Chapter 70: Returning and Exchanging Items

Purpose: Select the return and exchange option in order maintenance to handle customer merchandise returns, by automatically:

• authorizing the return

• processing the return

• returning the item to active or inactive inventory

• crediting the customer for the returned item (the refund is created and ready for processing)

• optionally, adding an exchange item to the order

• optionally, sending return information to the CWCollaborate Interface

These processes all take place “behind the scenes” when you process a return or exchange in order maintenance. You can, however, perform the creation, receipt, and credit of the return in separate stages through the following options:

• Work with Return Authorizations; see Chapter 89: Working with Return Authorizations: Standard Process or Chapter 90: Working with Return Authorizations: Streamlined Process.

• Work with Return Authorization Receiving; see Chapter 91: Receiving Returns (WRAR).

• Work with Return Authorization Credits; see Chapter 92: Crediting Returns (WRAC).

Other return options:

• You can also enable customers to create return authorizations at the web storefront. See Chapter 87: Introducing Return Authorizations for an overview.

• You can use the Generic Return API to receive an Return Request Message (CWReturnIn) from an external system. See Generic Return API for an overview.

• You can also process returns by entering a negative quantity on an order in Order Entry. See Order Entry Chapter 21: Posting a Return or Exchange Through Order Entry.

• You can use the Processing SmartLabel Returns (PSLR) menu option to process returns if you use the SmartLabel integration. See Using SmartLabel Returns Processing for more information.

Restrictions: You cannot process an exchange if:

• the order type matches the Amazon Order Type (I22) system control value. See Amazon Order Feed for an overview.

• the Restrict Additional Lines (AL) maintenance restriction for the order type on the order is selected.

Pre-billable items: Returning a pre-billable item does not automatically refund the pre-billed deposit amount. You can refund the pre-billed deposit in order maintenance by processing a return against the Pre Billed Amount Item (J72) or against the entire order, provided you have the proper authority under the Maintenance of Pre Billed Amount Item (B18) secured feature.

When you return the pre-billed amount item, the system applies a negative additional charge against the order using the Additional Charge Code for Pre Billed Amount Returns (J74). As a result, there is a credit invoice applied to the order and the refund is created. In this situation, the order total displayed in order inquiry indicates the negative additional charge amount. For example, a customer ordered a pre-billable item for $1000, of which $500 was pre-billed. Later, you process a return against both the pre-billable item and the pre-bill amount item. The order total in this case is displayed in order inquiry as -$500.00.

See the Pre Billed Amount Item (J72) system control value for a general discussion on pre-billing.

Special handling charge breaks? When you return one or more units of an item, the system does not recalculate handling charges based on the S/H charge breaks that apply in order entry. See Using Special Handling Charge Breaks for background.

Retail pickup or delivery orders: You can process a return or exchange against a retail pickup or delivery order; however, the Payment Type for Orders Brokered for Fulfillment (K98) is deactivated after shipment, so you would then need to enter a new payment method in order to process the related refund. Ordinarily, you should not process an exchange against a retail pickup or delivery order, since the order did not originate in CWDirect.

Note: You cannot enter a line with a negative quantity on a retail pickup or delivery order.

The system does not send a status update to the Order Broker when you process a return against a retail pickup or delivery order.

In this chapter:

Starting the Return Process

Types of Returns

No Primary Location Window

If the Item Has a Serial Number

Tax Override

Delivery Confirmation for Returned Items

Generating a CWCustomerReturn Message

Returning a Pre-Billable Item

Return/Exchange Item Screen (Single Item)

Enter Serial Numbers Screen

Return/Exchange Item Screen (Entire Order)

Create RA Detail Screen (Entering a Misship Return)

Enter Exchange Item Screen

Add Reason Code

Receiving the Return

Type of Return Updates

Completing the Return Process

Processing A/R Credits Immediately

If Using Customer Return Labels

Starting the Return Process

Purpose: You can process a return against an item or an entire order in order maintenance. The system creates and processes a return authorization automatically, because entering a return through order maintenance indicates that you have physically received the item being returned (or your drop ship vendor has received the item) and you are updating the order to reflect this change in the order status.

Authority: You must have complete authority to create, receive, and credit a return in order to use order maintenance for returns processing. Returns authority is controlled by three secured features:

Enter Return Authorization (A28)

Receive Return Authorization (A29)

Credit Return Authorization (A34)

Overview of the returns process: See Chapter 87: Introducing Return Authorizations for an overview of the steps in the return authorization process and the file updates that take place at each step. These steps and updates take place “behind the scenes” when you process a return in order maintenance.

Types of Returns

The Return/Exchange Item screen is your point of access for entering returns, exchanges, and misshipments. Your entries to this screen not only define how the refund is calculated, but determine which screens you use to process the return:

Returning a single item: Enter 17 next to an item to specify the quantity to return (which must be equal to or less than the quantity shipped) and indicate whether the item is being exchanged for a new item at the Return/Exchange Item Screen (Single Item).

Returning the entire order: Press F17 to return the entire order using the Return/Exchange Item Screen (Entire Order). The system assumes that you want to process the return of all shipped quantities on the order. The system also assumes that the customer is not requesting an exchange because you need to identify which returned item is being exchanged for a new item. You cannot use this option to create a return for a drop ship item when you want to process the return through the CWCollaborate Interface.

