Chapter 120: Working with Backorder First Notices (WBFN)

Purpose: Use the Work with Backorder First Notices menu option to work with first backorder notices. This option is available only if the FTC - First Notice Output (J70) system control value is set to FILE or FILE/PRINT.

When does the system generate a first backorder notice? Use the Generate Backorder Cards (GBOC) menu option to generate backorder notices. This option generates a first backorder notice immediately if you set the Immediate B/O (Immediate backorder notice) field to Y at the Create Order Type Screen.

If you have defined a Number of Days to Delay Initial Backorder Notice (D89), the system does not generate a notice for a backordered item unless you do not expect to ship the item until after the defined delay period.

Note: Once an expected delivery date for a backordered item is expired or changed, the system generates a backorder notice, regardless of the setting of the Immediate B/O (Immediate backorder notice) field.

Typically, you would want to notify customers immediately about backordered items if they place an order through the mail or fax; you can inform customers who order by phone at the time you take their orders if an item they want is currently backordered.

First backorder notice output: The FTC - First Notice Output (J70) system control value defines how the system generates a first backorder notice:

PRINT = When you use Generate Backorder Cards (GBOC), the system generates first backorder notices. The first backorder notice is printed, emailed or sent through the Outbound Email API, based on your settings; see Generating Backorder Email Notifications.

FILE = When you Generate Backorder Cards (GBOC), the system creates a record in the Backorder Cancellation Pending file for each first backorder notice. These records are flagged with a Type of F (first notice). You can use the Working with Backorder First Notices (WBFN) menu option to review and generate first backorder notices.

FILE/PRINT = When you use Generate Backorder Cards (GBOC), the system generates first backorder notices. In addition, the system creates a record in the Backorder Cancellation Pending file for each first backorder notice, also flagged with a Type of F. You can use the Working with Backorder First Notices (WBFN) menu option to review first backorder notices; however, you cannot use this menu option to generate first backorder notices since the system already generated them during Generate Backorder Cards (GBOC) processing.

Options: The options available through Work with Backorder First Notices (WBFN) are:

• order inquiry and order maintenance

Inquiring into Item Availability (DIAV)

• flagging an order to suppress or unsuppress generation of first backorder notices

• generating first backorder notices if they have not already been generated

• printing the Order Cancellation List by Item report. You can also print this report through the Printing the Order Cancellation List (PBRI) menu option.

Credit card cancellations: The system does not generate a first backorder notice for orders flagged for cancellation due to credit card decline, even if the order would also be eligible for first backorder notices due to backordered items on the order. See Working with Credit Card Cancellations (WCCC).

Drop ship items: CWCollaborate drop ship items are included in the Backorder Cancellation Pending file; however, the expected ship date is calculated the same way as a regular item, rather than using the standard calculation used elsewhere for CWCollaborate drop ship items (current date + Drop ship lead days (H36) + the Lead days for the vendor item). A CWCollaborate item is a drop ship item whose default vendor has the Drop ship output field set to C.

Other drop ship items which are not CWCollaborate items are not included in the Backorder Cancellation Pending file.

In this chapter:

Work with Backorder First Notices Screen

Display Backorder Notice Screen

Suppressing and Unsuppressing First Backorder Notices

Unsuppress a First Backorder Notice

Suppress a First Backorder Notice

Deleting First Backorder Notices

Print B/O First Notices Screen

Unsuppress/Delete First Notices Screen

Work with Backorder First Notices Screen

Use this screen to review, work with, and generate first backorder notices.

How to display this screen: Enter WBFN in the Fast path field or select Work with Backorder First Notices from a menu.

BOR0039 DISPLAY Work with Backorder First Notices 6/06/07 14:16:54


Opt Order # Date Item COLO STYL SIZE B/O Prt Sup

Type options, press Enter.

