following emails:

• first, second, and continue backorder notices

• credit card acknowledgments

• gift certificate notifications

• maintenance success or failure notices (only for maintenance requests processed through the e-commerce interface)

• order confirmations

• purchase orders

• return confirmations

• shipment confirmations

• soldout notifications

• stored value card notifications

• loyalty membership activations and deactivations

The system automatically creates templates for each of the above; however, they will be blank until you specify the text for each email.

Outbound email API: You have the option to generate a generic outbound XML message, rather than an actual email, for certain email notifications. This XML message includes additional information that is not included in the standard email notice. You might choose to generate the XML message so that you can use the information to produce a reformatted HTML email that includes promotional material. The outbound email API is available for the following email notifications:

• order confirmation

• shipment notification

• return confirmation

• credit card credit acknowledgement

• soldout notification

• stored value card notifications

• backorder notifications (first, second, and continue)

See Outbound Email API for an overview.

Entity-level overrides: You can override the standard email template text at the entity level for any of the order-related email notifications. You can also override the “from” email address for any order-related notification at the entity level. See Directory Address (“From” Email Address) Override at Entity Level for more information.

In this chapter:

Summary of Customer Correspondence

When Does the System Generate an Email Notification?

Order Confirmation Emails

Shipment and Return Confirmation Emails

Other Order-Related Email Notifications

Determining the Opt-in/out Setting

Related System Control Values

Gift Certificate Notification Emails

Purchase Order Emails

Additional Information on Email Notifications

Sample Notification

Summary of Email Notice Types

Work with E-Mail Template Screen

Change E-Mail Template Screen

Display E-Mail Template Screen

Configuring the iSeries as a Mail Server

Summary of Customer Correspondence

The table below provides a summary of the customer correspondence generated by the system.

Type of Correspondence

Generated Output

Generated Through

Backorder 1st Notice

email, CWEmailOut XML, or printed

Generate Backorder Cards (GBOC), Working with Backorders Pending Cancellation (WBPC), Working with Backorder First Notices (WBFN)

Backorder 2nd Notice

email, CWEmailOut XML, or printed

Backorder Continue Notice

email, CWEmailOut XML, or printed

Gift Certificate

email or printed

Process Gift Certificates Screen (MPGC)

Loyalty Activate Notice

email only

BILL_ASYNC and ORDR_ASYNC processes in Using the ASYNC Jobs (MBJC); or order creation, depending on the setting of the Evaluate Loyalty Eligibility within Qualifying Order (J34) system control value

Loyalty Deactivate Notice

email only

BILL_ASYNC and ORDR_ASYNC processes in Using the ASYNC Jobs (MBJC)

Maintenance Success

email only

ECOMM_MNT and ECOMM_CANC processes in Working with E-Commerce Job Control (EJCT)

Maintenance Failure

email only

Order Confirmation

email, CWEmailOut XML, or printed

order acceptance or order batch acceptance.

Note: If for any reason the confirmation is not generated at order or batch acceptance, the ORDR_ASYNC process in Using the ASYNC Jobs (MBJC) generates the confirmation.

Return Confirmation

email, CWEmailOut XML, or printed

Sending Internet Order Ship Confirmation (ESCF) or BILL_ASYNC in Using the ASYNC Jobs (MBJC) if the E-mail Shipment/Return Confirmation Notification Immediately (K07) system control value is set to Y.