Performing a straight return: You can perform a straight return of an item or an order by entering a valid return reason code, return disposition code, and (optionally), the warehouse and location into which you receive the return. The system issues the appropriate refund to the customer for the return.

The system performs a return type of inventory transaction for the returned item. Additionally, the system adds a record to the Display Order Line History Screen for the order detail line or the Display Order History Screen (if returning the entire order) to keep an audit trail of activity on the order; see Type of Return Updates and Completing the Return Process.

Performing a return/exchange: You can return an item and send the customer an exchange item by entering a valid exchange reason code, a valid return disposition code, and (optionally), the warehouse and location into which you receive the return. You advance to the Enter Exchange Item Screen, where you can identify the item to send to the customer in exchange for the returned item.

The system processes a return and adds a line to the order for the addition of the exchange item. Additionally, it adds a record to the Display Order Line History Screen for the order detail lines being returned and added.

In order to perform more than one return and/or exchange against the same order line for the same warehouse and location, you must press F9 for the entered return or exchange before performing a subsequent return or exchange. If not, the system displays the following error message: Multiple returns not allowed for same Item/Whse/Loc.

However, you can still perform a return for the same line but to a different warehouse and location, or a return for a different order detail line, before pressing F9.

Multiple vendors for CWCollaborate items: In order to perform a return and/or exchange of multiple CWCollaborate drop ship items for more than one vendor, you must press F9 for the entered return or exchange for the first vendor before performing a subsequent return or exchange for other vendors. If not, the system displays the following error message:

Returns against multiple drop ship items/vendors not allowed at the same time.

When you press F9 to accept the order, the system processes the credit automatically and sends the return information to the CWCollaborate Interface.

Entering a misship return: Optionally, you can press F6 at the Return/Exchange Item Screen (Single Item) to create a misship return for an item that was mistakenly picked in the warehouse or an item that was shipped along with the requested item.

You advance automatically to the Create RA Detail Screen (Entering a Misship Return), where you can enter and return the mis-shipped item in one step.

No Primary Location Window

You might receive returns for items which have no primary location, such as items that you have previously liquidated and sold through an outlet store, or the items are drop ship items shipped directly from the vendor. For these items, if you have set the Display "No Primary Location" Message in Returns (G46) system control value to Y, the system displays a pop-up window when you enter and validate the item as a return or a mis-ship.

Primary Location for Item does not exist.



This window is informational only. You can press F12 to cancel the window, and then, if you wish, change the return disposition code before updating your entries and accepting/processing the return.

This window does not appear when you use the option of returning the entire order by pressing F17 at the Work with Order Lines Screen.

If the Item Has a Serial Number

You might sell items that require serial number tracking (the Serial number flag for the item is set to Y). The system requires you to provide the affected serial number for each unit of the item a customer returns or exchanges. In this situation, you advance automatically to the Enter Serial Numbers Screen, where you can confirm the serial number of each unit the customer returns.

Note: You cannot return the entire order using F17 if the order contains a serial numbered item.

Tax Override

CWDirect updates the Tax override field for an order line to Y if the order was received from an external system and a tax, GST, or PST amount was defined, indicating the tax amount from the external system should be retained on the order line.

If the Tax override field for the order line you are returning is set to Y, the system does not call the regular tax routine to recalculate the amount of tax remaining on the order line and how much tax to include on the credit invoice. Likewise, if you use Vertex to calculate tax, the system does not call Vertex to recalculate the tax amount.

Instead, the system prorates the tax override amount across the units ordered on the order line to determine the new tax override amount and the tax amount to return.

Determining the new tax override amount: The system uses the following calculations to determine the new tax override amount assigned to the order line:

Original order quantity - Cumulative return quantity = Net order quantity

Net order quantity / Original order quantity = Return ratio

Return ratio x Original tax override amount = New tax override amount


Order Line (tax override = Y)


quantity ordered:


Net order quantity: 3 - 1 = 2

Return ratio: 2 / 3 =.66666

New tax override amount:.67 x 3.00 = 1.99998

The new tax override amount (2.00) displays in the Tax field for the order line on the Display Order Detail screen.

tax override amount:


return quantity:


Determining the tax amount to return: The system uses the following calculations to determine the tax amount to include on the credit invoice created for the return:

Current return quantity / Original order quantity = Return ratio

Return ratio x Original tax override amount = Returned tax amount


Order Line (tax override = Y)


quantity ordered:


Return ratio: 1 / 3 =.33333

Returned tax amount:.33333 x 3.00 =.99999

The returned tax amount (1.00) displays in the Tax field for the credit invoice on the Display Invoice Detail screen.

tax override amount:


return quantity:


Delivery Confirmation for Returned Items

When you process a return or exchange and a Delivery Confirmation general ledger number has been defined for the division associated with the order, the system:

• creates an order line history record for activity V (Delivered) for the quantity of the item that has been returned or exchanged. If part of the returned quantity has already been flagged as delivered, the system creates the order line history record for the quantity of the item that has not already been flagged as delivered. In addition, the system updates the External reference number field for the order line history record with System Gen’d by Ret, indicating the order line history record was created as a result of return processing. See Delivered (V) Order Line Activity Code.

• posts the delivery confirmation to the general ledger; see Posting Delivery Confirmation.


• If the entire returned quantity has already been flagged as delivered, then the system does not create an order line history record for activity V and does not post a delivery confirmation to the general ledger.

• The system does not create an order line history record for activity V if the return was created as a result of entering an order line for a negative quantity in order entry or maintenance.