4=Delete 5=Display 6=Order Inquiry 7=Order Maintenance 8=Item Inquiry

9=Suppress/Unsuppress Notice

9597 5/08/07 BA87474ER 5/08/07 N N

9599 5/08/07 BA65748ER 5/08/07 N N

9599 5/08/07 BA84733ER2 5/08/07 Y N

9600 5/08/07 BA29383ER 5/08/07 N N

9600 5/08/07 BA17363432 5/08/07 Y N

9602 5/10/07 BA1129DER 5/10/07 N N

9602 5/10/07 BA11983ER2 5/10/07 Y N

9604 5/10/07 BA66434ER 5/10/07 N Y

F3=Exit F17=Print Notices F18=Print Report F19=Unsuppress/Delete Group



Order #

The number of the order containing an item on backorder.

Enter a valid order number and press Enter to display first backorder notices that match your entry.

Numeric, 8 positions; optional.


The date you entered the order.

Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY format); display-only.


A code for the item on backorder.

Enter a valid item code and press Enter to display first backorder notices that match your entry.

Numeric, 12 positions; optional.


The SKU, such as color or size, of the item on backorder.

Enter a valid SKU code and press Enter to display orders that match your entry.

Note: You can scan on SKU code with or without entering an item code.

Alphanumeric, one 14-position field (full SKU) or three 4-position fields (split SKU); optional.

B/O (Next backorder date)

The next date when the order is eligible for a backorder notice.

Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY format); display-only.

Prt (Printed?)

Indicates whether you have already generated a first backorder notice for the order line.

Valid values are:

Y = A first backorder notice has already been generated.

N = A first backorder notice has not yet been generated.

If the FTC - First Notice Output (J70) system control value is set to FILE/PRINT, this field is set to Y. If this system control value is set to FILE, this field is set to N.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; display-only.

Sup (Suppress printing?)

Indicates whether to generate a first backorder notice when you press F17.

Valid values are:

Y (default) = Suppress generating first backorder notices.

N = Generate first backorder notices.

You can switch this flag from suppressed to unsuppressed, or vice versa, by entering 9 next to an item.

Press F17 to generate each unsuppressed first backorder notice. However, the FTC - First Notice Output (J70) system control value must be set to FILE in order for you to generate first backorder notices this way; if not, a message indicates: J70 must be set to file.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; display-only.

Screen Option


Delete a first backorder notice

Enter 4 next to a first backorder notice to delete it. See Deleting First Backorder Notices.

Display a first backorder notice

Enter 5 next to a first backorder notice to advance to the Display Backorder Notice Screen.

Review the order in order inquiry.

Enter 6 next to a first backorder notice to advance to the Order Inquiry Header Screen for the order.

A message indicates if you do not have authority to the Order Inquiry/Maintenance (OIOM) menu option: Not authorized to Order Inquiry.

Review the order in order maintenance

Enter 7 next to a first backorder notice to advance to the Work with Order Screen.

A message indicates if you do not have authority to the Enter/Maintain Orders (OEOM) menu option: User is not authorized to option OEOM.

Review the item in item inquiry

Enter 8 next to a first backorder notice to advance to the Display Item/Warehouse Information Screen.

A message indicates if you do not have authority to the Inventory Inquiry (DINI) menu option: User is not authorized to option DINI.

Suppress or unsuppress the generation of a first backorder notice

Enter 9 next to a first backorder notice to unsuppress first backorder notice generation if it is currently suppressed, or to suppress first backorder notice generation if it is currently unsuppressed.

The Sup (Suppress printing?) field changes to Y (suppressed) or N (unsuppressed).

The first backorder notice is eligible to be generated when you press F17. See Suppressing and Unsuppressing First Backorder Notices.

Generate first backorder notices

Press F17 to advance to the Print B/O First Notices Screen.

This option is available only if the FTC - First Notice Output (J70) system control value is set to FILE.

Print the Order Cancellation List by Item report

Press F18 to advance to the Print B/O First Notice Report Screen.