Shipment Confirmation

email, CWEmailOut XML, or printed

Stored Value Card Notification

email or CWEmailOut

SVC_OUT process in Working with Integration Layer Processes (IJCT)

Soldout Notification

email, CWEmailOut XML, or printed

Printing Soldout Notifications (MSON)

Gift Acknowledgement

printed only

Pick slip generation or billing, depending on the setting of the Automatic Generation of Gift Acknowledgement (B92) system control value

A/R Statement

printed only

Printing Statements (PSTS)

Pick Tickets

printed only

Working with Pick Slip Generation (WPSG)

Drop Ship Pick Slips

printed only

Selecting Vendors for Drop Ship Processing (MDSP) or

Customer Invoice

printed only

Printing Invoices (PINV) or Order Inquiry (see Printing an Invoice)

Refund Checks

printed only

Processing Refunds (MREF), Processing A/R Refunds (MARC), or Processing Refunds by Order Number (MRFO)

Credit Card Credit Acknowledgement

email, CWEmailOut XML, or printed

Processing Refunds (MREF), Processing A/R Refunds (MARC), or Processing Refunds by Order Number (MRFO)

Merchandise Credits

printed only

Processing Refunds (MREF) or Processing Refunds by Order Number (MRFO)

Bonus Credits

printed only

Sale Credits

printed only

Call Tag

printed only

Processing Call Tags (MCTG)

When Does the System Generate an Email Notification?

Order Confirmation Emails

E-commerce orders: The system generates an order confirmation email or Outbound Email XML Message (CWEmailOut) if:

• the order was received from the web storefront (that is, the order was created through the e-commerce order process in Working with E-Commerce Job Control (EJCT)),

• the customer’s Opt-in/out setting (see Determining the Opt-in/out Setting) is O1 or O2, and

• the customer has an Email address

All other orders: If the order did not originate at the web storefront, the system generates an order confirmation email or Outbound Email XML Message (CWEmailOut) if:

• the E-mail notification field for the order type is set to Y, and,

• the customer’s Opt-in/out setting (see Determining the Opt-in/out Setting) is O1 or O2, and

• the customer has an Email address; and,

• the E-Mail Order Confirmations for All Orders (H51) is set to Y, or

• the order type matches the E-Commerce Order Type (G42).


• If you clear the email address and the Suppress Email Address Search (J09) system control value is set to Y, the system does not generate order-related emails for the order. See that system control value for more information.

• The system does not confirm that the customer’s email address is valid.


The order confirmation email or Outbound Email XML Message (CWEmailOut) is generated automatically when the order is created, either through a process in Working with E-Commerce Job Control (EJCT) for web orders or through the ORDER_ASYNC job

Shipment and Return Confirmation Emails

The system generates a shipment or return confirmation email or Outbound Email XML Message (CWEmailOut) only if:

• the E-mail notification field for the order type is set to Y, and,

• the customer’s Opt-in/out setting (see Determining the Opt-in/out Setting) is O1 or O2, and,

• the customer has an Email address, and,

• the E-Mail Shipment Confirmations for All Orders (H52) is set to Y, or,

• the order type matches the E-Commerce Order Type (G42)

How to generate? Use the Sending Internet Order Ship Confirmation (ESCF) option to generate shipment and return confirmation emails by date; or, if the E-mail Shipment/Return Confirmation Notification Immediately (K07) system control value is set to Y, the billing async background job generates the notification when it bills a shipment or return.


• If you clear the email address and the Suppress Email Address Search (J09) system control value is set to Y, the system does not generate order-related emails for the order. See that system control value for more information.

• The system does not confirm that the customer’s email address is valid.

Gift acknowledgement? If the customer is eligible to receive a shipment confirmation email as described above, the system does not generate a printed gift acknowledgement for gift orders. See the Automatic Generation of Gift Acknowledgement (B92) for more information on when the system generates a gift acknowledgement.


You can generate shipment and return confirmation emails or the Outbound Email XML Message (CWEmailOut) through:

Sending Internet Order Ship Confirmation (ESCF)

ECSHCNF periodic function; see Working with Periodic Functions (WPER)

• automatically when the shipment or return is billed, if the E-mail Shipment/Return Confirmation Notification Immediately (K07) system control value is set to Y

Stored Value Card Notification Emails

The system generates a stored value card notification when the SVC_OUT job processes an approved stored value card activation request and:

• The SVC type field for the stored value card item is E or V.

• An email is defined for the stored value card recipient. The system uses the Stored Value Card Email Hierarchy to determine the email address used to send a Stored Value Card Notification email to the stored value card recipient.

