Chapter 21: Posting a Return or Exchange Through Order Entry

Purpose: You can use Order Entry to enter a new order for an item being returned when:

• you have converted your orders and cannot post the return against the original order number

• you have purged the original order from the system

• a customer paid for the item with more than one payment type (such as a check and credit card), but wants you to credit the credit card the full amount of the return

In this chapter:

Returning an Item

Enter Return/Exchange Reason Window

Exchanging an Item

Generating a CWCustomerReturn Message

Enter Serial Numbers Screen

Updates: These updates occur for returns entered through Order Entry:

• order is updated to X (closed) status if the entire order is a return

• order is open if an exchange item was entered; this item reserves and ships in the normal way

• the number and dollar amount for returns are updated by the quantity returned; however, the number and dollar amount of orders are not updated

• a refund, such as a credit card credit or a refund check, will be generated for this order when you process refunds

Refund check messages: You can use the Work with Order Messages Screen to enter messages that will print on the customer's refund check. The messages will print only if you use the base refund check print program (CSR0836), or if your unique refund check printing program supports messages.

Returning an Item

Use the steps below to return an item by entering a negative quantity on an order line.

1. At the Select Customer Sold To For Order Screen in Order Entry, select the customer who is returning the item.

2. Complete the Work with Order Screen or Work with Order/Detail Screen as needed.

3. Enter the code for the item being returned at the Work with Order Lines Screen (Adding Items to the Order) or Work with Order/Detail Screen.

4. At the Qty field, enter the number of units of the item being returned. Make sure to enter this number as a negative number to process a return.

5. Optionally, at the Price field, enter the price the customer paid for the item. This is the amount you will credit to the customer, and can be different from the current price of the item.

6. At the Ovr field, enter the reason code for overriding the price of the item, if needed.

7. Press Enter. The Enter Return/Exchange Reason window displays.

Enter Return/Exchange Reason Window

At this window, you must tell the system how to process the return.

Enter Return/Exchange Rsn

Item . : BU98T

Return quantity . . : 1

Return reason . . . . .


Exchange reason . . . .

Return disposition . . . 01

Warehouse/Location . . . 30

Refund Duty . . . . . . . Y (Y,N)

Press Enter to continue

8. At the Return reason field, enter the reason code for the return.

9. At the Return disposition field, enter the return disposition code for the return. The system defaults the disposition code defined in the Default Disposition Code (C18) system control value, but you can override it. An error message displays if you do not have authority to the return disposition value:


User Does not have authority to return disposition code.


10. Enter the code for the warehouse and location to which the item is being returned. These fields default from the Item or SKU file, or from the return disposition code, but you can override them.

11. Optionally, press Tab to advance to the Refund duty field and enter N if you do not want to refund any duty for the item. This field defaults to Y.

12. Press Enter. The item is added to the new order with a negative quantity and a negative dollar amount. This means that you are posting a return and crediting the customer.

The system displays an informational warning message pop-up window when you press Enter if the item's primary primary location is frozen due to a physical inventory and the Display Frozen Primary Location Warning Message in Returns (F58) system control value is set to Y. The “primary primary” location is stored in the Primary loc (Primary location) field in the SKU file.

The system also displays an informational pop-up window when you press Enter if the item has no primary location (for example, the item has been liquidated and sold through a retail outlet), and if the Display "No Primary Location" Message in Returns (G46) system control value is set to Y.

When the return is processed, the system creates a separate RA for each order line entered as a negative quantity; the system does not combine the return order lines on a single RA. The RA is completely processed (created, received and credited), regardless of the setting of the Use Streamlined Return Authorizations (F44) system control value.

The system uses the following defaults when creating the RA:

Refund freight: defaults to Y

Refund additional charges: defaults to N

Refund handling: defaults to N

Refund duty: defaults to the value you entered in the Refund duty field on the Enter Return/Exchange Reason Window

Quantity to return: defaults to the order line quantity you entered for the negative order line

Return reason: defaults to the value you entered in the Return reason field on the Enter Return/Exchange Reason Window

Exchange reason: defaults to the value you entered in the Exchange reason field on the Enter Return/Exchange Reason Window

Disposition code: defaults to the value you entered in the Return disposition field on the Enter Return/Exchange Reason Window

Warehouse: defaults to the value you entered in the Warehouse field on the Enter Return/Exchange Reason Window

Location: defaults to the value you entered in the Location field on the Enter Return/Exchange Reason Window

You can review the RA in the Work with Return Authorizations (WRTA) menu option; see Introducing Return Authorizations.

Returning set items: If you enter an order line for a negative quantity for a set item, the system creates a separate order line for a negative quantity for the set header item and each component item; because of this, the system creates a separate RA for the set header item and each of the component items.

Serial numbered items: If the item being returned is a serial numbered item, you will advance automatically to the Enter Serial Numbers Screen. At this screen, you will need to enter the serial number for each unit of the item being returned.

Pre-billable item: You cannot return or exchange a pre-billable item by entering a negative quantity. If you cannot apply the return against the original order, MICROS recommends that you create a new order and use a “dummy” item with a negative quantity and price override in order to create a credit invoice in the correct amount. See Pre Billed Amount Item (J72) for an overview on pre-billable items.

Exchanging an Item

Use these steps when the customer is returning an item and wants you to send a different item.