A message indicates if you do not have authority to the Print Backorder Cancellation Report (PBRI) menu option: User is not authorized to option PBRI.

Unsuppress a group of first backorder notices by date range or item

Press F19 to advance to the Unsuppress/Delete First Notices Screen.

Display Backorder Notice Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to review the details of a first backorder notice.

How to display this screen: Enter 5 next to a first backorder notice at the Work with Backorder First Notices Screen.

BOR0016 DISPLAY Display Backorder Notice 5/07/07 10:28:35


Order Number 9590 - 1

Order Line 2

Generation date 5/07/07

Expected ship date 5/09/07

Printed Y

Print date

Suppress Notice Y

F3=Exit F12=Cancel



Order number

The number of the order containing an item on backorder. The ship-to number is separated from the order number by a hyphen. If there is only one ship-to address, the ship-to number will be 1.

Order number: Numeric, 8 positions.

Ship to number: Numeric, 3 positions.

Order line

The line on the order that contains the item on backorder.

Numeric, 3 positions.

Generation date

The date when the first backorder notice was generated; or, if the FTC - First Notice Output (J70) system control value is set to FILE, the date when a first notice record was created in the Backorder Cancellation Pending file.

Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY format).

Expected ship date

The Due date from the next purchase order you expect to be able to fulfill the order. The system writes this date to the Backorder Cancellation Pending file at the time you generate backorder notices; it is not updated if you run Batch PO Layering afterward. In this situation, the Expected ship date that appears on the order detail line in order inquiry may differ from the date here.

System-calculated date? The system calculates the expected ship date for backordered items that are not on any open purchase orders if the Calculate Expected Date in OE if No PO (J61) system control value is set to Y. The calculation updates the order detail record by adding the FTC -- # of Days for Items without Expected Ship Date (C71) system control value when you first add the item to the order, and again each time you run Batch PO Layering. See the Calculate Expected Date in OE if No PO (J61) system control value for a discussion.

Collaborate items: A CWCollaborate item’s expected ship date here is calculated the same way as a regular item, rather than using the standard calculation used elsewhere for CWCollaborate items (current date + Drop Ship Lead Days (H36) + the Lead days for the vendor item). A CWCollaborate item is a drop ship item whose default vendor has the Drop ship output field set to C.

Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY format).


Indicates whether the first backorder notice has already been generated.

Valid values are:

Y = The first backorder notice has already been generated.

N = The first backorder notice has not yet been generated.

Alphanumeric, 1 position.

Print date

The date when the first backorder notice was generated. This field is blank if you have not yet generated the first backorder notice.

Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY format).

Suppress notice

Indicates whether the first backorder notice is eligible for generation.

Valid values are:

Y (default) = Generation is suppressed.

N = Generation is unsuppressed.

You can switch this flag from suppressed to unsuppressed, or vice versa, by entering 9 next to an item at the Work with Backorder First Notices Screen.

Press F17 at the Work with Backorder First Notices Screen to generate each unsuppressed first backorder notice. However, the FTC - First Notice Output (J70) system control value must be set to FILE in order for you to generate first backorder notices this way; if not, a message indicates: J70 must be set to FILE.

Alphanumeric, 1 position.

Suppressing and Unsuppressing First Backorder Notices

Purpose: The system creates each first backorder notice with the Suppress field set to Y, so that generating first backorder notices is suppressed. If the FTC - First Notice Output (J70) system control value is set to FILE, you have the option of unsuppressing first backorder notice generation for these records, either individually or by group, and generating these notices.

Why are notices suppressed? First backorder notices are created in a suppressed status so that you can avoid generating first backorder notices unnecessarily. For instance, you might want to suppress the generation of first backorder notices if you expect to receive the item the next day.

Unsuppress a First Backorder Notice

Unsuppress individual notice: To unsuppress an individual first backorder notice for generation:

• enter 9 next to the first backorder notice at the Work with Backorder First Notices Screen.

