Chapter 14: Adding Order Messages

Purpose: Use the Work with Order Messages Screen to add messages to the order for inquiry only or that optionally print on the customer's:

• Invoice only

• Pick slip(s) only

• Invoice and pick slip(s)

• Refund check

• Gift acknowledgments

• custom pick slip or master pick slip

• CWCollaborate packing slip for drop ship orders

The messages you enter on this screen are used for the current order only. It is attached to the order you are entering, but not to any other order for the customer.

Order-level messages: These messages do not apply to specific items on the order. For item-level messages, see the Work with Order Line Messages Screen.

Note: In addition to entering messages in order entry, you can also receive them through the e-commerce interface as part of a new order.

Retail pickup and delivery orders: When the system creates a retail pickup or delivery order, it writes order messages indicating the code for the originating store location and the request ID that identifies the order in Locate, for example:

Originating Store: 10

Locate Request ID: 81919

See Fulfilling Retail Pickup and Delivery Orders in CWDirect for background.

In this chapter:

Require Order Message Entry

Print Restrictions

More Print Flag Information

Work with Order Messages Screen

Require Order Message Entry

The setting of the Require Order Message Entry (L73) system control value determines whether the system requires the entry of an order message before you can exit Order Inquiry/Maintenance. Valid values for this system control value:

B = The system requires the entry of an order message before you exit Order Inquiry or Order Maintenance.

I = The system requires the entry of an order message before you exit Order Inquiry.

M = The system requires the entry of an order message before you exit Order Maintenance.

• blank = The system does not require the entry of an order message before you exit Order Inquiry or Order Maintenance.

Based on the setting of this system control value, if you advance to Order Inquiry/Maintenance and do not enter an order message before trying to exit, the system prevents you from exiting and displays an error message: You must enter an order message before exiting the order.

Before you can exit, you must enter an order message on the Work with Order Messages Screen. You can enter any order message you choose and select any Print code for the message.

If you have authority to the Bypass Order Message Entry Requirement (B22) secured feature the system does not require the entry of an order message before you exit Order Inquiry/Maintenance, regardless of the setting of the Require Order Message Entry (L73) system control value.

Print Restrictions

Enter as many lines as necessary for the order message, but keep in mind that, if you print the message, your messages are limited to the space available on the documents.

Your messages will print only if the print program you use supports them. The CWDirect base pick slip, invoice, and refund check print programs support printing customer messages; however, your unique print programs may not. These print programs are specified in the System Control file. The related system control value names, codes, and base programs are:

SCV Description

Application Area

Base Program

Menu Option to Print


Invoice Print Program (B83)

Accounts Receivable


Printing Invoices (PINV); Order Inquiry

Prints up to three message lines flagged with a B or an I. Messages print on any invoice for the order.

Pick Printing Program (C37)



Working with Pick Slip Generation (WPSG)

Prints up to four message lines flagged with a B or a P. Messages print on any pick slips for the order.

Refund Check Print Program (D23)

Customer Service


Processing Refunds (MREF) and Reprint Refunds Screen (MREP).

Note: Messages are not available through Processing A/R Refunds (MARC)

Prints up to three message lines flagged with a C on the first refund check you print. Lines flagged with an R do not print on the base refund check. After printing, the system changes C flags to Y and R flags to Z. Change the flags back to include the messages on a subsequent refund check.

When you reprint refunds, the messages from the original refund check print.

Gift Order Acknowledgement Print Program (B90)

Customer Service


Working with Pick Slip Generation (WPSG)

Prints up to four message lines flagged with a B or P. Note: The base program does not print message lines flagged with a G.

More Print Flag Information

Changing print flags/deleting message lines: The system does not prevent you from changing the print flag on an existing message line, or deleting message lines at any point; however, simply changing the flag or deleting the line may not produce the result you expect. The reason for this is that the system sometimes determines which message information to print by the position of the message line. For example, if you delete any message lines and then reprint a refund check, the correct messages will not print on the refund check because the system will not find the refund message lines in the expected positions.