• A program name is defined in the Stored Value Card Email Notification Program (I30) system control value. The base program name is CSR1374.

The system does not look at the E-mail notification setting for the order type to determine whether to generate an email.

Note: The system generates this email notification regardless of the setting of the Suppress Email Address Search (J09) system control value.

For more information: See Stored Value Card Notification Email for a sample email.

Other Order-Related Email Notifications

Backorder, soldout, maintenance (including cancellations), loyalty membership activation or deactivation, and credit card credit notifications: The system generates an email or the Outbound Email XML Message (CWEmailOut) (backorder, soldout, or credit card credit notification types only), rather than including the notice in a spool file, only when:

• the E-mail notification field for the order type is set to Y, and

• the customer’s Opt-in/out setting (see Determining the Opt-in/out Setting) is O1 or O2.


• If you clear the email address and the Suppress Email Address Search (J09) system control value is set to Y, the system does not generate order-related emails for the order. See that system control value for more information.

• The system does not confirm that the customer’s email address is valid.

• The customer API does not generate notification emails when it activates or deactivates a loyalty membership; these emails are generated only as a result of order activity. See Generic Customer API and Loyalty Memberships for more information.


Note: The Print Credit Card Credit Acknowledgments (C35) system control value does not control whether to email credit card credit acknowledgements. The system checks this value only if the customer would not receive an email notification.

Which of these order-related emails can use the email API? The Use email API flag is available for the credit card credit acknowledgement, the soldout notification, the stored value card notification, and each backorder notification template. See the Outbound Email API for a discussion.

Determining the Opt-in/out Setting

The system uses the following hierarchy to determine the opt-in/out setting to use when generating order-related emails:

1. Check the Customer Sold To Email Address file for an email address that matches the email address on the order. If there is a match, use that Opt in/out setting; otherwise,

2. If there is an individual placer on the order, use that individual’s OptIn setting; otherwise,

3. If the Track Customer History at Entity Level (F89) system control value is set to Y, use the customer’s Opt in/Opt out setting for the entity associated with the source code on the order header; otherwise,

4. Use the customer’s Opt in/Opt out setting.

Related System Control Values

The program to use for generating the particular email notice must be specified in the appropriate system control value:

Backorder Notification E-Mail Program (G95)

Soldout Notification E-Mail Program (G96)

Gift Certificate E-Mail Program (H07)

Credit Card Credit Acknowledgement E-Mail Program (H08)

Order Maintenance Confirmation E-Mail Program (H12)

Order Acknowledgement Program (G50)

Shipment Confirmation Program (G51)

Return Confirmation E-Mail Program (H53)

Stored Value Card Email Notification Program (I30)

Loyalty Membership Activation Notification Email Program (I82)

Loyalty Membership Deactivation Notification Program (I83)

Also, see:

E-Mail Order Confirmations for All Orders (H51): indicates whether all orders or only e-commerce orders receive an email notification

E-Mail Shipment Confirmations for All Orders (H52): indicates whether all order shipments and return confirmations should generate email confirmations

E-mail Shipment/Return Confirmation Notification Immediately (K07): indicates whether to generate notifications automatically when the billing async background job bills the shipment or return

Gift Certificate Notification Emails

The system generates an email gift certificate notification, rather than including it in a spool file, only when:

• the customer is purchasing a gift certificate on an order

• the E-mail gift certificate field is selected at the Work with Order Ship to Properties Screen for the order in which the customer buys the gift certificate

• an email address is specified for the gift certificate recipient, which might be a customer sold-to, a permanent ship-to customer, or a temporary (order) shipping address. Additionally, if you define a vendor in the Vendor for E-Mail Gift Certificate (I04) system control value, the system uses the email address defined for the vendor instead of the email address defined for the gift certificate recipient.