• The system does not create an order line history record for activity V if the return is a misship return.

Generating a CWCustomerReturn Message

The system generates a Generic WMS Customer Return XML Message (CWCustomerReturn) for a return in order to send the return information to an external system if the following is defined:

• The Use PkMS Interface Values (F31) system control value is set to Y.

• Program name IFR0086 is defined in the PkMS Return/Case Interface Program (F38) system control value.

MQ is defined in the PkMS Transport Type (G80) system control value.

GENERIC or GENERIC_2 is defined in the RA Program XML Message Format (H45) system control value.

See Generating a CWCustomerReturn Message for Returns for more information.

Returning a Pre-Billable Item

When you process a return for a pre-billed item in order maintenance or through work with return authorizations, a pop-up window indicates that the pre-billed deposit is not automatically refunded.

The selected line is a Pre-billed special order item.

Pre-billed amount will not be automatically refunded.

Press Enter to continue.

If you would like to also refund the pre-billed deposit in addition to the amount paid when you billed the actual item, you first need to have authority under the Maintenance of Pre Billed Amount Item (B18) secured feature. Assuming you have the required authority, you can refund the re-billed deposit by processing a return against the Pre Billed Amount Item (J72) or the entire order in either order maintenance or at the Work with Returns for Order Screen in streamlined work with return authorizations. A window prompts you to confirm that you want to refund the pre-billed deposit.

The selected line is a Pre-billed Amount Item.

Do you want to refund the deposit for the

pre-billed special order item?

N (Y/N)

If you complete this return, the system creates a negative additional charge for the amount of the pre-billed deposit using the Additional Charge Code for Pre Billed Amount Returns (J74).

Total Pre-billed deposit will be refunded.

A negative additional charge has

been added to the order.

Press Enter to continue.

Note: The negative additional charge amount is subtracted from the order total that is displayed in order inquiry. If you return all of the items on an order, including the pre-bill amount item, the order total can be negative, since the system subtracts the negative additional charge amount from the order total, which is actually zero.

Return/Exchange Item Screen (Single Item)

Purpose: Use this screen to return an individual item on an order. See Starting the Return Process.

How to display this screen: Enter 17 next to a shipped item at the Work with Order Lines Screen.

CSR0257 ENTER Return/Exchange Item 8/05/96 9:33:35

Mail Order



RA # . . . : 2478 - 1 - 1

Qty to return . . . . . . Unreturned quantity: 5

Return Reason . . . . . . .

Exchange reason code . . .

Return Disposition . . . . .

Warehouse . . . . . . . . .

Location . . . . . . .

Refund freight . . . . . . . N (Y/N)

Refund add'l chgs . . . . . . N (Y/N)

Refund handling . . . . . . . N (Y,N)

Refund Duty Charges . . . . . Y (Y,N)

Notify vendor . . . . . . . . Y

F3=Exit F6=Create misship return F12=Cancel




The code for the item and SKU that is being returned.

Items are defined in and validated against the Item file.

Alphanumeric, 12 positions; display-only.

SKUs are defined in and validated against the SKU file.

Alphanumeric, three 4-position fields (split SKU) or one 14-position field (full SKU); display-only.

Note: These fields display only if you are returning a single item; they do not display if you pressed F17 to return the entire order.

RA # (Return authorization number)

A code that identifies the return. The return authorization number is comprised of the order number, ship-to number, and return authorization number.

Order number

A unique number to identify an order.

The starting order number and last order number assigned are defined in the Number Assignment file.

Numeric, 8 positions; display-only, assigned by the system.

Ship-to number

(unlabeled field to the right of the Order # field): The number of shipping addresses for the order. The system assigns a ship-to suffix of 1 to a single recipient order.

Numeric, 3 positions; display-only, assigned by the system.

Return authorization number

The number assigned to this return authorization.

Numeric, 3 positions; display-only, assigned by the system.

Qty to return (Quantity to return)

The number of units of the item that are being returned. This value must be less than or equal to the value in the Unreturned qty field.

Note: This field displays only if you are returning a single item by entering 17 next to the item line; it does not display if you pressed F17 to return the entire order.

Numeric, 5 positions; required if returning a single item.

Unreturned quantity

The quantity on the order or the order detail line that has been shipped and is eligible to be returned. The system updates this field when shipments and returns occur.

Note: This field displays only if you are returning a single item by entering 17 next to the item line; it does not display if you pressed F17 to return the entire order.

Numeric, 5 positions; display-only, updated by the system.

Return reason

A code that indicates the reason that the customer is returning an item.

Return reason codes are defined in and validated against the Return Reason file. See Chapter 6: Establishing Return Reason Codes (WRTR).

Numeric, 3 positions; optional.

Exchange reason code

A code that indicates the reason that the customer is returning one item and ordering a replacement item.

Exchange reason codes are defined in and validated against the Exchange Reasons file; see Chapter 7: Establishing Exchange Reason Codes (WEXR).

Note: This field displays only if you are returning a single item; it does not display if you pressed F17 to return the entire order.

You advance automatically to the Enter Exchange Item Screen when you enter a valid exchange reason code after completing this screen.

Restriction: You cannot process an exchange if:

• the order type matches the Amazon Order Type (I22) system control value. See Amazon Order Feed for an overview.

• the Restrict Additional Lines (AL) maintenance restriction for the order type on the order is selected.

Numeric, 3 positions; optional.

