Backorder Report by Vendor/SKU/PO

How to print: Enter Y in the By vendor w/PO and Print SKU detail fields on the Print Backorder Report Selection Prompt Screen and press F9. The system submits the program BORVNDPOS. Backorder totals are provided for each SKU and each vendor.

CWDirect Rel 2.0 Backorder Report by Vendor/SKU/PO KAREN_L POR0386 10/17/96 11:29:30 Page 1

The Mail Order Company

S/O Item SKU Description P/O# Ln# Due Qty on Qty on

Date B/O P/O

Vendor # 10001 1ST VENDOR

01 CP10000 SMLL DELUXE COFFEE POT 186 1 9/30/96 21 10

SKU totals 21 10

Item CP10000 totals 21 10

Vendor 10001 totals 21 10

Vendor # 10003 3RD VENDOR

CP10000 DELUXE COFFEE POT 182 1 9/27/96 21 600

SKU totals 21 600

Item CP10000 totals 21 600

Vendor 10003 totals 21 600

Final totals 42 610


• Soldout control (a code indicating when the system should consider the item sold out)1

• Vendor number

• Vendor description

• Item number


• Item description

• Purchase order number

• Purchase order detail line number (on which the SKU was ordered)

• Purchase order due date

• Quantity on backorder (cumulative total of all backordered SKUs for the item)

• Quantity on purchase order (cumulative total of all SKUs being ordered from your suppliers)

• Subtotals for each SKU

• Subtotals for each base item

• Subtotals for each vendor

• Final totals for all vendors

  1. Soldout control codes are user-defined and are similar to this: 01 = Sell out immediately; 02 = Include on order quantity in sold out calculation; 03 = exclude on order quantity in sold out calculation.

CS06_01r CWDirect 18.0 August 2015 OTN