• the correct program to generate the email notice is specified in the Gift Certificate E-Mail Program (H07) system control value

Note: The system generates this email notification regardless of the setting of the Suppress Email Address Search (J09) system control value.

For more information: See the description of the Gift Certificate E-Mail Program (H07) system control value for a complete discussion.

Purchase Order Emails

Overview: You have the option of generating a PDF version of the purchase order and emailing it to the vendor. The purchase order email option actually sends two separate emails:

• an email that includes the purchase order as a PDF file attachment, using the appearance specified by the PO Print Program (C64) or PO Print Program for PO Print in PO Sequence (C76), but no text in the email body; and,

• an email that includes the text you set up through the Purchase Order email template. Typically, this text indicates that the purchase order is arriving in a separate email. Unlike order-related emails, this template is available for editing at the company level only and not at the entity level. See the Change E-Mail Template Screen for more information.

Selecting the email option for purchase orders: To always send the purchase order by email to a vendor, specify the vendor’s email address and set the Email P/O flag to Y. See Working with Vendors (WVEN) for more information on setting up vendors.

How to generate purchase order emails: You can generate purchase orders by email through the following options:

Printing and Faxing Purchase Orders (MPRP): purchase orders eligible for emailing based on any other selection criteria (such as date, purchase order number range, and printed/unprinted status) are selected if the Email P/O flag at the PO Print/EDI Generation Selection Screen is set to Y. This menu option generates the purchase order emails only if the vendor has an email address specified and the vendor’s Email P/O flag is set to Y. You do not have an opportunity to override the vendor’s default email address or email preference.

Purchase order entry, maintenance, or inquiry: At the Print and/or Fax Pop-Up Window, you can indicate to print, fax, or email the purchase order to the vendor. The vendor’s email address and Email P/O setting default to this window, but you can override them.

Note: The Print PO and Receiving Worksheets (PPWS) menu option does not general purchase order emails.

Purchase order status: If the Allow Printing of Held Purchase Orders (F18) system control value is set to Y, then both open and held purchase orders are eligible for emailing; otherwise, only open purchase orders are eligible.

“From” email address: The Purchase Order Email Directory Address Entry (J49) system control value indicates the default directory entry to use in determining the “from” email address for purchase order emails. See that system control value for a discussion of the directory address hierarchy.

Purchase order emails are not saved in the email repository.

Additional Information on Email Notifications

Configuring your system for email: Before you can generate emails from CWDirect, you may need to modify the configuration of the iSeries. See Configuring the iSeries as a Mail Server for more information.

Order history message: The system writes an Order Transaction History message when it generates an order-related email or the Outbound Email XML Message (CWEmailOut). You can review these messages at the Display Order History Screen.

Save in email repository? The Write Outbound Email to Email Repository (H99) system control value controls whether header information on order-related email notifications or the Outbound Email XML Message (CWEmailOut) are stored in correspondence history. See this system control value for more information on identifying and reviewing outbound emails for a customer.

Note: The system does not retain the body of outbound order-related emails in correspondence history, only the header information, such as the date, subject, and “to” email address.

“From” email address: You can use the Work with Entity Email Overrides Screen and/or the Confirmation Email Directory Address (I19) system control value to specify the “from” email address to appear on order-related email notifications. The system determines the “from” email address to use as follows:

1. Entity and notification type: The system uses the email address for the directory address specified through the Work with Entity Email Overrides Screen, if any; otherwise,

2. System control value for company: If the directory address at the email notification type/entity level is blank, the system uses the Confirmation Email Directory Address (I19) system control value; otherwise,

3. System default: If directory address specified through the system control value is blank, but there is a directory entry with an address of EMAIL, the system uses the email address for this entry.

4. Otherwise, if there is no directory entry with an address of EMAIL, the system does not send an email notification.


• If the system finds a directory address that is invalid, rather than blank, at any point while going through this hierarchy, it uses the email address of the user who started the async jobs.

• Purchase order emails use a different hierarchy. See the Purchase Order Email Directory Address Entry (J49) system control value for a discussion.