Return disposition

A code that identifies how the system should handle a returned item, in terms of whether the return updates inventory and the warehouse and location where the item is returned. You must enter a valid return disposition code when performing any type of return, such as a straight return, entering an exchange item, etc.

Affect inventory? If the return disposition code affects inventory (meaning that the item is returned into active inventory and update the on-hand quantity in the specified location), you must specify the warehouse and location where the item is returned. If the disposition code is set up to affect inventory and return to the primary location, the system checks for the primary location for the item. If one is available, the system returns the item automatically to this warehouse location. If one is not available or if the disposition code is not set up to receive returns in the primary location, the system receives the return in the warehouse and location defined for the return disposition; however, you can override these values to return the item to an alternate location. If the item/location does not exist, the system creates a record in the Item/Location file automatically.


Note: See No Primary Location Window.

Authority: You can set authority to process a return for a specific return disposition value at the user or user class level. This can be a blanket authority for all disposition values, or can be specific to individual codes. An error message displays if you do not have authority to the return disposition code specified: User Does not have authority to return disposition code 4A.

More information: Return disposition codes are defined in and validated against the Return Disposition Values file; see Chapter 8: Establishing Return Disposition Values (WRDV).

Alphanumeric, 2 positions; required.


A code for the warehouse where this item is being returned.

Warehouse codes are defined in and validated against the Warehouse file. See Warehousing Chapter 41: Creating and Maintaining Warehouses (WWHS).

Numeric, 3 positions; required if the return disposition code affects inventory.


The location in the designated warehouse where the item is being returned.

The location code typically consists of 4 different elements: zone, aisle, shelf, and bin. See Warehousing Chapter 43: Creating and Maintaining Locations (WLOC).

Alphanumeric, 7 positions; required if the return disposition code affects inventory.

Refund freight

This value indicates whether to refund the freight charge for the returned item or returned order for the return.

Valid values are:

Y = Refund freight

N (default) = Do not refund the shipping charges

If you enter Y and the source code uses a header level freight method, the system refunds a proportionate amount of freight for the items being returned.

If you enter Y and the source code uses a line level or flat freight method, the system refunds the freight charge for the returned items on the order.

Note: Your entry in this field also controls whether the system refunds any service charges by ship via on the order. See Fulfillment Chapter 30: Working with Ship Via Codes (WVIA).

Alphanumeric, 1 position; required.

Refund add'l chgs (Refund additional charges)

This value indicates whether the system should refund the additional charges on the order.

Valid values are:

Y = Refund the additional charges

N (default) = Do not refund the additional charges

Because an order's additional charges are billed out with the first shipment on the order and a return is always performed against an invoice, when you specify to refund additional charges, the customer may not receive the intended refund if you are performing the refund against a subsequent invoice.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; required.

Refund handling

This value controls whether the system credits the customer for handling charges assessed on the item being returned.

If Y, the system includes the charge for special handling in the customer's refund.

If N, any charges for special handling (item personalization, such as monogramming, etc.), are not refunded to the customer.

See Using Special Handling Charge Breaks for more information on refunding special handling when the order line uses special handling charge breaks.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; required.

Refund duty charges

This value controls whether to refund duty charges assessed on international shipments. The duty charges for an order are generally included in the Handling field, but you can review the duty charge for an individual item by entering 2 next to the item in order entry or Maintenance, or 5 next to an item in Order Inquiry.

Valid values are:

Y (default) = Refund duty charges for the item or order

N = Do not refund duty.

You can review the actual amount of duty that has been billed or refunded for an item on a particular invoice in Order Inquiry on the Invoice Detail Charges Screen. To display this screen, press F14 to review invoices, enter 8 next to an invoice to display details, then enter 7 next to the invoice detail.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; required.

Notify vendor

This field determines whether return authorization information for CWCollaborate drop ship items are sent to the vendor via the CWCollaborate Interface.

Valid values are:.

Y (default) = Send return authorization information to CWCollaborate.

N = Do not send return authorization information to CWCollaborate.

This field displays only if you are using the CWCollaborate interface to process drop ship orders for collaborative vendors and:

• the Drop ship output field for the vendor is set to C

• the Send returns to Collaborate field for the vendor is set to Y

Alphanumeric, 1 position; required if displayed.

Screen Option


Enter and return an order detail line for an item that was mistakenly shipped to the customer

Press F6 to advance to the Create RA Detail Screen (Entering a Misship Return).

Enter Serial Numbers Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to enter the serial number of each unit of the item being returned or exchanged. Assigning serial numbers allows you to track activity, such as receipts or shipments, for individual units of an item. You are required to enter serial numbers for each unit of an item a customer returns or exchanges if the item's Serial number flag is set to Y. See Merchandising Chapter 29: Entering Additional Item Information for an overview of how serial numbers are tracked through the system.

How to display this screen: Complete the Enter Return/Exchange Reason Window in order entry or the Return/Exchange Item Screen (Single Item) in order maintenance for any item requiring serial numbers.

INR1044 DISPLAY Enter Serial Numbers 7/02/97 13:26:27

EZK Mail Order


Order: 3781 - 0

Line : 1



Serial #'s:

F9=Accept F11=Reject



Serial #s

The serial number(s) of each unit of the item or SKU the customer is returning. This screen provides a field for entry of a serial number for each unit.

Alphanumeric, 20 positions each field; required.

