Chapter 64: Work with Order Screen

Purpose: You use this screen in both order entry and order maintenance.The updates you can perform in order maintenance, including any conditions or restrictions, are described in Field Updates. See Order Entry Chapter 4: Entering Orders Using Header Format for field descriptions.

Note: Header/detail format is not available for Order Maintenance.

How to display this screen: Select an order through the Order Maintenance Selection Screen or a subsequent scan screen, or press F7 at the Order Inquiry Header Screen or Order Inquiry Detail Screen.

OER0332 ENTER Work with Order 8/17/02 11:05:09

Maintain EZK Mail Order

Hold reason

Order#: 6141 - 1 Order date: 81402 Calc freight Y

Sold To 317 Recip sts: Open Type P PHONE ORDERS

Attention Mail N Rent Y Order sts: Open


Company . COMMERCIALWARE M/F 2 A/R BAL: 19.11

Street . 24 PRIME PARK WAY Apt APT 3R

Postal Code 01760 City NATICK St MA Country USA

Delivery R (B,R) Day 55555555555555 Ext 5555 FAX Ext

E-mail OptIn O2 Class 10


Source . . . SOURCE Salesrep# . . Ship via . . . . 2

Gift . . . . N (Y,N) Priority . . . . . Warehouse . . .

Associate . . N (Y/N) Discount % . . 10.00 Est frt .

Auto can B/O N (Y,N) Cancel date . Arrival date 11702

Tax code . . T (E,G,...) Rsl/Ex# PO#

Merch Frt Frt+ Tax Hnd Chg Total

18.00 10.00 2.80 30.80

F2=Sold To/Recip F6=Bill To F7=Cust Ship To F8=Work w/detail F9=Accept

F10=Options F11=Reject F14=Order Ship To F15=Payments F24=More keys

Field Updates

This table identifies the fields on the Work with Order screen that you can change, and discusses the conditions and restrictions for updating these fields, if any.

Field Update


Condition or Restriction

Hold reason

The system places the entire order on hold and prohibits pick slips from being printed when you enter a user-defined hold code.

Authority to Release an Order from Hold

You can set authority to release an order from hold at the user or user class level. This can be a blanket authority for all order hold reasons, or can be specific to individual reason codes. See Chapter 4: Establishing Order Hold Reason Codes (WOHR).

You cannot set authority on placing on order on hold, only releasing.

Calc freight

The system suppresses all freight charges for new items (including freight and additional freight) when you change the value in this field to an N. If service charges by ship via would normally apply, the system suppresses these as well.

Freight for New Items

The system does not calculate freight for new items you add to the order when this field is set to N; the system charges the customer any freight previously calculated for existing order detail lines if using a line-level freight method.

Freight Default

The Recalculate Freight Default (F62) system control value controls the default setting of this field.


The system prints/does not print an attention line on the pick slip when you enter or delete a name in this field.

CWCollaborate Interface

If you change this field for a sold to or ship to address on an order which includes an open drop ship PO line processed through the CWCollaborate Interface, CWDirect sends a file of updated address information to CWCollaborate.


The system updates the Sold-to Customer record automatically when you change this value. A value of N indicates that the customer does not want to receive catalog mailings; use this to exclude this customer from any house lists you generate.



The system updates the Sold-to Customer record automatically when you change this value. A value of N indicates that the customer does not want you to sell his or her name to other companies for their mailing lists; use this to exclude this customer from any house lists you generate.


Name and Address

The system updates the Sold-to Customer record automatically when you change any customer address information, including: the prefix or suffix, first, middle, or last name, company name, street address, postal code, city, state, country, delivery code, day or third (fax or mobile) phone number.

The system revises the Sold-to customer's match code based on the changes to the name and address.

Sold To/Bill To Link

A pop-up window displays when the Sold-to customer is linked to a permanent Bill-to account. The window allows you to apply the changes made to the Sold-to address to the Bill-to address as well. See Updating a Bill-to Address with Sold-to Address Changes.

VAT and Tax-Inclusive Pricing

If changing the shipping address on the order affects whether the order is subject to VAT and tax-inclusive pricing, the system will reprice any open lines based on this change. For example, if you have set up an offer price for an item of $1.00, and a tax-inclusive offer price of $1.50, this item will be repriced from $1.00 to $1.50 if you change the shipping address from a VAT-exempt state to a non-VAT-exempt state.

This repricing does not take place automatically for any line with a price override reason code, including incentive items, promotional items., etc. See Chapter 13: Setting Up Order Entry Values in the Installation guide for more information on VAT and tax-inclusive pricing.



CWCollaborate Interface

If you change these fields in a sold to or ship to address for an order which includes an open drop ship PO line processed through the CWCollaborate Interface, CWDirect sends a file of updated address information to CWCollaborate.

Restrict Name and Address Change

If the Restrict Change Ship To Address (AC) maintenance restriction for the order type on the order is selected, the following fields are display-only:

• Name (prefix, first name, middle initial, last name, suffix)

• Company

• Street address

• Apartment

• Postal code

• City

• State

• Country code

• Delivery flag


The system updates the Sold-to Customer record automatically when you change this value. A value of M indicates that the customer is male; a value of F indicates that the customer is female.



