Chapter 9: A/R Printing Functions

Purpose: The Accounts Receivable printing function allows you to print:

• customer bill-to account invoices

• an invoice for any form of payment

• customer bill-to account statement

• daily and monthly cash receipt journals

In this chapter:

Printing Invoices (PINV)

A/R Invoice

Printing Statements (PSTS)

A/R Statement

Printing the Cash Receipts Journal (PCRJ)

Daily Cash Receipts Journal

Monthly Cash Receipts Journal

For more information: See also:

Chapter 11: Printing the A/R Aging Summary Reports (MPAR)

Chapter 12: Printing the A/R Control Report (PARC)

Chapter 13: Printing the A/R Adjustments Journal (ARAJ)

Chapter 14: Printing the Cash Receipts Sundry Journal (PCRS)

Printing Invoices (PINV)

Purpose: Use the A/R Invoice printing function to print invoices for bill-to accounts with open balances or for all types of payment, if you use the invoice as a packing list or as notice to the customer that the credit card has been charged. The Include All Payment Types on Printed Invoice (D28) system control value must be set to Y to print invoices for all forms of payment; otherwise, invoices print only for orders paid on-account (Accounts Receivable).

The Print Invoices screen allows you to print, reprint, or print all open invoices. You can specify to print invoices by invoice date, invoice number, or for a specific bill-to or sold-to customer. You can also print credit memos, or if your system is set up to do so, you can fax invoices to the customer from this screen.

How to display this screen: Select the Print Invoices option from the menu or enter PINV in the Fast path field.

ACR0052 ENTER Print Invoices 3/23/95 9:32:12

Mail Order Company

Print selection . (U=Unprinted, R=Reprint, A=All)

Fax invoices . . N (Y,N)

Print credit memos N (Y,N)


Invoice date range . to

Invoice # range . . to

Customer bill to . .

Customer sold to . .


F3=Exit F9=Accept F12=Cancel F24=Select company



Print selection

Indicates to print new invoices, reprint existing invoices, or both.

Values for this field are:

U = unprinted. Print invoices for the first time if they have not already been printed.

Note: The system considers invoice numbers that were assigned at pick slip generation to be printed, and does not include them when you select unprinted invoices only. See the Generate Invoice Number at Pick Gen (H80) system control value for a discussion.

R = reprint. Print invoices again.

A = all. Print all eligible invoices within the specified invoice number or date range.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; required.

Fax invoices

Indicates whether to fax the invoices.

Values for this field are:

Y = Fax invoices.

N = Do not fax invoices.

Note: Your system must be equipped with the fax interface to use this function.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; required.

Print credit memos

Indicates whether to print the credit memos.

Values for this field are:

Y = Print credit memos.

N (default)= Do not print credit memos.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; required.

Invoice date range

The invoice dates for which invoices will be printed. The system prints all invoices between these dates.

Each field: Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY format); optional.

Invoice # range

The numbers of the invoices to print. The system prints all invoices within this range of numbers.

Each field: Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY format); optional.

Customer bill to

The billing account for which you want to print invoices.

Numeric, 7 positions; optional.

Customer sold to

The customer for whom you want to print invoices.

Note: You can print invoices for a sold to customer only if the Include All Payment Types on Printed Invoice (D28) field in the System Control file is set to Y and the Invoice Print Program (B83) is ACR0327.

Numeric, 9 positions; optional.

Printing Statements (PSTS)

Purpose: Use the statement printing function to:

• define the information that prints on an A/R Statement

• submit statements for print

Account statements include outstanding invoice amounts and payments. They do not include credit open items or payments on-account.

Depending on the print program you use, the statement can also include up to two message lines.

Related system control values:

Statement format and appearance:

Statement Processing Program (B84) and Statement Print Program (B85): control the print format of the A/R statement. See these system control values for supported print and processing programs.

Print Company Address on Statements (D58): controls whether the company name and address from the Company file print on the statement.

Statement generation logic:

Invoice Age to Start Generating A/R Statement (B86): controls the earliest date to include on the statement.

