Chapter 100: Printing and Interpreting Refund Due Lists (MRDU)

Purpose: The Refund Due List provides information about refunds and the orders associated with these refunds.

Use this report:

• as a guide for contacting customers to resolve outstanding balances due

• to review refunds before processing refund checks and credits

• to monitor writeoffs and refund aging

You can print this report sorted by refund type or by order number.

Note: Accounts receivable refunds that have been processed automatically do not appear on the Refund Due List. See Chapter 105: Processing A/R Refunds (MARC).

In this chapter:

Print Refund Due List Screen

Refund Due List

How to Interpret this Report

Print Refund Due List Screen

How to display this screen: Enter MRDU in the Fast path field or select Print Refund Due List from a menu.

CSR0364 ENTER Print Refund Due List 8/15/95 12:58:10

Mail Order Company

By Refund Type . . . N (Y/N)

By Order# . . . . . N (Y/N)

F3=Exit F12=Cancel



By refund type

This value controls whether the system prints the Refund Due List sorted by refund type.

Valid values are:

Y = Print this report sorted by refund type.

N (default) = Do not print this report sorted by refund type.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.

By order # (By order number)

This value controls whether the system prints the Refund Due List sorted by order number.

Valid values are:

Y = Print this report sorted by order number.

N (default) = Do not print this report sorted by order number.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.

Note: Enter Y in both fields to receive both versions of the Refund Due List.

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