The system uses a different rate table to calculate shipping charges if U.P.S. is the shipper when you change this value to/from a B (business) or R (residence). A third value, N (no distinction) is valid only for shippers other than U.P.S.

The system updates the Sold-to Customer record automatically when you change this value.


The value in the Delivery field applies only to shippers that use rate tables to calculate shipping charges, such as UPS.

UPS Shipper

You cannot change this value to N if U.P.S. is the shipper. (The system identifies the shipper as U.P.S. if the Type field in the Ship Via file is set to N. See Working with Ship Via Codes (WVIA) for more information.)

Restrict Name and Address Change

If the Restrict Change Ship To Address (AC) maintenance restriction for the order type on the order is selected, the following fields are display-only:

• Name (prefix, first name, middle initial, last name, suffix)

• Company

• Street address

• Apartment

• Postal code

• City

• State

• Country code

• Delivery flag

Phone numbers

The system updates the Sold-to Customer record automatically when you change these values.

Require Phone Number?

You cannot delete both phone numbers if the Require Phone Number in Order Entry/Order Maintenance (H01) system control value is set to Y.

CWCollaborate Interface

If you change the Day or Primary phone field for a sold to or ship to address on an order which includes an open drop ship PO line processed through the CWCollaborate Interface, CWDirect sends a file of updated address information to CWCollaborate.

Email address

See Email Address Updates through Order Maintenance.


Customer class

The system updates the Sold-to Customer record automatically when you change this value.


The Require Customer Class in OE, WCAT, and WCST (H85) system control value defines whether this field is required.


The Maintenance of Customer Class Field (B07) secured feature defines whether you can enter or maintain the customer class field at this screen.

Note: If the Require Customer Class in OE, WCAT, and WCST (H85) is set to Y and the customer does not have a customer class code assigned, a user who does not have authority based on the Maintenance of Customer Class Field (B07) secured feature will not be able to maintain the order.


The system deletes the dollars and number of units posted to the original source code and posts this information to the new source code.


You cannot change the source code if any shipments have been made on the order.


The source code override at the order header level must use the same freight and pricing methods.

Detail Level Source Code

The system does not update the source code at the detail line level when you update the source code on the order header.


The system updates sales reports based on your entry of a different sales representative number.

New items are booked to the new sales representative number.


The Change Salesrep # In Order Maintenance (B17) secured feature controls whether you can change the value in the Salesrep # field on the Work with Order Screen in Order Maintenance.

Ship via

All open (unshipped) items ship by the new shipper.

A pop-up window displays confirming whether you want to recalculate freight charges for the order.

Note: If you change to an express bill Ship via, you must manually authorize active credit card pay methods.

All open (unshipped) items ship by the new shipper.

Ship Via Override

The shipper update on the order header screen affects all items except those with a ship via override.

If item ship via overrides exist, the system verifies that the new shipper is eligible to ship the open items remaining on the order. If the new shipper is not eligible to ship an item on the order, the Ship Via Overrides for Item Window displays, requiring you to select a valid shipper for that item. See Working with Item Ship Via Overrides for more information on defining item ship via overrides.

Changing to an Express Bill Shipper

You cannot change the ship via to an express bill shipper if any order lines are reserved, or if there is a printed drop ship item.

Restrict Ship Via Change

You cannot change the ship via in order maintenance if the Restrict Change Ship Via (SV) maintenance restriction for the order type on the order is selected.


When you enter a Y in this field, you are prompted to enter the shipping address of the gift recipient.

The system suppresses prices on the pick slip for open (unshipped) items, suppresses the SmartLabel if you are using SmartLabel returns processing, and prints a Gift Acknowledgment Card for the Sold-to customer when the gift order ships.

Print on Pick Slip?

The prices for all open (unshipped) items do not print on the pick slip if this field contains a Y.


Entry of a different reservation priority changes the priority of open (unshipped) items on this order for backorder or order reservation.

All open (unshipped) items are assigned this reservation priority.

The reservation priority is used only by the Batch Reservation or Evaluate Backorders programs and does not affect the Immediate Reservation program.


If Immediate Reservation (A64) in the System Control file is set to Y, new items on the order will ship from this warehouse.

If Immediate Reservation (A64) is set to N, all open (unshipped) items will ship from this warehouse.

Immediate Reservation?

Only new items are assigned to this warehouse when using Immediate Reservation.

Batch Reservation?

Only open (unshipped) items are assigned to this warehouse when using Batch Reservation.

Detail Level Warehouse

The system does not update the warehouse at the detail line level when you update the warehouse on the order.


Updating to this field controls whether the customer is eligible for associate (member) pricing discounts on new items on the order.

The system updates the Sold-to Customer record automatically when you change this value.

If you change this value to Y, only new items are eligible for associate pricing.


The Change Associate Customer Flag (B10) secured feature controls whether you can change the value in this field; if you prohibit access to this feature, the system displays an error message if you try to change the value: Not authorized to change Associate Customer.