To complete this screen: Enter the serial number for each unit of the item the customer is returning in each field provided. The system highlights any serial number fields that are not complete, or that contain serial numbers not shipped on the current order. Create any new serial numbers if necessary.

Press F9 to submit the serial number entry; otherwise, press F11 to reject and return to the previous screen.

Note: You cannot complete the return until you complete each serial number field on this screen.

Secured feature: The Create Serial Number During Shipment/Return (A66) secured feature controls whether you can create a new serial number at this screen.

Return/Exchange Item Screen (Entire Order)

Purpose: Use this screen to return all shipped items on an order. This screen is similar to the Return/Exchange Item Screen (Single Item); however, it does not display item information, the Qty to return or Exchange reason code fields because you are returning all shipped items on the order.

How to display this screen: Press F17 at the Work with Order Screen or Work with Order Lines Screen to return the entire order. See Return/Exchange Item Screen (Single Item) for an explanation of each field on this screen.

CSR0257 ENTER Return/Exchange Item 8/05/96 9:53:31

Mail Order

Item/SKU . :

RA # . . . : 2478 - 1 - 1

Return Reason . . . . . . .

Return Disposition . . . . .

Warehouse . . . . . . . . .

Location . . . . . . .

Refund freight . . . . . . . N (Y/N)

Refund add'l chgs . . . . . . N (Y/N)

Refund handling . . . . . . . N (Y,N)

Refund Duty Charges . . . . . Y (Y,N)

F3=Exit F6=Create misship return F12=Cancel

Create RA Detail Screen (Entering a Misship Return)

Purpose: Use this screen to create a misship return, in which you enter information for a returned item that was shipped to the customer by mistake.

When to use this screen: Typically, you create a misship return for an item that was mistakenly picked in the warehouse or an item that was shipped along with the requested item.

Processing the misship: When you complete this screen, the system enters and returns the misshipped item in a single process. The system adds a “no charge” order detail line to the order for the mis-shipped item. Additionally, the system writes a message on the Display Order Line History Screen for this transaction.

To enter an exchange item: Optionally, you can enter a valid exchange reason code in the Exchange reason field on this screen to advance to the Enter Exchange Item Screen so you can enter the item that the customer really wants. If you define an exchange item to replace the mis-shipped item, the system adds two lines to the order. The first line adds and returns the mis-shipped item and the second line adds the exchange item to the order. The system processes the exchange item as if it was added through order entry. The usual order processing takes place, including running all credit check routines and reserving the item if you use Immediate Reservation. The actual pick slip for the exchange item is produced when you run the Pick Slip Generation program.

The system writes a message to the Display Order Line History Screen for this transaction.

How to display this screen: Press F6 at the Return/Exchange Item Screen (Single Item).

CSR0242 ENTER Create RA Detail 8/05/96 9:56:00

Mail Order

RA Number : 2478 - 1 - 1 Line# . . . : 1

Item . . . . . . .


Order line#. . . : 0 Invoice# . : 0 - 0

Refund freight . . N (Y,N)

Refund add'l chgs. N (Y,N)

Refund handling. . N (Y,N)

Refund duty. . . . N (Y,N)

Qty to return . .

Qty returned . . : 0

Qty credited . . : 0

Return reason . .

Exchange reason .

Disposition code .

Warehouse . . . .

Location . . . . .

F3=Exit F12=Cancel



RA number (Return authorization number)

A code that identifies the return. The return authorization number contains the order number, ship-to number, and return authorization number.

Order number

A unique number assigned by the system to identify an order.

Numeric, 8 positions; display-only, assigned by the system.

Ship-to number

(unlabeled field to the right of the Order # field): This value indicates the number of shipping addresses for the order. The system assigns a ship-to suffix of 1 to a single recipient order.

Numeric, 3 positions; display-only, assigned by the system.

Return authorization number

A system-assigned code for a return authorization.

Numeric, 3 positions; display-only, assigned by the system.

Lne # (Return authorization line number)

The line number on the return authorization. Up to 999 items may be returned on a single return authorization.

Numeric, 3 positions; display-only, assigned by the system.


The code for the mis-shipped item that the customer is returning.

Item codes are defined in and validated against the Item file. See Merchandising Chapter 24: Performing Initial Item Entry (MITM).

Alternate means of entering an item: Depending on your setup, you can select an item by entering:

• a cross reference code representing another system's item and SKU code in a particular offer. The system searches the SKU Cross Reference file alphanumerically. See Maintaining SKU Cross Reference/JCP Codes (MSKR) for more information.

• an alias item code that is associated with a particular offer. The system searches the Page Letter Alias file. See Ordering Items by Alias in Order Entry for more information.

• a SKU cross reference code representing another system’s item and SKU code regardless of offer. The system searches the SKU Cross Reference file. See SKU Cross Reference Codes in Order Entry for more information.

Note: You cannot enter a set item as a misship return or exchange if more than one of the set item components reside in the same item warehouse location. In this case the system displays the following message when you try to process the misship:

Multiple returns not allowed for same item/warehouse/location.

Alphanumeric, 12 positions; required.


The SKU code for the mis-shipped item (if any), that further defines an item's color, size, width, or any other type of user-defined attribute.

SKUs are defined in and validated against the SKU file.

Alphanumeric, one 14-position field (full SKU) or three 4-position fields (split SKU); required if the item has SKUs.

Order line#

The line number against which you are processing the return. In the case of a misshipped item, no line number is available because this item was never on the order.

Numeric, 3 positions; display-only.

