Chapter 75: Print PO and Receiving Worksheets (PPWS)

Purpose: Print Purchase Order and Receiving Worksheets provides you with the option of:

• printing a hard copy of a single purchase order and/or receiving worksheet and/or item labels.

• faxing a purchase order via the fax interface.


• You can also fax a purchase order at the purchase order header screen by pressing F19 in purchase order entry or maintenance, or pressing F9 in purchase order inquiry. See Print and/or Fax Pop-Up Window.

• When you print or fax a purchase order through this menu option, it does not create a purchase order header history message or message line indicating the activity, date, and the user who submitted the job; however, when you print or fax a purchase order through purchase order entry, purchase order maintenance, or Printing and Faxing Purchase Orders (MPRP), it does track this information. See the Completing the Print/Email Process for more information.

Purchase order status: All open purchase orders (status = O) are eligible for printing through this menu option. Held purchase orders (status = H) are also eligible for printing if the Allow Printing of Held Purchase Orders (F18) system control value is set to Y. If you attempt to print a held purchase order when this system control value is set to N or is blank, an error message will display.

Note: You cannot generate a purchase order email through this menu option. To re-send a purchase order by email, use Printing and Faxing Purchase Orders (MPRP). See Purchase Order Emails for an overview.

For more information: See Printing and Faxing Purchase Orders (MPRP) for more information on:

• printing purchase orders in batches

• faxing purchase orders

• transmitting data electronically to other companies via Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)

Printing and Faxing Purchase Orders (MPRP) presents a sample purchase order, item label, and receiving worksheets.

Print POs and Worksheets by PO Screen

How to display this screen: Enter PPWS in the Fast path field at the top of any menu or select Print Purchase Order and Receiving Worksheets from a menu.

POR0392 ENTER Print POs and Worksheets By PO 1/22/98 14:43:27

The KL Mail Order Company

P/O # . . .

Print PO . . . . N=No, Y=Yes

Print Worksheet . N=No, Y=Yes

Print Item Labels N=No, Y=Yes

PO Print Sort . . V V=By Vendor, P=By P/O #

Fax PO? . . . . . N N=No, Y=Yes

F3=Exit F9=Process F12=Cancel




PO #

The number identifying the purchase order.

Note: If you enter a purchase order number for a vendor whose Print P/O flag is set to N, the system does not display an error message; however, the purchase order does not print.

Numeric, 7 positions; required.

Print PO

This value indicates whether the purchase order should be printed. Valid values are:

Y = print the purchase order

N (or blank) = do not print the purchase order

If the Consolidate Like Items/SKUs on PO Print (J26) system control value is set to Y, the system consolidates purchase order lines that contain the same item/SKU into a single purchase order line to print on the purchase order.

Alphanumeric, 1 position, required.

Print worksheet

Indicates whether to print the receiving worksheet for this purchase order. The receiving worksheet lists the purchase order, each line of the purchase order, and the amount due. You can use the worksheet as a checklist at purchase order receiving. Valid values are:

Y = print worksheet for this purchase order

N = do not print worksheet for this purchase order

Alphanumeric, 1 position; required.

Print item labels

Indicates whether to print barcoded item labels for this purchase order. Each item label displays the company, item and SKU for each unit on the purchase order. The system uses the program name defined in the RF Item Label Print Program (E24) system control value to print barcoded item labels. Valid values are:

Y = print item labels for this purchase order

N = do not print item labels for this purchase order

Alphanumeric, 1 position; required.

PO print sort

Indicates how to sort the purchase order. Valid values are:

P = sort by purchase order number

V (default) = sort by vendor number

Alphanumeric, 1 position; required.

Fax PO

This value indicates whether to fax the purchase order. The system will generate the fax only if the FAX Available (B53) system control value has been set to Y, and the vendor's Fax# (Facsimile machine telephone number) has been entered in the Vendor file. Valid values are:

Y = fax the purchase order

N (default) = do not fax the purchase order

Alphanumeric, 1 position; required.

Screen Option


Submit the jobs

Press F9 to print a Purchase Order, PO Receiving Worksheet (POR0167) or PO Receiving Worksheet (POR0740), and/or Purchase Order Item Label.

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