Discount %

Entering a discount percentage instructs the system to apply a merchandise discount against discountable items that you add to the order. The discount is not applied to existing items.

Only new items are eligible for the discount percentage.

Restrict Discount % Change

You cannot update the discount percentage if the Restrict Change Discount % (DI) maintenance restriction for the order type on the order is selected.

Est frt

You can enter an estimated freight charge for inquiry purposes only if you change the source code to one that uses the Actual (A) freight method.


Auto can B/O

This value indicates whether the system automatically cancels any backordered items after the first shipment. The system cancels any unshipped lines during Confirmation.

If you type Y in this field, all open (unshipped) items will be canceled.

Cancel date

This is the last date on which the customer will accept receipt of this order. Orders still open on this date are printed on the Order Cancellation list; Customer Service uses this list to contact the customer and, if necessary, cancels the order through Order Maintenance.

If you enter a date in this field, only open (unshipped) items will be affected by the cancel date.

Arrival date

This is the date on which the customer wants to receive this order.

The system updates each open (unshipped) item on the order automatically with the new arrival date.

Tax code

This code controls the taxable status of the order.

The new tax code controls how the system calculates tax only for new item additions to the order.

Changing the Tax Code to Taxable

You cannot change the customer's tax code to taxable (T) from reseller (R) or exempt (E).

Restrict Tax Code Change

You cannot change the tax code in order maintenance if the Restrict Change Tax Code (TA) maintenance restriction for the order type on the order is selected.


The system requires you to enter a reseller or tax exempt certificate number if you update the Tax code field with an reseller (R) or exempt (E).



The system validates that you do not enter a duplicate purchase order number for the same customer if the Verify Duplicate PO Numbers for A/R Orders (D80) field in the System Control file is set to Y.


Screen Option


Work with items on the order

Press F8 to advance to the Work with Order Lines Screen.

Work with payment methods on the order

Press F15 to advance to the Enter Payment Methods Screen.

Add or change a customer ship to for the order

Press F7 to advance to the Change Customer Ship To Screen (Using, Changing, or Excluding a Shipping Address), the Select Customer Ship To Window (Scanning for a Shipping Address), or the Create Customer Ship To Screen, depending on whether a ship-to customer already exists for the sold-to customer or the order.

Work with the bill-to customer for the order

Press F6 to advance to the Select Customer Bill To Window, Create Customer Bill To Screen, or the Change Customer Bill To Screen (Selecting, Changing, or Excluding a Billing Account), depending on whether a bill-to customer already exists for the sold-to customer or the order.

Review or work with order messages

Press F23 to advance to the Work with Order Messages Screen.

Accept or reject your changes to the order

Press F9 to accept your changes to the order, or press F11 to exit the order without saving your changes. See Chapter 62: Introducing Order Maintenance for information on the updates the system performs when you press F9.

Note: The system requires the entry of an order message before you exit Order Maintenance if the Require Order Message Entry (L73) system control value is set to M or B and you do not have authority to the Bypass Order Message Entry Requirement (B22) secured feature. You can enter the order message on the Work with Order Messages Screen.

Accept the changes to the order and add a recipient customer

Press F19 to accept the changes to the order and enter or select a new order recipient. See Adding a Recipient Order.

Restrictions: You cannot add a recipient customer if:

• the Restrict Additional Lines (AL) maintenance restriction for the order type on the order is selected.

• the Restrict Order Recipient (OR) maintenance restriction for the order type on the order is selected.

Note: The system requires the entry of an order message before you exit Order Maintenance if the Require Order Message Entry (L73) system control value is set to M or B and you do not have authority to the Bypass Order Message Entry Requirement (B22) secured feature. You can enter the order message on the Work with Order Messages Screen.

Review or work with an order-level ship-to address

Press F14 to advance to the Change or Create Order Ship to Address Screen.

Alternate between the sold-to customer’s and the recipient’s name and address

Press F2 to clear the current customer’s information from the screen and display the recipient’s information. See Alternating Display of Sold-to/Recipient Addresses.

Cancel the entire order

Press F20 to display the Enter Cancel Reason Window.

Restriction: You cannot cancel the order if the Restrict Cancellations (CA) maintenance restriction for the order type on the order is selected.

Work with or review order-level additional charges

Press F16 to advance to the Change Additional Charges Screen.


• You cannot add a negative additional charge or change an additional charge to a negative amount if the Restrict Negative Addl Charge (NA) maintenance restriction for the order type on the order is selected.

• You cannot add a positive additional charge or change an additional charge to a positive amount if the Restrict Positive Addl Charge (PA) maintenance restriction for the order type on the order is selected.

Work with or review an expanded address

Press F18 to advance to the Expand Name/Address Screen.

Review additional order options

Press F10 to advance to the Display More Options Screen.

Review or work with additional order properties

Press F21 to advance to the Change Additional Charges Screen.

Display a summary of items and order totals

Press F17 to advance to the Display Order Summary Screen.

CS05_03 CWDirect 18.0 August 2015 OTN