• The Suppress field changes from Y to N for the specified first backorder notice.

Unsuppress group of notices: To unsuppress a group of first backorder notices for generation:

• Press F19 at the Work with Backorder First Notices Screen to advance to the Unsuppress/Delete First Notices Screen.

• At the Unsuppress/Delete First Notices Screen, use the Generation date range and Item/SKU fields to specify which first backorder notices you wish to unsuppress, and then press F9.

• The Suppress field on the Work with Backorder First Notices Screen changes from Y to N for the group of first backorder notices.

Suppress a First Backorder Notice

Suppress individual notice: To suppress an individual first backorder notice from generation, enter 9 next to the first backorder notice at the Work with Backorder First Notices Screen. The Suppress field changes from N to Y.

You cannot suppress notices by group.

Deleting First Backorder Notices

Purpose: You can delete an individual first backorder notice or a group of first backorder notices.

When you delete a first backorder notice, the system removes the record from the Backorder Cancellation Pending file. The system will not generate any backorder notices for the order line.

You can delete a first backorder notice regardless of whether the notice has been generated or is suppressed.

Delete individual notice: Enter 4 next to a first backorder notice to advance to the Confirm Delete window. Press Enter to confirm the delete; otherwise, press F12.

Delete group of notices:

• Press F19 to advance to the Unsuppress/Delete First Notices Screen.

• At the Unsuppress/Delete First Notices Screen, use the Generation date range and Item/SKU fields to specify which first backorder notices you wish to delete, and then press F11.

• The screen displays the message First Notice B/O group has been deleted.

• The system deletes all first backorder notices that meet the criteria you entered on the Unsuppress/Delete First Notices Screen.

Print B/O First Notices Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to generate first backorder notices.

This option is available only if the FTC - First Notice Output (J70) system control value is set to FILE.

Which notices can you generate? The system only generates first backorder notices:

• that have not yet been generated (the Printed field on the Work with Backorder First Notices Screen is set to N), and

• that are unsuppressed (the Suppressed field on the Work with Backorder First Notices Screen is set to N).

Emailed, XML message, or printed? Depending on your settings and the customer’s preferences, the system generates a first Backorder Notification Email, the Outbound Email XML Message (CWEmailOut), or a printed Backorder Card. See Generating Backorder Email Notifications for more information on when the system generates an email or XML message rather than a printed first backorder notice.

How to display this screen: Press F17 at the Work with Backorder First Notices Screen.

BOR0042 ENTER Print B/O First Notices 5/07/07 12:53:42


Select Item . . . .

Select SKU . . . .

F3=Exit F9=Accept F12=Cancel



Select item

The item that is on backorder.

If you wish to generate the first backorder notice for all of the SKUs of the item that are on backorder, leave the SKU field blank.

Item codes are defined in and validated against the Item file.

Alphanumeric, 12 positions; optional.

Select SKU

The SKU of the item that is on backorder.

If you enter a SKU code, you must also enter an item code.

If you wish to generate the first backorder notice for all of the SKUs of the item that are on backorder, leave this field blank.

SKU codes are defined in and validated against the SKU file.

Alphanumeric, one 14-position field or three 4-position fields; optional.

Completing this screen:

1. Optionally, enter the item and SKU for which you wish to generate the first backorder notice. If you wish to generate a first backorder notice for all eligible records, leave the Item and SKU fields blank.

2. Press F9. The system submits the BO_CARDS job. The screen displays the message Backorder First Notices have been generated.

3. For each record generated, the system updates the Printed field on the Work with Backorder First Notices Screen to Y.

4. The system generates first backorder notices using the program from the Backorder Card Print Program (D04) system control value. Depending on your setup and the customer’s preferences, the system generates:

• a spool file for printed backorder cards; see Backorder Card.

• an email backorder notification or the Outbound Email XML Message (CWEmailOut); see Generating Backorder Email Notifications.

• the Backorder Cancellation Register using the program BOR0007.

