Chapter 10: Purging (MOIP) and Resetting (TARO)

Purpose: The purge and reset functions enable you to remove or adjust A/R information at any time.

Purge function: removes A/R items that have been closed for a pre-defined period of time, and stores this information in the specified archive library.

Reset function: updates the bill-to account balance for a specific account or all of the bill-to accounts on your system.

In this chapter:

Purging Open Items (MOIP)

Resetting Open A/R (TARO)

Purging Open Items (MOIP)

Purpose: Use this screen to remove eligible closed A/R items from the system and store purged data in the designated archive library.

The Open Item Purge Days (C10) system control value defines the number of days after an open item is closed that it is eligible to be purged.

How to display this screen: Enter MOIP in the Fast path field or select Open Item Purge from a menu.

ACR0086 ENTER A/R Open Item Purge 12/15/99 7:43:57

Mail Order Company

Archive information . (Y,N)

F3=Exit F9=Accept F12=Cancel F22=User defined option F24=Select company

Archiving purged information: At this screen, you indicate if data purged during this process is stored in the library specified in the Archive Library (C11) field in the System Control file.

When you perform a purge, the system copies the data to this library before it purges the data from the file. You should keep a tape backup of this library.



Archive information

This value indicates whether purged information is stored in the archive library.

Valid values:

Y = Yes. Store purged information.

N = No. Do not store purged information.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; required.

To purge: Follow these instructions to purge eligible A/R items.

1. Enter Y in the Archive information field if you want to store purged data; otherwise, enter N.

2. Press F9 to purge all eligible A/R items. A message appears confirming the submitted job.

Resetting Open A/R (TARO)

Purpose: Use this screen to update inaccurate open A/R balances for a specific customer bill-to account or all the bill-to accounts in your system.

This function reads through all open A/R balances on the system and updates the customer's total A/R balance appropriately.

Note: Use this option only on an exception basis, such as when A/R accounts have been converted or you know there is a problem with the balances.

How to display this screen: Enter TARO in the Fast path field or select Reset A/R Balance for Customers from a menu.

ACR0215 ENTER Test Reset Open A/R 12/15/99 7:42:55

Mail Order company

Customer bill to .

All Bill Tos will be reset if one is not specified.

F3=Exit F9=Accept F12=Cancel



Customer bill to

The bill-to customer number for which account balances will be reset. If you leave this field blank, the system will reset all bill-to account balances.

Numeric, 7 positions; optional.

When you press F9, the system resets the specified bill-to account balances or all the bill-to account balances in the system.

AR04_02 CWDirect 18.0 August 2015 OTN