Varying the “from” email address: Using a different “from” email address based on entity for various order-related notifications, such as the loyalty membership activation or deactivation notice, might be confusing to your customers if the same customers commonly place orders in multiple entities within your company. In this situation, the “from” email address on a deactivation email might not match the entity where the customer places the majority of his or her orders.

Note: Loyalty deactivation takes place only if the Evaluate Loyalty Eligibility within Qualifying Order (J34) system control value is set to N.

For more information: See Configuring the iSeries as a Mail Server for more information on specifying directory addresses for “from” email addresses, and see Directory Address (“From” Email Address) Override at Entity Level for additional discussion of overriding this setting at the entity level.

Note: The “from” email address is not included in the Outbound Email XML Message (CWEmailOut).

Sample Notification

Kaplan, Elise



Thursday, June 8, 2013 3:01 p.m.



Backorder Notification


Unfortunately, the following item(s) are backordered:


Order #: 5492 - 1



Item: BISCOTTI Qty: 2 Exp Ship: 6/08/00



Please email with any questions or problems.


This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify the system manager.

This footnote also confirms that this email message has been swept for the presence of computer viruses.



Note: The confirmation is sent to the email address specified for the sold-to customer rather than the ship-to address.

See Outbound Email API for samples of the Outbound Email XML Message (CWEmailOut).

Summary of Email Notice Types

When you set up each template, you can specify the text to appear above and below the order and item information, which is supplied by the system. The standard information that is included in each notice email (as opposed to the Outbound Email XML Message (CWEmailOut)) is described below. See the Summary of Customer Correspondence for information on how to generate each type of notification.

Type of email notice

Sample Subject Line

Standard Text

Outbound Email API available?


Backorder - Order #99999999

• order and ship-to number

• sold-to customer company or name

• ship-to customer company or name

• backordered item

• backordered quantity

• expected ship date

Note: This date is included for drop ship items only if the Assign Drop Ship Expected Ship Date (I59) system control value is set to Y. See that system control value for more information.

• item description


credit card credit

Credit Ack. - Order #99999999

• total dollar amount of credit applied to the credit card

Note: A separate email or Outbound Email XML Message (CWEmailOut) is generated for each credit card payment method receiving a credit; however, the email or message does not specify the payment method on the order that is receiving the credit.


gift certificate

A Gift Certificate for You

• gift certificate number

• gift certificate amount

• gift certificate date

• name of the customer sold-to who purchased the gift certificate

Note: If you define base program ECR0383 in the Gift Certificate E-Mail Program (H07) system control value, the system does not include the standard text, and instead, includes the following fields using name/value pairs:

• sold to first name, last name, address, and email address

• ship to first name, last name, address, and email address

• order number

• item and description

• SKU and description

• order messages 1, 2, and 3

• gift certificate number

• gift certificate amount


Note: The customer API does not generate notification emails when it activates or deactivates a loyalty membership; these emails are generated only as a result of order activity. See Generic Customer API and Loyalty Memberships for more information.

loyalty activation

Loyalty Activation

Note: The word “Loyalty” is replaced with the value in the Alternate Customer Number Label Description (H95) system control value, if any.

• sold-to customer name

• sold-to customer number

• loyalty program description

• loyalty program membership ID


loyalty deactivation

Loyalty Deactivation

The word “Loyalty” is replaced with the value in the Alternate Customer Number Label Description (H95) system control value, if any.

• sold-to customer name

• sold-to customer number

• loyalty program description

• loyalty program membership ID


order maintenance (including cancellation) request: success or failure

Order Update - Order #99999999

• order number

• result, either cannot be changed at this time or has been changed successfully

• sold to customer name

• ship to customer name

Note: Only maintenance requests processed through the e-commerce interface generate email confirmations.