Invoice Age to Stop Generating A/R Statement (B87): controls the latest date to include on the statement.

Statement Interval (B88): controls the maximum number of days to wait before the bill-to customer is eligible to have another statement generated.

Age by Date Type (C02): controls whether the system checks the open item’s invoice date or due date when determining whether to generate an A/R statement.

For more information: See the Invoice Age to Start Generating A/R Statement (B86) system control value for a discussion of statement generation logic.

Before you print statements: Run the customer bill-to aging periodic function. See Working with Periodic Functions (WPER) for more information.

How to display this screen: Select the Print Statements option from the menu or enter PSTS in the Fast path field.

ACR0054 ENTER Print Statements 3/27/95 11:35:26

Mail Order Company

Print credit statements . . N (Y,N)

Include messages . . . . . N (Y,N)

Fax statements . . . . . . N (Y,N)


Invoice date range . to

Customer bill to . .



F3=Exit F9=Accept F12=Cancel



Print credit statements

Indicates to print statements for bill-to accounts with credit balances.

Values for this field are:

Y = Print credit statements.

N = Do not print credit statements.

Alphanumeric, 1-position; required.

Include messages

This value indicates whether 2 message lines will print on the statements.

Values for this field are:

Y = Print credit statements.

N = Do not print credit statements.

When you enter Y in this field, the system displays the Print Statement Messages pop-up window.

You can enter up to 60 characters of text for each message line.

Alphanumeric, 1-position; required.

Fax statements

Indicates to fax the specified statements to bill-to customers.

Values for this field are:

Y = Fax statements.

N = Do not fax statements.

Your system must be equipped with the fax interface to use this function.

Alphanumeric, 1-position; required.

Invoice date range

Optionally, enter the range of invoice dates to include on the statements, or leave blank to include open items on statements regardless of date range. See the Invoice Age to Start Generating A/R Statement (B86) for a discussion of invoice generation logic.

Each field: Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY format); optional.

Customer bill to

The specific bill-to customer account for which statements will be printed.

Numeric, 7 positions; optional.

Completing this screen:

1. Complete each of the required fields as indicated above. Press Enter.

2. If the Include messages flag is set to Y, you advance to the Print Statement Messages pop-up window. You can enter up to 60 characters of text for each message line.

Print Statement Messages

This statement reflects account activity up to 7/04

Thank you. We appreciate your business

F3=Exit F12=Cancel

3. Press Enter at the Print Statement Messages pop-up window in order to accept your entries.

4. Press F9 to print statements. See the A/R Statement for more information.

Printing the Cash Receipts Journal (PCRJ)

Purpose: Use the Print Cash Receipts Journal screen to specify the daily or monthly cash receipt journals for print.

Daily: Use the Daily Cash Receipts Journal to list all transactions posted through Cash Receipts for the specified date.

Monthly: Use the Monthly Cash Receipts Journal to obtain a list of all cash receipt transactions posted to cash, A/R, Deferred Liability, A/R credit card, and sundry for the accounting period that corresponds to the month specified.

How to display this screen: Select the Print Cash Receipts Journal option from the menu or enter PCRJ in the Fast path field.

ACR0141 ENTER Print Cash Receipts Journal 3/27/95 16:17:33

Mail Order Company

Receipt date . 32795

Type of Journal D (D=Daily, M=Monthly)



F3=Exit F12=Cancel F24=Select Company



Receipt date

The date for which you are printing a Daily Cash Receipts Journal or a date within the accounting period for which you are printing a Monthly Cash Receipts Journal.

Numeric, 6-positions; required.

Type of journal

This code indicates whether you are printing a daily or monthly cash receipts journal.

Valid values are:

D = daily. Print a daily cash receipts journal.

M = monthly. Print a monthly cash receipts journal.

The monthly journal that prints depends on the accounting period that corresponds to the date entered in the Receipt date field (above).

Alphanumeric, 1 position; required.

Sample reports:

Daily Cash Receipts Journal

Monthly Cash Receipts Journal

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