Chapter 24: Working with an Order-Level Email Address

Purpose: The system stores an email address for each order you create. The order-level email address is separate from the email addresses maintained for the customer sold to, individual customer, permanent ship-to customer, or other email addresses in the system.

Important: Membership orders (created through Generating Membership Orders (EGMO)) and B2B orders (created through Entering B2B Orders) do not have order-level email addresses. Also, tickler notification reports (see Working with Tickler Events (WTEV)) list the customer’s primary email address, not an order-level email address.

In this chapter:

Email Address Updates through Interactive Order Entry

Email Address Updates through the Phone Order Load

Email Address Updates through E-Commerce Orders

Email Address Updates through the Generic Order Interface

Email Address Updates through Order Maintenance

Email Address Updates Summary

Email Address Updates through Interactive Order Entry

How the order-level email address defaults: The system uses the following hierarchy to default the order-level Email address in order entry:

• If there is an individual placer on the order with an email address, and the Default Individual Email Address (J17) system control value is set to Y, use that email address; otherwise,

• If the customer sold-to has a primary email address, use that email address; otherwise,

• No order-level email address defaults in order entry.

You can accept the default, enter a different email address, or clear the email address.

Note: If you clear the email address and the Suppress Email Address Search (J09) system control value is set to Y, the system does not generate order--related emails for the order. See that system control value for more information.

Accepting the order-level email address: When you press Enter, the system:

• saves the Email address as the order-level email address

• if the customer sold-to does not already have a primary email address, saves the Email address as the primary email address; the Opt-in/opt-out value specified at the order entry screen defaults to the Opt-in/opt-out setting for the customer

• if the Email address does not already exist in the Customer Sold To Email Address file, saves the email address and the Opt-in/opt-out setting as an additional email address for the customer, but does not change the customer’s primary email address

The system does not update the individual email address or opt-in/out setting based on your entry; instead, if the individual’s email address defaulted, this email address is now added to the Customer Sold To Email Address file for the sold-to customer, along with the specified opt-in/out value. If you cleared the email address in order entry, the system does not update the Customer Sold To Email Address file or the sold-to customer; it simply does not store an email address at the order level.

Changing the primary email address: To change the sold-to customer’s primary email address, place the cursor in the Email address field and press F4 to display the Select Customer Email Address Screen. At this screen, you can flag an email address as the primary or delete an outdated email address. You can also advance to this screen by prompting on the Email field at the Expand Name/Address Screen.

Note: Youc cannot prompt on the Order email address field if the Default Individual Email Address (J17) system control value is set to N and an individual placer exists on the order.

Updating the opt-in/out setting: Unlike the email address, the opt-in/out setting is not stored on the order. When you update the OptIn setting in order entry, the system updates the email address for the customer that matches the email address on the order as follows:

• If the order-level email address is the same as the customer’s primary email address, or if there is no order-level email address, the system updates the Opt in/Opt out setting for the sold-to customer and the Opt in/out setting for the Customer Sold To Email Address record.

• Otherwise, the system updates just the Opt in/out setting for the matching Customer Sold To Email Address record.

Recipient or gift orders: The email address and opt-in/out setting are associated with the customer who places the order. When you enter a new email address, the system adds an email address for the customer placing the order; similarly, if you display the Select Customer Email Address Screen by prompting (F4) on the email address, the screen displays email address information for the customer placing the order. To review or work with the recipient’s email address or opt-in/out setting, you must advance to the Expand Name/Address Screen.

How to review? The order-level email address is available at the and theWork with Order/Detail Screen.

Note: The order-level email address, which is stored in the Order Header Extended file, is not available for review through order inquiry.

For more information:

• on the Customer Sold To Email Address file and primary email address: Working with Customer Email Addresses

• on customer individuals: Creating and Updating Individuals

Email Address Updates through the Phone Order Load

Selecting the order-level email address: The system uses the following hierarchy in updating the order-level email address when loading remote orders from the Phone Orders file (PHORDS):

• If there is an email address specified in the Phone Orders file for the individual placer (Individual Customer Record), and the Default Individual Email Address (J17) system control value is set to Y, use that email address; otherwise,

• If there is an internet address specified in the Phone Orders file for the sold-to customer (Sold To Record), use that email address; otherwise,

• Leave the order-level email address blank.

