Credit Card Authorization Listing

How to print: The system prints this report when credit card orders are authorized during pick slip generation (see Introducing Pick Slip Generation), or when you reprocess the authorizations at the Reprocess Authorizations Screen (RPAA). Two versions are produced: one lists authorized orders, and one lists declines. The system also generates this report as part of drop ship processing; see Selecting Vendors for Drop Ship Processing (MDSP).


• Depending on the user’s authority to credit card information, the system writes a record to the Credit Card Audit file when this report is generated.

• You can print a similar report using the Printing the Online Credit Card Authorization List (PATL) menu option.

CWDirect Rel 9.5 Credit Card Authorization Listing KBOTTGER AAR0063 6/13/05 11:20:28 Page 1



Authorization Service: PAYMENTECH AUTH/DEP Billing batch # 2871

Order # Via Status Cust # Credit Card # Exp Rsp1/Rsp2 Auth # Ath Date P/T AVS Resp $ Amount Name Alt Curr Cde

8251 1 AUTHORIZED 3 4788250000121443 09/05 100 TST168 6/13/05 5.75 BERNADETTE MIRANDA



# of transactions: 1 5.75


Authorization service: the name of the credit card authorization service.

Billing batch number: the billing batch number associated with the authorization transactions. This field is not included when you generate this report as part of drop ship processing.

Order number: the order number containing the credit card requesting authorization.

Ship via: the ship via defined on the order header.

Status: the status of the credit card authorization request.

Customer number: the bill to customer defined for the credit card; if a bill to customer is not defined, the sold to customer displays.

Credit card number: the credit card number requesting authorization. If you do not have authority to the Display Full Credit Card Number (B14) secured feature, the credit card number displays in the format specified at the Credit Card Number Layout Screen for the associated pay type. For example, ************1443 may display instead of the entire credit card number. See Credit Card Number Format for an overview. If you use credit card tokenization, this number may be a token rather than the actual credit card number.

Credit card expiration date: the date the credit card expires.

Authorization response: the authorization response from the authorization service.

Card security response: the card security response from the authorization service.

Authorization number: the authorization number from the authorization service.

Authorization date: the date the credit card received a response from the authorization service.

P/T: paytype code.

AVS response: the address verification response from the authorization service. Note: The system does not print the AVS response if you generated the report using the Printing the Online Credit Card Authorization List (PATL) menu option.

Authorization amount: the amount to authorize for the credit card in the local currency (the currency defined in the Local Currency Code (A55) system control value).

Name: the name and address of bill to customer; if a bill to customer is not defined, the sold to customer name and address displays.

Alternate currency amount: the amount to authorize for the credit card in the alternate currency. This field displays only if the Use Alternate Currency Pricing (H89) system control value is set to Y. CWDirect uses this calculation to determine the alternate currency amount: authorization amount x conversion rate defined for the order in the Order Header Extended file = alternate currency amount. If the Decimalized currency field for the alternate currency is set to Y, CWDirect includes the decimals in the alternate currency amount; if the Decimalized currency field is set to N or blank, CWDirect rounds the alternate currency amount to the nearest whole unit of currency. For example, if the authorization amount is 24.00 in the local currency and the conversion rate is 2.36, the alternate currency amount is 56.64. If the Decimalized currency field for the alternate currency is set to N or blank the alternate currency amount is 57.00. This field remains blank if the authorization is for an order in the local currency.

Currency code: the currency associated with the credit card authorization. This field displays only if the Use Alternate Currency Pricing (H89) system control value is set to Y. This is the currency code defined for the order in the Order Header Extended file. This field remains blank if the authorization is for the local currency (the currency code and conversion rate for the order are blank).

Number of transactions: the number of credit card transactions requesting authorization.

Total amount: the total amount for the credit card transactions requesting authorization in the local currency.

SO04_01r CWDirect 18.0 August 2015 OTN