Invoice # (Invoice number)

A unique number to identify the invoice against which the item was shipped and billed. In the case of a mis-shipped item, no invoice number is available because this item was never on the order.

Numeric, 7 positions; display-only, assigned by the system.

Invoice line number (Unlabeled field to the right of the Invoice# field)

The line number on the invoice on which the item was shipped and billed. In the case of a misshipped item, no invoice line number is available because this item was never on the order.

Numeric, 3 positions; display-only, assigned by the system.

Refund freight

The system does not use the value in this field for mis-ship returns.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; required.

Refund add'l chgs

The system does not use the value in this field for misship returns.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; required.

Refund handling

The system does not use the value in this field for mis-ship returns.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; required.

Refund duty

The system does not use the value in this field for mis-ship returns.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; required.

Qty to return (Quantity to return)

The quantity of the mis-shipped item that the customer is returning.

Numeric, 5 positions; required.

Qty returned (Quantity returned)

The quantity of this item that has actually been returned through the returns function in order maintenance or through the return authorization program. In the case of a mis-shipped item, no quantity returned is available because this item was never on the order.

Numeric, 5 positions; display-only; updated by the system.

Qty credited (Quantity credited)

The quantity of the returned item that has been credited (refunded) to the customer. In the case of a mis-shipped item, no quantity credited is available because this item was never on the order. However, the system updates the Date credited field in the RA Header file to indicate a pending credit does not exist.

Numeric, 5 positions; display-only, updated by the system.

Return reason

A code that represents a reason that the customer is returning the mis-shipped item.

Return reason codes are defined in and validated against the Return Reason file; see Chapter 6: Establishing Return Reason Codes (WRTR).

Numeric, 3 positions; optional -- complete the Return reason or Exchange reason field.

Exchange reason

A code that represents a reason that the customer is returning one item and ordering a replacement item.

In the case of a mis-shipped item, you can enter and return the mis-shipped item and add a new item to the order for the item originally requested by the customer. If you enter a valid exchange reason code, you advance automatically to the Enter Exchange Item Screen where you can define the replacement item.

Exchange reason codes are defined in and validated against the Exchange Reason file; see Chapter 7: Establishing Exchange Reason Codes (WEXR).

Restriction: You cannot enter an exchange if the Restrict Additional Lines (AL) maintenance restriction for the order type on the order is selected.

Numeric, 3 positions; optional -- complete the Return reason or Exchange reason field.

Disposition code

A code that identifies how the system handles a returned item, in terms of whether the return updates inventory and the warehouse and location where the item is returned. You must enter a valid return disposition code when performing any type of return, such as a straight return, entering an exchange item, etc.

Affect inventory? If the return disposition code affects inventory (meaning that the item is returned into active inventory and update the on-hand quantity in the specified location), the system requires the warehouse and location where the item is returned. If the disposition code is set up to affect inventory and return to the primary location, the system checks for the primary location for the Item. If one is available, the system returns the item automatically to this warehouse location. If one is not available or if the disposition code is not set up to receive returns in the primary location, the system receives the return in the warehouse and location defined for the Return Disposition; however, you can override these values to return the item to an alternate location. If the item/location does not exist, the system creates a record in the Item/Location file automatically.


Note: See No Primary Location Window.

Authority: You can set authority to process a return for a specific return disposition value at the user or user class level. This can be a blanket authority for all disposition values, or can be specific to individual codes. An error message displays if you do not have Return Disposition Authority (A83) to the return disposition code specified:


User Does not have authority to return disposition code 4A.


Return disposition codes are defined in and validated against the Return Disposition Values file; see Chapter 8: Establishing Return Disposition Values (WRDV).

Alphanumeric, 2 positions; required.


The warehouse where the returned item is received; this value is used only if the disposition code affects inventory.

Warehouse codes are defined in and validated against the Warehouse file. See Warehousing Chapter 41: Creating and Maintaining Warehouses (WWHS).

Numeric, 3 positions; display-only.


The physical location within the warehouse where the returned item is received, this value is used only if the disposition code affects inventory.

Locations are defined in and validated against the Warehouse/Location file. See Warehousing Chapter 43: Creating and Maintaining Locations (WLOC).

Alphanumeric, 7 positions; display-only.

Enter Exchange Item Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to identify the item to send to the customer to replace the returned or mis-shipped item.

Pricing the exchange item: You can send the exchange item to the customer at no charge by entering Y in the No charge field; if you leave this field blank, the customer is charged for the item. If you enter Y in the Use price of existing line field, the system applies the price of the returned item to the replacement item, regardless of any discounts applied.

Specifying a warehouse or shipper: You can specify a particular warehouse in which the exchange item should be picked and/or a particular shipper to deliver the item. For example, you can specify an overnight shipper if the customer requests immediate delivery of the exchange item. If you leave the Ship via and Warehouse fields blank, the system uses the ship via and warehouse specified for the order on the Order Header screen.

Processing the exchange: When you complete this screen, the system processes the return receipt and adds a line to the order for the exchange item. The system also writes a message to the Display Order Line History Screen for the returned item and the exchange item to account for this activity.

When you complete the return/exchange and process the return by pressing F9, the system reruns the credit check routines. If the extended price of the exchange item (units ordered * item price) is greater than the extended price of the returned item, the system may place the order on hold for a balance due. In this case, you must contact the customer and adjust the order payment information through order maintenance to release the order.


