Chapter 20: Setting Up FAX Interface Values

Purpose: The FAX Interface section of the System Control file defines parameters that control:

• Immediate or batch faxes

• Fax user profile

• System information

Note: If you have not purchased the FAX Interface, you do not need to complete the system control values in this section.

For more information: For instructions and screen samples on how to create, change, delete, and copy a system control value, see Chapter 12: System Control File Components.

What is FastFax? The FAX Interface works in conjunction with a third-party product called FastFax™ supplied by Quadrant Software. The FAX Interface allows you to fax selected information without printing it first and then passing it through a fax machine.

FastFax is integrated with the system in these ways:

• Fax purchase orders to a vendor by batch

• Fax a purchase order immediately when it requires reprinting, or by pressing a function key at the purchase order header screen in purchase order entry, maintenance, and inquiry

• Fax accounts payable and accounts receivable invoices to a vendor

• Fax customer service letters immediately or by batch

• Fax drop ship picks by batch to a vendor

Additional references: For additional information about the FAX Interface, please refer to the following two manuals, published by Quadrant Software:

FastFax System Administrator Guide

FastFax User Guide

FastFax capability: FastFax provides three fax capabilities:

1. Immediate faxing - when a fax must be sent in minutes.

2. Batch faxing - when either a large number of faxes will be sent or the information is not needed by the recipient immediately.

3. Ad-hoc faxing - when you want to fax information that is not integrated with an application, such as screen images or spool file documents.

Quick Reference of FAX Interface System Control Values

This table describes briefly each system control value for the Fax Interface application area and lists the control value, a short definition, other control values to which you should refer in this section, if necessary, and a column where you can indicate the value that you assigned for your company.

If you have more than one company on your system, make a copy of this table for each company on your system.

Company: ______________________________

System Control Value


Your Value

FAX Available (B53)

Indicates if you are using the FastFax software.


FAX Product Name (B54)

Defines the name of the FAX interface product being used.


FAX and Print (B55)

Indicates if the system should print a hard copy of the faxed document.


FAX API User Profile (B56)

Defines the name of the user profile required to use FastFax.


FAX Batch Priority Number (B57)

Defines the priority number for a batch fax.


Immediate Priority Number (B58)

Defines the priority number for an immediate fax.


FAX Library (B74)

Defines the name of the FAX library for the FastFax software.

System name:

FAX Output Queue (B75)

Defines the name of the output queue used by FastFax.

System name:

FAX Available (B53)

Purpose: Use this screen to indicate if you will use the FAX interface.

MSR0052 OPEN Change System Control Value 1/12/94 17:10:19



Description . : Fax Available


Yes/No . . . . Y (Y,N)

Narrative . . .

Application . : FAX

Applic group . ALL

Sequence# . . . 100








F3=Exit F12=Cancel

Yes/No field: Enter Y in this field if you will use the FastFax interface software. This interface gives you the ability to fax selected information directly from the system's functions without having to print it first and then passing it through a FAX machine. The FAX interface has been integrated with purchase order printing, invoice printing, drop ship pick printing, and customer service letters. For more information on working with FAX information, see the System Administrator's Guide.

Otherwise, enter N if you are not using this FastFax software. You will not be able to select fax options at the Select Vendors for Drop Ship Screen.

FAX Product Name (B54)

Purpose: Use this screen to define the name of the FAX product that you will use to fax information.

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Description . : FAX Product Name


Code . . . . . FASTFAX FASTFAX



Narrative . . .

Application . : FAX

Applic group . ALL

Sequence# . . . 200








F3=Exit F12=Cancel

Code field: Enter the name of the FAX product that you will use to fax information. This product has been integrated with the system, allowing you to fax purchase orders, drop ship picks, invoices, and customer service letters directly without printing them first and then faxing them.

FastFax is the only FAX product that is integrated with the system at this time.

FAX and Print (B55)

Purpose: Use this screen to indicate if the system should automatically print a copy of each document that is sent using the FastFax software.