Order Conf. - Order #99999999

• order number and ship to number

• order date

• sold to name

• ship to name

• order process date (the arrival date for the order)

• merchandise total

• freight total

• additional freight total

• tax total

• order total

• item code and description

• quantity ordered

• item price

• status

• expected shipment date for the item

Note: The Assign Drop Ship Expected Ship Date (I59) system control value controls the display and calculation of this date for drop ship items.


purchase order (text notification)

Purchase Order - PO #0001665

No standard text is included; the email consists of text entered in company-level email template only.

Note: Because no standard text is included, a blank line separates the text you enter at the bottom of the Change E-Mail Template Screenfrom the text you enter at the top of the screen.


purchase order (PDF file)

#0001665. PDF

No readable text is included.

See Purchase Order Emails for a discussion on how the system generates these two emails to the vendor.


Return Conf. - Order #99999999

• order number and ship to number

• order date

• sold to name

• ship to name

• date returned

• amount credited

• item code and SKU code

• quantity returned



Ship Conf. - Order #99999999

• order number and ship to number

• order date

• sold to name

• ship to name

• date shipped

• amount charged

• item code, SKU code and item description

• quantity shipped

Can also include the shipment tracking number embedded in a link to the ship via’s web site. See the Shipment Confirmation Email with Tracking Number Link for more information.


• Pre-billing an item generates a separate shipment confirmation email. See Pre Billed Amount Item (J72) for a discussion.

• See the E-mail Shipment/Return Confirmation Notification Immediately (K07) system control value for information on consolidating invoices.



Soldout - Order #99999999

• order and ship-to number

• sold-to customer company or name

• ship-to customer company or name

• soldout item and description

• soldout quantity


stored value card

Stored Value Card Notification

• order number and ship to number

• order date

• sold to customer company or name

• ship to customer company or name

• issue date

• item description, item number, and SKU code

• activation quantity

• stored value card amount, card number, and PIN number

• for virtual cards: You will not be receiving a physical card on the item above.

• for physical cards: You will be receiving a physical card on the item above.


The “from” email address: You might want to specify a particular email address to always use for certain order-related email notifications, so that replies to these emails are sent to an appropriate staff member or so that the email address appears correct to the customer. See Directory Address (“From” Email Address) Override at Entity Level and Configuring the iSeries as a Mail Server for more information.

Work with E-Mail Template Screen

How to display this screen: Enter WEMT in the Fast path field at the top of any menu, or select Work with E-Mail Templates from a menu.

ECR0217 DISPLAY Work with Email Template 8/18/06 11:24:50

EZK Mail Order

Opt Notice Type

Type options, press Enter.

2=Change 5=Display

Backorder 1st Notice

Backorder 2nd Notice

Backorder Continue Notice

C/C Credit Acknowledgment

Gift Certificate

Loyalty Activate Notice

Loyalty Deactivate Notice

Maintenance Success

Maintenance Failure

Order Confirmation

Purchase Order

Return Confirmation +

F3=Exit F12=Cancel



Notice type

Indicates the type of email notification. Available templates are:

• Backorder 1st notice (template type B1)

• Backorder 2nd notice (template type B2)

• Backorder continue notice (template type B3)

• C/C credit acknowledgment (template type C1)

• Gift certificate (template type GC)

• Loyalty Activate Notice (template LA)

• Loyalty Deactivate Notice (template LD)

• Maintenance Success (template type MA)

• Maintenance Failure (template type ME)

• Order Confirmation (template type OC)

• Purchase Order (template type PO)

• Return Confirmation (template type RC)

• Shipment Confirmation (template type SC)

• Soldout notification (template type S1)

• Stored Value Card notification (template type SV)

Alphanumeric, 25 positions; display-only.

Screen Option


Enter or change the contents of an email notification template

Enter 2 next to a template to advance to the Change E-Mail Template Screen.

Display the contents of an email notification template

Enter 5 next to a template to advance to the Display E-Mail Template Screen.

Change E-Mail Template Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to specify the standard text to include in one of the types of email notifications available in CWDirect.

How to display this screen: Enter 2 next to a notice type at the Work with E-Mail Template Screen.

