Part D: Printing and Archiving

Chapters in Part D: The following chapters describe the functions you use to print various reports and journals.

Chapter 9: A/R Printing Functions presents the options you use to print invoices, statements, and daily and monthly cash receipt journals to manage your Accounts Receivable.

Chapter 10: Purging (MOIP) and Resetting (TARO) describes two "housekeeping" functions to remove or adjust Accounts Receivable data.

Chapter 11: Printing the A/R Aging Summary Reports (MPAR) presents the options of printing the following A/R reports: A/R Aging Summary, Summary Aging Report and Detail Aging Report.

Chapter 12: Printing the A/R Control Report (PARC) compares the staring balance of A/R to the ending balance of A/R by viewing each A/R category and the total.

Chapter 13: Printing the A/R Adjustments Journal (ARAJ) provides a view of detailed audit trails of A/R Adjustment transactions entered in Cash Receipts.

Chapter 13: Printing the A/R Adjustments Journal (ARAJ) provides a view of a detail listing by the general ledger account number of sundry cash transactions.

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