Chapter 15: Adding Miscellaneous Charges or Credits

Purpose: Use the Enter Additional Charges Window to add a miscellaneous charge or credit to an order.

In this chapter:

About Default Charges

Error Messages

Change Additional Charges Screen

Additional charges are user-defined types of charges that you can add to an order for any reason. You might establish standard additional charge codes for freight fees, special handling charges or rush shipment fees. You might also establish standard credit types of additional charge codes to reimburse the customer for long-distance telephone calls or postage fees.

The additional charges you enter on the Enter Additional Charges Window are order-level additional charges, and are not associated with any particular item. The additional charges you enter for an item (for special handling, gift wrapping, etc.) do not appear at this window.

Additional charge codes are defined in the Additional Charges file. See Customer Service Chapter 3: Establishing Additional Charge Codes (WADC).

Secured feature: Access to the Enter Additional Charges Window is controlled by the Additional Charges Access (A24) secured feature.

Entering a S/H additional charge: In these situations, you might add a special handling additional charge code on the Enter Additional Charges Window:

• The item is ineligible for special handling normally, but you are making an exception,

• You are offsetting a special handling charge with a credit so that the special handling performed on an item is provided at no charge or at a reduced charge,

• The item requires special handling and carries a predefined charge; however, you are adding an additional charge for extra work performed on the item.

When you add a special handling additional charge code to the order at the Enter Additional Charges Window, the Work with Special Handling Screen or Work with Custom Special Handling Screen does not appear for you to define how you want to personalize the item. These screens appear only when you enter a special handling additional charge code in the S/H field for the line (or when the SKU/Offer record contains a special handling code that require a specific type of special handling).

Additionally, when you add a special handling additional charge code on the Enter Additional Charges Window, the special handling code is not associated with a particular order detail line and no special handling instructions print on the pick slip for the item.

Bills when? An additional charge does not bill until the order goes through billing for some reason. If the order is already closed, you might force the additional charge to bill by adding an express-billed item to the order.

Order totals: Additional charges or discounts are added to or subtracted from the order total, but are broken out from the order totals in the Chg field.

Charge or credit? When an additional charge represents a credit use Field Minus or - when you enter the dollar value in the Amount field to identify the additional charge as a credit and back this amount out of the order total.

Entering a Credit: For example, you are crediting a customer for long-distance telephone charges because there was a problem with a previous order.

Use these steps:

1. Enter the appropriate additional charge code.

2. Enter the amount in the Amount field.

3. Press Field- (at a workstation) or - (hyphen key at a PC) to make this a negative value.

4. Press Enter.

Entering a Charge: For example, you are charging a customer to special handle an item that is not typically personalized.

Use these steps:

1. Enter the appropriate additional charge code.

2. Enter the amount in the Amount field.

3. Press Field Exit, then Enter.

Amazon orders: If the order type matches the Amazon Order Type (I22) system control value:

• you cannot enter a positive additional charge

• the system compares the additional charge’s Group with the Additional Charge Group Code for Freight (I29) to determine whether to update the freight or merchandise totals in the Amazon files.

See Amazon Order Feed for an overview.

Maintenance restrictions for order type:

• You cannot add a negative additional charge to the order in order maintenance if the Restrict Negative Addl Charge (NA) restriction for the order type on the order is selected; an error message displays if you try to add a negative additional charge or change an existing additional charge to a negative amount: Order type is restricted from attempted update.

• You cannot add a positive additional charge to the order in order maintenance if the Restrict Positive Addl Charge (PA) restriction for the order type on the order is selected; an error message displays if you try to add a positive additional charge or change an existing additional charge to a positive amount: Order type is restricted from attempted update.

About Default Charges

You can use the Restrict Additional Charge Amount if Default Charge (F43) system control value and the Enter Amount for Order Additional Charge Code (A80) secured feature to control which operators can add additional charges to an order.

These fields affect only:

• the Enter Additional Charges Window, available by pressing F16 in order entry, order maintenance, and the streamlined version of Work with Return Authorizations (see Customer Service Chapter 87: Introducing Return Authorizations); and,

• the Change Additional Charges Screen, available by entering 2 next to an additional charge code at the Enter Additional Charges Window.

These two values work in combination:


Restrict Additional Charge Amount if Default Charge (F43) system control value is set to Y

Restrict Additional Charge Amount if Default Charge (F43) system control value is set to N or is blank

Enter Amount for Order Additional Charge Code (A80) authority is set to *ALLOW

The Amount field at the Enter Additional Charges Window is enterable only if there is not a Default charge amount for the additional charge code.

If the additional charge code has a default amount specified, this amount defaults and you must use the Change Additional Charges Screen to override it.

The Amount field at the Change Additional Charges screen is always enterable.

The Amount field is always enterable at the Enter Additional Charges Window or at the Change Additional Charges Screen.

If you enter just the additional charge code for a code that has a default amount specified, this amount defaults. However, if you enter the additional charge code but enter an override amount, the override amount is added to the order.