ECR0219 CHANGE Change Email Template 1/13/05 15:24:52

EZK Mail Order

Notice Type: Order Confirmation Use Email API (Y/N) . Y

Text To Print Above Items:

We have received your order for the following items listed

below. Typical order processing time for in-stock items

is approximately 24 hours. Please be assured that we will

ship your order as soon as possible.

Text To Print Below Items:

Thank you for your order. Please think of us for all your

pet supply and household needs.

F3=Exit F12=Cancel



Use email API

Indicates whether to generate the Outbound Email XML Message (CWEmailOut) rather than an actual email notification. This XML message includes additional information that is not included in the standard email notice. You might choose to generate the XML message so that you can use the information to produce a reformatted HTML email that includes promotional material. See Outbound Email API for an overview.

Valid values are:

Y = Generate the Outbound Email XML Message (CWEmailOut) rather than an actual email

N = Generate the email notification


• This option is available only for the order, shipment, return, soldout, stored value card, and backorder notification templates. See the Outbound Email API for more information.

• The system generates the Outbound Email XML Message (CWEmailOut) only if the system control value specifying the related email generation program is not blank. For example, in order to generate the order confirmation through the Outbound Email XML Message (CWEmailOut), make sure that the Order Acknowledgement Program (G50) is not blank.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.

The following fields are not labeled for the Credit card credit acknowledgement or purchase order email templates, because there is no standard text to appear below the two fields. Instead, a blank line space separates your entries in each field in the generated email.

Text to print above items

The standard text to appear in each email above the information specific to the order. See the Sample Notification.

Alphanumeric, ten 60-position lines; at least one line required.

Text to print below items

The standard text to appear in each email below the information specific to the order. See the Sample Notification.

Alphanumeric, three 60-position lines; optional.

Completing this screen: Enter the text to appear in the email notification or to include in the Outbound Email XML Message (CWEmailOut). You can type over existing text to replace it, or press Field Exit to clear a line. The text you enter is included the next time you generate this type of email notification. Any lines that you leave blank are omitted from the email.

Display E-Mail Template Screen

Purpose: Enter 5 next to a notice type at the Work with E-Mail Template Screen to display the notice. See Change E-Mail Template Screen for field descriptions. You cannot change any information on this screen.

Configuring the iSeries as a Mail Server

Purpose: You can configure the iSeries for use as a mail server so that you can send emails in CWDirect.

Connect the iSeries to the internet: Contact your network administrator to ensure that there is such a connection.

Configure distribution services: Next, you need to configure the iSeries’s distribution services to send emails out to the internet:

1. Sign on as the security officer, or a profile with security officer authority.

2. Enter NETSTAT *CNN on a command line.

3. This will display a list of all active TCP/IP connections. Under the Local port column, look for SMTP. You might need to roll to later pages. If you can find it, proceed to step 6. Otherwise, continue with step 4.

4. Set the SMTP (mail transport) service to start automatically by entering CHGSMTPA AUTOSTART(*YES).

5. For this session, start the SMTP service manually by entering STRTCPSVR *SMTP.

6. Enter NETSTAT *CNN again and make sure you can find the SMTP service active. When you do, you can proceed.

7. Enter CHGDSTA and press F4.

8. Under Route to SMTP gateway enter a user ID of INTERNET and an address of SMTPRTE. Press Enter.

9. Type ADDDIRE and press F4, and then press F9. Complete the following fields (you may need to roll down several screens to see all fields):


• Address: SMTPRTE

• Description: User ID to route Internet Addresses

• System Name: INTERNET

• Mail Service Level Field Name: *USRIDX

• Preferred Address Field Name: NETUSRID

• Preferred Address Product ID: *IBM

• Preferred Address Address Type: ATCONTXT

10. Press Enter to create the directory entry.

11. Test the process by entering this command:


You should get an email at the address specified in the command.

