Order Cancellation List by Item

When printing this report from Work with Backorders Pending Cancellation (WBPC): This report lists each order flagged for backorder cancellation that is associated with the specified vendor, buyer, or item. If you did not specify a vendor, buyer, or item, each item flagged for cancellation due to backorder (Type B in the Backorder Cancellation Pending file) will appear on this report.

When printing this report from Work with Backorders First Notice (WBFN): This report lists each order flagged for first backorder notice that is associated with the specified vendor, buyer, or item. If you did not specify a vendor, buyer, or item, each item flagged for first backorder notice (Type F in the Backorder Cancellation Pending file) will appear on this report.

How to print:

• In Working with Backorders Pending Cancellation (WBPC), press F9 at the Select Items for B/O Cancellation Report Screen or press F18 at the Work with Backorders Pending Cancellation Screen.

• In Working with Backorder First Notices (WBFN), press F18 at the Work with Backorder First Notices Screen.

Note: This report does not include orders that would be eligible for cancellation due to backorder, but are flagged for cancellation due to credit card decline. See Chapter 78: Working with Credit Card Cancellations (WCCC), for more information.

CWDirect Technical Class Order Cancellation List by Item ELISE_K BOR0024 7/28/97 8:43:39 Page 1

EZK Mail Order

Vendor Item SKU Description Qty Total $ Cancel Date Order # Cust #

Buyer EZB

12 BU001 CHOC LRGE CHOCOLATE EASTER BUNNY 1 12.00 7/26/97 3796 295

WHIT MEDM 1 10.00 7/26/97 3793 483

WHIT MEDM 1 9.00 7/29/97 3802 105

WHIT MEDM 1 10.00 7/29/97 3803 224

Item Totals 4 41.00

Buyer HEB

12 DA234 BOOK: ALL ABOUT DACHSHUNDS 1 15.00 7/29/97 3801 311

1 9.00 7/29/97 3802 193

1 10.00 7/29/97 3803 421

1 11.00 7/29/97 3804 278

Item Totals 4 45.00

Grand totals 8 86.00


• Vendor number

• Buyer code

• Item code

• SKU code, if applicable

• Item description

• Backordered quantity on the order line

• Cancellation date (Note: The cancellation date is blank when generating this report from Working with Backorder First Notices (WBFN))

• Extended price

• Order number

• Sold-to customer number

• Total quantity and dollar for each item

• Grand totals, quantity and dollar

CS12_06r CWDirect 18.0 August 2015 OTN