Enter Amount for Order Additional Charge Code (A80) authority is set to *EXCLUDE

The Amount field is never enterable at the Enter Additional Charges Window or at the Change Additional Charges Screen.

Error Messages

This table describes the error messages that may display when you enter an additional charge, and their reasons:

Error Message

Displays when?

Description/More Information

Not authorized to access additional charges.

you press F16 to display the Enter Additional Charges Window

You do not have authority to work with additional charges. The Additional Charges Access (A24) secured feature controls this authority.

Negative additional charge exceeds the limit for this order.

you enter a negative additional charge

You have attempted to add a negative additional charge that would bring the total negative additional charges on the order over the limit specified in the Negative Additional Charge Limit (E49) system control value, and if you do not have authority to exceed this limit. This authority is controlled by the Override Negative Additional Charge Limit (A60) secured feature, and applies to miscellaneous additional charges only.

Note: Negative additional charges that are added by the system are not included in the negative additional charge total; also, the total is not decreased by positive additional charges.

Charge amt is restricted because there is a default defined.

you enter a charge code and an amount

This message displays if:

the Restrict Additional Charge Amount if Default Charge (F43) system control value is set to Y, and

you have authority to enter an amount under the Enter Amount for Order Additional Charge Code (A80) secured feature (otherwise the Amount field would not have been enterable; see About Default Charges)

Order type in restricted from attemted update.

the order type on the order restricts you from entering an additional charge in order maintenance

This message displays when you:

• add a negative additional charge to the order or change an existing additional charge on the order to a negative amount in order maintenance if the Restrict Negative Addl Charge (NA) restriction for the order type on the order is selected.

• add a positive additional charge to the order or change an existing additional charge on the order to a positive amount in order maintenance if the Restrict Positive Addl Charge (PA) restriction for the order type on the order is selected.

Enter Additional Charges Window

How to display this screen: Press F16 at the Work with Order Screen, Work with Order Lines Screen (Adding Items to the Order), or Work with Order/Detail Screen in Order Entry.

Enter Additional Charges

Order # : 5658 - 1



Opt Chg Code Amount Description Billed


2=Change 4=Delete


F3=Exit F10=AC override F12=Cancel



Order #

A number assigned by the system to identify an order.

Numeric, 8 positions; display-only, assigned by the system.

Ship-to number (Unlabeled field to the right of the order number)

A number to identify the shipping address on the order

Numeric, 3 positions; display-only, assigned by the system.

Sold-to (Sold-to customer number)

A number to identify the customer.

Numeric, 9 positions; display-only, assigned by the system.

Customer name (Unlabeled field to the right of the sold-to number)

The customer's last name, first name, and initial.

Alphanumeric, 41 positions; display-only.

Add’l chg code (Additional charge code)

A code for a type of charge or credit applied to the order.

Additional charge codes are defined in and validated against the Additional Charge file. See Customer Service Chapter 3: Establishing Additional Charge Codes (WADC).

Special Handling Additional Charge Codes

You can further define additional charge codes as special handling codes by entering a value in the S/H fmt field when you are setting up the additional charge code. Special handling refers to any type of item personalization you offer, such as engraving, monogramming, alterations, etc.

Additional Charge Fees

You can define additional charge codes for any reason, such as freight fees (such as shipments to Alaska and Hawaii), postage, guaranteed delivery (shipment guaranteed within 24 hours...), gift wrapping oversized items, and store restocking fees, for example.

Additional Charge Credits

You can define additional charge codes for any reason to credit the customer's order, such as long-distance telephone charges, no charge for freight, etc.

Use Field Minus in the Amount field to enter a negative dollar amount and credit the customer.

You can limit the total amount of negative additional charges applied to an order by entering a dollar value in the Negative Additional Charge Limit (E49) field in the System Control file. See Error Messages.

Alphanumeric, 2 positions; required.


The dollar amount of the charge or credit. Press Field Minus after the dollar amount to enter the amount as a credit.

Default charge amount

If you have set up a default charge amount for the additional charge code, this amount will default.

Is this field enterable?

This field will not be enterable if:

• the Restrict Additional Charge Amount if Default Charge (F43) system control value is set to Y (regardless of your authority level) and there is a default charge specified for the code you entered, or

• you do not have the authority to enter an amount.


Do you have authority to enter an amount?

Authority to enter a charge amount is based on the Enter Amount for Order Additional Charge Code (A80) secured feature.

If yes: You can change the charge amount by entering 2 next to the additional charge code once you have added it and entering a different amount at the Change Additional Charges Screen.

If no: You will be able to enter additional charge codes only if they have default charge amounts defined.

See About Default Charges.

Alternate currency pricing

You can enter the additional charge amount in the alternate currency by pressing F10 if the order is associated with an alternate currency; see Using Alternate Currency Pricing.