1. At the Select Customer Sold To For Order Screen in Order Entry, select the customer who is returning the item.

2. Complete the Work with Order Screen or Work with Order/Detail Screen as needed.

3. Enter the code for the item being returned at the Work with Order Lines Screen (Adding Items to the Order) or Work with Order/Detail Screen.

4. At the Qty field, enter the number of units of the item being returned. Make sure to enter this number as a negative number to process a return.

5. Optionally, at the Price field, enter the price at which the item was sold to the customer. This is the amount you will credit to the customer. This can be different from the current price of the item.

6. At the Ovr field, enter the reason code for overriding the price of the item, if needed.

7. Press Enter. The Enter Return/Exchange Reason Window opens. At this window, you must tell the system how to process the returned item and identify the reason for the item exchange.

8. At the Exchange reason field, enter the reason code for the exchange.

9. At the Return disposition field, enter the return disposition code for the return. The default disposition code from the System Control file defaults here, but you can override it.

10. An error message displays if you do not have authority to the return disposition value:


User Does not have authority to return disposition code.


11. Enter the code for the warehouse and location where the item is being returned. These fields default from the Item or SKU file, or from the return disposition code, but you can override them.

12. Optionally, enter N in the Refund duty field if you do not want to refund any duty for the item. This field defaults to Y.

13. Press Enter. The item is added to the new order with a negative quantity and a negative dollar amount. This means that you are posting a return and crediting the customer.

14. Enter the code for the item that the customer wants to order, using a positive quantity.

15. Optionally, press F15 to add a payment to the order if the new item is more expensive than the item being returned. If the new item is less expensive, the customer will be refunded the difference when you process refunds.

The system displays an informational warning message pop-up window when you press Enter if the item's primary primary location is frozen due to a physical inventory and the Display Frozen Primary Location Warning Message in Returns (F58) system control value is set to Y. The “primary primary” location is stored in the Primary loc (Primary location) field in the SKU file.

The system also displays an informational pop-up window when you press Enter if the item has no primary location (for example, the item has been liquidated and sold through a retail outlet), and if the Display "No Primary Location" Message in Returns (G46) system control value is set to Y.

If the item being returned is a serial numbered item, you will advance automatically to the Enter Serial Numbers Screen. At this screen, you will need to enter the serial number for each unit of the item being returned.

Refunding extra charges: To credit the customer for shipping, handling or other types of charges on the returned item.

1. Press F16 to display the Enter Additional Charges Window.

2. At the Add'l chg code field, select the appropriate additional charge code.

3. Enter the dollar amount in the Amount field.

4. Press Enter. The Chg field in the order totals is updated with these credits.

Changing payment information: If the purpose of entering the return is to credit the credit card for the full amount of the item.

1. Enter the return; see Returning an Item.

2. Press F15 to display the Enter Payment Method Screen.

3. Select the appropriate code for the credit card you want to credit.

4. Complete the payment information by typing the credit card number, expiration date, authorization number, and authorization date.

5. Press Enter, then F9 to accept the order.

Generating a CWCustomerReturn Message

If the Send RA Message for Negative Quantity in OE/OM (J58) system control value is set to Y, the system generates a Generic WMS Customer Return XML Message (CWCustomerReturn) when you return an item by entering a negative quantity on an order line in order entry/maintenance.

In order to generate a Generic WMS Customer Return XML Message (CWCustomerReturn), the following must be defined:

• The Use PkMS Interface Values (F31) system control value is set to Y.

• Program name IFR0086 is defined in the PkMS Return/Case Interface Program (F38) system control value.

MQ is defined in the PkMS Transport Type (G80) system control value.

GENERIC or GENERIC_2 is defined in the RA Program XML Message Format (H45) system control value.

See Generating a CWCustomerReturn Message for Returns for more information on generating the Generic WMS Customer Return XML Message (CWCustomerReturn).

Enter Serial Numbers Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to enter the serial number of each unit of the item being returned or exchanged. Assigning serial numbers allows you to track activity, such as receipts or shipments, for individual units of an item. You are required to enter serial numbers for each unit of an item a customer returns or exchanges if the item's Serial number flag is set to Y. See Merchandising Chapter 29: Entering Additional Item Information for an overview of how serial numbers are tracked through the system.

Note: Unless you have the proper authority to override, the system will require that you enter an existing serial number in a shipped (S) status at this screen.

How to display this screen: Complete the Enter Return/Exchange Reason Window in order entry or order maintenance, or the Return/Exchange Item screen in order maintenance.

INR1044 DISPLAY Enter Serial Numbers 7/02/97 13:26:27

EZK Mail Order


Order: 3781 - 0

Line : 1

Item : ZI456 56K MODEM


Serial #'s:

F9=Accept F11=Reject

Serial numbers: The serial number(s) of each unit of the item or SKU the customer is returning. This screen provides a field for entry of a serial number for each unit. This is an alphanumeric, 20-position field.

Step-by-step instructions:

1. Enter the serial number for each unit of the item the customer is returning in each field provided. When you have completed each serial number field on the screen, press Enter.

2. The system highlights any serial number fields that are not complete, or that contain serial numbers not currently in a shipped (S) status. Complete or correct any fields and press Enter again.

3. Press F9 to submit the serial number entry; otherwise, press F11 to reject and return to the previous screen.

Note: You will not be able to complete the return until you complete each serial number field on this screen.

Secured feature: The Create Serial Number During Shipment/Return (A66) secured feature controls whether you can create a new serial number at this screen.

OE01_21 CWDirect 18.0 August 2015 OTN