• You cannot process an exchange if the order type matches the Amazon Order Type (I22) system control value. See Amazon Order Feed for an overview.

• You cannot process an exchange if the Restrict Additional Lines (AL) maintenance restriction for the order type on the order is selected.

How to display this screen: Enter a valid exchange reason code at the Return/Exchange Item Screen (Single Item).

CSR0247 ADD Enter Exchange Item 4/25/00 16:35:14


RA Number : 3851 - 1 - 1

RA Line # : 1

Offer . . . CCC

Item . . .

SKU . . . .

Qty ordered . . . .

No charge . . . . . . .

Use existing price . . . N (Y/N)

Override price . Override reason .

Ship via . . . . . . .

Warehouse . . . . . .

F3=Exit F12=Cancel



RA number (Return authorization number)

A code that identifies the return. The return authorization number contains the order number, ship-to number, and return authorization number.

Order number

A unique number assigned by the system to identify an order.

Numeric, 8 positions; display-only, assigned by the system.

Ship-to number

(unlabeled field to the right of the Order # field): This value indicates the number of shipping addresses for the order. The system assigns a ship-to suffix of 1 to a single recipient order.

Numeric, 3 positions; display-only, assigned by the system.

Return authorization number

A system-assigned code for a return authorization.

Numeric, 3 positions; display-only, assigned by the system.

RA line # (Return authorization line number)

The line number on the return authorization. Up to 999 items may be returned on a single return authorization.

Numeric, 3 positions; display-only, assigned by the system.


The offer from which you want to add the exchange item. The offer associated with the return order line defaults, but you can override it.

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; required.


(Item number)

The code for the exchange item that replaces the returned item. Depending on your setup, you can also select an item by entering an item alias that is associated with a particular offer; in this situation, the system searches the Page Letter Alias file. See Ordering Items by Alias in Order Entry for more information.

Alphanumeric, 12 positions; required.


The style of the exchange item, which may include its color, size, width, or any other type of user-defined attribute.

Alphanumeric, one 14-position field or three 4-position fields; required (depending on item entered).

Qty ordered (Quantity ordered)

The number of units of the exchange item being ordered.

Numeric, 5 positions; required.

No charge

This value determines whether the customer receives the exchange item at no charge.

Valid values are:

Y = Customer is not charged for the item

blank (default) = The customer is charged the regular item price for the exchange item

Alphanumeric, 1 position; required.

Use existing price

This value controls whether the system applies the unit price of the returned item for each unit you ship of the replacement item, resulting in no net increase or decrease in merchandise charge for the exchange. This might be useful if you sold the original item at a discount and want to replace the item without imposing the regular, non-discounted price. However, if you enter Y in this field, the system uses the original item price whether it was higher or lower than the returned item price.

Valid values are:

Y = Use the price of the original item for the replacement item.

N (default) = Use the regular price of the replacement item.

Note: The system requires that you have defined a default price override reason in the Price Override Reason for Same Price Exchanges (D92) system control value if you enter Y. If no default has been defined, a message displays:


Price Override Reason Code not found (SCV=D92).


Alphanumeric, 1 position; required.

Override price

The price at which the item is added to the order.

You cannot enter an override price if the Use existing price field is set to Y.

Note: To enter an override price, you must have authority to the secured feature Price Overrides (A23).

Even if you have authority to override prices, the percentage you can discount the existing price may be limited by system control value E55, Price Override Limit Percent, unless you have authority to secured feature Override Price Override Limit (A64), which allows you to override the limit percent defined in the system control file.

Alphanumeric, 5 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

Override reason

The reason you enter an override price.

Price override reasons are defined in and validated against the Price Override Reason file. See Chapter 2: Establishing Price Override Reason Codes (WPOR).

Alphanumeric, 1 position; required if you enter a price in the Override price field.

Ship via

The shipper to deliver the exchange item to the customer.

Enter a value in this field only if you want to use a shipper other than the one that delivered the order.

Ship via codes are defined in and validated against the Ship Via file. See Fulfillment Chapter 30: Working with Ship Via Codes (WVIA).

Numeric, 2 positions; optional.


The warehouse from which the exchange item will be shipped.

Enter a value in this field only if you want to ship from a warehouse other than the one used on the order.

Warehouse codes are defined in and validated against the Warehouse file. See Warehousing Chapter 41: Creating and Maintaining Warehouses (WWHS).

Numeric, 3 positions; optional.

Add Reason Code

The system displays this pop-up window when you add an item through an exchange or a mis-ship if:

• the Require Reason for Lines Added in Order Maintenance (D75) system control value is set to Y, or

• the Require reason code field for the item offer or SKU offer is set to Y.

Enter Add Reason

Reason . .

Enter to Continue


Note: If you are using add reason codes, you need to enter both an exchange reason code and an add reason code when you process an exchange. You might want to use the add reason code differently for exchanges; for example, using the exchange reason code to track the practical reason for an exchange (too big, wrong color, etc.) and the add reason to track customer satisfaction or attitude.

The add reason code is a 5-position, alphanumeric field, defined in the Add Reason file, that defines the reason for adding an item to an order in order maintenance. See Chapter 10: Establishing Add Reason Codes (WADR).

The Work with Item/SKU Comments Window displays if there are comments associated with the item or SKU added to the order.

Receiving the Return

Purpose: The system receives the return automatically when you press F9 during order maintenance to process the return authorization.