To avoid errors, you should use a new line for each new message.

Reprinting refunds/additional refunds: A group of message lines will remain associated with the particular refund check where they are first printed, so that if you need to reprint a refund check the correct messages will appear. If there are additional transactions against the order and you print one or more new refund checks after the first check, each group of message lines will be associated with the check where they first appear.

You enter a prepaid order with an overpayment, and print a refund check with a message explaining the reason. Subsequently, the customer returns an item, and you generate a new refund check with a message related to the return. If at any point you need to reprint the first refund check, the system will include the original message on the reprint.

Reprinting/additional pick slips and invoices: Any eligible message lines will print each time you print or reprint a pick slip or invoice. These message lines are not associated with any particular shipments against an order.

Maximum lines for printing: If you enter more message lines than can print on the refund check, the flags on the unprinted lines will still be changed to a printed status after you print the check. For example, if you enter five lines with a C flag and use the base refund check print program, only three lines will print on the check, yet all five lines will be updated with a Y flag.

Work with Order Messages Screen

How to use this screen: Use Shift/Roll or Page Down to enter or review additional messages, when necessary.

The option to print is available for each line of order messages. For example, if you want each line to print on the invoice and pick slips, you must enter this print code for each order message line. Alternatively, some order messages you enter may be for use by Customer Service; in this case, enter the code that specifies that the message should not print at all.

Enter the order message(s). Notice that these order messages now appear in inquiry mode, meaning that you cannot update them. You must press F8 to update existing order messages.

View order messages in FIFO or LIFO sequence? The word FIFO or LIFO in the top right corner of the screen indicates if you are viewing:

• order messages in FIFO (first in, first out; meaning oldest to newest messages) sequence, or

• order messages in LIFO (last in, last out; meaning newest to oldest messages) sequence

Select View by FIFO/LIFO to toggle between viewing order messages in FIFO sequence or LIFO sequence; when you first advance to the screen, order messages are in FIFO sequence.

The Date of the order message determines the FIFO and LIFO sequence. Within each date, the screen displays the order messages in sequence order.

Example: Order messages in FIFO sequence:

order message sequence 1


order message sequence 2


order message sequence 3


order message sequence 4


Order messages in LIFO sequence:

order message sequence 4


order message sequence 3


order message sequence 1


order message sequence 2


Default messages: Default messages are standard order or gift messages that you enter on orders on a regular basis. Instead of requiring users to retype a standard message on each eligible order, you can have the user select the message from a list of standard messages to default to the order, allowing you to avoid typographical errors that can occur when the message is manually added to the order. When a user selects a default message to add to an order, the message text defined for the default message defaults to the Message field and the print code defined for the default message defaults to the Print field; however, the user can still override the default message text and the print code or add to the default message text. For example, if a user selects to default Happy Birthday!, the user may wish to modify the message line to read Happy Birthday, Mom! Love, Alex and Beth.

To add a default message: Use the following steps to add a default message to the Work with Order Messages screen.

1. At the Work with Order Messages screen, press F4 in a blank Message field to advance to the Select Default Message Text Screen.

2. At the Select Default Message Text Screen, review and select a default message. When you select a default message, the system returns you to the Work with Order Messages screen and:

• defaults the value in the Default text field for the default message to the Messages field.

• defaults the value in the Print code field for the default message to the Print field.

3. Optionally, update the Messages field and/or Print field for the message line.

See Working with Default Messages (WMSG) for more information on default messages.

How to display this screen: Press F23 at the:

Work with Order/Detail Screen

If you Use Workflow Management (H96):

• enter 8 next to a tickler at the Work with Tickler Screen (user/group view) or Workflow Management Screen (tickler supervisor)

• press Enter at the Create Tickler Screen

• press F8 at the Change Tickler Screen or Display Tickler Screen

OER0170 CHANGE Work with Order Messages 11/26/02 14:25:52

Display KAB Co. FIFO

Order # . . . : 6293 - 1



Messages P User Date

Thank you for your order. Please call me at 508-652-9480 if P KBOTTG 11/24/02

I can be of further assistance. P KBOTTG 11/24/02

We are sorry that your recent order was not satisfactory. C KBOTTG 11/25/02

We hope you will shop with us again soon. C KBOTTG 11/25/02

Please send the customer a $5.00 coupon for her next order. R KBOTTG 11/26/02

F3=Exit F7=View By LIFO F8=Add/Change F12=Cancel



Order #

A unique number assigned by the system to identify an order.