Updating the customer’s primary email address: The system updates the sold-to customer’s primary email address and opt-in/out setting only if an internet address and opt-in/out setting are specified in the Sold To Record, regardless of whether this email or the placer email address is used as the order-level address.

Updating the individual customer’s email address: The system updates an individual customer’s email address only if an email address is included in an Individual Customer Record, and that individual is the placer on the order.

The system never updates or uses the email address for an individual when that individual is an originator on an order.

Adding an individual customer’s email address to the Customer Sold To Email Address file: The system uses the following hierarchy in determining whether to add an individual customer’s email address to the Customer Sold To Email Address file:

• If there is an email address specified for the placer in an Individual Customer Record, add this email address and opt-in/out setting to the Customer Sold To Email Address file; otherwise,

• If there is a placer on the order, but no email address is specified in the Individual Customer Record, add the placer’s current email address and opt-in/out setting to the Customer Sold To Email Address file.

The system does not add an individual’s email address to the Customer Sold To Email Address file when that individual is an originator on an order.

Updating the opt-in/out setting: Unlike the email address, the opt-in/out setting is not stored on the order. When you specify an OptIn setting through the phone order load, the system updates the opt-in/out settings as follows:

• If there is an opt-in/out setting specified in the Phone Orders file for the individual placer (Individual Customer Record), the system updates the OptIn setting for the individual and the Opt in/out setting for the matching Customer Sold To Email Address record.

• If there is an opt-in/out setting specified in the Phone Orders file for the sold-to customer (Sold To Record), the system updates the Opt in/Opt out setting for the sold-to customer and the Opt in/out setting for the Customer Sold To Email Address record.

Email Address Updates through E-Commerce Orders

Selecting the order-level email address: The system uses the following hierarchy in updating the order-level email address when processing e-commerce orders:

• If there is an email address specified for the individual placer (either specified in the message, or an existing email address for the individual), and the Default Individual Email Address (J17) system control value is set to Y, use that email address; otherwise,

• If there is an email address specified for the sold-to customer (either specified in the message, or an existing email address for the customer), use that email address; otherwise,

• Leave the order-level email address blank.

You cannot specify an originator through the e-commerce order interface.

Updating the customer’s primary email address: The system updates the sold-to customer’s primary email address and opt-in/out setting only if a bill_to_email and/or bill_to_opt_in are specified in the message, but regardless of whether the sold-to customer’s email address is used as the order-level email address.

Updating the individual customer’s email address: The system updates an individual customer’s email address and opt-in setting if an ind_email_address and/or ind_opt_in are specified in the new order message.

Adding an individual customer’s email address to the Customer Sold To Email Address file: The system uses the following hierarchy in determining whether to add an individual customer’s email address to the Customer Sold To Email Address file:

• If and ind_email_address and/or ind_opt_in are specified in the new order message, add this email address and opt-in/out setting to the Customer Sold To Email Address file; otherwise,

• If there is a placer on the order, but no email address is specified in the new order message, add the placer’s current email address and opt-in/out setting to the Customer Sold To Email Address file.

Important: The updates described above take place only when you are using XML messages in the e-commerce interface. Updating the order-level email address is not supported for name/value pairs.

Email Address Updates through the Generic Order Interface

Selecting the order-level email address: The system uses the following hierarchy in updating the order-level email address when creating orders through the Generic Order Interface (Order API):

• If an order_email is specified in the Inbound Order Message, use that email address; otherwise,

• If there is an email address specified for the individual placer (either specified in the ind_email_address in the message, or an existing email address for the individual), and the Default Individual Email Address (J17) system control value is set to Y, use that email address; otherwise,

• If there is an email address specified for the sold-to customer (either specified in the sold_to_email in the message, or an existing email address for the customer), use that email address; otherwise,

• Leave the order-level email address blank.

You cannot specify an originator through the generic order interface.