Amazon orders: If the order type matches the Amazon Order Type (I22) system control value, you cannot enter a positive additional charge. See Amazon Order Feed for an overview.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; required or display-only.


The description of the additional charge code.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; display-only.


This value indicates whether the customer has been billed for the additional charge.

Valid values are:

Y =Customer has been billed for the additional charge.

N =Customer has not been billed for the additional charge.

If the charge has been billed, you cannot change or delete the additional charge.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; display-only, updated by the system during Billing.

Screen Option


Enter an additional charge

Complete the additional charge code field and, depending on your settings and authority, the amount, and press Enter.

Change an additional charge

Enter 2 next to an additional charge. See Change Additional Charges Screen.

Delete an additional charge

Enter 4 next to an additional charge to display the confirm delete pop-up window.

Note: You can delete an additional charge only if it has not already been billed.

Enter the additional charge amount in the alternate currency

Press F10 to advance to the Alternate Currency Override window if you use alternate currency pricing (the Use Alternate Currency Pricing (H89) system control value is set to Y). At this window you can enter the additional charge amount in the alternate currency.

An error message displays if you press F10 and the order is not associated with an alternate currency (the offer associated with the source code on the order header is in the local currency): Alternate Currency Prompt not valid.

See Customer Service Chapter 12: Using Alternate Currency Pricing.

Change Additional Charges Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to change an additional charge code or the amount of the charge.

If the Restrict Additional Charge Amount if Default Charge (F43) system control value is set to Y, you will need to use this screen to override any default charge; however, you will be able to do so only if you have the proper authority based on the Enter Amount for Order Additional Charge Code (A80) secured feature. If you do not have the authority to change the amount, you will need to change the charge code itself, or delete the code and add a different one.

How to display this screen: Enter 2 next to an additional code at the Enter Additional Charges Window.

If the additional charge has already been billed, each field on this screen will be display-only.

OER0956 ENTER Change Additional Charges 4/08/02 11:34:57

Order # : 5658 - 1



Amount : . . . . 5.50

Billed : . . . : N

F3=Exit F10=AC override F12=Cancel




A number assigned by the system to identify an order.

Numeric, 8 positions; display-only, assigned by the system.

Ship-to number (Unlabeled field to the right of the order number)

A number to identify the shipping address on the order

Numeric, 3 positions; display-only, assigned by the system.

Sold-to (Sold-to customer number)

A number to identify the customer.

Numeric, 9 positions; display-only, assigned by the system.

Customer name (Unlabeled field to the right of the sold-to number)

The customer's last name, first name, and initial.

Alphanumeric, 41 positions; display-only.

Add’l chg code (Additional charge code)

The additional charge code you selected at the Enter Additional Charges Window. You can change the code only if you have the proper authority and if the charge has not been billed. To change, enter a new additional charge code.

If the Restrict Additional Charge Amount if Default Charge (F43) system control value is set to Y, and if you do not have the proper authority based on the Enter Amount for Order Additional Charge Code (A80) secured feature, you will not be able to enter an additional charge code that does not have a default amount specified; instead, a message will display:


Must use an Additional charge with a default.


Changing the additional charge code itself does not automatically change the charge amount.

Alphanumeric, 2 positions; required, or display-only if the additional charge has already been billed.


The description of the additional charge code.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; display-only.


The dollar amount of the charge or credit. Press Field Minus after the dollar amount to enter the amount as a credit.

Default charge amount

If you have set up a default charge amount for the additional charge code, this amount will default after you Field Exit through the Amount field and press Enter.

Is this field enterable?

This field will not be enterable if

• you do not have the authority to enter an amount, or

• the additional charge has already been billed.


Do you have authority to enter an amount?

Authority to enter a charge amount is based on the Enter Amount for Order Additional Charge Code (A80) secured feature.

If yes: You can change the charge amount by typing the new amount and pressing Field Exit (or Field Minus to enter a negative amount or credit) and pressing Enter.

If no: At this screen, you will be able to change the additional charge code only, and only to an additional charge that has a default amount specified.

See About Default Charges.

Alternate currency pricing

You can enter or review the additional charge amount in the alternate currency by pressing F10 if the order is associated with an alternate currency; see Using Alternate Currency Pricing.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; required or display-only.


This value indicates whether the customer has been billed for the additional charge.

Valid values are:

Y =Customer has been billed for the additional charge.

N =Customer has not been billed for the additional charge.

If the charge has been billed, you cannot change the amount or delete the additional charge.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; display-only, updated by the system during Billing.

Screen Option


Enter or review the additional charge amount in the alternate currency

Press F10 to advance to the Alternate Currency Override window if you use alternate currency pricing (the Use Alternate Currency Pricing (H89) system control value is set to Y). At this window you can enter or review the additional charge amount in the alternate currency.

An error message displays if you press F10 and the order is not associated with an alternate currency (the offer associated with the source code on the order header is in the local currency): Alternate Currency Prompt not valid.

See Customer Service Chapter 12: Using Alternate Currency Pricing.

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