Refund Due List

How to print: Complete the Print Refund Due List Screen.

CWDirect Rel 8.5 Refund Due List by Order# KBOTTGER CSR0366 5/25/04 9:02:04 Page 1


Order# Typ Sts Amount Ref Man Hold PT D Customer# Sold To Phone # Current Action

Date Hld Until I Net W/O$

7394 - 001 V N .05- 50304 N 3 3 2389.40 Refund will be cancelled

7398 - 001 V N .05- 50404 N 3 3 2389.40 Refund will be cancelled

7399 - 001 K O 1.05 50404 N 1 3 1194.70 Refund will be processed

7412 - 001 K O 1.05 50404 N 1 3 1194.70 Refund will be processed

7419 - 001 K O 2.10 50404 N 1 3 1194.70 Refund will be processed

7420 - 001 V N .50- 50404 N 10 3 1194.70 Refund will be cancelled

7425 - 001 V O 2.10 50704 N 3 3 1194.70 Refund will be processed

7426 - 001 M O 2.10 50704 N 3 3 1194.70 Refund will be processed

7427 - 001 M O 2.10 50704 N 3 3 1194.70 Refund will be processed

7428 - 001 V O 2.10 50704 N 3 3 1194.70 Refund will be processed

7429 - 001 V O 2.10 50704 N 3 3 1194.70 Refund will be processed

7430 - 001 V O 2.10 50704 N 3 3 1194.70 Refund will be processed

7431 - 001 V O 2.10 50704 N 3 3 1194.70 Refund will be processed

7432 - 001 V O 11.03 51804 N 3 3 1194.70 Refund will be processed

7433 - 001 M O 11.03 51804 N 10 3 1194.70 Refund will be processed

7443 - 001 V N 1.58 52404 N 3 3 1194.70 Refund will be cancelled

7446 - 001 V N 1.58 52404 N 3 3 1194.70 Refund will be cancelled

7447 - 001 C N 1.58 52404 N 3 3 1194.70 Refund will be cancelled

7448 - 001 M O 1.58 52404 N 10 3 1194.70 Refund will be processed

7449 - 001 V O 1.58 52404 N 10 3 1194.70 Refund will be processed

7450 - 001 S O 10.50 52404 N 1 3 1194.70 Refund will be processed

7451 - 001 V O 1.58 52404 N 10 3 1194.70 Refund will be processed

7452 - 001 S O 10.50 52404 N 1 3 1194.70 Refund will be processed

7453 - 001 S O 10.50 52404 N 1 3 1194.70 Refund will be processed

7454 - 001 C O 1.58 52404 N 4 3 1194.70 Refund will be processed

7455 - 001 S O 10.50 52404 N 1 3 1194.70 Refund will be processed

7456 - 001 V O 23.42 52404 N 10 3 1194.70 Refund will be processed

7457 - 001 V N 13.75- 52404 N 10 3 1194.70 Refund will be cancelled

Final totals ***** Check ***** ** Credit Card ** **** Coupon **** ** A/R Credit ** ** Stored Value ** ***** Total *****

Held 0 0 0 0 0 0

Open 3 4.20 1 1.58 9 59.86 1 1.05 9 48.11 23 114.80

Cancel 0 1 1.58 0 0 8 11.29- 9 9.71-

Writeoff 0 0 0 0 0 0

How to Interpret this Report


The Refund Due List by Type sorts refunds by bank; the Refund Due List by Order Number sorts refunds by bank only if you process orders in multiple currencies. If you process orders in multiple currencies, the bank code indicates the currency used on the order and to use for the refund. The bank code is linked to the division of the source code on the order. The default check number for refund checks is also defined in the Bank file.

The report includes subtotals by refund type and report totals for each bank in use on your system. If you do not process orders in multiple currencies, the bank code indicates the division and next check number only.

The dollar amount of each refund is presented on the Refund Due List, and throughout all functions related to refunds, in the currency on the order. The totals for each currency also appear on the report if you process orders in multiple currencies.

The Multi Currency by Offer (E03) system control value must be set to Y for you to process orders in multiple currencies.

Refund Type

The Refund Due List by Type sorts refunds by the following refund types:

Refund Type



Accounts receivable credit


Bonus credit


Credit card credit




Merchandise credit


Sales credit


Stored value card

A page break separates each refund type on the report.

Refund Status

The report provides totals for each refund type broken out by the refund's pending status (the action to be taken on the order when you process refunds). Valid status types are:

Refund Status





Cancel pending




Writeoff pending

Payment Categories

The action taken on a refund depends on the payment category used on the order. The Refund Due List displays the payment category code for each refund record. Payment categories are:

Payment Category





Credit card


Accounts receivable (A/R)


Cash-on-delivery (COD)



Final Totals

Final totals by type and status appear for each bank. Merchandise credits, bonus credits and sale credits are included in the coupon type totals. If you process orders in multiple currencies, the total by bank specifies the currency.


• order number

• refund type

• pending refund status (the status of the refund once you process refunds)

• refund amount: a positive amount represents a balance you owe the customer; a negative amount represents a balance the customer owes you

• refund date: indicates when the transaction producing the refund occurred

• manual hold: a Y in this field indicates that you put this refund on hold manually or that the refund amount exceeded the maximum defined for the pay type

• hold until: the date when the system will release the refund for processing

• pay type used on the order

• payment plan defined on the order. D displays if the order contains a deferred payment plan; I displays if the order contains an installment payment plan.

• customer number. The number that appears here refers to the sold-to customer unless there is a bill-to customer associated with the order producing the refund; in this case, the bill-to customer number displays

• net writeoff amount accumulated for the customer. A positive amount represents a balance you owe the customer; a negative amount represents a balance the customer owes you. This is the writeoff amount for the sold-to customer for the order

• the sold-to or bill-to customer's phone number

• the action to be taken when the refund is processed

CS10_02r CWDirect 18.0 August 2015 OTN