Numeric, 8 positions; display-only, assigned by the system.

Sold to (Sold-to customer number)

A number assigned by the system to identify the customer placing an order.

Numeric, 9 positions; display-only, assigned by the system.

Customer name (Unlabeled field to the right of the customer #)

The last, first, and middle initial of the sold-to customer (the customer who is placing the order). If there is a company name, this information is first, followed by the word ATTN: and the customer contact name.

Last name

The customer's last name.

Alphanumeric, 25 positions; display-only.

First name

The customer's first name.

Alphanumeric, 15 positions; display-only.


The initial of the customer's middle name.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; display-only.

Company name

The company name.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; display-only.

Ship-to (Ship-to number)

The sold-to number of the customer to receive shipment of the order, if it is different from the sold-to customer. This number is blank if the order is shipped to the sold-to customer.

Numeric, 9 positions; display-only, updated by the system.

Customer name (Unlabeled field to the right of the Ship-to)

The last, first, and middle initial of the ship-to customer (the customer to receive the order). If there is a company name, only this information appears.

Last name

The customer's last name.

Alphanumeric, 25 positions; display-only.

First name

The customer's first name.

Alphanumeric, 15 positions; display-only.


The initial of the customer's middle name.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; display-only.

Company name

The company name.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; display-only.


Fields for you to enter lines of messages for this order. These messages are attached to the current order only, and do not update the customer record in any way.

You can print any of these messages by entering different codes in the Print field; however, you can also enter non-printing order messages for inquiry only. The customer does not see these messages.

Each order message line is treated as a separate message on the system. Therefore, you can specify different printing options for each order message line.

Press F4in a blank Message field to advance to the Select Default Message Text Screen, where you can review and select a default message to default message text and its associated print code to the Message field and Print field.

The screen displays an error message if you press F4 in a Message field that already contains a message: Message must be cleared before the new text can be defaulted.

Default messages are defined in and validated against the Default Message file.

Alphanumeric, 60 positions each line.


The code you enter in this field determines whether the order message line prints or is available for internal use only.

Valid values are:

B = Print on both invoice and pick slip

C = Print on refund check only

G = Gift message (can also be included in the Detailed Order XML Response (CWORDEROUT))

I = Print on invoice only

N or blank = Do not print

P = Print on pick slip only

R = Print on detachable area of refund check not visible to the customer

U = Print on the document defined by the user, such as a custom pick slip. If there is no user-defined document, the message does not print anywhere in CWDirect.

Y = Message has printed on refund check

Z = Message has printed on detachable area of refund check not visible to the customer

You must enter a print flag for each order message line to define how the system will handle the message, whether it will print it, and where it will print it.

See Print Restrictions.

Note: When you select a default message, its associated print code defaults to the Print field.

Alphanumeric; one position, optional.


The user ID of the person who entered the message.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; display-only.


The date when the message was created.

Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY format); display-only.

When you complete this screen: Press Enter when you finish entering, reviewing or deleting order messages. These order messages are attached to the current order only.

Screen Option


Default message text to the Message field

Press F4 to advance to the Select Default Message Text Screen.

Toggle between displaying order messages in FIFO (first in, first out; meaning oldest to newest message) or LIFO (last in, first out; meaning newest to oldest message)

Press F7. The word FIFO or LIFO displays in the top right corner of the screen, depending on which message order you are viewing.

Switch between having previously entered messages enterable or display-only

Press F8.

OE01_14 CWDirect 18.0 August 2015 OTN