Updating the customer’s primary email address: The system updates the sold-to customer’s primary email address and opt-in/out setting only if:

existing customers: the sold_to_email_update is set to Y and a sold_to_email is specified in the message, or there is not already a primary email address

new customers: a sold_to_email is specified in the message

This update occurs regardless of whether the sold-to customer’s email address is used as the order-level email address.

Updating the customer’s opt-in/out setting: The system always updates the customer’s opt-in/out setting if a sold_to_opt_in is specified in the message.

Updating the individual customer’s email address: The system updates an individual customer’s email address and/or opt-in setting if an ind_email_address and/or ind_opt_in are specified in the new order message.

Adding an individual customer’s email address to the Customer Sold To Email Address file: The system always adds the individual placer’s email address to the Customer Sold To Email Address file if this is the email address used on the order; otherwise, the individual’s email address is not added to the file. Similarly, if an ind_opt_in is specified in the message, the system updates the setting in the Customer Sold To Email Address file only if the individual’s email address is used on the order.

Email Address Updates through Order Maintenance

Adding an order-level email address: When you enter a new email address in order maintenance, this email address is used as the order-level email address and added to the Customer Sold To Email Address file. It also becomes the new primary email address for the customer if there is not already a primary.

Clearing the order-level email address: Clearing the email address in order maintenance removes the order-level email address from the order; however, the address remains in the Customer Sold To Email Address file unless you delete it. You can use the Work with Customer Email Address Screen or the Select Customer Email Address Screen.

Note: If you clear the email address and the Suppress Email Address Search (J09) system control value is set to Y, the system does not generate additional order--related emails for the order. See that system control value for more information.

Changing the opt-in/out setting: When you change the opt-in/out flag in order maintenance, the system updates the Opt in/out in the Customer Sold To Email Address file for the email address that matches the order-level email address. If the order-level email address is the same as the customer’s primary email address, the system also updates the Opt in/Opt out for the sold-to customer. If there is no order-level email address, the system updates the Opt-in/out setting for the customer’s primary email address, and the matching address in the Customer Sold To Email file.

The system does not update the individual’s opt-in/out flag in order maintenance, even if the order-level email address defaulted from the individual placer.

Recipient or gift orders: The email address and opt-in/out setting are associated with the customer who places the order. When you enter a new email address, the system adds an email address for the customer placing the order; similarly, if you display the Select Customer Email Address Screen by prompting (F4) on the email address, the screen displays email address information for the customer placing the order. To review or work with the recipient’s email address or opt-in/out setting, you must advance to the Expand Name/Address Screen.

Email Address Updates Summary

The following table summarizes the various methods of specifying an email address for an order, and the related updates that take place. See the individual listings above for more detail.

Order Entry Method

Defaulting Hierarchy

Updates to:

Primary Email Address?

Customer Sold To Email Address file?

Individual Email Address


• Individual placer if SCV J17 is Y

• Customer sold-to primary email address

Uses order-level email address if the customer does not already have a primary email address

Adds order-level email address

Does not update

phone order load

• Email address for the individual placer (Individual Customer Record) if SCV J17 is Y

• Internet address for the sold-to customer (Sold To Record)

Uses order-level email address if an internet address and opt-in/out setting are specified in the Sold To Record

Sold-to customer: Adds order-level email address if specified in the Sold To Record

Placer: Adds email address from Individual Customer Record; otherwise, updates placer’s current email address

Updates if an email address is included in an Individual Customer Record for the placer


(XML messages only)

• Individual placer’s email address if SCV J17 is Y

• Customer sold-to primary email address

Only if bill_to_email specified in message

Adds bill_to_email and ind_email_address, if they are specified in the message

Updates if an ind_email_address is provided

generic order interface

order_email from message

• Individual placer’s email address if SCV J17 is Y

• Customer sold-to primary email address

Only if sold_to_email specified in message, and sold_to_email_update is set to Y or there is not already a primary email address

Adds order-level email address, either order_email or ind_email_address

Updates if an ind_email_address is provided

order maintenance

existing order-level email


Adds new order-level email address; updates primary if none exists

Does not update

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