Specifying a user/email address for CWDirect to use: By default, CWDirect will use the email characteristics of the user that runs the related e-commerce job when it sends emails; however, you can specify a “from” email address to use on email notifications to customers. The user profile does not need to specify an actual user; instead, you can use it solely to represent the return address for system-generated emails. For example, you might set up a user profile so that email notifications for this company have a “from” email address of Additionally, you can use the Confirmation Email Directory Address (I19) system control value to specify a unique “from” email address for each company, or the Work with Entity Email Overrides Screen to specify a unique “from” email address for each email notification type and entity.

Note: The “from” email address is not included in the Outbound Email XML Message (CWEmailOut).

To define an email address:

1. Sign on as the security officer, or a profile with security officer authority.

2. Create a user profile by entering CRTUSRPRF and then pressing F4. Complete the following fields:

• User Profile: The name of the profile you would like to create.

• Text description: A description of the user profile.

You can leave the rest of the fields as default.

3. Press Enter to create the user.

4. Add a directory entry by entering WKRDIRE.

5. On the first line, enter 1 under the Opt field and CWI and EMAIL under the User ID and Address fields, respectively.

6. Complete the following fields:

• Description: Directory Entry for CWDirect E-Mails

• User Profile: The user profile you created above.

• Mail Service Level: System message store (Option 2)

• Preferred Address: SMTP Name (Option 3)

Important: DO NOT PRESS ENTER! Instead, press F19, Add Name for SMTP.

7. On this screen, enter the email address that you want to be used for sending emails from CWDirect. An email is broken up into two parts: the user ID and the domain. For example, if the email address is, the user ID is user and the domain is

8. In the SMTP user ID field, enter the user name part of the email address.

9. In the SMTP domain field, enter the domain part of the email address.

10. You should return to the Add Directory Entry screen with the message SMTP table updates pending. Press Enter to update.

11. Press Enter to complete the update.

12. Now, you need to grant authority to allow users to use this directory entry to send emails. You can either do this manually, or use a CWDirect-supplied function.

To set up a unique “from” email address for each company, or for individual order-related email notification types and entities: Follow the above steps for each unique company “from” address, but instead of specifying EMAIL for each new user, enter a different value, such as EMAIL1 or EMAIL2. You can then use the Confirmation Email Directory Address (I19) system control value for each company to identify which email address to use when generating email notifications for that company. For example, you set up the return address for company #1 for the first user, with an Address of EMAIL; you then set the Confirmation Email Directory Address system control value to EMAIL. However, when you create the user profile for company #2, set the Address to EMAILB, and enter EMAILB in the system control value for company #2. When the system generates email notifications for each company, it uses the email address related to the directory Address. To specify a different “from” email address for a specific order-related email notification type and entity, use the Work with Entity Email Overrides Screen.

To grant authority using the CWDirect function:

• Add the CWDirect program library to your library list by entering ADDLIBLE CWMPPGM. A message displays indicating that the library was added to your library list.

• Call the program by entering CALL ECX0237.

To grant authority manually:

• Enter GRTUSRPMN and press F4.

• In the To user profile field, enter the name of the user who will be running the jobs that send emails.

• In the For user profile field, enter the name of the user you created in step 2 above.

• Press Enter to grant the authority.

• Repeat for each user who will be running jobs that send emails.

13. You can test by entering the following command:


You should get an email at the address specified in the command.

Troubleshooting: The QSECIDL1 job, which runs daily on the iSeries, disables user profiles that have been inactive for a certain number of days. As a result, this job can disable the user ID’s you set up for email use as described above.

To flag a user ID so that the QSECIDL1 job does not disable it automatically:

• First, to determine whether a particular profile is active, enter DSPACTPRFL (Display Active Profile List) at a command line. Some user ID’s starting with the letter Q are not disabled.

• If the user ID is not included on the displayed profile list, enter CHGACTPRFL (Add/Change Active Profile List) at a command line. and then enter the profile to flag as active.

SO10_18 CWDirect 18.0 August 2015 OTN