PO Interface - Error Report

This report displays records in the Purchase Order Interface files that contain errors. If a record contains more than one error, a separate line displays on the report for each. The records remain in the Purchase Order Interface files until the errors are corrected or the record is deleted. You can correct the errors in Work with Purchase Order Interface Records. See Working with Purchase Order Interface Records (WPOI).

How to print: Complete the Load PO Interface Screen.

CWDirect Rel 3.5 PO Interface - Error Report KLETENDRE POR0554 12/04/98 Page 1


PO# Reference # LN# Error

565 0005554 Invalid Due Date on Hdr

565 0005554 PO Header Without Detail

569 0005551 Invalid Vendor # on Hdr

569 0005551 Invalid Buyer # on Hdr

569 0005551 Invalid Warehouse on Hdr/missing on Whs X-ref file

569 0005551 1 Invalid Item #

569 0005551 1 Invalid SKU Code

569 0005551 1 Invalid UOM on Detail

569 0005551 1 Invalid Vendor on Detail

569 0005551 1 Invalid warehouse on Dtl/missing on Whs X-ref file

570 0005552 Invalid Vendor # on Hdr

570 0005552 Invalid Warehouse on Hdr/missing on Whs X-ref file

570 0005552 1 Invalid Vendor on Detail

570 0005552 1 Invalid warehouse on Dtl/missing on Whs X-ref file

Total # PO's in error: 3

Total # PO Interface records in error: 14


• Purchase order number (the system assigns the next purchase order number based on the current value in the Last number field for the Purchase Order Header counter in the Number Assignment file).

• Reference number (the Reference number is a unique identifier for the header, detail, and message interface records. This number is stored in the OHPOID field in the Order Header Upload and Order Detail Upload files. The system defaults this number to the CWDirect Reference number field in the Purchase Order Header file).

• Purchase order detail line number

• Error message. A purchase order interface error occurs if:

• an order header upload record exists without an associated order detail upload record.

• an order detail upload record exists without an associated order header upload record.

• the Reference number, Vendor number, Buyer, Due date, or Warehouse fields in the Order Header Upload do not contain information.

• the Sequence number, Item, SKU, Quantity, Price, or Due date fields in the Order Detail Upload do not contain information.

• information in the Vendor, Buyer, or Warehouse fields in the Order Header Upload is invalid

• information in the Vendor, Item, or SKU fields in the Order Detail Upload is invalid.

• Total number of purchase orders in error (this is the total number of purchase orders that were created that contain errors).

• Total number of purchase order interface records in error (this is the total number of errors that occurred when you generated the Purchase Order Interface files. You can have multiple errors for the same purchase order interface record).

ME07_02r CWDirect 18.0 August 2015 OTN