5. The system writes a message to the Order History file:

• for all backorder notices, for example: 1st B/O--line 2, ship date 04/15/07

• for emailed backorder notices or the Outbound Email XML Message (CWEmailOut), for example: BO First to

If an order includes more than one backordered item, this process generates separate backorder notices for each item.

Print B/O First Notice Report Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to generate the Order Cancellation List by Item report.

This report lists each order flagged for first backorder notice that is associated with the specified vendor, buyer, or item/SKU. If you do not specify a vendor, buyer, or item/SKU, each item flagged for first backorder notice (Type F in the Backorder Cancellation Pending file) is listed on this report.

How to display this screen: Press F18 at the Work with Backorder First Notices Screen.

BOR0047 ENTER Print B/O First Notice Report 5/08/07 11:52:52


Select Vendor . . . .

Select Buyer . . . .

Select Item . . . . .

Select SKU . . . . .

F3=Exit F9=Accept F12=Cancel



Select vendor

The vendor whose purchase order was open when the item(s) first became backordered.

Vendor codes are defined in and validated against the Vendor file.

Numeric, 7 positions; optional.

Select buyer

The buyer associated with the purchase order(s) that were open when the item(s) first became backordered.

Buyer codes are defined in and validated against the Buyer file.

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; optional.

Select item

The item that is on backorder.

Item codes are defined in and validated against the Item file.

Alphanumeric, 12 positions; optional.

Select SKU

The item/SKU that is on backorder. If you enter a SKU code, you must also enter an item code.

SKU codes are defined in and validated against the SKU file.

Alphanumeric, one 14-position field (full SKU) or three 4-position fields (split SKU); optional.

Completing this screen:

1. Optionally, enter any selection criteria in the fields on this screen.

2. Press F9 to generate the report. A message similar to the following indicates: Job 069810/KBOTTGER/BO_FST_RPT submitted to job queue.

3. The job generates the Order Cancellation List by Item based on your selection criteria.

Unsuppress/Delete First Notices Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to:

• delete a group of first backorder notices; see Deleting First Backorder Notices.

• unsuppress a group of first backorder notices; see Suppressing and Unsuppressing First Backorder Notices.

How to display this screen: Press F19 at the Work with Backorder First Notices Screen.

BOR0044 ENTER Unsuppress/Delete First Notices 5/07/07 13:11:27


Generation date range to

Item . . . . . . . .

Sku . . . . . . . .

F3=Exit F9=Accept Unsuppress F11=Delete First Notices F12=Cancel



Generation date range

The date range you wish to use to delete or unsuppress first backorder notices.

• Enter a date range and press F11 to delete all first backorder notices whose backorder date falls within the range.

• Enter a date range and press F9 to unsuppress all first backorder notices whose backorder date falls within the range. The system updates the Suppress field from Y to N.

Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY format); required if the Item field is blank.


The backordered item associated with first backorder notices you wish to delete or unsuppress.

• Enter an item and press F11 to delete all first backorder notices associated with the item.

• Enter a date range and press F9 to unsuppress all first backorder notices associated with the item. The system updates the Suppress field from Y to N.

Alphanumeric, 12 positions; required if the Generate date range fields are blank.


The backordered SKU associated with first backorder notices you wish to delete or unsuppress.

• Enter an item/SKU and press F11 to delete all first backorder notices associated with the item/SKU.

• Enter a date range and press F9 to unsuppress all first backorder notices associated with the item/SKU. The system updates the Suppress field from Y to N.

Alphanumeric, one 14-position field or three 4-position fields; optional.

Completing this screen:

1. Use the Generation date range and Item/SKU fields to specify which first backorder notices you wish to delete or unsuppress.You must enter either a generation date range or an item.

2. To delete first backorder notices that meet the criteria you specified, press F11.

3. To unsuppress first backorder notices that meet the criteria you specified, press F9.

If you delete first notices, no additional backorder notices will be generated for these order lines.

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