The system checks the disposition code in the return authorization to determine:

1. Whether to increase the on-hand quantity of the item when adding the item back into inventory.

2. The warehouse and location to which the item is being returned, if the item is returned to inventory.

If the item is being returned to inventory, the system performs the necessary inventory transaction automatically to “move” this item on the system to the warehouse and location specified in the return authorization record.

If the return is for a CWCollaborate drop ship item: Return authorization information is automatically sent to CWCollaborate when you accept the authorization if you have entered Y for the Notify vendor field on the Return/Exchange Item Screen (Single Item).

Type of Return Updates

The Display Order History Screen is updated with a message when you press F9 to accept and process the return transaction in Order Maintenance.

Order History - Line Return


Selecting option 17 to return a single item in order maintenance adds one message line to this screen.

Order History - Order Return


Pressing F17 to return the entire order adds one message line to this screen for each item being returned on the order.

Reviewing return activity through the Display Order History Screen: Press F18 from the Work with Order Lines Screen in order maintenance or the Display Order Detail Screen (Reviewing Order Line Detail) in Order Inquiry.

The system adds an N (return authorization) type transaction message to the Display Order History Screen when you return a single line or entire order. This message also identifies the date when the credit was processed and the user who performed the return.

OER0126 DISPLAY Display Order History 3/25/94 10:55:01

Company #1

Order # : 1779 - 1



Date Type Transaction Note Amount User

3/25/94 M Order was maintained 68.74 LEE_H

3/25/94 S Express billed on invoice# 51. 69.15 PAUL_P

3/25/94 N RA Credit Pending Processing LEE_H

3/25/94 M Order was maintained 68.74 LEE_H

3/25/94 M Order was maintained 56.97 PAUL_F

3/25/94 S Credit billed on invoice# 53. 26.77- PAUL_P

3/25/94 N RA Credit Pending Processing LEE_H

3/25/94 N RA Credit Pending Processing LEE_H

3/25/94 N RA Credit Pending Processing LEE_H

F3=Exit F12=Cancel

Enter 24 next to the item you want to review to advance to the Display Order Line History Screen.

The system adds an R (Return) type activity message and displays the date when the return was performed, the user who performed the return, the quantity returned, and the exchange or return reason code used.

OER0120 DISPLAY Display Order Line History 4/25/96 11:55:37

Mail Order

Order # . . . : 2428 - 1

Line # . . . : 1

Item . . . . : BU001 CHOC MEDM

**** Reasons *****

Activity Date Qty Exc Can Rtn Add User

S Shipment 4/18/96 1 0 0 0 0 ELISE_K

E Exchange 4/25/96 1 22 0 0 0 ELISE_K

F3=Exit F12=Cancel

Completing the Return Process

Purpose: The final series of steps in the return process enables you to generate the refund, in which you are crediting the customer for the merchandise return.

Convert a return into a refund: The system automatically adds a refund record, if appropriate, to the Refund file when you accept a return transaction in order maintenance. This update occurs because the system credits the return automatically “behind the scenes” for returns you process in order maintenance, rather than as a separate step as in the return authorizations functions.

Steps: There are a series of steps you can follow to issue a refund to the customer for a return. Briefly listed, they include:

1. Printing the Refund Due List to determine which customers are eligible for refunds.

2. Selecting the Working with Refunds, Writeoffs and Balances Due (WREF) menu option to update information for a pending refund.

3. Selecting the Processing Refunds (MREF) menu option to issue the refund in the form of a refund check, merchandise credit, etc.

4. Optionally, using the Reprint Refunds Screen (MREP) if you encountered a problem printing the refund checks.

5. Selecting the Reconciling Checks (MREC) menu option when you receive the canceled refund checks from the bank.

Normally, this completes the refund process, unless you are Processing A/R Credits Immediately. See Part J: Issuing Refunds for more information on refund processing.

Creating the credit invoice: When you process a return and create a refund, the system credits a credit invoice on the order. You can review credit invoices and sale invoices at the Display Invoices Screen in order inquiry. If the Consolidated Credit Invoice (K06) system control value is set to Y, the system consolidates credits into a single invoice when you process them on the same date.

Processing A/R Credits Immediately

The Process A/R Credits Immediately (E80) system control value controls whether the system processes A/R refunds automatically and creates A/R open items without the need for you to use the Processing Refunds (MREF) option.

The Apply Credit Balance Pop-Up Window displays in order maintenance if there are no A/R invoice open items in an open (O) status related to the order. At this window, you can select to apply the credit to an invoice open item or to the current order, or flag the credit for a refund check or credit card credit.

If Using Customer Return Labels

Customer return labels print automatically when you process and accept a return through order entry or order maintenance.

The customer return label identifies the date the return was created, item, SKU code (if any), item description, user ID, the code for the location to put away the item, and optionally, the UPC barcode defined for the item. You apply the customer return label to the item so that it can be put away in the warehouse. A separate label (in a separate spool file) prints for each unit returned.

Customer return labels print only if:

• a print program name has been defined in the Customer Return Label Print Program (D35) system control value.

• the Affect inventory field for the Disposition code used on the return is set to Y.

The return disposition code identifies how you should handle the returned item (return to active inventory, where to place the item, etc.). The disposition code uses either the item's primary warehouse location (as defined in the Item record) or identifies the specific warehouse and location in which to place the item. If you override the default location, the customer return label prints the location you specify.

CS05_09 CWDirect 18.0 August 2015 OTN