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Description . : Fax and Print


Yes/No . . . . Y (Y,N)

Narrative . . .

Application . : FAX

Applic group . ALL

Sequence# . . . 300









F3=Exit F12=Cancel

Yes/No field: If you enter Y in this field, the system will print a copy of each document (including drop ship pick slips, invoices, and customer service letters) that is sent using the FastFax software. You can override this print option when you are choosing to fax a document.

See Possible Drop Ship Output for an overview of fax and print options at the Select Vendors for Drop Ship Screen.

If you enter N, a copy of the faxed document will not be printed.

FAX API User Profile (B56)

Purpose: Use this screen to define the name of the user profile required by the FastFax system to generate faxes from the system.

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Description . : FAX API User Profile


Code . . . . . RETAIL RETAIL


Narrative . . .

Application . : FAX

Applic group . ALL

Sequence# . . . 400








F3=Exit F12=Cancel

Code field: Enter the name of the user profile required by the FastFax system to generate faxes. This user profile defines the attributes of each document faxed from the system so that each document has the same appearance and cover page information.

A document's attributes can be overridden when the document enters the FastFax system.

Note: In order to use the FastFax system, a user profile must be set up for each operator in the Work with FastFax User Profiles function. See the System Administrator's Guide for more information.

FAX Batch Priority Number (B57)

Purpose: Use this screen to define the priority that will be assigned to faxes sent by batch.

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Description . : FAX Batch Priority Number


Number . . . . 71

Narrative . . .

Application . : FAX

Applic group . ALL

Sequence# . . . 500











F3=Exit F12=Cancel

Number field: Enter the default priority that will be assigned to each fax sent by batch. This priority assures that each fax with this priority will be sent during the time reserved for batch faxes.

For example, if the FastFax system has determined that faxes with a priority between 70 and 80 be sent by batch, all faxes with the priority of 71 (the value defined in this field) would be sent by batch.

Fax priority schedule:




Faxes will be placed in the send queue in RDY (ready) status.


Faxes will be sent after 6:00 p.m. on the current day


Faxes will be sent after 10:00 p.m. on the current day


Faxes will be sent after midnight on the current day


The fax will be placed on hold in the send queue

Faxes will be sent based on priority; 1 = highest priority; 99 = lowest priority.

Immediate Priority Number (B58)

Purpose: Use this screen to define the priority that will be assigned to faxes sent by immediately.

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Description . : Immediate Priority Number


Number . . . . 50

Narrative . . .

Application . : FAX

Applic group . ALL

Sequence# . . . 600










F3=Exit F12=Cancel

Number field: Enter the default priority that will be assigned to a fax sent immediately. This priority assures that each fax with this priority will be sent immediately, once you request a fax to be issued.

For example, if the FastFax system has determined that faxes with a priority between 50 and 69 be sent by batch, all faxes with the priority of 50 (the value defined in this field) would be sent immediately.

FAX Library (B74)

Purpose: Use this screen to define the name of the library that contains the FAX software you will use.

MSR0053 OPEN Change System Control Value 1/12/94 16:44:22



Description . : Fax Library


System name . . FASTFAX

Narrative . . .

Application . : FAX

Applic group . ALL

Sequence# . . . 30










F3=Exit F12=Cancel

System name: Enter the name of the library that contains the Fast FAX software. This library name is supplied by the Fast FAX system. This is a 10-position, alphanumeric field.

FAX Output Queue (B75)

Purpose: Use this screen to define the name of the output queue used by the FastFax interface.

MSR0053 OPEN Change System Control Value 1/12/94 17:04:23



Description . : Fax Output Queue


System name . . FASTFAXAPI

Narrative . . .

Application . : FAX

Applic group . ALL

Sequence# . . . 40








F3=Exit F12=Cancel

System name: Enter the name of the output queue that FastFax uses. This name is delivered with the FastFax software. All documents to be sent using the FastFax software must be directed to this output queue. This is a 10-position, alphanumeric field.

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